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Super Moderator
Dec 24, 2001
Albuquerque, NM
After the discussion in the Ukraine War thread about Russia's use or not use) of direct energy weapons, I came across this article today on one of my usual places to check in. It is long but goes into a longer history of the issue than is usually seen. Both sides of the issue are addressed. i kow the author personally (from my time in NC 30 years ago) but am not in contact with him any more. This seems a wider issue than just Russia so I gave it its own thread.

60 Minutes Reveals Govt. Coverup of Microwave Weapons​

By Joe Graedon

An exposé on 60 Minutes March 31, 2024 reveals that Americans have been hit with microwave weapons. I have been aware of this for 50+ years!

Investigative journalists at 60 Minutes, Der Spiegel and The Insider have been tracking microwave weapons for at least 5 years. On March 31, 2024, Scott Pelley and his colleagues revealed the results of their long investigation into the “Havana Syndrome” on CBS News and 60 Minutes. I have been tracking this same phenomenon for more than 50 years. In the article that follows you will learn about this extremely worrisome attack. Equally alarming, why has the US government ignored or covered up this problem for so long?

Joe’s Time Machine: Microwave Weapons?​

Long before there were reports about the “Havana Syndrome,” there were notifications about microwave “attacks” on the U.S. embassy in Moscow. In the 1950s, some “experts” postulated that the microwaves might activate electronic “bugs.” They thought that the microwaves were somehow turning on eavesdropping devices. Apparently, no one confirmed that hypothesis.

In the late 1960s, I was working in the neuropharmacology laboratories at the New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute outside of Princeton, NJ. My mentor, Dr. Leonide Goldstein, had come from France and brought with him a new technology to monitor brain waves. This quantitative electroencephalographic (EEG) analysis was considered revolutionary at the time.

Our lab turned what seemed like random squiggles on paper into hard data. I was tasked with monitoring the effect of many pharmaceuticals on the brains of rats and rabbits. We also tested free radical compounds generated by a biochemist working at the US Naval Air Development Center (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Oct. 1969).

Much more at the free link.
ruzzia and gyna attacking US territory ! Even the feeble evil Castro regime did it ! They are attacking America ! So , it is only and really and totally fair that America must support war against any and all Communists !

strangely enough authorities who would otherwise would want you to believe that even Russians do not have toilet bowls back home and are stealing it from other people have invented a whole new weapon system Americans do not have invented , learned about , had stolen or bought from corrupt Communists who otherwise have no morals and this constitutes prime Article V material as diplomatic premises are accepted as national territory while half of my country has been out of US Nuclear coverage since 1986 even if the US still keeps nuclear weapons in Incirlik since then . Remember this is man portable and can see and attack behind walls and has become so fashionable as tank turrets have been in the air and contests were developed to see which one flew longest ... Will Americans tell how many of their "volunteers" in the fight have been hit with it ?
Don't buy this story. Microwave weapons would be as easy to detect as buying a spectrum analyzer like the one in the pic and scan the microwave range (from 300 MHz - 300 GHz approximately).
At some point in that range you will see a huge peak in the screen. Only have to capture the screen and you will get definitely proof you are being Havaned.

About the viability of such 'weapon', the frequencies that make the most effect in human body are in the lower part of microwave range, around 300-500 MHz or even less, higher frequencies appear to have less effect and have less penetration power. A simple brick wall can completely block frequencies in the 10 GHz range and beyond. That is the reason they are seldom used in telecommunications except for specific applications as radio relay links where both stations have a clear line of sight between them.

Still, effects on humans body of RF radiation are tiny and no very clear. It is non ionizing radiation and beyond slightly heating tissues there are not evident effects for the organism. You need to be exposed to a huge amount of RF radiation to be in real danger, for example by touching the antenna of your local FM broadcaster with your head. In fact you receive a considerable dosis in your brain every time you make a call with your cellphone and don't notice anything. Sun light is way way more dangerous.
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Don't buy this story. Microwave weapons would be as easy to detect as buying a spectrum analyzer like the one in the pic and scan the microwave range (from 300 MHz - 300 GHz approximately).
At some point in that range you will see a huge peak in the screen. Only have to capture the screen and you will get definitely proof you are being Havaned.

About the viability of such 'weapon', the frequencies that make the most effect in human body are in the lower part of microwave range, around 300-500 MHz or even less, higher frequencies appear to have less effect and have less penetration power. A simple brick wall can completely block frequencies in the 10 GHz range and beyond. That is the reason they are seldom used in telecommunications except for specific applications as radio relay links where both stations have a clear line of sight between them.

Still, effects on humans body of RF radiation are tiny and no very clear. It is non ionizing radiation and beyond slightly heating tissues there are not evident effects for the organism. You need to be exposed to a huge amount of RF radiation to be in real danger, for example by touching the antenna of your local FM broadcaster with your head. In fact you receive a considerable dosis in your brain every time you make a call with your cellphone and don't notice anything. Sun light is way way more dangerous.
The Russians simply opened a portal to a parallel universe and brought back weapons that work on other physical principles. Easy
not possible at all . It is always Americans who alone can do that . A simple web search says Oak Ridge Laboratories were opening a gateway to a parallel universe in 2019 , a fact check site declared that fake in 2019 and yet there is still the same news in 2022 .
At some point in that range you will see a huge peak in the screen. Only have to capture the screen and you will get definitely proof you are being Havaned.
Give the man a cigar.

Equally alarming, why has the US government ignored or covered up this problem for so long?
Maybe they didn't hear the microwave go ding.
Who here hasn't heard, or deliberately ignored, the microwave ding when they're playing civ?
Exotic attacks are often a message of some kind, which needs a clear recipient and usually an implied author. Polonium tea for example.

Ignoring the "facts" of Havana Syndrome, what would the message even be if it were plausible?
In principle, there's no scientific or technical hinderance to developing microwave weapons. In certain scenarios they would be more effective than projectile weapons. Non-lethal too if the objective is to do no serious harm to people.

The Brits have just tested another form of energy weapon; a laser called Dragonfire. This could theoretically be extremely effective against drones and missiles.

the message ? That the US Goverment will not protect you . So , give up on your thing the US Goverment will not accept that you were ordered to do . Falling empires are bad , thinking they were once beyond retribution they try to do things . Rather interesting that only in Havana , the very first case , that family members were supposedly hurt . Seems even Americans learn not to tell too much lies when they are building consensus that they are cool and must be helped .
Don't buy this story. Microwave weapons would be as easy to detect as buying a spectrum analyzer like the one in the pic and scan the microwave range (from 300 MHz - 300 GHz approximately).
At some point in that range you will see a huge peak in the screen. Only have to capture the screen and you will get definitely proof you are being Havaned.

About the viability of such 'weapon', the frequencies that make the most effect in human body are in the lower part of microwave range, around 300-500 MHz or even less, higher frequencies appear to have less effect and have less penetration power. A simple brick wall can completely block frequencies in the 10 GHz range and beyond. That is the reason they are seldom used in telecommunications except for specific applications as radio relay links where both stations have a clear line of sight between them.

Still, effects on humans body of RF radiation are tiny and no very clear. It is non ionizing radiation and beyond slightly heating tissues there are not evident effects for the organism. You need to be exposed to a huge amount of RF radiation to be in real danger, for example by touching the antenna of your local FM broadcaster with your head. In fact you receive a considerable dosis in your brain every time you make a call with your cellphone and don't notice anything. Sun light is way way more dangerous.

It is slightly more complicated than that, because the antenna design and position might matter. But, yeah, if the electronic intelligence gathering team at those embassies only have the slightest degree of competence, they should have clear-cut evidence of any such attacks.
Microwaves can pass through solid walls, yes. That's how you get Wi-Fi signal in separate rooms in your home from a single router and smartphone coverage almost no matter where you are.
I'm expecting apologies from all of those who, over the years, have mocked my tin-foil hat.

Who's the crazy one now, I wonder. Huh?
over the years embassies and stuff have got enough foil and stuff , to prevent listening to stuff . Tin foil hat is a waste of time .
I am not saying it is impossible. Maybe the Russians have a hyper-powerful microwave generator and a super-directive antenna and can project enough power far enough to make somebody feel weird, but the beam would diverge a lot and lose intensity with the square of the distance (there are not RF lasers) and even the most directive antenna is going to emit in all directions, specially backwards (RF antennas are wayward things) so the guy operating that thing would probably receive a much higher dose than the target. All to make somebody feel a little dizzy. Apart of how easy would be to detect it. So i see it more as a case of:

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