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Help i'm addicted to Civ IV!

I have never actually played Civ IV once because I don't even have the game yet. But I have been playing this game in my head ever since I first heard that Civ IV was in the making. And I have spent so much time reading posts on this forum that I suspect that I know just as much about Civ IV as most of you. Does that count as addiction? ;)
Your preaching to the choir, dude.

Welcome to the fold.

I haven't posted in so long cause I've been hip deep in CIV
I find that I enjoy the game more when I employ the notion of delayed satisfaction. It's like how finally getting that (S)NES game after saving up for two months was so much better than if your (grand)parents bought it for you as soon as you asked them for it. Now that I'm working out of a home office, I find that the lure of Civ 4 can be enormous. Rather than giving in, I set aside some time after work (usually from 6 to 9pm) and use the game's clock to tell me when it's time to get off the computer before 10pm turns into 4am. Having to wait increases the positive anxiety, so when you finally sit down to play, the game can be more enjoyable. You're not going to be able to play to be a "great player" with top scores posted online this way, but you'll still enjoy it without having any great drawbacks.

As far as girlfriends and spouses, I'm not certain that I can say much beyond the fact that you normally have two competing schedules where there's only so much overlapping time spent together without having to do something like eat a meal or go shopping. If your siginificant other believes that you'd rather be playing Civ4 during this time, he or she may take it very badly. The problem being that you may be used to taking this particular time of the day as your "personal time to play computer games" since even before you got together...

Well, things change, and you might have to start relegating your Civ4 time to times when your SO's also pursuing a hobby on her own. Never let anyone tell you that playing games like Civ4 is the same as playing games for kids, if the ages posted up on this board are any indicator, very many players tend to be older than the stereotypical 12 to 20-something age group that people tend to think of when they think video games.
god10002 said:
I am finding that when i'm not playing the game I'm thinking about it

That's because Civ is the real world, we live in the Matrix; deep down your brain knows that and longs to return to the real world (Civ):scan:
warroom said:
That's because Civ is the real world, we live in the Matrix; deep down your brain knows that and longs to return to the real world (Civ):scan:

You just made me blow off eating lunch to play Civ 4.Now the addiction will never stop.It has even made me tell all my friends parents to buy them the game cause its 'educational' which is all a lie to get them to play it online with me.:)
I had finally gotten over my addiction to civ 3 when I heard civ 4 was coming... I almost cried.

I'm confused: is this game good or evil!? :sad:

I only play when I know that I have 8h of freetime in front of me (usually turns into 12-14h), else everything goes out the window.

I've been growing a beard, trying to save time for meals...
automator said:

That's normal. I've been reading a history of the Yom Kippur War. As I read it, I end up wondering if the Israeli tactics would work. They wouldn't, of course ... no way in Civ could 150 tanks stand up against almost a thousand tanks, even with excellent defending strategy.

Sometimes I wake up panicky, thinking that I've missed a strategic resource.

Fist build a fort on a hill.
Then get the hundred tanks to be promoted for hill defence a few times.
Then have the tanks fortify in the fort.
That is your best shot.
Chances are you will still not survive.

But if God wants the tanks to survive they will.
As for God his way is perfect.
Luckymoose said:
You just made me blow off eating lunch to play Civ 4.Now the addiction will never stop.It has even made me tell all my friends parents to buy them the game cause its 'educational' which is all a lie to get them to play it online with me.:)

Of course it's educational... somehow. I mean, about as educational as 6th grade social studies. Be sure to tell them the educational part doesn't come until late game, or they'll drop out on you. :goodjob:
ShadowWarrior said:
I have never actually played Civ IV once because I don't even have the game yet. But I have been playing this game in my head ever since I first heard that Civ IV was in the making. And I have spent so much time reading posts on this forum that I suspect that I know just as much about Civ IV as most of you. Does that count as addiction? ;)

Give me your email address, and I can forward you a copy of the game if you like. ;)
jhas015 said:
Seriously if i don't find someway to control this addiction my girlfriend is going to snap the disk in half!

This shows highly compulsive tendancies and it really needs to end.

Dump her before she can hurt your game, man!
jhas015 said:
Seriously if i don't find someway to control this addiction my girlfriend is going to snap the disk in half!

I have a major problem. I can't stay away from this game. Last Friday i played from 7pm to 6am! Each turn i had an excuse to keep playing. Just take this city, oh that wonder is almost built, Monty's just gaging for a Cossack bashing! I then slept for 6 hours before getting up and finishing off that game a few hours later!

Since i bought this I've been lucky to get to bed before 1am every night. The only reason i leave the house at the moment is to go to work (where I'm constantly on these forums looking for tips), hockey on Sundays, and the occasional trip out on Friday/Saturday to please the g/f! :crazyeye:

Please where can i find the civaholic support group?

You've got it bad :)

But I sympathise, I'm off long term sick atm , so i don't even have the work "excuse" to stop me. I've found myself playing for (seriously) 24 hours +, where meal breaks are more like a big "timeout" to reconsider strategy.

It gets to the stage when my eyes aren't even focusing properly anymore, then its "Ok, 8 turns to Astronomy, then I'll quit for the day / night/ morning / evening * ( delete as applicable)

But then its "Land Ahoy" , and of course I've got to settle that land before my mind rests..and then finallly ..to sleep..but no my brains buzzing too hard..can't sleep..might as well reboot the pc then and....well you know..

It's sad really ....:)
Those of us addicted need a boss screen; something fancy that comes up that makes it look like we're doing something important. Not that civ isn't important... but the unbelievers don't understand; they're lost.

Of course, my boss screen is called: Computer crash every 3rd turn in late game. Sigh.
Brewster said:
My only advice is to join Civaholics Annonymous today.

No Civaholics! Traitors! The addiction is good; it feels good. Bad for relationships, but relationships hurt.

Besides, think of all the money you are saving! Civ is paid for, right? You're not paying to go to the movies; eat; in fact, you don't even need to pay rent. Just plug your laptop in at the library and live there . . .:crazyeye:
warroom said:
Just plug your laptop in at the library and live there . . .:crazyeye:

Do like the other guys... just follow the smell!
I dont need to eat- i just traded for a cow resource!
I dont need to spend time with people- i am a world power!
i dont need a shower, im Ghengis Khan!
I dont need a life, i need to take isabellas!
balthamael said:
I dont need to eat- i just traded for a cow resource!
I dont need to spend time with people- i am a world power!
i dont need a shower, im Ghengis Khan!
I dont need a life, i need to take isabellas!

Should that last line read?

I don't need sex, I just took Isabella!

god10002 said:
Hi! A few weeks ago i bought Civilization 4. I Patched the game and began playing a game, I found the game to be fun and enjoyable, however something has happend! I am finding that when i'm not playing the game I'm thinking about it, Tactics, wars, plans. Iv'e found this game to be extremly obsessive. Is this normal and should i start reaserching Gunpowder or economics next?

+5: "We care for our brothers and sisters of the faith."
god10002 said:
Hi! A few weeks ago i bought Civilization 4. I Patched the game and began playing a game, I found the game to be fun and enjoyable, however something has happend! I am finding that when i'm not playing the game I'm thinking about it, Tactics, wars, plans. Iv'e found this game to be extremly obsessive. Is this normal and should i start reaserching Gunpowder or economics next?

I went to sleep planning my battle tactics & when I woke & needed to go to the loo. I thought that it's OK, one unit can go & the other units can stay asleep!:blush:
Polopapolo said:
I've been growing a beard, trying to save time for meals...

Oooh, that's a good one. I'll have to make use of that one. Ten more minutes of Civ4 per day! :thumbsup:


- Sirian
jhas015 said:
Seriously if i don't find someway to control this addiction my girlfriend is going to snap the disk in half!

I have a major problem. I can't stay away from this game. Last Friday i played from 7pm to 6am! Each turn i had an excuse to keep playing. Just take this city, oh that wonder is almost built, Monty's just gaging for a Cossack bashing! I then slept for 6 hours before getting up and finishing off that game a few hours later!

Since i bought this I've been lucky to get to bed before 1am every night. The only reason i leave the house at the moment is to go to work (where I'm constantly on these forums looking for tips), hockey on Sundays, and the occasional trip out on Friday/Saturday to please the g/f! :crazyeye:

Please where can i find the civaholic support group?

I know the feeling: work all day, Civ until late, hockey on Sunday mornings, girlfriend hiding the Civ4 disk: it's the true path to enlightenment. She doesn't understand that computer games have been in my life far longer than she has, and will still be there when she's gone, a bit like alcohol.
Watch out for your girlfriend trying sneaky tricks like suggesting you go away for a while to some resort or just for a day. Or even for an evening. It's just a cunning ploy to cut your Civ time.

'+5: we care for brothers and sisters of the faith'
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