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HistoriCanada - a mod about Canadian history


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal

Website here:

Downloads available here:

English intro:
A strange, pale-faced man named Jacques Cartier arrives on the shores of the Baie de Gaspé accompanied by a crew of 61 men. He raises a cross on the shore emblazoned with the French coat of arms.

To Iroquois chief Donnacona, whose 500 followers live just down the St. Lawrence, Cartier's intentions couldn't be clearer. But these settlers bring with them powerful weapons, advanced technologies, and promises of great partnership to come. All they want is to take Donnacona's two sons back to France with him.

What would you do? Welcome the French as your newest allies? Or defend your homeland with extreme prejudice, and probably your life?

Whats next? You decide.

HistoriCanada lets you relive, replay and even rewrite Canada's history. Play as the English to expand your empire. Play as the Huron to defend your homeland. Wage wars, make peace and explore new lands...the future of Canadian history is in your hand.

French intro:
Un homme étrange, au visage pâle, du nom de Jacques Cartier débarque sur les rives de la baie de Gaspé en compagnie d'un équipage de 61 hommes. Il y fait planter une croix arborant les armoiries de la France.

Pour Donnacona, chef du village iroquois de 500 personnes établi en amont sur le fleuve Saint Laurent, les intentions de Cartier ne font aucun doute. Mais ces pionniers apportent des armes puissantes, des techniques avancées - et la promesse d'un partenariat fructueux. Ils veulent seulement ramener les deux fils de Donnacona en France avec lui.

Que feriez-vous? Choisiriez-vous d’accueillir les Français comme vos nouveaux alliés? Ou de défendre votre terre natale férocement, probablement au prix de votre vie?

Quelle sera la suite? À vous de décider.

HistoriCanada vous permet de revivre et même de réécrire l’histoire du Canada. Jouez le rôle de l’Anglais qui étend son empire. Jouez le rôle du Huron qui défend sa terre natale. Partez au combat, faites la paix, explorez de nouveaux territoires... l’avenir de l’histoire canadienne est entre vos mains


Nathon Gunn
Thomas Axworthy

Cal Burgess
Michael Corcoran
Scott Nihill

History Advisors
Thomas Axworthy

Produced with the support of:

The mod will be released in three parts.
The first part (the new world) was released in May 30th.
The second & third part shall propably be released later this year.

The mod will require either:
Civ3 Conquests and patch 1.22.
Civ3 Complete

Screenshots & previews will come soon :)
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The much-awaited mod is here. The Historicanada team deserve serious praise for recognising the educational potential of a mod like this and committing time and money to developing it. The result looks fantastic and highly professional and I hope it proves very successful!

The later scenarios will be eagerly anticipated...
This is a very nice idea. :clap: I have just dlled the mod and the art looks very interesting. May be I have learned more about the history of Canada when looking in the folders of this mod, than I had known about it in all the years until now. :D
I like the look of this but won't download it untill I have managed to ri-install windows (burning off everything I wanna keep as we speak...)
I downloaded the beta of this in February and it looked great.
What age group is this mod going to be played by in Canada
IT is pretty fun.
I've played thrice now as the English, each time on Regent. Now, I may not be the world's greatest Civ player, but I've been playing for a few years and believe I'm not the worst either. But with this mod, I'll be tarred & keel hauled if I'm able to get any where's near to a victory. Them injuns rack up the victory points like nobody's business. It's like they have some sort of bonus something, unit, building, tech. I don't know. Something. It's definately lop sided in favor of the natives. I've looked at the biq file in the editor and can't see where the advantage is. There's no flag unit available and the points awarded for tech advance, unit kill, city conquest, etc., are all reasonable. So how do they do it?
They rack up allot of points for Unit Kill. The Huron & Mohawk are in a locked war & the rest fight each other & the Europeans allot. Therefore, it seems that you have to be bloody or settle like crazy to win this one.

I guess that the point is not to win, but to learn about Canadian history.
That's just the point. All this teaches is fighting, killing & conquering.
Not that that's bad mind you. I can think of a few current civs that could do with a little of that. However, there's much, much more to Canadian history than Indians on the warpath. I have a sneaky suspicion that the Canadian tendency to lean left has wormed it's way into the making of this mod/scenario and that subconsciously the makers don't like the fact that Europeans dominated and made it so the Indians would win all the time, through combat. Sort of a reverse wishfull thinking kind of psychology; a "nyah, nyah, nyah". Now, having said that, I must disclaim that I have had a discussion with the makers, on their website forum, and they have vehemently denied such a subversion. But I'm still not convinced. Be that as it may, they say there are to be two more installments which will offer some different options. Perhaps they will generate more than a dozen or so posts.
Ya the C+C thread has 144 posts with atleast a 100 current with the release.

Don't think you need to defend that point Cal. Some people I find whether from coincedental events in life or choice litature, TV programs and 'tuned in' news events , or net biased research and Youtube docs, look through a very narrow scope to which anything and everything associated with nationhood (in this instance) is somehow subverse in nature

ADD: not meant to offend. Myself, After reading skulls n bones stuff extensivly Im sure now all powers that be are somehow hell bent on serving these over indulgent frat boys in the illumenatti/ new world order ;)
This sounds like a great mod but I've downloaded it three times and I keep getting that the download is corrupted when I try to install.

Any ideas?
Great idea!!

It is about the New France period
yet I be a little upset about the use of that
frenchified Algonquin sound (iroquois)
and that nasty French word huron.

I know I'll try it anyways...
Spectacular! :thumbsup:

I gave this scenario a run-through, and I am quite impressed. It's evident that a LOT of work, both game-wise and research-wise, went in to making this happen. Sure, winning's nice and all, but I for one enjoy an informative Civilopedia in a mod.

Once again, absolutely spectacular! Can't wait for the next one! :worship:

chico81 said:
This sounds like a great mod but I've downloaded it three times and I keep getting that the download is corrupted when I try to install.

Any ideas?
Using a download manager usually helps. A couple of good freebies are GetRight and Free Download Manager.
Hope that helps.
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