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HOF Lite Beta Test game


Oct 17, 2003
Ajax, Ontario
Game Started

Players( now in order):

Japan: Has
USSR: Spartaca
Germany: Eric_A
Commonwealth: That-Guy
USA: Sully

The object of the test is to check play balance, I will add or remove VP locations
and adjust starting forces based on the results of the test. Since this is a beta test
the result may be somewaht one-sided.
HOF lite is a scaled down version of my original HOF scenario.
The objective is a faster multi-player game. This scenario uses the
same HOF_V2 folder as the full scale version so if you do not have it on
your computer you need to go to post #2 in HOF V2 thread and download it.

The differences between HOF and HOF lite:

Smaller map (256x208).

There are only 5 civs, The Commonwealth, Germany, Japan, USA and USSR.
The Chinese cities are controlled by the United States and Italian cities are controlled
by Germany.

Each game turn is 2 months.

No marines in HOF lite; all foot infantry (not mech inf.) can make amphibious assaults.

Fewer techs.

Transports: The basic transport can carry 2 land units of any type. Convoys can carry 4
units but are slower than transports.

Generals and armies:
You cannot build armies in HOF lite. Each civ has a miltary academy which auto-produces
generals (MGLs). The basic army can hold 2 units, building the pentagon raises capacity
to 3. Germany and Japan start the game with more generals than the Allies, however the
allied academies produce faster so the Allies will catch up.

The academies are:

Sandhurst - Commonwealth
Offizierschulen - Germany
Imperial Army Academy - Japan
West Point - USA
General Staff Academy - USSR

The use of non-era techs:
There are 2 of these in HOF lite, Regular Industry and American Industry.

Regular industry - allows the construction of factories.

American Industry allows the construction of defense plants. Defense plants
are cheaper to build and more productive than factories. At the start of the scenario
America only has defense plants in the largest cities such as New York and LA.
As the war progesses the Amercan player can build more defense plants in second
tier cities such as Denver and Atlanta, this simulates the United States gearing up
for war. A city must have a hydro plant before it can build a defense plant. Since
the Hoover Dam is already built in Los Vegas, all continental Amercan cities will
have a hydro plant, but cities in China cannot build defense plants unless they build an
expensive hydro plant first.

V-weapons tech: Enables the building of V1 rocket factories. These will auto-build
1 V-1 rocket per turn. Note the V1 factories only work for a fascist gov.
I´d like to try out Japan :D
Eric are you playing?

And Has....Oh my brother...wait until you see how I command the US!!! I'm glad you're taking the IJN...you'll give them a good tryout to be sure!! Just be sure to read the rules..there are lots of differences in Lite.

Eric are you playing?

And Has....Oh my brother...wait until you see how I command the US!!! I'm glad you're taking the IJN...you'll give them a good tryout to be sure!! Just be sure to read the rules..there are lots of differences in Lite.


I´m hoping i can deliver a good openning session in Pearl Harbor :mischief: Best of luck Sully, you are far better experienced in pacific operations, but the rules are far different, no marines, and inf make amphib attacks is just ....:ar15:
Glad to have an Experienced CW player That Guy! I have never played on the Allied side! So...uncharted territory for me!

No change of government allowed. No city flipping. No city razing

NO RELOADS unless the game crashes, reloads must be reported

A maximum of 4 air units per airbase. This rule only applies at the end of
your turn. You may voilate the limit during the course of your turn, as long
as there are only 4 units left at the end. New airbases cannot be built within 4 tiles
of an existing airbase.

City Trading: City trading is only allowed in the following special cases:

a. Plymouth may be traded to the US as a base for the Normandy invasion.

b. Any city can be traded back to the civ which owned it at the start of the game if liberated by an ally.

Spain and Gibraltar:
Allied forces are restricted to Gibraltar and cannot enter the surrounding Spanish territory
unless the Axis enter Spain. If the Axis enter Spain then the Allies can move through Spain without

Running a deficit to Boost research is not allowed. Should you "accidentally" (because of unrest) run out of money there is a 1000 VP penalty to your alliance.

It is not allowed for a team to use civil engineers to contribute shields to the construction of a building, and then rush that building and switch to a unit, as the shields from the civil engineers will carry over when they should not. Additionally, teams cannot partly build a city improvement, rush it, and then switch production to another building and continue this process, as the civil engineers' shields will be counted once for each rush, providing a false number of shields.

Changing Laborers pre-Production Phase (Civ/PtW/C3C)
No breaking into the build sequence and changing Laborers from high commerce tiles to high production tiles by navigating through the city arrows or F1. Changing the Laborers in a city which has already completed it's production phase is allowable though.

No Gold Mine, I.e. making cities give wealth and production at the same time. First set the cities to produce wealth. At the beginning of the next turn when another city is done building something else you can go to other cities with the arrows above and change the production of the cities that produce wealth to e.g. some unit. That will get production as well.
EDIT: Game starts tommorow.
Will send today, sry, a bit busy.
GPS Japan December 1941

Japan declares war on Russia.
Art damages Static Gar.
Type 97 tank kills static Gar.
2 IJN BB damage Soviet Rifle and T-34

Wake Island

Nipon Inf. dies to Garrison.
Another Nipon Inf kills Gar and captures island

Manilla Island
Betty bomber damages Garrison in AF
Nip. Inf. kills Gar. and gets 1 B-17 + 1 Fighter on the ground
Convoy damages Gar in Manilla
Nip. Inf kills Gar and captures Manilla city
Another Nip. Inf. kills US Inf.

South China Sea
Betty bomber damages CW BB
Dive bomber lost to AA guns
Dive bomber damages BB
IJN BB kills CW BB
IJN Cruiser kills CW DD

Nip Inf kills Garrison and captures Davao
Nip Inf kills Garrison and captures Sarawak

Hong Kong
Art damages units
Nip Inf captures city

Pearl Harbor

BB, DD´s, CA´s damage ships and kills 1 US fighter
7 Dive bomber´s kill 1 US BB, population, lost 3 Dive bombers to enemy AA guns

Killed 2 US subs in China Sea using 2 IJN DD´s, killed 1 US CW using 2 IJN-subs, lost one.
Russia vows to avenge the loss of its garison unit. Does Japan really think it can take on the USA, CW, China and Russia all at the same time?

Stalin orders Japan to immediately remove its forces from Russian territory and pay 100 gold in reparations. Otherwise, Russia will fully mobilize and crush the Japanese invaders.
Russia turn summary

-3 fortified units NE of Riga were redlined by artillery. 2 were killed by T34 army 2/7. Russia lost a T34. And an infantry killed the last unit.
- Infantry N of Riga was reduced to 2/3 by DD and killed by infantry.
- 5 artillery bombarded Riga destroying the walls. T34 and infantry (supported by radar) kill mech infantry, infantry, artillery and flak and capture Riga.
- Russian infantry kills German infantry 2 squares E of Riga 3/3 (supported by radar).
- German panzer S of Riga was destroyed infantry. Russia lost 3 infantry in the attack.
- Panzer and garison S of Voronezh were redlined and killed by T34 and infantry. Russia lost an infantry attacking the garison.
- Russian infantry kills German infantry W of Voronezh.
- Roads destroyed by bombing by Kharkov, Odessa and Warsaw.
- Japanese oilfield S of Omsk was destroyed. Once again, the Japanese must leave Russian territory immediately or face dire consequences!

GPS to Eric
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