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HOF Lite Beta Test game


BB damages Inf. at Benghazi 3/4.
CA reduces Inf. to 1/4.
BB damages Garrison to 2/3.
FA reduces Garrison to 1/3.
Crusader tank loses to Inf. still 1/4.
CW Inf. kills Axis Inf. 1/4.
CW Inf. kills Axis Inf. 4/4.
2/3 CW Inf loses to 1/3 Garrison promoted 2/4.
Spitfire damages Garrison in Casablanca.
DB damages Garrison in Casablanca.
BB damages Garrison in Casablanca.
DB damages Garrison in Casablanca both garrisons redlined.
CW Inf. kills Garrison 3/4.
CW Inf. kills garrison 1/4. Casablanca captured.
Lancaster damages Inf. at Oran.
Crusader tank kills Garrison 2/3.
CW Inf. loses to Axis Inf. still 1/3.
CW Inf. kills Axis Inf. 4/4. Oran captured.
CW Inf. destroys Axis Incense colony 3 tiles SW of Tunis.

Home Front:
Lancaster bombs Garrison on oil N of Bucharest.
MB destroys road 2 tiles NW of Sofia.
Lancaster destroys road with Saltpeter NW of Sofia.
MB damages units in Athens.
Spitfire damages Inf at Antwerp.
MB does same.
Various naval units bombard Antwerp. Units damaged.
DB shot down by flak at antwerp.

CW Inf. kills Garrison on VP in Norway. 3/4.

SE Asia:
MB damages units on road 2 tiles SW of Canton.
MB damages units on road N of Hanoi.
3/3 DD Lyons SINKS Axis UBoat near Bermuda

S of Anchorage
-5 SBDs damage 3 IJN BBs, COnvoy, and DD...US LOSE a SBD
-3/4 SS Jellyfish SINKS IJN BB
-3/3 SS Stingray SINKS IJN BB
-2/3 SS SUNK by IJN BB
-3/4 SS Skipper SINKS IJN BB
-1/4 Devilray SINKS IJN DD
-F4 Redlines 1/3 IJN Convoy

GPS to Japan

Very nice moves Sully, you really got me there.

GPS Imperial Japan Dec 1942

Overconfident with their victory in Dutch Harbor waters, US subs are caught with their pants down and 3 are sunked by 2 IJN destroyers and 1 IJ Cruiser, lost the Convy trying to get out of the area, darn!

In a fit of rage by the loss of a Convoy the Emperor orders Operation "Slice up China" to begin earlier then predicted.

1 INip Inf kills an US Gar and finds a gap in China´s lines, Armor units move in behind enemy lines.

Type 97 tank vs US Gar -> Lanchow captured

Meanwhile on the south Port Moresby is destroyed by an IJN infantry and 1 CW Infantry is killed by 3 Nip Inf, lost 2 in the attack.
Well Has your moves in CHina make up for it. But in the Lite version..chinese infantry are what they were more like with reduced defense factors from the 10 in HOF Heavy. Makes a huge difference. Especially considering their is no russian threat from Vladisvostok to keep the Japanese units pinned in Northern Manchuria. I have no hope for much of a defense in CHina given the overwhelming troop units that can be thrown into battle. But don't worry Has...I'll try to bleed you some.......

Soviet turn summary

Artillery and bombing reduce army defender to half its hitpoints. T-34 army kills the army and rest of defenders are killed by T-34s and infantry. Leader was created. City captured. 2 T-34s were destroyed trying to kill a garrison outside the city.

New army from great leader defeats infantry. T-34s kill rest of defenders. City captured.

Defenders weakend by air bombing. T-34s and infantry killed the cities 3 defenders. City captured.

City weakened by bombing. 3 defenders killed by T-34s. City captured.

GPS to Eric
Panther (4/5) destroys army

City bombarded by 1 BB, 2CA, 1 DD - DD and Inv. Fleet damaged
Amphibious assault kills 1 inf, damages another (1/3). I lost 1 inf.

CW inf damaged (1/4) by 2 FA

Bombarded by 3 CA 1 DD, 2 inf damaged

U-boat (2/4) sinks CW carrier
S Pacific:
Vengeful CW Submarines find a transport E of what was once Port Moresby. Transport sunk Sub 3/4.

SE Asia:

Battle for Bangkok;
8/8 Army defeats Nip Inf. at Bangkok.
Army kills Garrison 7/8.
Crusader defeats Nip Inf. 3/4.
Crusader defeats Nip Inf. 3/4. Bangkok razed in retaliation for Port Moresby.
CW Inf. kills worker.

N Africa:

BB damages Garrison on Crete 2/3.
DD reduces to 1/3.

Transport runs into Sub W of Gibraltor and is sunk.
Destroyer sinks sub 3/3.

Battle for Benghazi:
Lancaster reduces Garrison to 2/4.
MB reduces Garrison to 2/3.
Mb reduces Garrison to 2/3.
FA reduces Garrison to 1/4.
FA defeats CW Inf! 1/2.
Army of Montgomery defeats FA 4/7.
CW Inf. defeats Garrison 1/3.

Battle of Tunis:
DB shot down by Me 109.
Spitfire kills citizens.
DB destroys Me 109.
BB damages Garrison 2/3.

Home Front:
Spitfire shoots down Me 109 near Bordeaux.

Battle for Brest:
CW Inf. Raid Brest killing Garrison 3/4. Brest Captured.

Battle for Paris:
Lancaster bombs Panzer at Paris 1/4.
BB damages flak in Paris 1/2.
BB destroys Barracks.
Lancaster destroys road E of Bordeaux.
Lancaster destroys radar tower E of Bordeaux.
Crusader tank defeats Panzer in Paris 2/4.
Inf kills flak 5/5. Paris Captured.

Battle for Bordeaux:
DD damaged Inf. 2/3.
CA damaged Inf. 2/3.
DD damaged Garrison 1/3.
DD damaged Inf. 1/3.
DD damaged Inf. 1/3.
Army defeats Inf. 2/5.
Inf. defeats Army still 1/3.
DB destroys police station of Bordeaux.
Ouch, you guys are really picking up speed...
Big Doings in China....

General Stillwell's plan of letting the IJA break into the interior holds true to the plan!

THe stack of a IJA Tank Army and supporting units...5 IJA Infantry and 4 T97 Tanks are completely destroyed.

6 FArty, 2, B17s, 3 P40s soften up the IJA Force and then the 1st China Tank Army, 2 Shermans, Mech Inf, 2 US Inf Divs and 2 CIDs attack and kill the entire Japanese attacking force. China loses 2 CIDs in the attack.

Axis SS Sunk by US SS SW of Panama

4-US Naval SBDs and 2-Fighters strike at Japanese forces occupying Dutch Harbor;

A IJN CA is SUNK, and a BB and DD redlined with no US losses

GPS to Japan

On a side note I see that an Army can only load 2 units while the Civopedia says more?

HOF lite armies start at 2 units. You can to build the pentagon with once you
get MW2 to bring them up to 3. I got the impression that 3 unit armies
were too powerful and were causing the game to be decided within the
first year. The smaller armies were a test to see if it would
slow things down a bit.

Big Doings in China....

General Stillwell's plan of letting the IJA break into the interior holds true to the plan!

THe stack of a IJA Tank Army and supporting units...5 IJA Infantry and 4 T97 Tanks are completely destroyed.

6 FArty, 2, B17s, 3 P40s soften up the IJA Force and then the 1st China Tank Army, 2 Shermans, Mech Inf, 2 US Inf Divs and 2 CIDs attack and kill the entire Japanese attacking force. China loses 2 CIDs in the attack.

Axis SS Sunk by US SS SW of Panama

4-US Naval SBDs and 2-Fighters strike at Japanese forces occupying Dutch Harbor;

A IJN CA is SUNK, and a BB and DD redlined with no US losses

GPS to Japan

On a side note I see that an Army can only load 2 units while the Civopedia says more?

I see and perfectly understandable especially given the huge Japanese advantage in HOF Lite!! Makes sense!

So do the Japanese have the ability to build the Pentagon wonder too?

I see and perfectly understandable especially given the huge Japanese advantage in HOF Lite!! Makes sense!

So do the Japanese have the ability to build the Pentagon wonder too?


Yes, the pentagon is a small wonder in HOF, any civ can build one.
This is true in the full version of HOF as well but you need Fission tech.
GPS Japan

While the US troops celebrate a won battle, the japanese forces reorganize and make 2 sneak attacks through the rear while the drinking and dancing continues...Chinese women are raped and pets barbacued before the night is over, lets wait till the US troops wake up and wash out all the beer...

Killed 2 Chinese Garrisons and 1 Flak unit and captured Ichang using 3 Tanks.
Killed 2 Chinese Garrisons and captured another chinese city.

Captured a cW city in Indonesia killing 1 Garrison & 1 Flak
Russian turn summary

- Munich was bombarded by artillery weakening all the defenders and was captued by Russian infantry.

- Berlin was captured by assault of T34s. 2 T34s were lost to a stubborn garrison.

- Essen was captured by T34s.

- All the defenders in Sofia were redlined by bombing and the city was captured by T34s.

-Copenhagen was captured by 2 T34 armies.

GPS to Eric.
CAs damge 2 T-34s
2 T-34s killed by inf (2/3, 3/3)
City captured

SW of Vienna:
Panther (2/4) kills Soviet Inf.

Near Antwerp:
FA damages Soviet inf.

FA damages inf.
CA damages inf.
CA damages army
Ca damages inf.

Near Bermuda:
U-boat (2/4) sinks CW convoy
U-boat (1/4) sinks US transport
2 U-Boat sunk attacking CV Saratoga (1/4)

6 tiles W of Brest
U-boat (2/3) sinks unknown Sub

N Atlantic:
DD loses to Sub near Bermuda.

SE Asia:
MB destroys barracks in Hanoi.
MB destroys granary in Hanoi.
DB damages unit 2 tiles SW of Canton.

N Africa/Med:
Sub sinks transport 2 tiles W of Benghazi.
BB bombards garrison in Tunis.
DB kills citizens.
Spitfire redlines garrison.
DD redlines garrison.
Crusader kills flak.
Inf kills garrison.
Inf kills garrison.
Tunis captured.

Spitfire shoots down Me 109 over Malta.

Lancaster destroys barracks in Tripoli.

Naval bombardment redlines the two garrisons.
Crusader defeats Garrison 3/5.
Crusader defeats garrison 3/4.
Inf defeats FA. 3/4.
Benghazi captured.

Home Front:
AA shoots down Lancaster over Antwerp.
Aerial and Naval bombardment of Antwerp redlines all defenders.
Inf defeats Garrison.
Inf defeats flak 2/4.
Inf defeats garrison 2/4.
Inf defeats garrison.
Inf defeats garrison.
Inf defeats FA.
Inf defeats Flak.
Antwerp captured.

Naval bombardment of units in Brest.
Crusader kills Inf. at Brest 1/4.
Crusader tank looses to garrison 2/4.
Inf. kills garrison.
Brest captured.

Submarine sunk attacking Transport N of Midway.
Tuesday is my last day available to play. I will post in the replacement threat unless someone wants to pick up the CW?
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