• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Homefront: Second American Revolution

California, The Bear Flag Republic
New York will be secured, forming the New York Commonwealth.

Food: 5
Raw Materials: 5
Energy: 10
Rare Materials: 5
Primary Industry: 7
Consumer Industry: 15
Military Industry: 7
Services: 20
Education and R&D: 12
Media and Tourism: 14

Wall Street remains open for business and we look forward to have our banks conduct their services for our customers.

Grand Aim: the reunion of the United States of America, for a new golden age of liberty.
Government: representative democracy using mixed proportion elections system.
Economy: Keynesian Capitalism
Healthcare: Universal
Currency: USA Dollars; maintained through the privilege position of processing Wall Street and kept for hope of reunion.
Current President: Jessica Verona of the Common Liberty Party

Spoiler Political Parties :
Common Liberty Party: hippy to liberalism to reasonable conservationism.
Conservative Alliance of New York: liberalism to conservative to ultraconservative
New Yorker Democratic Party: ultraliberal marketers (objectivists); conservative and liberal socially.
Social Commonwealth Party: social democrats
Common Democracy League: democratic socialism
New Yorker Republican Party: ultraconservative/reactionary
Green Party of New York: greens
New Yorkshire Coalition of Marxists: democratic Marxists
Christian Commonwealth Congress: social Christian
Christian Alliance of New York: theological Christian
League for Anarchy in New York: anarchists
Free American Party for Liberty in New York: fascists
Social Revolutionary Coalition: Soviet style Marxists
Corporate Welfare Coalition: corporate authoritarianism
Representative Party for Goats in New Yorkshire: joke
American Libertarian Party of New York: Yankee libertarianism

National Anthem

Link to video.

Governor: George Wallace

Currency: The Confederate "Lee"

Food: 10
Raw Materials: 6
Energy: 6
Rare Materials: 7
Primary Industry: 20
Consumer Industry: 9
Military Industry: 12
Services: 10
Education and R&D: 10
Media and Tourism: 10
People's Republic of Virginia

Government: One Party State
Ruling Party: Communist Party of Virginia
Premier: James Fox

Economy: Market Socialism or Socialism with American Characteristics
Claims: Virginia
Currency: Virginian Dollar (VG)

Food - 10
Raw Materials - 5
Energy - 5
Rare Materials - 2
Primary Industry - 8
Consumer Industry - 10
Military Industry - 5
Services - 30
Education and R&D - 5
Media and Tourism - 20


The Communist Party of America has a long history. After the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, many intellectuals and syndicalists, inspired by Lenin's actions, formed the Communist Party of America. Soon, the party attracted many workers, especially in Virginia, where, in the 1930's, the first Communist Governor of a US state was elected. After the collapse of US, the Virginia branch of the Communist Party took power in Virginia and established the Proletariat's dictatorship.
Confederate State of Florida

Ruling Party: LeRoy Collins - The Floridan Confederate Congress
Economy: Laissez-faire capitalist system
Claims: Florida
Currency: Confederate Lee (CL)​

Food: 10
Raw Materials: 10
Energy: 5
Rare Materials: 10
Primary Industry: 15
Consumer Industry: 25
Military Industry: 10
Services: 9
Education and R&D: 3
Media and Tourism: 3


Leader: George W. Reese, Jr.
Currency: Confederate Lee

Food: 10
Raw Materials: 10
Energy: 25
Rare Materials: 10
Primary Industry: 10
Consumer Industry: 10
Military Industry: 10
Services: 5
Education and R&D: 8
Media and Tourism: 2


The End. It was here. The repressive northern government fell like a house of cards overnight, as if God himself decided to punish them for their wicked aggression a century ago.

In Louisiana, they forget, but never forgive. The New Orleans riots still lived in the hearts of men and women. The destruction that the supposed "reconstruction" brought upon Louisiana was immense. The moment when the machine died was the one they waited. A century in patient wait for revenge.

Blacks returned back to where they should be - at the cotton fields and farming sugarcane for their plantators.

Soon after the downfall of the USA, other states realised the potential for revenge. A new Confederacy was created, with it's very own currency. It was the natural thing that Louisiana would do the same.
Name: UNAMSEC (United Nations Mission for American Security)
Province: Oregon
Commander-in-Chief: Lester Bowles Pearson
Currency: British Pound and French Franc in use in equal amounts. Uses Oregon Dollars ($OR) for local transactions.
Food 30
Raw Materials 25
Energy 10
Rare Materials 5
Primary Industry 15
Consumer Industry 5
Military Industry 5
Services 2
Education and R&D 2
Media and Tourism 1
The collapse of America was not something the remainder of the world could ignore. Following the long, dragged out war process that was Hitler's War, an organisation called the United Nations, formed by several nations, decided to intervene in the events in America to restore a sense of order and unity to the country.

Their task was not easy. Although the United Nations had preached unity over all - indeed, in 1949 it was responsible for the New German Republic - the task was harder. Arriving in the Pacific Northwest from bases in Vancouver, the so-called greenhelms of the UN had spent many months pacifying the counties of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. A short-lived offensive, nicknamed Operation Casablanca, had seen brief UN control established in Montana - which was ended upon a retreat from the area.
Spoiler :

Critics of the UNAMSEC mission have often claimed it is merely another warlord state, but something has to be said about it's campaigns in the Pacific Northwest.
The Most Loyal and Virtuous Commonwealth of New England

Government: Unitary Representative Democracy
Currency: USD
Current Leader: Prime Minister Harry Morgan - The Progressive Democratic Party
Capital: Boston

Food 10
Raw Materials 14
Energy 10
Rare Materials 3
Primary Industry 6
Consumer Industry 10
Military Industry 2
Services 15
Education and R&D 27
Media and Tourism 3
Dual Republic of the Dakotas

Currency: Canadian dollar
Claims: Dakota
Government: Socialist republic
Capital: Bismarck, North Dakota (administrative); Pierre, South Dakota (judicial)

The Dual Republic of the Dakotas is a socialist republic, lead by the Socialist Party of the Two Dakotas (SPTD). Prior to the establishment of the Dual Republic, the party was known as the Coalition of Dakota Socialists (CDS) - a loose coalition of local party groups to the Socialist Party of America who left their mother party in the early 1930s. The CDS became a revolutionary socialist organization whose member groups not only worked for the liberation of the working class but also put Native American civil rights high on the political agenda. Today, members of Native American origin make up a majority of the SPTD party executive.

The Dual Republic has strong ties to Canada, going back to the Second American Civil War when CDS revolutionaries got most of their supplies from across the border. Because of this the Canadian dollar has been the de facto currency in the area since 1943, and it was officially adopted as such upon the establishment of the Dual Republic in 1951. Unlike most of the states on American continent, the Dual Republic makes use of a planned economical system.

Although the name Dual Republic of the Dakotas originally derives from the two former US states of North and South Dakota, its current territory is not limited to this area. Most of Montana and Wyoming has been incorporated into the Dual Republic along with northern Nebraska, while parts of Dakotan territory to the east of the Missouri River is no longer under SPTD control.

The term Dual Republic stems from the fact that the Dakotas didn't initially form one unitary state. Towards the end of the Second American Civil War two local revolutionary governments were present - the Democratic Republic of North Dakota and the People's Republic of South Dakota and Nebraska. Both states were lead by members of the CDS, and because they already cooperated extensively both sides agreed to unite under one banner in 1951 as the Dual Republic of the Dakotas. This unification also transformed the Coalition of Dakota Socialists into the Socialist Party of the Two Dakotas.

The SPTD government had a brief conflict with the UNAMSEC in 1952 when the latter went on the offensive in northwestern Montana, but after their hasty retreat the Dual Republic was able to seize control of the area less than a year later.

There are two capital cities in the Dual Republic - the administrative capital of Bismarck, North Dakota which is the seat of the SPTD government, and the judicial capital of Pierre, South Dakota which is home to the High Court of the Dakotas.

Food: 15
Raw Materials: 12
Energy: 27
Rare Materials: 5
Primary Industry: 9
Consumer Industry: 4
Military Industry: 6
Services: 8
Education and R&D: 10
Media and Tourism: 4

In the spoiler tag below is a map of the Dual Republic of the Dakotas.

Green territory is SPTD controlled areas that were prior to unification part of the Democratic Republic of North Dakota.
Blue territory is SPTD controlled areas that were prior to unification part of the People's Republic of South Dakota and Nebraska.
Yellow territory is Dakotan territory that is currently not under SPTD control*.

Spoiler :
*Parts of the former US states of North and South Dakota which on the game map belongs to the Minnesota province.
Claiming Utah, more soonish (tm)
You do realize Maine is in that province, right Sone? He's not claiming two.

Name: Michigander Union
Capital: Detroit, Republic of Detroit
Prime Minister: Gerhard Mennen Williams [Michigan Forwards Party]
Currency: Northern Standard

-Red: Republic of Detroit, Green: Central Michigander State, Orange: Western State, Light Blue: Saginaw Valley Republic, Dark Blue: Republic of the Huron-Traverse

Food: 7
Raw Materials: 5
Energy: 21
Rare Materials: 3
Primary Industry: 3
Consumer Industry: 15
Military Industry: 7
Services: 10
Education and R&D: 21
Media and Tourism: 8

Name: The United States of America
Capital: Fort Jackson, South Carolina
Government: A constitutional democratic republic, underneath martial law. President Moore has lead the country for 2 years, out of his headquarters in Fort Jackson.
Currency: $USD

Food 10
Raw Materials 10
Energy 20
Rare Materials 10
Primary Industry 10
Consumer Industry 9
Military Industry 10
Services 10
Education and R&D 20
Media and Tourism 1
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