Let's say this theory was true ...
If you think that western governments (or societies or companies) are corrupt you never seen South America, Eastern Europe, Africa or Asia.
I lived e.g. in
Brazil (
Manaus, Amazon Forrest) for half a year, and the daily corruption I saw there was shocking for me as westerner.
I witnessed myself how e.g. a professor took a bribe by a student and also twice how police was bribed by a brazilian friend to not give a speeding ticket.
I have been to eastern Europe trips several times both for vacation and business ... and trust me ... you can still get everything there for money.
At e.g.
"Golden Sands" in Bulgaria - one of the big tourist regions in Eastern Europe, the police controls most of the illegal business (in the party miles at night).
I have co-workers from
Tunesia that try to get allowed to live and work in Europe, because situation after the
Arabian Spring got so worse.
They tell me all the time about how much corruption got worse the last years and how little functional the Tunesian government still is.
Also I have been living in the United States for a year (near San Diego) and went to Mexico several times.
What I e.g. witnessed there at night in border towns like
Tijuana you most likely know when you live in the States.
Seriously, corruption in the west is a joke compared to that ...
The reason for all of that im my opinion as I already said is very simple:
Society in those places got corroded ...
And luckily situation is still a lot better in the captialist west ... at least until now ...