Civ4Col Modder
Because it is still not fully private as e.g. the rails still do not belong to DB and is mostly tied to government restrictions.This seems like a fun read on the trouble Deutsche Bahn is suffering from.
As e.g. a lot of the prices for tickets and other things are heavily decided by the government.
If you compare it to the companies that do not have a goverment background and were not burdened by old bureacracy thinking you may see a difference.
Of course companies with a government background and thus legacy of insufficiency will struggle once they have to face challenge on the private market.
It is just the same with communist countries that become capitalist ... they will also struggle.
So it is best to not turn them into a bureacratic hell of insufficiency where politicians decide without actually understanding the matter.
e.g. the German government forced a "9 Euro Ticket" to the Deutsche Bahn ... to convince citizens to use more public transportation ... as it can still make such decisions.
It is actually a very unrealistic expectation that a 9 Euro Ticket that allows you to drive all over Germany (e.g. full North to South) will allow the DB to stay competitive.
Politicians are not good business men ... they often make very stupid decisions for the government companies for political reasons.
And in the end it will neither benefit the people that work in those companies nor the customers that consume the products.
As I said:
Too much government involvment based on politcal interests ... it can cause a lot of trouble for businesses.
All I am saying:
Turning private companies into state run companies is no solution to anything ...
It will definitely not solve corruption and in most cases really not benefit the customers at all.
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