How well do you know this mod? Quiz yourself


Apr 26, 2014
Hello everyone!

I'm teaching a 'History Through Games' class for middle school this year, and students voted to play 'Rhye's and Fall of Civilization: Europe' as their primary game for the second half of the year. Students play for each civ's UHVs and compete for high score and fastest victory. Students will also take a number of quizzes, based on content from the mod. The first round of quizzes covers some of the basics of the mod -- the civilizations themselves, the 'merchant companies' and military orders, and the resources -- while future quizzes will cover the wonders, technologies, and unique units/buildings/powers of each civ.

I'll post the links to each quiz as I complete them. Here's the first batch:

EDIT: I forgot to update this post until now, so here are the rest of the quizzes I made:

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hi Publicola,do you know where the Absinthered goes? Will this mod be resurrected?
hi Publicola,do you know where the Absinthered goes? Will this mod be resurrected?
Sorry, I don't know AbsintheRed, so I can't give you any information on their end. I know that there have been (in the past) periods where they went 1+ year between updates, but as far as I can tell this is the longest stretch without any updates or even visits to the civfanatics site, so it's possible this mod has been abandoned. Hopefully not, but only AbsintheRed knows.

EDIT: I forgot to update this post until now, so here are the rest of the quizzes I made:
Just posted an update, with a bunch more Sporcle quizzes (seven new quizzes, ten total). Test yourself on Wonders & Projects, Technologies, and Unique Units, Buildings and Powers for each civ in the game!
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