How Would You Fix Things?

Young men are excessively horny. This is a biological fact. They also are not old enough to have greater rationality from experience.

Psychology can be used as a weapon to manipulate and control people, this is also an objective fact.

If you teach young and horny male youths they will use such manipulative power to get laid easier by emotionally manipulating the females and damaging them to do so. Especially since young females are quite emotionally fragile when teenagers.
You think females are more emotionally fragile than males? You think women don't manipulate and abuse men as readily as the reverse? I find it both patronizing & simply wrong to paint men as wolves & girls as helpless lambs. I had a bit of this pseudo-chivalrous nonsense in my head in my early years (I can blame growing up w no sisters or females cousins & going to sex segregated schools for my ignorance, I think also being bullied, mostly by same-sex peers, allowed me a fantasy image of refuge in the fairer sex). This time of infantilizing thinking about females is toxic as it often leads to unrealistic expectations of them & forgetting they're self-serving organisms just like oneself.

Teach kids about their own minds, cravings, impulses, social pressure, sexuality & they'll be less likely to hurt others or themselves (well they still will but at least they won't be as shocked by the results as if they're living in a fantasy land based on media & fantasy).

We're going down a down a strange rabbit hole but basically I agree w what Gorbles said

And again, you don't seem to comprehend that if everyone was taught about it, less people would be able to exploit it.

Psychology can be more damaging if taught to the wrong individuals.

I mentioned this in my previous post. It would only create more manipulative women as they grow older. Taking advantage of men and whatnot. Destroying careers and reputations.
That's like saying we shouldn't teach business & financal literacy to kids because one of them might start a business to scam people.
And again, you don't seem to comprehend that if everyone was taught about it, less people would be able to exploit it.

So by that logic you must believe that nuclear weapons must be given to all nations so that way their use can't be exploited by any one nation.
You think females are more emotionally fragile than males? You think women don't manipulate and abuse men as readily as the reverse? I find it both patronizing & simply wrong to paint men as wolves & girls as helpless lambs. I had a bit of this pseudo-chivalrous nonsense in my head in my early years (I can blame growing up w no sisters or females cousins & going to sex segregated schools for my ignorance, I think also being bullied, mostly by same-sex peers, allowed me a fantasy image of refuge in the fairer sex). This time of infantilizing thinking about females is toxic as it often leads to unrealistic expectations of them & forgetting they're self-serving organisms just like oneself.

Again this is garbage nonsense, stop projecting your former beliefs on myself.

I am very aware of females being capable of manipulation, and I mentioned this in my previous posts of you even bothered to read.
Not sure if your limiting the response to NZ but in the US where I'm currently stationed I'd do the following.
1. End federal reserve printing on floating monetary policies including petrodollar dominance.
2. Use the resulting catastrophic crash to hard correct crony capitalist markets, eliminate marxist political programs, and eradicate social undesirable subsidies
3. Unregulated immigration
4. Political lifetime hard-term limits not to exceed two terms no greater than 6 years on all positions
5. Revocation of the interstate commerce clause.
6. Gerrymandering elimination by requiring squaring of districting without exceptions.
7. Revoke qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture.
Not sure if your limiting the response to NZ but in the US where I'm currently stationed I'd do the following.
1. End federal reserve printing on floating monetary policies including petrodollar dominance.
2. Use the resulting catastrophic crash to hard correct crony capitalist markets, eliminate marxist political programs, and eradicate social undesirable subsidies
3. Unregulated immigration
4. Political lifetime hard-term limits not to exceed two terms no greater than 6 years on all positions
5. Revocation of the interstate commerce clause.
6. Gerrymandering elimination by requiring squaring of districting without exceptions.
7. Revoke qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture.

It's up to you and what your opinion is. Can be your country, world, IN, EU or whatever.

Hell could be your cities/towns government.
So by that logic you must believe that nuclear weapons must be given to all nations so that way their use can't be exploited by any one nation.
Garbage is comparing understanding a field of study, to giving countries access to weaponised nuclear warheads.

Truly, I am in the presence of an intellectual :D
You all know that when you start ranting about "females" you sound like a dang Ferengi yeah
Again this is garbage nonsense, stop projecting your former beliefs on myself.

I am very aware of females being capable of manipulation, and I mentioned this in my previous posts of you even bothered to read.
I get what you are trying to say here but as you can see from the replies they are going to twist your words in bad faith. You'll end up trying to run down their straw men.

You can teach both social skills and history.
So, in response to the original topic,
the land tax would fix this. It's just painfully obvious and people who learn to see the cat cannot help but plug Georgism into literally anything economics-adjacent but it's the truth. The people create the value of a site, which you pay for when you use their services and buy their goods, and then you also pay again to whoever landlord says you have to pay them just to be there. It is a sickeningly exploitative system that is literally no different from theft in its uselessness to productivity, in its completely unearned quality as income, and at the end of the day is actually grounded only in a right of conquest as either you appropriated the land by denying the natural gift, or you bought it in an illicit trade with such a thief. And yet people who trade in land speak of 'investment' and 'risk', sometimes confusing the matter with capital. It isn't an investment; no factor whatsoever was brought into production, nothing was engaged from idleness nor added to the stock, it wasn't made or imagined like capital. The only risk is whether the disposable income of the community drops to 0, which it will if total economic collapse is triggered, which is likely so long as catastrophic inequality is protracted by the inflationary cycles caused by the interaction of banking and private land ownership.
When the people can claim back their own value, when governments can recycle finances in funding land-value-increasing projects like renewal, infrastructure, green architecture, or the arts, then the problem of unaffordable living becomes only one of resource allocation to building the houses themselves. Incomes will , for once in the life of that stupid refrain , rise with the tide as jobs chase labor , without wages being ground into sub-subsistence by the erasure of natural opportunity.
It is actually imperative that we as Human beings discontinue perpetual land entitlement as urgently as we saw through the nonsense of titles to Human beings.
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