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I can't sleep.

Same advice I give in every insomnia thread: To help yourself fall asleep, it helps to think about crazy, impossible, dreamy things. Doing that fools the brain into thinking that its asleep. The brain goes, "Whats this? Bozo is having a delightful picnic on Mars? Playing frisbee with the Spirit Rover? He must be dreaming, I better go into sleep mode." So it starts secreting whatever chemicals knock us out, and before you know it...:sleep:
I have moderate insomnia. Once I get to sleep, I'm usually out for good, but getting there is not easy. Especially if there's anyone else around, whether I've got people over or I'm staying the night at a friend's place, I am invariably the last person to get to sleep. I can never sleep when there's someone else awake. I've been that way for as long as I can remember.

Are you trying to tell us something? :devil:

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink? ;)
If you are a student , try not to study just before you go to sleep. The mind will Keep thinking about numbers/ philosophy/history , etc and you will need more time than usual so that it can relax . ( Imagine how irritating it is . You are trying to sleep but your mind is solving mathematical problems on it;s own.)

Even if you have some insomniac tendecies if you are dead tired your body will eventually sleep on it's own.... I would advice exercising before going to bed but the relaxation that comes after exercising may have the opposite effect. So just get tired during the day ...

Things that keep scy from sleeping ... :

Ticking Clocks . I am both angry and can't get asleep ...

Cat's "singing " in the night .

Headache ...
Just have an all night sex-fest with your lover.I am sure that will get you sleeping in no time!
If you are a student , try not to study just before you go to sleep. The mind will Keep thinking about numbers/ philosophy/history , etc and you will need more time than usual so that it can relax . ( Imagine how irritating it is . You are trying to sleep but your mind is solving mathematical problems on it;s own.)

That's still happening to me... :( If I play civ right before I get to sleep, there are two horrible things that happen:

- I think in English*
- I always have thoughts like "after I conquer Babylon, I'm moving to Uruk, and I'll bring my huge longbowman army, and take that out too, then I'll be finishing the Sun Tzu Art of War and move on capturing the Persians..." :crazyeye: GET OUT OF MY MIND!

*People who speak English as a native language probably don't know how annoying it is when you TRY to think in your native language and your brain keeps switching to a foreign one. Often when I'm posting at CFC and something happens in my apartment I say something like "sorry" or "thanks" or "no", and the people around me start laughing. :lol:
For most of the week I get anywhwhere frim 4-6 hours of sleep. On the weekend I get close to 13 hours.

During the week I have work, which takes a long time, and I normally go to sleep around 11:30-12:00, and I toss and turn for atleast an hour worrying and stressing about stuff like schoolwork and all,

By the time I fall asleep it can be anywhere from 1:30 am-3:00 am. Then I have to get up at 6:30 am in the morning and go to school. I try and cacth sum sleep on the bus but its impossible because its too bumpy. I'm a zombie at school with permanent bags under my eyes, and the first thing I do when I get there is go the the bathroom and duck my head under the sink facet.

Then I sleep during most of the school day, I sleep the 3rd period, sometimes the 1st period, and I usually always sleep 4th or 5th period.

I can't keep that up becuase I'll end up collapsing soon, so I've just started going to sleep earlier, and postponing my work until later somehow. I just decide to hand in assignments later or something.

*People who speak English as a native language probably don't know how annoying it is when you TRY to think in your native language and your brain keeps switching to a foreign one. Often when I'm posting at CFC and something happens in my apartment I say something like "sorry" or "thanks" or "no", and the people around me start laughin

What language do you dream in?
That's still happening to me... :( If I play civ right before I get to sleep, there are two horrible things that happen:

- I think in English*
- I always have thoughts like "after I conquer Babylon, I'm moving to Uruk, and I'll bring my huge longbowman army, and take that out too, then I'll be finishing the Sun Tzu Art of War and move on capturing the Persians..." :crazyeye: GET OUT OF MY MIND!

*People who speak English as a native language probably don't know how annoying it is when you TRY to think in your native language and your brain keeps switching to a foreign one. Often when I'm posting at CFC and something happens in my apartment I say something like "sorry" or "thanks" or "no", and the people around me start laughing. :lol:

I used to have that problem when i had English classes that finished at 8:00 at night. After the classes , tired , i would try to think a word to say to a person in Greek but the English one would come instead ... It is worse if you are alone because you can't escape your thoughts ... I remember just standing there trying to remember what that word means and in the end i always had to open a dictionary . It is irritating because it bugs you until you find out what that word that you where looking for actually means. Now i don't have this problem even if i do write and think "English" in English forums . I Think the combination of the classes being 1 hour and 30 minutes long and them being to one of the last and more tiring part's of the day would lead to such results.

But yes i do think "English" about Civilization and Greek about other matters. If i had to describe each thing to the opposite language i would have to do it differently as i haven't tried it yet and so my thought's would be expressed differently.
*People who speak English as a native language probably don't know how annoying it is when you TRY to think in your native language and your brain keeps switching to a foreign one.
I stopped trying to do that years ago.

It's funny how when in those insomnia hours i let my mind drifts and it goes back and forth from english to romanian. Dreams are in english&romanian combined, some words are in romanian some are in english. :crazyeye:
Wow, lots of good stuff here.

Milk grosses me out, so that doesn't help much. Cutting down on the afternoon sugar along with caffeine sounds like it's worth a shot. The sex bit can help but isn't really as reliable. Pills are <i>great</i> for one-shot deals, but this isn't occasionally, so yeah, I know they're a bad choice. Bozo, I like that idea, though I'm not sure if I'm fanciful enough for it to work. I'm definitely going to try, though.

Cool beans on the foreign-language dreams, too. I dream in Spanish once in a while. What's odd is that the Spanish in the dream is stuff I <i>know</i> I don't know, but it turns out to be correct. Subconscious language aquisition. I like it. :goodjob:

Thanks for all the suggestions, guys. We'll see whether I'm still posting after-hours... ;)
LucyDuke, i could have written first post myself; if you ever find a good solution let me know. Springtime is especially hard for me, WAY TOO MUCH LIGHT (esp. here in Finland). During the last week i've tried to exhaust myself by walking 2-3 hours day & swimming for about 45mins/day.. even that does not work. Body is tired but mind keeps running - obviously i've got way too many things on my mind atm (job interview part 2 tomorrow, met one very nice person recently etc.).

Don't worry about it, sleep is for the weak anyways.

Ever been awake 5 days straight?

(I keep telling myself the same thing, though..)
Not going to bother reading it all.. In addition to what the rest of the posts have said, you might want to try entertaining yourself a bit.
Lately, I've been unable to sleep too. There are two scenarios:

a) I've been doing some activity or the other all day and I'm left exhausted. Falling asleep is easy.

b) It's 11:30 and I'm gaming or talking to friends or browsing CFC and I get yelled at to go to sleep. not willing to endure shouting much longer, I go to sleep only to find myself back at the computer merely 30 minutes later.

Summer has cause much more of the second scenario for me. During the school year I'd daily stay up til one to finish some project or the other and by summer, it became routine for me. even if I try to go to sleep normally and of my own accord at around 1:30, I'll take a freaking nap and be wide awake just an hour later. As for the actual attaining of sleep, it can take me anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes on a lucky go from when I get under the covers to when I'm fast asleep. a shame, really.
I fall asleep easier during the school year. When summer comes, I occasionally can't sleep at all. Uusually I'll fall asleep in the wee hours of the morning.

Or, I'll say the hell with it, and stay up the rest of the night.
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