I got desperate desires and unadmirable plans...


Mar 30, 2003
what was here? i don't know.
I would tell you, but then I would have to kill you ;)

Well, I turn 19 in about a week, and I am heading to university in fall to study social sciences (only thing I find particularly interesting). Fairly big guy, and am not of a religious affiliation. In general I am far to megalomaniacal for my own good, and will probably end up crash-and-burning in some latin American prison, after an unsuccessful attempt to capture a nation of my own :lol:
My plans are constantly morphing to meet my newest aspirations and such, but overall I want to (starting from most important, long term. Going to least important, short term)

A. Serve God (this is kinda no-brainer, at least for me)
B. Find some kind of physically active, exciting, hopefully dangerous, and interesting job, revolving around security, or military work.
C. Get into politics or business at some point farther in the future (probably later on when physical jobs become less feasible)
D. Get into good physical shape (FAR beyond 250 lbs, 6'4 spare-tires-ville body i'm currently using ;) )
E. Become well versed in atleast 1 martial art.
F. Eventually get a family (currently on the backburning to my other interests)
G. Possibly travel, perhaps could as part of a job. (like military)

Many of these tie together (for instance part of the martial arts training I'm starting is for future possibilities in security/military work, and for my fitness goals as well) Its really not extremely important these goals are all reached though, no matter what I do I want to do so to the absolute best of my ability, and to God's glory. And I'm happy with that no matter what comes my way.
I'm actively planning my evil plot for world domination! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!! :evil: :satan:

Seriously, I'm 17 years old and in Grade 12. In September I'm heading off to the University of Victoria and entering in their new Bachelor of Software Engineering program. (Hey, when $3000 in scholarships is sent flying your way, you don't say no. :smug: Especially when the university is a convenient 10-minute bus ride away.)

I really like programming, hockey (How can Vancouver be losing ... to CALGARY!?! :mad: ), and Civ!

My asperations: Get my Bachelor of Software Engineering degree, program software for a living, and make money doing a job that I enjoy. And watch huge amounts of hockey. Travelling's also good too.

I like to consider myself multilingual. And it's true too. I know Perl, PHP, SQL, C++, VB ... oh, and I guess I should include English and French too. :D

I could continue on some rant, but then I would have to actually start a rant. So I'll just stop ... here.

Im currently in Grade 11 and am 16 years old. My plan to attend university (haven't desided which one) and major in either political science or biology, then go to either law school or med school, depending on the major.
I'm currently in grade 11 and am plotting to get on the national chemistry olympiad team, either this year or next, to get funding for my next year's college courses, and to score well on the AP U.S history exam (I'm taking some other, but those are given 5's) Someday I'll go to college and be a math/physics/chemistry/engineering person. Then I suppose I'll do the whole get married and have kids thing.
I'm in 11th grade, and I live in Medina, Washington. I am vice-president of my high school, and I spend most of my highschool time doing various activities with friends. I was voted most likely to succeed, most athletic, and nicest car in my class. I will be attending Princeton University after I graduate, and my current plans involve PhD work in sociology or applied mathematics. I intend to become a professor. In my spare time, I enjoy practicing brazilian jiu jitsu, freestyle/ greco-roman wrestling, and tennis.
Interesting how all the people that have answered so far(IE the ones that are still awake and on the net after midnight) are all still in high school(Cept for Centurion)

22, rent a house from my parents can't afford tuition work 2 jobs, have a couple of mental disorders but nothing actually noticable(only noticable thing is my complete lack of self-confidence), got no car, no GF, and somehow no money. Spend my time on the computer, or drawing, or reading, or using my telescope or making model air planes or doing some rediculous stuff with friends(like car surfing) Even though I spend most of my time on my butt and am fairly inactive I've managed to stay skinny. 5"10 and probably no more then 120lbs. Fav food either skittles, Dr Pepper or rubarb crisp(well it's more a cake then a crisp)

Why does it look more like I typed up something you would see in some personal ad?
My name's Kevin Madigan. I'm 19 years old. I'm 5'11, 155 lbs. I'm a leo. I live in Castlegar, British Columbia right now, but I'm moving to Nelson, British Columbia in two weeks, and Vancouver, British Columbia in August. I was born in Vancouver at St. John's Hospital at 5:30 PM on August 6, 1984.

My favorite bands are Led Zeppelin, Pearl Jam, Metallica, AFI, and Incubus. My favorite album is Incubus' SCIENCE. My favorite TV shows are Canucks hockey, South Park, Family Guy, and Futurama. My favorite movies are Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, and Apocalypse Now. My favorite actors are Benicio Del Toro, Johnny Depp, Christopher Walken, Steve Buscemi, and Marlon Brando.

I'm currently in a long-term relationship. My girlfriend's name is Darya and we're inseperable.

I'm an atheist. I despise organized religion. I lean to the left politically. I vote NDP federally, and I abstain from voting provincially but I'll probably go with the NDP here, as well.

I cheer for the Vancouver Canucks, and no other sports teams. My favorite players are Trevor Linden, Brent Sopel, Bryan Allen, and Matt Cooke.
oh whoops. I'm a sophomore at Selkirk International College, my last final is on the 21st and then I'm free!

I'm trying to earn a bachelors in criminology to help me get into the field of law enforcement, specifically the RCMP.
I am a 19 year old who is in the first year of law in NALSAR University of Law, near Hyderabad, a national university. Its a five year course BTW.

I have no idea what I want to do once Iam done with law. Heck, I did law only because I didn't want to be an engineer or a doctor like my parents, and well, if I had to study, it might as well be in one of the top law universitites in the country.

Anyway, I am a huge civ fan, a massive Tolkein fan and nuts about trivia and quizzing. I have gone to several national level quizzes, managed to come in the last 4 in at least 2 of them.

Right now, I am bored out of my mind and trying desperately to find a way to study through 42 degrees heat and -100% humidity:eek:
I'll be 19 next month and I fully intend on world domination:nya: I live In Bath in the UK and currently have a part time (2 and a half days a week) job stacking shelfs which is immensly boring and if I attempted to do it full time I would actually go insane. Hopefully I shalt leave that job within next 2 months.

My life involves lots of music, my fave bands include Tool, A Perfect Circle, Placebo, Amen, The Smashing Pumpkins, Machine Head plus a tonne more. The highlight of my year is usually festivals, and this year I am going to Reading and Download (as I did last year, plus went to reading year before that as well).

I really don't know what I want to do with myself, apart from enjoy life! Travelling sounds like a good idea for now, so hopefully soon I shalt embark on some journeys someplaces.
I'm 18, work as a swimming school teacher atm and will graduate from upper secondary school in less than 2 months. Then I'll have a sabbatical year, working in Manchester and travelling around the world.:D Next year I will begin studying for a Master of Science degree in Engineering Physics at Uppsala University.

A few weeks ago I set up a list of five goals in life (prioritized):
- Marry a nice woman, and get a family
- Get an interesting and well-paid job, that I'm good at
- Move to a warmer climate, I hate Swedish weather
- Start my own company, and hopefully it's successful
- Visit space (as a tourist)
I feel old. I'm 25. I work and live with my girl friend. Shes understanding when it comes to computer/video games and doesn't mind if I crawl home at 6 or 7 in the morning occasionally. I'm getting sick of my job but it pays to much money for an unqualified bum like me to quit.
I'm 15, a freshman in high school. I'm not so popular, but I have a lot of friends. I am definitely a math/science kid, as I'm taking AP Calculus next year, and Chemistry Honors as well as Physics Honors. Most people think of my kind of stereotype and think I know a lot about computers, but I don't. I'm actually pretty inept, but nobody knows it but me. I have a non-serious girlfriend, she's not my biggest priority, just someone I like a lot that I hang out with to fill that emotional gap teens always have. I still like her a lot, though. I also like the fact that she doesn't go to my school, so everybody doesn't automatically know when something happens in our relationship.

I also do track, cross country, and winter track, along with skiing. I admit to being terrible at catching a football. I am fairly proficient with a frisbee though. I also like soccer.
I will be 31 in exactly a month from today. I plan to watch Orange become European Champions this summer in Portugal.

Furthermore, I hope (and expect to see) that we will be world champions once.
I am 20 years old, gonna be 21 this summer :beer:

I am currently in college doing my generals, I plan on being a history teacher. I view life as one big learning experience and the best way to learn something is to experience it. I want to experience a variety of different things, so I can't say what I want to do with my life. I like to wander through life learning and experiencing the many things life has to offer. I can't see myself being restricted to a certain path.

I was born and grew up in a suburb of Salt Lake City. I had a very religous conservative childhood, but I am a gay liberal atheist. I now live in Idaho Falls Idaho USA with my boyfriend Dewayne. We have been together for 3 years now and will most likely marry as soon as it's legalised.

I love History, Art, Music, Computers, and Dance. Right now I am really into techno, especially Electro Clash. I love all kinds of music though.
I am ah 13 in 8th grade going to 9 soon. Um I forgot what my gender is My life involves civ and the fourms. I enjoy reading and I plan on being a viedo game designer. I have an annoying little sister I hate hot weather and prefer cold weather and snow. I still have no girlfriends in spite of my attempts. My favorite food is chicken espically tandori. My golas are to get very rich and powerful I may join the army for fun. Uh I want to visit other countries.And I can't think of anything else. Oh I like history.
Originally posted by andrewgprv
I am 20 years old........... We have been together for 3 years now and will most likely marry as soon as it's legalised.


Who I am to judge, but anyway:

Way, way, way too young!
I'm 26, and soon a computer scientist. This summer I won't do much.. Maybe a trip to Amsterdam to SE Stapel ;)
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