• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Republican Bidens and the Failure of the Democratic Party

The war on marijuana is not over, but it's winding down.
Cuz tptb uses to worry MJ was something that would spurn a revolution and make folks question everything, now they realize it can be profited upon and not much more than another tool like beer that they can sell as a relaxing tool at the end of the day to handle exploitation rather than rebelling against it.
Well yes, predictably as the prices fall, I start getting radio articles about Chinese owned production companies where immigrant employees are escaping out of the greenhouses claiming they haven't been paid. So good old fashioned above board agriculture?
Well yes, predictably as the prices fall, I start getting radio articles about Chinese owned production companies where immigrant employees are escaping out of the greenhouses claiming they haven't been paid. So good old fashioned above board agriculture?
Any links to actual news stories?
Atheists tend to have a better grasp of the Bible than Christians generally that's why they're atheists.
Still pitching or that line like it means something, eh? Well, you might keep talking to people you consider idiots. You still got that vapid link to a YouTube on the book of Job to tell us believers what it means?
Still pitching or that line like it means something, eh?
It means what it means.

.You still got that vapid link to a YouTube on the book of Job to tell us believers what it means?
It doesn't pontificate on the meaning it just illustrates the story as told.

And YouTube has a save function you can use.
God is God right? If homeboy is so self evident I don't get why his sheep get so defensive about him like how dare you not believe what I do? If you're right I'll see for myself soon enough.
No, you really just don't get it. The world is what it is. You have choices. Many of them contain none of your first choices. Yet you still have them despite your being broken. I'd say, given a slightly less hot furnace, you seem to have made many right choices. If that's worth anything.
Many right many wrong, doing my best based on my mental, emotional, physical, social & economic resources just like everyone else.

One thing I agree w Christians on is that pride is kinda pointless, anything I've done well is because I had the ability to do so and saw it's value not due to any particular merit or superiority. When I see someone is worse shape I say "there but for good luck go I" (grace of god on the other hand would mean god has shown on me and abandoned that person)

Don't get how "everything happens according to god's plan" and "free will" are compatible tho.
God plans free will. Problem solve'd.
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