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Hrothbern has passed away


Nov 16, 2023
Hello, I'm new to this forum so I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules.
I'm very sad to share that my dad, Hrothbern, has passed away recently. I know he wasn't very active on this forum for a while, but he was pretty involved here in the past from what he told me. He talked about his forum to me often and the discussions he had on here. I figured there might be some that remember him so I wanted to let the people that might have wondered know. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, I'll answer them if I can.
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Very sad news. We will miss him. I hope his passing was gentle. :(
Oh crap! Have my condolences.
Hello, I'm new to this forum so I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules. The "comings, goings and new arrivals" seemed fitting enough to share this.
I'm very sad to share that my dad, Hrothbern, has passed away recently. I know he wasn't very active on this forum for a while, but he was pretty involved here in the past from what he told me. He talked about his forum to me often and the discussions he had on here. I figured there might be some that remember him so I wanted to let the people that might have wondered know. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, I'll answer them if I can.
Your dad was a regular contributor to several of the 'Off Topic' (mainly political) threads that I follow on CivFanatics, including the "Brexit" serial threads. I always valued his input as one of the most levelheaded and interesting posters in these threads, unfailingly civil even when discussions were getting heated. When he suddenly stopped posting, pretty much from one day to the next, it was during during the pandemic, and I feared the worst. Thankyou for letting us know, and I'm very sorry for your loss.
Hello, I'm new to this forum so I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules. The "comings, goings and new arrivals" seemed fitting enough to share this.
I'm very sad to share that my dad, Hrothbern, has passed away recently. I know he wasn't very active on this forum for a while, but he was pretty involved here in the past from what he told me. He talked about his forum to me often and the discussions he had on here. I figured there might be some that remember him so I wanted to let the people that might have wondered know. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, I'll answer them if I can.
Hrothbern was a treasure and great contributor to this place. I am sorry for this sad news. Thank you for letting us know.
I always appreciated Hrothbern's contributions. It's a shame that he's no longer with us.
Hello, I'm new to this forum so I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules. The "comings, goings and new arrivals" seemed fitting enough to share this.
I'm very sad to share that my dad, Hrothbern, has passed away recently. I know he wasn't very active on this forum for a while, but he was pretty involved here in the past from what he told me. He talked about his forum to me often and the discussions he had on here. I figured there might be some that remember him so I wanted to let the people that might have wondered know. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, I'll answer them if I can.
So what happened? :(
I have moved this to a separate thread, since this is important enough to warrant one.

And I'm sad :(. I liked him, he seemed like a nice guy. It's sad to lose him.
EDIT: Oh wow, I actually cried a bit :(.
EDIT2: I assume the funeral has already been, yes?
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The Lord bless thee, and keep thee, epic bear man.
Sorry for replying a little late, was having a bit of a hard time. It was his birthday the 16th and I needed to clear my head a little before replying.

I wanted to thank you all for your replies, I'm sure my dad would have been happy to know people cared and remembered him.

He passed away on 28-09-2023. On the 25th he wasn't feeling very good but we thought he perhaps had a cold, it didn't seem to be too alarming at that point. But it very quickly went downhill from there and the 27th we had to call an ambulance. At first there were concerns about his lungs, he had severe COPD, when he was diagnosed in 2021 he only had 28% lung capacity. But surprisingly he managed to improve since his diagnosis and his oxygen levels were actually pretty normal for someone that sick. So it wasn't an issue with his lungs but due to the COPD he had become pretty fragile. They were having trouble finding the cause and testing took a while. I stayed the night to help where I could.
Eventually they found out he had a kidney stone that had caused a blockage and infection, which turned septic. Operating was impossible with the state he was in so they opted for draining the abces in his kidney and treating him with antibiotics on the ICU and hope for the best.
In the morning he was stable enough that I was able to go home for a few hours and when my sister and I visited later that day the doctors were very cautiously optimistic, they almost seemed surprised at how he was doing. He was starting to react to the antibiotics. But his heart was still under a lot of stress and due to the sepsis he was at risk of organ failure so he was still very sick.
That evening my sister and I went to him again, at this point he was not really responing to people anymore although he seemed to react to our voices. Just minutes after we left the room we got called back because his heart had stopped.
His funeral has already been held.

I think that his declining health was a factor as to why he stopped being active on this forum. I think it was too draining for him sometimes.

If there are any other questions feel free to ask.
Thank you. :(
Aye. His company was a gift. Thank you for letting us know about our friend. I am sorry to hear about your dad.
My condolences.

I am sad, but not surprised at this news. We had feared the worst when he stopped posting.

Hrothbern was always very considerate and polite.

Debate with him was always informative, even though we were often on opposite sides of the political fence.

His presence here is missed.

And thank you for advising us.
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