I play K-Mod exclusively now, got the shortcut to load right into the mod from my desktop. I like to play hemisphere type maps which increase the drama late game since it's not just a win your continent pangea. I really liked a few of the subtle little buffs from the last patches especially the +1xp to Duns. Anyways, a little balance ideas wish list:
Lumber Mills unlocked at Guilds instead of Replaceable Parts. They just come so late and I think it would help the AI too since they often leave forests unchopped in their cities.
Customs House/Fetoria cost reduced, say around the level of Markets.
Native American starting tech hunting instead of fishing. Opens up some avoid fishing bulb strategies for them, in the players hands at least.
Terrace nerfed to 1 culture instead of 2.
Chichen Itza switched from Great Prophet to Great Engineer. Then it is at least worth building if you're stacking it with Pyramids/Hanging Gardens for GEs.
The Hagia Sophia switched from Great Engineer to Great Prophets to compensate (it was a church/mosque). Then I'd change the obsoleting tech from Steam Power to Combustion, so there would at least be some use for it when there is that industrial age rush to get all those railroads built.
Lumber Mills unlocked at Guilds instead of Replaceable Parts. They just come so late and I think it would help the AI too since they often leave forests unchopped in their cities.
Customs House/Fetoria cost reduced, say around the level of Markets.
Native American starting tech hunting instead of fishing. Opens up some avoid fishing bulb strategies for them, in the players hands at least.
Terrace nerfed to 1 culture instead of 2.
Chichen Itza switched from Great Prophet to Great Engineer. Then it is at least worth building if you're stacking it with Pyramids/Hanging Gardens for GEs.
The Hagia Sophia switched from Great Engineer to Great Prophets to compensate (it was a church/mosque). Then I'd change the obsoleting tech from Steam Power to Combustion, so there would at least be some use for it when there is that industrial age rush to get all those railroads built.