If there will be Holy Roman Empire in Civ7.

Of course, one can only point out that we ALSO already have a unique european knight (Chevaler, for the normans), so not wholly convinced how giving the HRE a knight rather than a pikeman help here.
And Phoenician sailors are prime candidate for exploration themed age.
Minoans - Phoenicia - Morocco. DLC: mediterranean sailors.
Minoans are obviously a must have for civ7. Morocco is also a great choice for Africa, technically can be replaced by Ottomans.
I doubt the Minoans will get in. More likely it would be Antiquity Phoenicia and Exploration Carthage.

Regarding the topic I would much rather a separate Frankish civ, or Teutonic civ to represent Medieval Germany.
Phoenicians in exploration age is almost certainly not going to happen. Even Carthage. "We're not using the Mediterannean periodization in every region" does not mean "We're not using the Mediterranean periodization in the Mediterranean".
What do you want for HRE infantry choices?
Of course, one can only point out that we ALSO already have a unique european knight (Chevaler, for the normans), so not wholly convinced how giving the HRE a knight rather than a pikeman help here.
The Landsknecht is probably the best choice for a Unique Military Infantry Unit, although the Halbbrüder can work as a dismounted Teutonic Men-at-Arms unit. Nonetheless, I would prefer the Ritterbrüder over the Landsknecht because the Teutonic knights haven't seen much representation and with the Normans in the game I don't think the Templars will make an appearance, so the Teutonic knight is a nice alternative for those of us that want to see a crusader unit in the game.
I doubt the Minoans will get in. More likely it would be Antiquity Phoenicia and Exploration Carthage.

Regarding the topic I would much rather a separate Frankish civ, or Teutonic civ to represent Medieval Germany.
I don't think this will ever happen, so keep your expectations very low. It's like putting Greece in the Antiquity Age, and Macedon in the Exploration Age. As a matter of fact, I don't even believe that both Phoenicia and the Carthaginian Empire will be in the game.
The Landsknecht is probably the best choice for a Unique Military Infantry Unit, although the Halbbrüder can work as a dismounted Teutonic Men-at-Arms unit. Nonetheless, I would prefer the Ritterbrüder over the Landsknecht because the Teutonic knights haven't seen much representation and with the Normans in the game I don't think the Templars will make an appearance, so the Teutonic knight is a nice alternative for those of us that want to see a crusader unit in the game.
And Teutonic Crusaders should be footsloggers now. though in reality there were also mounted, or even heavy cavalry outright.
Though in the Holyland those mounted knights did also fight on foot as pikemen. Simple, by then they didn't use couched lances yet. their simple lances became pikes. and used well against Mamelukes.
Phoenicians in exploration age is almost certainly not going to happen. Even Carthage. "We're not using the Mediterannean periodization in every region" does not mean "We're not using the Mediterranean periodization in the Mediterranean".
I don't think this will ever happen, so keep your expectations very low. It's like putting Greece in the Antiquity Age, and Macedon in the Exploration Age. As a matter of fact, I don't even believe that both Phoenicia and the Carthaginian Empire will be in the game.
I never said I was expecting it. I was just pointing out that it would be likelier than Phoenicia proper itself being Exploration. Though you are right that it will probably be only one of them in the Antiquity Age, and for some reason I'm expecting Carthage this time around, especially considering civ switching is a thing.
Of course, one can only point out that we ALSO already have a unique european knight (Chevaler, for the normans), so not wholly convinced how giving the HRE a knight rather than a pikeman help here.
The Landsknecht is probably the best choice for a Unique Military Infantry Unit, although the Halbbrüder can work as a dismounted Teutonic Men-at-Arms unit. Nonetheless, I would prefer the Ritterbrüder over the Landsknecht because the Teutonic knights haven't seen much representation and with the Normans in the game I don't think the Templars will make an appearance, so the Teutonic knight is a nice alternative for those of us that want to see a crusader unit in the game.
Whether they were going to go with a Teutonic Knight or Landsknecht, there will be some sort of overlap with other civs. Whereas the Teutonic knight is similar to the Normans Chevaler, the Landsknecht would be similar to the Spanish Tercios. Between the two I'd prefer the Medieval Knight over the Early Modern Pike and Shot unit. :)
Oh, I wasn't criticizing your point. I agree IF they were doing that, Phoenicia-Carthage would be more likely sense than Minoan-Phoenicia.

I was addressing the same person as you,
I think adding something like an early medieval Franks/Francia/Caroligians alongside with an extra persona for Charlemagne would work very nice. Personally I'd prefer it if the HRE got the India "deblobbing" treatment, and instead down the line and with a bunch of DLC's we could have exploration and modern civs for: Bohemia, Teutonic Order, Papal states, etc.

So for me the ideal would be, Francia, extra Charlemagne persona as HRE representation, and leave space for other civs that haven't got the chance to be in civ.
I would like to see the Holy Roman empire be included, with a focus towards economy and eastward (and southward) expansion. Economy due to the Hanse and expansion for the founding of hundreds if not thousands of towns from 1100 onwards, later through the Teutonic knights in Prussia. A unique unit could be either a town founder or a Teutonic knight. A unique quarter would include a Hanse kontor and a Teutonic Komturei (commandery) which would focus on providing additional gold.
I think adding something like an early medieval Franks/Francia/Caroligians alongside with an extra persona for Charlemagne would work very nice. Personally I'd prefer it if the HRE got the India "deblobbing" treatment, and instead down the line and with a bunch of DLC's we could have exploration and modern civs for: Bohemia, Teutonic Order, Papal states, etc.

So for me the ideal would be, Francia, extra Charlemagne persona as HRE representation, and leave space for other civs that haven't got the chance to be in civ.
HRE is actually prime for the blobbing/Norman/Greece treatment, it’s too small an area of the world to bother with individual parts as unique civs.
A unique unit could be either a town founder or a Teutonic knight.
Actually, having the Teutonic Knight act as a settler, and found towns, would make them unique. :mischief:
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