Gunboat Diplomat
Spoiler :
I guess so. It made sense when building the worker, for the extra EXP, but I obviously neglected to fix it when building the warrior.But what have you worked in the capital? 12 every turn until now I guess.
Ok. I'm going to need to go through the maths on this one. A 1-pop whip is 22=30 which makes sense at size 2. But if I understand correctly, the food cost goes up slightly with each pop (ie whipping a 5pop city down to 4 pop costs more than whipping 2->1). So when you get to a 2-pop whip (size 4->2) the equation changes again. I'm not sure if any of that makes any difference, or if I'm making any sense. I'm just trying to wrap my head around why a 3 0 tile is better than a 1 2 one.Not sure if that's good. In general, always work the best tiles! Also, at least for me whipping the 1st settler is natural with these tiles and tech path, so not maximizing food is bad. With 2 city center you generally get enough warriors out in time.
Yes, warrior. Not worker. And you're absolutely right. Ignore my previous comment. With the corn finished, growth happens much faster. Not sure what my brain was doing there.By 2nd worker I assume you mean second warrior, but that doesn't add up. Of course you will work the improved tile from now on. You'll grow in 4 and will make 8 in that time, it doesn't add up.