• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Imperium Offtopicum XIX

OOC: can we assume that on BFR is like one Dollar in RL ?

Pretty much yeah. Its what I'll be measuring most things in.

Edit: now all units in national budgets are in billion Belgian Francs
Some people have been expressing some concern that this seems very stats heavy.

In truth it is just as much so as XIV just now the nebulous concept of "Economic Power" has been made a bit clearer in order to make sure that the costs of war are large and meaningful to a nation's economy.

Orders can still be of the same form you would have sent for that game with the only difference that you can only assign government spending once every 4 turns.

Edit: Also you can investigate what the costs/returns of a certain action are going to be however I will only respond to this at Update time so try to plan ahead of your budget.
Some people have been expressing some concern that this seems very stats heavy.

In truth it is just as much so as XIV just now the nebulous concept of "Economic Power" has been made a bit clearer in order to make sure that the costs of war are large and meaningful to a nation's economy.

Orders can still be of the same form you would have sent for that game with the only difference that you can only assign government spending once every 4 turns.

Edit: Also you can investigate what the costs/returns of a certain action are going to be however I will only respond to this at Update time so try to plan ahead of your budget.

OOC: Would it be possible to request an emergency budget extension of the current budget for a turn so I can get my agencies to do various investigations for me before I make a budget for the rest of the year? Or would you rather me not do that?

EDIT: Derp, you answered that on chat.
OOC: Would it be possible to request an emergency budget extension of the current budget for a turn so I can get my agencies to do various investigations for me before I make a budget for the rest of the year? Or would you rather me not do that?

EDIT: Derp, you answered that on chat.

You could make this years budget start in Summer giving you time to gather the data.

Once everyone has done their first budget the date (summer/spring/autumn/winter) is fixed but you can do your first one any time in the next 4 turns.
Obviously this being the first update I'm still feeling out the presentation and things might still change in the future so don't give up hope if confusion takes hold. Find me on chat and tell me your issues and I'll try and make things more accessible.
Also note to all I've redone the stats with basic stats (a sheet with a more XIVy feel to it) and advanced stats (with all the budget info and currency charts).
Roman elections

the Roman Emperor has ordered elections to determine the conservative party. since the GM did not post the population figures, i will be going with 67 million. lets say 75% of that is able to vote.

45,225,000 votes, the turn out was 90%, since its the first time people voted in years.

Liberal party of the Roman Empire

the Liberal party of the Roman Empire only managed to win 15 seats, and 6,783,750 votes. they promise that the first thing to do is to erase that magical debt that somehow manage to be there despite no spending at all. seriously. they are NOT happy about how all nations somehow managed to get 400 billion in debt. they will pay off the debt as soon as possible.

Conservative party of the Roman Empire

the Conservative party managed to win 55 seats, and the right to be the Ruling party of Rome, with 24,873,750 votes. they promise that the first thing to do, is to cut social spending by half (sorry people!) to pay off the debt as soon as possible. it appears they are also angry at the magical debt.

Nationalist party of the Roman Empire

the Nationalist party of Rome managed to win 30 seats, and 13,567,500 votes. they are the main opposition party. they will decrease social spending by half to erase this magical debt that somehow appeared.

Economic actions

Reduce social spending from 8, to 3, with the assent of the Emperor, and all three parties.

Reduce Healthcare spending from 4 to 3.

increase debt repayment from 4.8 to 7.0. the rest shall be built up as a financial reserve.

Also, can i post any claims yet?
TV7 News

Presented by:

- Liu Wang

- Zhang Jiao

Liu Wang (LW): Welcome to TV7 News. As always, we will provide you with the latest news from China and around the world as well as analysis on every situation. Jiao, tell us what we shall see today.

Zhang Jiao (ZJ): Today we shall interview President Yang Sun-Te in his first interview as President.

Interview with President Yang Sun-Te

LW: Welcome to our TV show Mr. President.

Yang Sun-Te (YS): I am glad to meet you.

LW: My first question has to do with the economy. You are a staunch fiscal conservative and budget hawk and you've promised to minimize the debt and eliminate the deficit. What will be your measures for eliminating the deficit?

YS: Our debt is on normal levels and we have about the same debt as most other nations do. Our main problem is the deficit which I've promised to eliminate and I'll do so. Otherwise the debt may get out of control. In order to achieve this, I will cut public spending. The administration costs of our public sector are almost twice as big as those of most other nations so there is room for further budget cuts. Wages in public sector may also need to be slashed but not much. I would argue about a 6% cut in wages.

LW: I see. Jiao will ask the next question.

ZJ: You've promised to lower our flat tax from the current 15% to 10% and institute negative income tax. When will you lower the taxation? Do you believe it will imbalance state budget?

YS: I will keep my promise. I am not one of those politicians who take back their promises when in office. But tax cuts will take place in the second year of my administration. Firstly, there is a need to balance the budget and eliminate the deficit. When this happens I will gradually lower taxation, first to 12% in the second year of my administration and to 10% in the third year of my administration. I will also institute negative income tax to completely replace state welfare. But, as I've said, in order to do that there must be a balanced budget or the deficit will get completely out of control.

LW: About the IMF, how much funding will China provide? Will it not cause a deficit?

YS: China will of course provide the IMF with funds. We will provide about 0.2, that is almost 1% of our budget. We will increase our funding next season when the deficit is under control. The IMF is an important institution that provides monetary stability and will be a useful tool in overcoming times of economic crisis.

ZJ: Regarding the international situation of China, what is your estimation? You said in an election rally that you would improve the international standing of China. Has this been done?

YS: In only a few months of my administration I have managed to make China a important player in world politics. I have taken a series of initiatives which not only improve the international standing of our nation but also promote peace and stability in the region and foster cooperation. The IMF, whose HQ are in Shanghai and was proposed by China, has proved to be the leading financial institution with most world nations joining it. As I've said, the IMF is important in monetary stability of the world economy. China has also promoted free trade across the region with the creation of the Pacific Free Trade Zone, which a couple of nations, including Australia, have joined. China has signed a free trade deal with Rome too. Last but not least, our UN nomination by so many nations shows that China is regarded highly.

LW: On domestic politics, you've said that you will limit illegal migration.

YS: Indeed. The police will conduct raids and arrest illegal migrants who will be expelled back to their countries as soon as possible. China is an open nation to anyone who wants to migrate, as long as he or she do so legally. The ones who enter the nation undocumented violate the law and should be expelled.

ZJ: Last question: some former Chinese territories have held referendums asking to join the Republic and those have been ruled in favor of the Republic. Will their applications to join us be accepted?

YS: Of course. Chinese unity is our top priority. We will respect their democratic decision and accept them in the Republic.

LW: Thanks for the interview Mr. President.

New territories join the Republic

Spoiler :

LW: In other news, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Xinjiang have held referendums in which they voted to join the Republic. Jiao will provide us with more info about the referendums.

ZJ: Those former Chinese territories, which have been independent states since the collapse of the PRC, finally agreed to hold referendums regarding Chinese unity. Surprisingly, the pro-Union vote won not only in Han Chinese majority territories but even in Xinjiang. This can be explained by the fact that Xinjiang is underdeveloped and needs Chinese help to improve it's standard of living. As the President said in his interview, those new territories have been accepted in the Republic.

LW: Xinjiang will also have a special status, right?

ZJ: Indeed. Xinjiang will be an Autonomous Region and have greater control regarding education and cultural policy. This has been decided due to the fact that there is a Muslim majority in the area.
Well, since china took the initiative and claimed territories, i guess i could do so too.

Cyprus and Crimea joins the Roman Empire

Cyprus and Crimea has voted to join the Roman Empire, and the integration is expected to take one year. everyone in both locations will receive full rights and privileges as equal citizens in the Roman Empire.

Russia is also a legal second language, in Crimea, due to the large number of Russian Speakers.
Freeman Radio

Spoiler :

Today new reports from our Expeditionary Forces have reached us.
The Guinea reclamation campaign has been renewed and with great skill the brave soldier of the Republic were able to secure large parts of what used to be Guinea.
After a small alliance of warlords had been crushed, msot local resistance and militias surrenderd.
Infrastructure reconstruction and improvement has already started, while our troops are regrouping, to finish the integration of Guinea and move on to the Senegal.

In other news, the goverment has annouced its plans to buy arms worth over 2 billion BFR, mainly modern planes and warships, to improve our defense capabilities.
Also Diplomats ahve been send out to negotiate trade treaties.
The U.S.E.D will commence it plans to ensure all of France is united as states of the new democratic age, for their freedom will be enshrined as members of our federal order. Autonomy will be safeguarded.

French Reunion.png

We open our hands to the world, for we strive for a fair and just Terra. However our prime consideration is the justice of the local and we henceforth wish to express potential friendship with both the peoples of Catalonia and Belgium, for these comrades may aid in the great struggle for peace. Will wish to be able to have out citizens vote on potential trade treaties with Belgium and Catalonia. We are also keen to be able to ensure our delegation to the UN will be one of prosperity for the world; we look forward to debate proposals in the great chambers of the UN.
The Freemans Republic announced the signing of the :

Repulican-Roman treaty of Cooperation and Friendship:

1. Rome and the Freemans Republic agree to lower their traffics for each others trade.

2. Rome and the Freemans Republic cooperate in both military and economy.

3. Rome and the Freemans Republic support each other diplomatic, backing each other on the global stage.

Signed by the Prime-minister of the Freemans Republic
Stefan Borisov elected President of Bulgaria
The outcome of the Bulgarian presidential vote in the National Assembly was uncertain until the last minute as neither of the major candidate seemed to accumulate the necessary support to win. After the first and second round of voting there was still no candidate supported by a supermajority in the chamber, 240 votes. And when the National Assembly entered a third round of voting yesterday where only the support of a 4/7 majority, 205 votes, was needed there was no defnite winner in sight. Backed by 178 government MPs and 26 MPs from the Bulgarian Workers' Party, leading candidate Stefan Borisov still fell short a vote and a dissolution of parliament seemed imminent when two MPs from Liberal Alternative unexpectedly voted against the party line and in favour of Borisov.

Stefan Borisov held his first public speech as President of Bulgaria last night where he stressed the importance of the democratic process, even when it takes its due time. Prime Minister Ivanova congratulated him on his win but made no statements regarding the Citizens' Democracy Movement's recent petition for a consitutional amendment to allow direct presidential elections by popular vote which has had nearly 100,000 signatures in only two days.

Abkhazia and Transnistra signs Association Pact with Bulgaria
The fate of Abkhazia and Transnistra, both of which have been defined as frozen conflict zones since the 1990's, is looking to finally thaw. Last Wednesday, an Association Pact was signed between their respective de facto governments and the Democratic Republic of Bulgaria where Transnistra and Abkhazia will become autonomous states in free association with Bulgaria.

Albanian States join the Bulgarian Republic
After the United Albanian States declared government bankruptcy last spring, an agreement was initially reached with the IMF for emergency loans but a referendum in November called for cooperation with the IMF to cease after public outrage against the economic reforms undertaken. Caught in a deadlock between economic instability and popular dissatisfaction with austerity measures, the Albanian-Kosovan federal government went the Macedonian way and asked their Bulgarian neighbours to step in. A official merger of the UAS with the DRB has begun and is set to be finalised later this year.

Spoiler Bulgarian expansion map :
Freemans Republic seeks new weapon systems.

The Freemans Republic plans to purchase modern fighter planes and frigates. We are now asking for offers from nations with the capabilities to produce modern weapon systems.

We plan to spend 1 billion BFR on purchasing up to 24 planes .

And also 1 billion BFR to purchase between 2 and 3 ships.

The Republic is open for offers. If none happen we will look for ourself.

OOC: I give you money you give me modern planes or ships,shown me what you wnat to sell to me ^^.
The umGungundlovu Patriot
The one source for all UKSA, local kwaZulu, and international news

UKSA expands!
four new territories have decided to join the UKSA. General unrest in Limpopo lead to the acquisition of said former province by UKSA officials. Dude to the importance of the Limpopo not just in terms of water but also in terms of tourism, Limpopo is currently under federal control pending changes.

Furthermore, Maputo and the Volksstaat have agreed to join the UKSA as member republics. Constitutional adjustments will follow on a federal scale.

The final expansion comes in the form of the acquisition of antarctic island territory to ensure a steady supply of water in the form of ice. Currently the area is under jurisdiction of the Board of Weather Control.

Sokker - Thaba Bosiu wins Tetravaal Premiership​

In a great disparagement to all kwaZulu Sokker fans, Thaba Bosiu Mountains beat the Umfolozi Impis 2-1 in an exciting match in Maseru.

Droughts continue in the Xhosa, kwaZulu, Sesotho and Nguni territories. Rain has been sighted in Swaziland.
I have one question:

is the interest rates automatic, or do i have to leave at least 1.2 billion in debt repayment to cover interest?
The Republic of Colombia hereby announces the incorporation of the territories of New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois as states of the Republic.

The Congress will announce their UN votes tomorrow afternoon.
the Roman Emp[rie redos the budget for the rest of this year only

the Emperor, being a natural accountant, having received the degree at the university of Athens some time ago, will now personally do the budget, and the senate should approve it. he also had to learn the concept of debt, because he was out of practice...:

Roman income: 25.78 note: interest is considered to be taken away first thing, leaving this as available income.

Roman Spending:

Debt payments: 0.0. the Roman Empire will not increase the debt, nor will it decrease the debt.
Social welfare spending: 6.0. the social welfare wont be as affluent as before, but it should still cover the needs of the population just fine.
Minimal military: 1.0. there is no need to expand the military, when territories to house and recruit said armies are not in our hands.
Administrative spending: 3.0. the administration is what runs the Empire, and deserve a small raise
Expansion spending: 4.0. only four billion is needed to integrate Cyprus and Crimea.
Transport costs: 2.0. the Roman Empire needs to invest heavily in infrastructure, not just for our military needs, but for the common people as well. some areas still don't have acceptable infrastructure.
Health Spending: 4.0. there is no need to change from the default.
Education spending: 4.0. the Education system is important, and a small raise is needed to keep it all current and competitive.

that would give Rome a surplus of 2.78 billion over the year. this will be kept as emergency funds, or to be spent next year.
But seriously. The ECA isn't even South American.

The Empire of Central America

The humble beginnings of the Empire of Central America come from the Union of the Kingdom of Nicaragua and Honduras into a single state through the marriage of the princess Isabella Martinez and Prince Felipe Gonzalez in 1830. The resulting kingdom soon assumed a dominant position among the Central American states economically, politically and militarily. However, it would not be until the Mexican Guatemalan war that a shared central American consciousness would form, and the idea of a single nation state featuring the central American countries would come into play.

The UN has lumped Poland in with a North American state just because it has one province in Colombia. And apparently, it's somehow more worthy of the more prestigious position than the only real South American state? Wowie, might as well lift my prestigeless ass up in the air right now for you imperialist revisionists and save you the trouble of half the work.
Let's not kid ourselves, we need only Eurafrasia seats so that the Republic of Catalonia can receive endorsements from all three continents.
The Freemans Republic offers china to buy 30 F-CK-1 Ching-kuo for 900 million BFR.
This will included instructors to train the first generation of pilots and trainers.

Does China agree to this ?
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