Important Developments at UN Forum.

That's correct.

He used it before the rule was applied, and it was not clear if it was an exploit or not.
Yes, we've used it before, mostly on FortyJ's advice. Then again, GCA has been using that exploit on us as well.

It's all I can do to restrain myself from posting there, especially after Lucky, the one-man team, called my administration ineffective... :mad:
Not a chance GCA is eliminated. They will be given a GWT city, and become their vassals. Think of the perpetual war weariness this will place on Poly.
Originally posted by Micaelis Rex
Not a chance GCA is eliminated. They will be given a GWT city, and become their vassals. Think of the perpetual war weariness this will place on Poly.

And us. The obvious strategy for countering that would be to declare war on GWT and not declare peace until they force GCA to declare peace. Any declaration of war by GCA will result in a reciprocal declaration of war against GWT.

GWT should be clever enough to understand a perpetual war strategy almost will gaurantee mutual loss to Netatolia (that is the other team right?).

We should also inform GWT about this reality before GCA is almost wiped out. They need to know that if they gift any land to GCA it will gain them NOTHING.
Originally posted by Octavian X
Yes, we've used it before, mostly on FortyJ's advice. Then again, GCA has been using that exploit on us as well.

It's all I can do to restrain myself from posting there, especially after Lucky, the one-man team, called my administration ineffective... :mad:

Well, if you won't post there then I will, Octavian.

As a matter of fact, I am not sure if anyone from CFC has posted at 1BC since Sept 26th. I would be glad to step in if you feel that you will say the wrong thing. ;)

However, for all of Lucky's blathering nonsense, he is correct in that we could stand to spruce this place up a bit. The unsecure forum should be rid of all the ancient threads, and they should be moved in here. I can take care of that one myself, and will in the next few days. Please let me know if there are any unstickied posts that should remain on our front door.

And blaming our lack of organization as an excuse to delay treaties also begs for criticism. I am not saying we are taking the wrong approach by doing this, but the fact that it is being noted shouldn't upset us if that is our strategy.

I must say that I am equally impressed and a somewhat frightened in light of our impending C3C PBEM game with your deviousness. Even I hadn't thought of that. Of course, deshelbr has the correct response. We would have to remain in Monarchy or Communism and do the same to GWT.

With respect to the Fortify All exploit

I find it extremely amusing that Lucky is accusing us of this exploit when it was he who taught me about it. As President in Term 2, there were numerous times in which I received the save game to find his units had moved and fortified in the same turn. Now, he's accusing us of using this exploit in an attempt to portray us as cheaters.

Also, although I cannot really say with any authority, I do not believe that we have used this exploit since the UN ruled that it was improper. The fact that we sent on our most recent save before this ruling was handed down by Mongoose should void GCA's accusation.

Once again, Lucky has proven himself worthy of the fate that awaits him in the upcoming turns. Asta la vista Lucky.

PS. Be prepared for a city trade with GWT. We should use this down-time to talk with Poly to formalize an opinion and an appropriate course of action on this possibility.
Originally posted by Bootstoots
Perhaps we can have CT tell GWT of GCA's treacheries.

Agree, we should at least warn them about GCA's reputation on backstabing people.
Originally posted by FortyJ

Also, although I cannot really say with any authority, I do not believe that we have used this exploit since the UN ruled that it was improper. The fact that we sent on our most recent save before this ruling was handed down by Mongoose should void GCA's accusation.

Great minds, Forty. I posted pretty much the same thing in the UN Time Counter thread, almost to the minute! :lol:
Shesh, what happened? I used to be a big name in the MSDG and now my posts are overlooked now :(.
CG - your long-term inactivity didn't serve you well. It most probably is the cause for those lost elections. However, if I get president I am going to set up a shift-based chat-room and savegame watching. I will be covering 0300GMT to 1200GMT, the VP their hours, and volunteer DPs the rest. I will try to employ as many citizens as possible, so hang tight. :D

And come on GCA, get the save moving!
You're right, DZ, they don't come with any units. Bacon, that is true with culture flips but not with city gifting.
Yeah, all the units from gifted cities get put in the capitol IIRC
Having read through the recent discussion on the time-counter thread, it seems this issue may cause the game to fall apart.

  • CWT is polling to remain in the game or pull out
  • Mongoose is threatening resigning as admin
  • I'm personally offended at Lucky for his continued (and apparently) unfounded attacks on our team

So, what should our response be if CWT pulls out?

On a game-related note - this may sour the relations between GCA and CWT. Perhaps we could open a dialog with CWT (assuming they stay in the game) and work on them not supporting Lucky, reminding them of his recent conduct. Anything to give us an edge, and give Lucky the edge of our boot!

-- Ravensfire
Buddy Jesus and I are confizzled. Someone summarize who, what and why please.
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