I must say that I am equally impressed and a somewhat frightened in light of our impending C3C PBEM game with your deviousness. Even I hadn't thought of that. Of course, deshelbr has the correct response. We would have to remain in Monarchy or Communism and do the same to GWT.
With respect to the Fortify All exploit
I find it extremely amusing that Lucky is accusing us of this exploit when it was he who taught me about it. As President in Term 2, there were numerous times in which I received the save game to find his units had moved and fortified in the same turn. Now, he's accusing us of using this exploit in an attempt to portray us as cheaters.
Also, although I cannot really say with any authority, I do not believe that we have used this exploit since the UN ruled that it was improper. The fact that we sent on our most recent save before this ruling was handed down by Mongoose should void GCA's accusation.
Once again, Lucky has proven himself worthy of the fate that awaits him in the upcoming turns. Asta la vista Lucky.
PS. Be prepared for a city trade with GWT. We should use this down-time to talk with Poly to formalize an opinion and an appropriate course of action on this possibility.