In the Beginning Was Napoleon: Game Thread

The Republic of Portugal wishes to express its concern over the treatment of various minorities and political groups by the Polish authorities. While we are glad to see the transition from military rule to an elected government we cannot excuse the violation of individual rights. We call for the Polish government to correct the behavior of its police agencies.

Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Republic of Portugal
The Republic of Portugal wishes to express its concern over the treatment of various minorities and political groups by the Polish authorities. While we are glad to see the transition from military rule to an elected government we cannot excuse the violation of individual rights. We call for the Polish government to correct the behavior of its police agencies.

Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Republic of Portugal
First off, thanks Crezth!
Second, I would like to apologize to the Portugese
Year 2
La Scomparsa dell'Imperatore: Indagini sul Volto Oscuro del Cielo Adriatico

The chief inspector's office was a dark and musty place, full of old files and even older furniture. The smell of stale tobacco hung thick in the air, a reminder of the inspector's love of cigarettes. He sat at his desk, poring over the latest reports on the disappearance of Emperor Mario Emmanuel I. The investigation had been ongoing for months, with little progress made so far.

The chief inspector was a grizzled veteran of the force, with a face full of lines and a sharp tongue. He had seen it all in his long career, but this case was proving to be one of the toughest. His team had scoured the countryside, interviewing anyone who might have had information about the Emperor's whereabouts, but so far, they had come up empty.

Complicating matters was the fact that there seemed to be a conspiracy at play. Rumors had been circulating that a private airfield had been involved in the Emperor's disappearance, and that an Adriatic airboat-man was somehow involved. The chief inspector had his suspicions, but he needed hard evidence to bring those responsible to justice.

The chief inspector knew that time was running out. If the Emperor was still alive, he could be in grave danger. And if he was dead, well, maybe the Regent was in for a promotion.

As the chief inspector continued to sift through the files, he caught a break. A witness had come forward, claiming to have seen the Emperor boarding a plane at the private airfield on the night he disappeared. The witness was a shady character, with a past full of legal troubles, but the chief inspector was desperate for any lead he could get.

The chief inspector sent his team to investigate the airfield, but they were met with resistance. The owner of the airfield was a powerful man, with friends in high places. He denied any involvement in the Emperor's disappearance, and refused to allow the inspectors access to the records of his flights.

But the chief inspector was not one to be deterred. He knew that if he could just find a way to connect the airfield to the Adriatic airboat-man, he would have the evidence he needed. It was a race against time, but the chief inspector was determined to see this case through to the end.

The men who took the Emperor in the Chief Inspector's mind's eye.

1920 AD
“Oh, how the winds of change have blown, and how the tide has turned!”
Jean-Baptiste Silvér
Owner of Les Troillaumes

Editorial by Jean-Baptiste Silvér
Paris, France

As the ink dries on the pages of Les Troillaumes, I cannot help but feel a sense of profound satisfaction. The election results in Poland are a clear testament to the power of western democracy, and the triumph of liberal values over the forces of darkness.

Oh, how the winds of change have blown, and how the tide has turned! It was not long ago that the Polish people were subject to the iron grip of tyranny and oppression, their voices silenced and their dreams quashed. But now, a new dawn has risen, and with it, the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

For too long, the people of Poland have suffered under the yoke of militaristic regimes, their dreams of freedom and prosperity crushed beneath the weight of authoritarian rule. But now, the shackles have been broken, and the people have spoken. Their voice is clear and resolute, and their message is one of hope and renewal.

As I look out over the city of Paris, I cannot help but feel a sense of smug satisfaction. For it was our own liberal values, our own commitment to democracy and justice, that paved the way for this historic victory. We are the torchbearers of a new age, the heralds of a brighter future, and the guardians of a world free from tyranny and oppression.

Let us not rest on our laurels, but instead redouble our efforts to ensure that the light of democracy and freedom shines bright, not just in Poland, but across the globe. For the triumph of western democracy in Poland is not just a victory for the people of that nation, but for all who believe in the power of liberty and justice for all.
(France: +5% Jingoism)
(Britain, Spain, Portugal: +2% Jingoism)

Warsaw, Poland

In Poland, recent elections have ushered in a new era marked by a historic victory for progressive values. The will of the people has spoken, and a new coalition, the Coalition for People's Progress, has emerged victorious, signaling a commitment to democracy, progress, and equality for all. Despite isolated incidents of violence and aggression by certain groups, the new coalition government is steadfast in its commitment to creating a society that is inclusive and respectful of all communities, including minority groups. As we celebrate this triumph, let us pay tribute to those who have fought for democracy in Poland, whose struggles have not been in vain. Their legacy lives on in this new era of stability, progress, and democracy for all its citizens.
(Poland: -5% Dissent, -1 Private Enterprise)

Munich, Germany

In what has been described as a necessary move to maintain the integrity of the Cologne laws and the United Republics, German troops under the leadership of Commander Valeska Adler launched an anti-separatist operation against the nascently independent Bavarian Republic. The operation, codenamed Wittelsbach, involved a siege of the city of Munich, characterized by mass artillery fire and airborne petrolbombing, followed by a brutal troop assault. The historic districts and landmarks of Munich were not spared in the process, and many were completely destroyed.

Three major Bavarian politicians were confirmed dead on local radio at the end of the first day of bombing. The first politician killed in the conflict was Franz Baumgartner, the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Bavarian Republic. He was well-known for his staunch support of Bavarian independence and had been instrumental in negotiating trade deals with neighboring Austria. The second victim was Heinrich Bauer, the Minister of Defense for the Bavarian Republic. Bauer was a veteran of the Great War and had been one of the key architects of the German defense strategy early in the conflict. The third killed was Anna Schmidt, a rising star in the Bavarian Parliament and a vocal advocate for social justice and workers' rights. Reports are flooding in of candlelight vigils in remembrance of her all across Germany.

Two politicians taken prisoner were Johann Müller, the Speaker of the Bavarian Parliament, and Markus Wagner, the Minister of Finance. Both were known to be critical of the Republic's more radical elements and had been vocal in their opposition to the government's increasingly aggressive tactics, reportedly disavowing all association with the separatists and insisting to their captors they acted "only in the best interests of Germany as a whole" and "were simply following orders."

In the aftermath of the violent siege on Munich, it is clear a kind of fear has settled in the hearts of some Germans receiving the central government's news, who view the pitiless destruction of Munich with growing trepidation. Despite the tragic loss of life and destruction of property, the increasing popularity of Commander Adler among the armed forces as a symbol of peace and order is a source of concern for many. The destruction wrought by the German expedition has left many wondering about the cost of such victory, and whether the ends justify the means. As the dust settles on the ruins of the Bavarian Independent Republic, the scars of war serve as a reminder of the fragility of peace and the ever-present danger of violence. The memory of the destruction wrought upon Munich is likely to remain seared into the collective consciousness of the people of Germany for years to come. The Bavarian Independent Republic is now all but destroyed, and soon there will be nothing left of it but tattered posters on ruined walls.
(Bavarian Independent Republic: -Existence)
(Prussians, Stuttgart: -10% Legitimacy)
(Germany: -10% Dissent, +2% Jingoism)
(Czechia: +5% Dissent, +5% Jingoism)

Bordeaux, France

In this time of great turmoil and uncertainty in Europe, it is heartening to see a political movement such as the People's Unity Party (Vereinigte Volkspartei) emerge in Germany. I, a staunch conservative and Napoleonist, wholeheartedly endorse this party's commitment to the values of Western civilization. It is with great enthusiasm that I urge the V.V. to accept Valeska Adler's bid for membership, despite her gender. This valkyrie has proven herself to be a symbol of peace and order in a time of great chaos, and her leadership and military prowess will be an asset to any political movement.

Just like Joan, who was brave enough to lead the French army into battle, women today have the courage and ability to make a meaningful impact in politics and society. We must recognize the value of womanly perspectives and talents, and provide all citizens with equal opportunities to contribute to our nation's greatness. Joan of Arc's unwavering spirit and determination serve as a shining example of what women are capable of achieving. Just as she broke barriers in her time, women today are sundering the shackles of history and achieving great things in the physical and material sciences, in biology, and, yes, in war. It is our responsibility to ensure that they are not held back by outdated ideas of inequality. We are not aristocrats, obsessed with family; we are republicans, and with all hands together we are an unstoppable power!

Let us follow in the footsteps of Joan of Arc and embrace the feminist movement as a means of creating a more just and equal society, where all people, regardless of gender, can reach their full potential. It is my fervent hope that Germany will set aside radical politics and embrace the principles of peace and democracy that have guided Western civilization for centuries. The People's Unity Party is an embodiment of these principles, proud of their nation, and committed to participating in the grand tradition of European politics and the West. Let us all come together as Europeans, united in our commitment to freedom, equality, and justice. Let us embrace the values of federal republicanism and national pride, and work together towards a brighter future for our continent.
(Germany: +Maiden of Munich, -5% Dissent)

Suffragettes march in Germany.

Addis Ababa, France

The French Empire has officially taken over management of Italian Ethiopia, Somalia, Oman, and Yemen. The transfer was formalized in a ceremony held in Rome, Italy, where the Italian authorities handed over the control to the French foreign office. The transfer of power was smooth, with both parties agreeing on the terms and conditions of the transfer.

However, the French foreign office is facing several challenges as it takes over the management of these colonies. The French government has been struggling to keep up with the demands of its colonies, which are growing increasingly restive and demanding greater autonomy. The French foreign office is heavily overtaxed and spread thin in its resources, lacking manpower to process the ever-growing requirements of all the colonies and their increasingly-angry populations.

"We are doing our best to manage the demands of these colonies, but the truth is that we are spread thin and struggling to keep up. Our resources are limited and we simply don't have enough manpower to meet the ever-growing demands of the populations," said one foreign office bureaucrat. "We're too little cheese and too much bread."

One of the major issues that the French foreign office is facing is the lack of infrastructure in these colonies. The French authorities are finding it difficult to manage the territories as they lack the necessary infrastructure to provide basic services such as healthcare, education, and transportation. The French government is planning to invest heavily in these colonies to develop the necessary infrastructure and improve the living conditions of the local populations, but the Imperial Congress has staunchly opposed most new spending since the Travailleur victory.

Another challenge that the French authorities are facing is the rising tide of nationalism and anti-colonialism in these colonies. The local populations are demanding greater autonomy and are increasingly resentful of imperial presence in their territories. In some places it is difficult to perceive any loyalty to the Empire at all. The French authorities are struggling to contain the growing unrest, and there have been several incidents of violence and civil disobedience in these colonies.

Despite these challenges, the French government is determined to manage these colonies and develop them into prosperous and stable territories. The French foreign office is working to address the issues and is committed to providing the necessary resources and support to ensure the success of these territories under French control.
(France: +5% Dissent)

Marseilles, France

Ah, the great Italian charade continues. The so-called creation of specialist reserve forces and remobilization of military forces, all under the watchful eyes of French and British observers. It's as if the Italian government is trying to convince the world that they are truly adhering to the agreements made with the Western Commission. And what of the deployment of infantry units to the hills surrounding Rome? Is this merely a show of force to intimidate the Roman Proletarians group, or is it a blatant violation of the rights of the people? One can only wonder how many innocent lives will be lost in this pursuit of power and control. The Italian government may think they are fooling the world with their staged maneuvers, but we in the liberal press are not so easily swayed. We will continue to question their motives and expose the truth behind their actions.
(France: +1% Dissent)
(Italy: -1% Dissent, +1 Military Industry)

Les Radios Troillaumes, broadcasting from Orleans

In the wake of the terrible World War, the idea of remote-controlled aircraft technology has taken the world by storm. The race is on in Britain to build the first radioaviation aircraft to cross the English Channel, with two British and one French-Flemish inventor in the running.

First up is George Baxter, a wealthy inventor from London. Baxter has a reputation for being an eccentric genius, and his solution to the remote control problem is to build a large radio tower that can communicate with his aircraft. He believes that the key to success is a powerful and reliable radio signal.

Next is Harry Thompson, a former Commonwealth Air Force pilot. Thompson's solution is to create a small, lightweight radio unit that can be attached to his aircraft. He believes that the key to success is having a flexible and adaptable system that can be easily modified and upgraded.

Finally, there's good old Francois Dupont, a French-Flemish inventor who has been working on remote control aircraft technology for years. Dupont's solution is to create a completely autonomous aircraft that can fly itself. He believes that the key to success is eliminating the possibility of human error.

As the race heats up, tensions mount between the inventors. Baxter accuses Thompson of stealing his ideas, while Thompson accuses Baxter of being too rigid in his thinking. Dupont remains aloof, convinced that his solution is superior to both of the others.
The competition reaches its climax on the cliffs of Dover, with each inventor preparing to launch their aircraft across the Channel. The crowds are buzzing with excitement, and the tension is palpable.

In the end, it is Dupont who emerges victorious, his aircraft successfully crossing the Channel without incident. Baxter's tower proves to be too cumbersome and loses power at a crucial moment, and Thompson's radio unit malfunctions mid-flight. As Dupont basks in his victory, Baxter and Thompson lick their wounds and plot their next moves in the ever-competitive world of aviation technology.
(Britain: +2 Private Enterprise)
(France: +1 Private Enterprise, +1 Aviation Record)

Lisbon, Portugal

The recently established Portuguese Imperial Commonwealth, aimed at granting full domestic autonomy to its five members, has come under fire amidst growing internal strife. Critics point out that the plan lacks clarity on important issues such as distribution of resources, inter-member trade, and justice and dispute resolution. Furthermore, reports of corruption and unequal distribution of power have raised concerns over the legitimacy of the newly formed Commonwealth. In addition to these internal issues, the Commonwealth has been facing external threats in the form of rebellious groups in its colonies. The recent attacks on cities, French citizens, and patrols in Gujarat by rebel groups have raised concerns over the effectiveness of the Commonwealth's defense policies as well, especially given a recent history of rebellions that were only put down with French assistance. Despite these challenges, the Commonwealth has announced plans to set up radio stations in each member state and in Lisbon, in an attempt to take advantage of the radio boom and invest in the electronic industry. Critics have questioned the viability of such a plan given the current internal and external challenges the Commonwealth is facing.
(Portugal: +10% Dissent)

Budapest, Hungary

The new government has made clear its intention to uphold Hungary's Catholic heritage while also adapting it to fit the unique cultural characteristics of the nation. This involves the selection of priests and bishops who possess certain qualities that align with the government's values and goals, and the formation of delegations to the Papal States to convey the importance of these beliefs. The government has also expressed a desire to incorporate elements of folklore and pre-Christian traditions into religious practices, although the extent to which this will be implemented is unclear. There have been reports of potential purges of dissenting voices within the Catholic leadership, although these have yet to be confirmed. Overall, the government's approach to Catholicism appears to be a delicate balancing act between tradition and innovation, with the ultimate goal of strengthening the nation's identity and values.
(Hungary: +5% Dissent)
(Italy: +2% Dissent)

Warsaw, Poland

After a controversial vote in the Polish parliament, and despite victory in other parts of the election, the Coalition for People's Progress is putting out fires internally following a national referendum that asked two key questions. The first question, which asked whether communist movements posed a threat to Poland, resulted in a narrow victory for the "yes" side with 53% of respondents agreeing. The second question, which asked whether Marshal Kazowski should prepare for proactive defense operations against communists, yielded a more mixed response with only 39% of respondents answering in the affirmative, 49% responding in the negative, and 12% abstaining.
(Poland: +5% Dissent, +3% Jingoism)

Tsaritsyn, Russia

A reactionary coalition has emerged, led by conservatives of the old Russian regime, and has taken command of a large army in the Kazakh Republic. The army, known as the Army of National Purity, has made incursions now into the Volga steppelands, attacking the city of Tsaritsyn. The Army of National Purity has a significant dragoon force with cavalry, rifles, artillery, and mortar cannons. Despite the Soviet army's counter-attacks, the army continues to wreak havoc in the west, and its attacks into Tsaritsyn only ceased after reinforcements arrived from Moscow. The Army of National Purity has now retreated south, towards Georgia and the Caucasus, and is still present in the plains between Astrakhan and Crimea.
(Armia Natsional'noy Chistoty: +Existence)
(Soviet Russia: +10% Dissent, -1 Guards Division)

Seven Kuban cossack lords pledged their hosts to the Army of National Purity


Xibei San Ma, Mongolia, and Siberia have become the battlegrounds for the ongoing conflict between the Great Qiu State and the Kazakh Republic. The fighting has resulted in significant casualties on both sides, with neither able to gain the upper hand. The Qiu have launched several offensives against the Kazakh Republic, hoping to claim Mongolia as their own. However, the Kazakh Generalissimo has proven to be a formidable opponent, pushing back Qiu forces and even claiming portions of Siberia. As the war drags on, there are growing concerns about the impact it will have on the region, particularly on the nomadic peoples who call these lands home. The international community has yet to weigh in on the conflict, but many fear that this could escalate into a larger, more destructive war.
(Great Qiu State: +5% Dissent, -5% Jingoism, -4 Infantry Divisions, -1 Cavalry Division)
(Kazakh Republic: +2% Dissent, -2% Jingoism, -2 Infantry Divisions, -2 Cavalry Divisions)

Seoul, Korea

A group of journalists and human rights activists known as the Friends of the World have uncovered evidence of Japanese military personnel running forced-labor camps in Korea, where local workers are subjected to inhumane conditions and forced to work without pay. The soldiers responsible for the camps are believed to be those who refused to return to Japan at the end of the war and instead stayed in Korea despite the new Manchurian Mandate. According to sources, the Japanese soldiers are claiming to be private security personnel of the factory and plantation owners in Korea in order to avoid retribution from the Korean authorities. However, the truth is that they are running a system of forced labor, where workers are forced to work long hours without proper rest or breaks, and are subjected to physical abuse and intimidation. The conditions in the camps have been described as appalling, with workers being housed in cramped and unsanitary living quarters, and being provided with little food and inadequate medical care. Many of the workers are forced to work in dangerous conditions without proper safety equipment, and have suffered serious injuries as a result. The Japanese government has yet to comment on these matters, but human rights organizations are calling for an immediate response from the international community.
(Japan: +2% Dissent, -1 Global Opinion)

“The Soviet Republic hereby calls upon all our brothers and sisters in the working class to join us in our righteous fury and muster all our strength and might to obliterate this hopeless force of reaction and tyranny, and permanently annihilate the state of Poland before its counter-revolutionary cancer brings the horrors of World Capitalist War upon us again.”
Kazimir Smekhunovich Kozlovsky
Chairman of the Belarusian Soviet Republic
Press release published in Skandalist

Belarusian Soviet Republic press release

The barbaric and heinous Polish troops have blatantly crossed the sacred borders of the Belarusian Soviet Republic and mercilessly launched a vicious and cowardly assault on innocent and defenseless communities. These ruthless invaders have callously rounded up and executed our brave and patriotic comrades, who only sought to build a fair and just society for all. The audacity and contempt of Poland for our great people have no bounds. We who did not tolerate it during the War shall not tolerate it now. The Soviet Republic hereby calls upon all our brothers and sisters in the revolutionary struggle to join us in our righteous fury and muster all our strength and might to obliterate this hopeless force of reaction and tyranny, and permanently annihilate the state of Poland before its counter-revolutionary cancer brings the horrors of World Capitalist War upon us again. We will not rest until justice is served, and the blood of our martyred comrades is avenged. The Soviet Republic will never succumb to the tyranny of the oppressors, and we will fight until the last breath to defend our revolution and secure the future of socialism for generations to come.
(Soviet Russia: +5% Dissent, +10% Jingoism)

Location: Kremenchuk, Central-Eastern Ukraine, Date: July 15-17, 1920
Published in Sevastopol party leaflets

On July 15, 1920, Voyevoda Ruslana Yevtushenko, the Ataman of the Ukrainian Cossacks, launched an attack on Kremenchuk, a city located in central-eastern Ukraine. The attack was a surprise, catching the Soviet Ukrainian defenders off-guard. The battle lasted for three days, with both sides suffering heavy losses.

  • Ukrainian Cossacks (Ataman Yevtushenko): 50,000 force strength, supported by 12 armored vehicles and 24 biplanes armed with machine guns and bombs.
  • Soviet Ukraine: 35,000 force strength, supported by 10,000 reinforcements and a 5,000-strong Russian Soviet attache division, bringing tanks and heavy artillery.
Terrain: Kremenchuk is situated on the Dnieper River, which provided a natural obstacle and was used as a defensive position by the Soviet Ukrainian forces.

Objective: The Ukrainian Cossacks sought to capture the city and control the important trade routes that ran through it. The Soviet Ukrainian forces aimed to defend the city and prevent the Cossacks from gaining control of the region.

Initial Deployment: The Ukrainian Cossacks approached the city from the south and southeast, with their armored vehicles leading the way. The Soviet Ukrainian defenders were deployed along the river, with their artillery positioned to provide cover fire.

Opening Moves: The Ukrainian Cossacks launched a coordinated attack, with their armored vehicles advancing towards the Soviet Ukrainian positions. The biplanes provided air cover and dropped bombs on the defenders, causing significant damage to their positions. The Soviet Ukrainian artillery responded with heavy fire, causing several of the armored vehicles to be disabled.

Main Battle: The battle continued over the next two days, with both sides suffering heavy losses. The Ukrainian Cossacks made several attempts to cross the river, but were repelled by the Soviet Ukrainian defenders. The Soviet Ukrainian reinforcements arrived on the second day and provided much-needed support, enabling the defenders to hold their ground.

Closing Moves: On the third day, the Soviet Ukrainian forces launched a counter-attack, supported by the Russian Soviet attache division. The combination of tanks and heavy artillery proved too much for the Ukrainian Cossacks, and they were forced to retreat.

Results: The Soviet Ukrainian defenders successfully held the city, but at a heavy cost. The Ukrainian Cossacks suffered significant losses, and their armored vehicles and biplanes were severely damaged. The city of Kremenchuk remained a bustling hub of trade for the Azov-Thrace shipping routes.

Ataman Yevtushenko: "Our victory will come, it is only a matter of time. We will continue to fight for the freedom of our people and the future of Ukraine."
Soviet Ukrainian Commander: "The sacrifice of our brave soldiers will not be forgotten. We will continue to defend our homeland and push back against those who seek to destroy our revolution."

The commander, Commander Yana Bohdanivna Maksymenko, has been nominated for the Order of the Red Banner for her exceptional leadership and bravery in the recent battle against the Ataman forces in central-eastern Ukraine. Despite being outnumbered, Commander Kovalenko inspired her troops to fight fiercely and repel the enemy's advances, effectively utilizing her tanks and heavy artillery to hold the line. Her tactical expertise and quick thinking under pressure were instrumental in turning the tide of the battle in favor of Soviet Ukraine. The nomination for the Order of the Red Banner is a well-deserved recognition of Commander Kovalenko's outstanding service to the revolutionary cause. The local Party Commandery agrees that the Commander's gender should not be considered a mark against her, and it will be considered revolutionarily inappropriate for any comrades of the forces to deride or diminish the significance of this Order through reactionary aspersions.

Ataman Voyevoda Ruslana Yevtushenko's forces:
  • 9,700 killed
  • 16,050 wounded
  • 3,400 captured
Soviet Commander Maksymenko's forces:
  • 15,750 killed
  • 12,600 wounded
  • 6,650 captured
Soviet Donbas reinforcements:
  • 4,500 killed
  • 2,250 wounded
  • 750 captured
Soviet Russian attache corps:
  • 1,350 killed
  • 900 wounded
  • 450 captured
(Ataman Ukraine: -5% Jingoism, -3 Infantry Divisions)
(Soviet Ukraine: +5% Legitimacy, -5 Revolutionary Divisions)
(Soviet Russia: -1% Jingoism)

Reinforcements enter the battle and prepare their firing lines.

Sovietgrad, Russia

Left coalitions, notably the Democratic Socialists of Poland, the Baltic People's League, and the Liberal Party, are polling ahead in most jurisdictions, but the reliability of the election results is in doubt due to voter suppression and propaganda allegations. The National Party, led by Marshal Kazowski, still controls the National Consulate, calling into question the new parliament's ability to enforce laws and implement reforms. Unrest grows with reports of increased violence by Polish paramilitary groups targeting minority groups such as Jews and neighboring political factions. Prussian nationalists demand autonomy, casting a fragile pall over Poland. As the left coalitions and the National Party face off, only time will tell if Poland will rise or succumb to radicalism and anarchy.
(Poland: +10% Dissent, +5% Jingoism, -1 Global Opinion)
(Russia, Germany: +2% Jingoism)

Essay by Comrade Pyotr Flamingovich Kuznetsurov
Sovietgrad, Russia

Comrades, listen well! The Russian Soviet Republic is set to invigorate the global labor movement by commandeering the Second International, hosting its next congress in Russia, and inviting labor parties worldwide. Our aim is to forge a broad agreement between our party and our distinguished revolutionaries, and the rest of the international movement, on the key questions of our time: vanguardism, electoralism, and pluralism. We hold dear to the belief that the working class must be ever-ready to act violently in a revolutionary moment, while also engaging in electoral politics to obtain proletarian democracy. This dual approach is the only way to take political power and establish a socialist society. Our socialist dream does not stop at our borders; we are dedicated to promoting the idea of socialism to the entire world. By hosting the next congress of the Second International, we shall establish the revolutionary leadership and credentials of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party to the global labor movement, and abide no splitters. We will establish new political organizations that shall advance socialism worldwide, promoting unionization and organizing new social democratic parties in the correct model of the RSDLP. Let the RSDLP's commitment to socialism be unwavering, and we shall not have to rest until the proletarian revolution engulfs the entire world! Long live the revolution!
(Soviet Russia: -5% Dissent, +5% Jingoism, +1 Global Opinion)
(France, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Japan: +2% Jingoism)

Donetsk, Ukraine

In a move to boost the revolution's industrial base and revive the Donbas region for Ukraine's benefit, Soviet revolutionaries of Russia are visiting the Donbas region and recruiting workers and peasants into "auxiliary revolutionary party cadres." They are establishing new emergency soviets to govern the area, recruiting new local leaders to replace those who were killed, importing Russians and Sevastopol Ukrainians as a stop-gap, and seizing bourgeois property. Resource extraction will also be restarted to supply industry in Sovietgrad and Moscow. This move is seen by some in Ukraine as an attempt by the Russian Soviet Republic to exert greater control over the Ukrainian economy and resources, but supporters steadfastly insist the spoils of the revolution will be shared.
(Ukraineshchina Combine: +10% Legitimacy, +3 Revolutionary Divisions, +1 Base IC)
(Soviet Russia: +5% Jingoism, +1 Private Enterprise, +1 State Enterprise)

Anti-Cossack leaflet distributed among Soviets

Kharkiv, Ukraine

Reports indicate that the Ukraineshchina Soviet Combine forces caught the Ataman forces by surprise in the Battle of Kharkiv. Soviet forces moved in quickly and decisively, overwhelming the Ataman's guards and gaining control of the city outskirts. The Ukraineshchina tactics seem to have involved a lightning strike aimed at taking control of strategic points in the city. Heavy shelling and small arms fire were used to great effect, with Soviet forces pushing deeper into the city center with each passing hour. By nightfall, the Ataman's forces were in full retreat, with Soviet forces consolidating their gains and preparing for the next phase of the campaign. Manpower resources and other material support were generously offered to the Ukraineshchina by the Soviets of Russia as well, allowing the socialist forces to field a significant number of troops and armaments in the battle. In light of their defeat, it remains to be seen how the Ataman Ukraine will respond to this setback. Reports suggest that they have begun a brutal campaign of reprisals against anyone suspected of Soviet activity, including the killing of entire families, generating little wonder about the navy's quiet realignment with the Soviets. The escalation of violence and the potential for further retaliation raises concerns about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the possibility of a wider regional conflict.
(Ataman Ukraine: +5% Dissent, +15% Jingoism, -1 Military Industry, -1 Private Enterprise, -1 Guards Division, -1 Infantry Division, -1 Naval Support)
(Ukraineshchina Soviet: +5% Legitimacy, +1 Base IC, +1 Naval Support)

Personal combat vehicle of Ataman Bogayevsky, the Black Ataman's younger brother; the vehicle was captured in the fighting but the man himself escaped

Sevastopol, Ukraine

Sevastopol, yet another city ravaged by war, has now re-emerged as a bustling hub of trade for the Azov-Thrace shipping routes. The Ukraineshchina Soviet Combine has taken the initiative to review the definite rules of trade with the Turkish embassy, and has successfully reestablished regular customs and duties for the Crimean over-sea trade system. This move has been welcomed by both Turkish and Soviet officials, who expressed their satisfaction with the outcome. According to a statement by Turkish ambassador Turhan Beyzbolat, "This agreement will not only benefit the people of Turkey, but also the people of Ukraine. By strengthening our commitment to protecting trade and lawful commerce, we can build a better future for our peoples and promote peace in our lands." Likewise, Taras Zoryanovych Kovalenko, a local Soviet official, expressed his enthusiasm for the renewed trade relations, saying "This is a historic moment for the revolutionary peoples of Ukraine and Turkey. By working together, we can pave the way for a new era of cooperation and prosperity." The successful negotiations mark a significant development in the sophistication of the nascent Ukrainian Soviet state, as well as clearly cement the authority of the Turkish revolutionary government in Istanbul.
(Ukraineshchina Soviet: +15% Legitimacy, +1 Base IC)
(Turkey: +1 Private Enterprise)

Budapest, Hungary

Hungary's Revolutionary Government has announced a series of wide-ranging policies aimed at transforming the country's economy, social structure, and military. Connections with international Catholic organizations and Church affiliations will factor into the evaluation of major landowners and industrialists under the new measures, with appropriate action taken when mandated, "as suits the interests of the people and republic of Hungary." Workers and unions will receive better wages and working conditions, but will be required to complete new ethics and morality training. The country's military will shift its focus to decentralized leadership through cadres and defensive tactics. Additionally, small business owners and peasants will be given key positions in the government. These policies have generated significant controversy, with some questioning their effectiveness and others expressing concern about the potential for abuse of power by the new government. The revolutionary authorities seem for the time being committed to seeing them through.
(Hungary: +1 Army Quality, -5% Dissent)

Vienna, Austria

Austria and Czechia have formed a new alliance in response to the recent instability in Poland and Bavaria. While the annexation of Zaolzie by Poland was not prevented by Czechia, the country has increased its border presence in the east accordingly. The alliance comes after months of diplomatic discussions and planning, with both countries recognizing the need for a stronger defense against potential threats in the region. The agreement includes provisions for mutual defense and intelligence sharing, as well as joint military exercises. While the specific terms of the alliance have not been disclosed, it is expected that Austria and Czechia will work closely together to promote stability and security in Central Europe. The move has been welcomed by other countries in the region, particularly Romania, which has expressed its support for the new partnership.
(Austria, Czechia: -3% Dissent, +3% Jingoism)
(Romania, Hungary: +1% Jingoism)
(Poland: +3% Jingoism)

Tokyo, Japan

One year after the police crackdown on illegal gatherings and book clubs, the city of Tokyo has seen a rise in the number of violent acts committed by unions, which have become increasingly secretive and hostile towards the authorities. The government's continued militarization efforts, combined with the suppression of free speech and dissent, have created a tense atmosphere in the city.

Among those affected by these developments are the workers at the Kawasaki shipyards, who have gone on strike to protest against poor working conditions and low wages. Their demands have been met with brutal police force, resulting in a number of arrests and injuries.

The situation has been exacerbated by the police's use of secret police operations, which have targeted union leaders and activists, resulting in further tensions and violence. Some have even accused the police of collusion with private security forces, who have been seen patrolling the city's streets and intimidating citizens.

Despite these challenges, a few individuals have emerged as leaders of the resistance against government oppression. Among them are Masahiko Takagi, a former union organizer, and Kyoko Nakamura, a student activist. Both have been vocal in their criticism of the government's policies and have organized peaceful protests and rallies.

However, their efforts have been met with resistance and intimidation from both the police and private security forces. The government has also passed a number of new laws, further restricting free speech and limiting the ability of unions to organize.

We interviewed a humble working mother: "I worry every day about my children's future. Will they be able to afford to live in this city? Will they have access to the same opportunities as those born into privilege? These are the questions that keep me up at night."
(Japan: +5% Dissent)

Baghdad, Mesopotamian Commonwealth Protectorate

After the siege of the British embassy in Baghdad and the subsequent declaration of a new government by the Iraq National Movement, the British forces launched a counter-attack to reclaim the city. The operation resulted in the destruction of large portions of the city, with civilians caught in the crossfire and suffering the consequences. The rebels were pushed back, but at a heavy cost to the city and its people. The British government has been criticized for their heavy-handed approach to the situation and their lack of concern for the well-being of the Iraqi people. The aftermath of the counter-attack has left many questioning the legitimacy of British rule in the region and the motives behind their actions. Meanwhile, the newly declared Iraqi government has vowed to continue their fight for independence and to resist foreign intervention in their affairs. The situation remains tense, with both sides unwilling to back down.
(Britain: +2% Dissent, -1 Guards Division)

British soldiers train Iraqi irregulars

Chengdu, Sichuan

As the states of China continue to assert their self-management, ideological divisions are becoming increasingly apparent among their leaders. In interviews with key figures, it is clear that some, such as Wan Jie of Sichuan and Liu Fengjiao of Guangxi, are more concerned with maintaining their own power and influence than with the fate of the Republic as a whole. Others, such as Xiong Fa of Shanxi and Ma Huang of Xibei San Ma, are more sympathetic to the Great Qiu State and its claims of a new order for China.

Meanwhile, in Tibet, the nobles and clergy are divided over their commitment to the Republic and its ideals. Some are eager to break away and form their own independent state, while others see the value in maintaining ties with the rest of China. In Yunnan, Zhao Xin and his supporters are taking a more cautious approach, weighing the benefits of self-management against the risks of alienating themselves from the rest of China.

As the Nanjing government struggles to maintain its authority in the face of these divisions and the threat of rebellion from the Great Qiu State, it is becoming increasingly clear that the states of China are more concerned with their own interests than with the greater good of the Republic.
(All Chinese states: +5% Dissent, +5% Jingoism, +1 Infantry Division)

Ahmedabad, French India

Rebel groups have been wreaking havoc in the streets of Gujarat, attacking French citizens and patrols in retaliation for what they call "French imperialism." The unrest began with protests against the French government's policies in the region, which many locals believe are exploitative and oppressive.

The situation escalated quickly, with rebels attacking police stations, military barracks, and government buildings. French citizens have been targeted in the violence, with several being injured or killed in the attacks. The French government has condemned the violence and is calling for calm, but the situation remains tense.

Many of the rebels are believed to be members of the Indian National Congress, a political party that advocates for Indian independence from British and French colonial rule. They have been joined by other groups who oppose French rule in the region, including labor unions and peasant organizations.

The French government has responded by sending in additional troops to restore order, but the rebels are proving difficult to contain. They have been able to evade capture by blending in with the local population and claiming to be peaceful protesters. The situation is further complicated by the fact that many of the rebels are well-armed and well-trained, having received military training from both Britain and France during service in the Great War.

The French government is calling on the international community to condemn the violence and support their efforts to maintain order in the region. However, some critics are accusing the French of using heavy-handed tactics and of being responsible for the unrest in the first place. The situation in Gujarat remains volatile, and there are concerns that the unrest could spread to other parts of French-controlled India. The French government has promised to do everything in its power to restore order and protect its citizens, but the rebels show no signs of backing down.
(France: +2% Dissent, -2 Guards Divisions)

“The party's rhetoric about democracy and unity is nothing more than a smokescreen for their true intentions: the centralization of power in the hands of a few elites who seek to further their own interests at the expense of the people.”
Helga König
Senior Editor for Der Beschützer, Stuttgart edition​

Editorial by Helga König
Stuttgart, Germany

The news of Valeska Adler's bid for membership in the Vereinigte Volkspartei, or V.V as its supporters call it, has left many who bother paying attention to things bemused. While Adler may be celebrated by the masses as a hero of the nation, her track record as a brutal general is not something to be taken lightly. Reports of her military cruelty during the campaign in Manchuria, for example, have caused many to question her suitability for membership in any political party, let alone a supposedly progressive one. Sure, let's just ignore the rape of Munich and hail Adler as "l'icône féministe." The Vereinigte Volkspartei's populist agenda, hiding behind the guise of progressive politics, is a thinly veiled attempt to undermine separatists and local authorities who seek to exercise their right to self-determination. The party's rhetoric about democracy and unity is nothing more than a smokescreen for their true intentions: the centralization of power in the hands of a few elites who seek to further their own interests at the expense of the people. It is a sad state of affairs when a military leader like Adler is seen as a viable candidate for membership in a supposedly progressive party. We, the people, must remain vigilant against the rise of populist politics and the erosion of democratic values in our society. Only by standing up for the principles of freedom and equality can we ensure that our nation remains a beacon of hope for future generations.
(Germany: +2% Dissent)

Dresden, Germany

In these troubled times, it is easy for the masses to be swayed by the populist rhetoric of parties such as the Vereinigte Volkspartei. While their message of unity may seem appealing, it is important to remember the history that has brought us to this point. The German Federalist Alliance, the unelected committee that has ruled since the occupation of Cologne, has been little more than a puppet of the French forces. Its participation in the Sino-Japanese War and collaboration with new forces aligned with their agenda has only served to sow the seeds of separatism in our nation. The recent destruction of Munich and the rise of the Witch of Munich are clear examples of the dangers of this path. We must resist the temptation to ally ourselves with those who would lead us down the same path of destruction.

I, the great William Braun, magnate of both the German automobile firm, Braunwagen, and petrol processer and enginecraftwork concern extraordinaire, Braunkraft, have seen firsthand the power of rational discussion, modern enlightenment values, and cooperation in achieving success. And I, for one, am deeply concerned by the rising tide of chauvinism that threatens our nation's hard-won freedoms. Throughout the centuries, the Holy Roman Empire stood as a shining example of democracy and self-determination, with its various states enjoying a high degree of autonomy while still maintaining a sense of unity and common purpose. However, this delicate balance was shattered during the devastating wars of the 20th century, which left Germany battered and divided. It is only by remembering the liberties of the Holy Roman Empire that we can hope to rebuild our nation and move forward into a brighter future. We must reject the violent and oppressive tactics of the past and embrace a more cooperative and inclusive approach to governance. The savage and barbaric actions taken by the Cologne government in brutally suppressing the Bavarian separatist movement are a disgraceful affront to the very principles of democracy and human decency.

To rebuild our nation and pave the way for a brighter future, we must hark back to the liberties of the Holy Roman Empire. We must repudiate the violent and oppressive methods of yore and embrace a more cooperative and inclusive approach to governance. The suppression of the Bavarian separatist movement is but one example of the dangers of authoritarianism and the importance of safeguarding our democratic institutions.

As we strive towards a peaceful and prosperous tomorrow, we must also tackle the deep-seated social and economic inequalities that still afflict our society. By promoting education, innovation, and entrepreneurship, we can build a truly open and inclusive society, where all Germans can flourish and attain success. Let us never forget the lessons of our history, and let us come together to forge a future that is worthy of our illustrious heritage. I call on all my countrymen: let us shun the blood-soaked ways of the current government and demand elections now.
(Germany: +2% Dissent)

Hanover, Germany

Fellow Germans, heed my call! As you are doubtless aware, I am Hans Mueller, owner of the Hanoverian shipping concern, Adlerfangen Versandlinien. Perhaps you have read the recent article out of Dresden by the so-called "great" William Braun. I implore you to open your minds to the glory of the German federal government and that of our great Chancellor, Helmuth Himmelstürmer. Recent events may have rocked us, but we must keep our heads held high and remember that only stability and order can bring us the riches we so deserve. As a savvy businessman, I can attest to the benefits of a strong economy and a stable government. My dear friend, the bigwig of the Greater Ruhr Holding Company, I think you know his name, can corroborate the same. We both know that the German Federalist Alliance and the current government are our best hope for the future, especially with the global economic woes we face.

To the Vereinigte Volkspartei, I say: continue to fight the good fight and defend the capital from those rebel scum! Don't be fooled by the separatists' catchy slogans and seductive words, for they seek to tear us apart and ruin our great nation. Only a strong and united government can protect us from such evils. So let us not succumb to fear and the ravings of the populace. We must trust in the democratic process and band together to create a better tomorrow for ourselves and our nation. Trust in the German Federalist Alliance and Chancellor Himmelstürmer, for they are our guiding lights towards a brighter future.
(Germany: -1% Dissent)

Stuttgart, Germany

On a dark evening in Stuttgart, a protest by students turned violent as they surrounded a police station and began throwing petrol bombs at advancing officers and smashing windows. The police were vastly outnumbered and overwhelmed, with many officers beaten by the protesters. Eventually, reinforcements arrived and the protesters were forced to flee. However, the violence has left a deep scar on the community. The mayor of Stuttgart, Sabine Mueller, expressed support for the students, stating that their grievances are valid and their voices deserve to be heard. However, she also condemned the violence and called for peaceful protests to continue. The Regional Consulate, run by the Federal government, has responded with warrants for the arrest of several students and local activists on charges of sedition and conspiracy to commit treason.

The events in Stuttgart are a reflection of the growing tension between the German government and the people it governs. The rise of populist movements and the increasing sense of alienation felt by many Germans have led to a sense of mistrust towards the government and its institutions. It is important to remember that peaceful protest is a fundamental right in any democratic society. However, violence and destruction are never acceptable. It is up to both the government and the people to work towards a more harmonious and just society, where grievances can be addressed through dialogue and compromise. It is also important to remember that these issues are not unique to Germany. Across Europe and around the world, people are struggling with similar issues and seeking solutions to the challenges of the modern world. We must learn from each other and work together to build a better future for all.

The following are the names of the students and local activists with arrest warrants issued by the Regional Consulate: Friedrich Mueller, Johanna Bauer, Leon Schwarz, Lara Berger, Andreas Becker, Katja Wagner, Peter Hoffmann, Anna Schmitt.
(Germany: +2% Dissent)

Munich, Germany

The bombed-out city courthouse of Munich stood as a grim reminder of the shattered hopes and dreams of the people of Bavaria. It was here that General Valeska Adler had been appointed to lead the Hinz Conspiracy Trials, and it was here that she would unleash a reign of terror upon the people.

The walls of the courthouse were stained with blood and the air was heavy with the stench of death. The very stones of the building seemed to cry out in agony as the accused were dragged before General Adler, their fate already sealed. The once-proud German people were now but pawns in the hands of a ruthless tyrant, their very lives at the mercy of her whim.

General Adler, with her cold, unfeeling eyes and her steely complexion, presided over the trials with a merciless hand. Her power was absolute, her judgment final. No one dared to question her authority, for to do so was to invite certain death.

The people of Germany, once so proud and free, were now cowed and subjugated. The very essence of their being had been crushed by the brutal regime of Chancellor Himmelstürmer and his cronies. They were nothing more than slaves to the will of this witch, his pet dragon; mere instruments to be used and discarded at their pleasure.

The trials went on, day after day, their outcome already predetermined. The accused were found guilty without exception, and their punishment was swift and brutal. The people watched in horror as over a dozen beloved war heroes and politicians were dragged away to face the firing squad or the noose.

And yet, through it all, there remained a glimmer of hope. A small flame that refused to be extinguished, no matter how fierce the winds of tyranny blew. For even in the darkest of times, there were those who refused to bow to the will of the oppressor. There were those who dared to stand up and fight, no matter the cost. Those who ensured the record would remember their dissent. Again, without exception, these voices were silenced, and by the end, the halls held only echoes.

The people of Germany may have been crushed, but they were not defeated. They would rise again, stronger and more determined than ever before. They would not be cowed by the likes of Chancellor Himmelstürmer, General Adler, or their cronies. They would fight, and they would win. For in the end, the light of freedom would always shine through the darkness of tyranny.
(Germany: -5% Dissent, +5% Jingoism)

Witnesses take the stand to give testimony against officers accused of Hinz Conspiracy

Paris, France

The French government has announced a massive increase in defense spending, specifically targeting heavy industrial equipment and armored vehicles. The move comes in response to a perceived threat from Germany, which has recently faced financial difficulties due to reparation payments to Britain and France. The French government hopes that this increased spending will provide a deterrent against any potential aggression from Germany.

This increased spending has already had an impact on the French economy, with a surge in private enterprise investment in the defense sector. Companies specializing in heavy industrial equipment and armored vehicles have seen a significant uptick in demand, and many are expanding their production facilities to keep up. The French government has also announced plans to host a military technology fair in Marseille in early 1921, which is expected to attract significant interest from militaries around the world.

While the French government has not disclosed the total amount of the increase in defense spending, experts predict that it could be in the billions of francs. Some critics have expressed concern that such a large increase in spending could strain the French economy, but others argue that the potential benefits of increased security outweigh any potential drawbacks.

Meanwhile, the British government has announced a significant investment in aircraft technology, with a particular focus on military applications. The move comes as part of a broader effort to modernize the British armed forces and maintain a technological edge over potential adversaries.

Private enterprise investment in aircraft technology has also increased in response to the government's announcement. Many companies are focusing on developing more advanced aircraft, including bombers and fighters, as well as improving existing designs. The British government has also provided funding for several research institutions to support the development of aircraft technology.
(Britain: +2 Private Enterprise, +1 Military Industry)
(France: +2 Private Enterprise, +1 Military Industry)
(Russia: +1 Private Enterprise)
(Poland: -1 Private Enterprise)
(Germany: +1 Private Enterprise)
(Italy: +1 Private Enterprise)
(Japan: -1 Private Enterprise)
(USA: +2 Private Enterprise)
(China: -1 Private Enterprise)
(Spain: -1 Private Enterprise)
(Portugal: +1 Private Enterprise)
(Mexico: +2 Private Enterprise)
(All nations with less than 45% Dissent: +1 Private Enterprise)

“The local jury has posthumously found Choosibald and Presley guilty of all charges, including an additional charge of evading arrest.”
Ophelia Laurents
Local contributor to Niña

White Oak City, Mexico

The battle of White Oak City will go down in history as a major turning point in the U.S.-Mexico War. It was a brutal conflict that lasted for days, with both sides taking heavy losses, but in the end, the U.S. emerged victorious.

The commanders on both sides were skilled and experienced, with the Mexican army led by General Antonio Ramirez and the U.S. army led by General David Parker. Ramirez had been given the unenviable task of defending White Oak City, a strategically important location in central Mexico. Parker, on the other hand, was determined to capture the city and push further into Mexican territory.

The battle began with a fierce bombardment by the U.S. army, using artillery and air support to soften up the Mexican defenses. However, the terrain around the city was difficult, with the White Oak River providing a natural barrier that the Mexican army was able to exploit. Ramirez had positioned his troops along the river, taking advantage of the natural cover to hold off the U.S. advance.

Parker, however, was not deterred. He ordered a series of assaults on the Mexican positions, sending waves of infantry and tanks across the river to engage the defenders. The fighting was intense and brutal, with both sides taking heavy losses. However, the U.S. was eventually able to break through the Mexican lines and push into the city.

The battle then turned into a street-by-street, house-by-house fight, with the U.S. soldiers facing determined resistance from the Mexican defenders. However, Parker's strategy of using air support and artillery to soften up the enemy positions before sending in his troops proved effective, and the U.S. slowly but surely gained ground.

The Mexican army, meanwhile, was facing numerous complications. They were running low on supplies and ammunition, and their troops were exhausted from the constant fighting. Additionally, there were reports of dissent among the troops, with some questioning the leadership of Ramirez.

Despite these setbacks, Ramirez was determined to hold on to the city. He had faith in his troops and believed that they could turn the tide of the battle. However, as the fighting continued, it became clear that the U.S. had the upper hand.

In the end, the U.S. was able to capture White Oak City, dealing a major blow to the Mexican army. The victory was a turning point in the war, allowing the U.S. to push further into Mexican territory and gain valuable ground. However, the cost of the battle was high, with both sides taking heavy losses.

As for the commanders, Parker emerged from the battle as a hero, praised for his skillful tactics and determination. Ramirez, on the other hand, faced criticism for his failure to defend the city. However, reports indicate that he remains determined to continue the fight, convinced that the Mexican army could still turn the tide of the war.
(United States: +2% Dissent, -4 Infantry Divisions, -2 Cavalry Divisions)
(Mexico: +5% Dissent, -5% Jingoism, -4 Infantry Divisions, -3 Guards Divisions)

White Oak City, after the fighting

Sacagawea City, United States of America

The U.S. offensive in California came to an abrupt and catastrophic halt with the Battle of Sacramento. American forces, led by General Robert McAllister, had made significant gains in Northern California, pushing back Mexican troops and capturing several key locations despite setbacks. However, their momentum was halted when they faced Mexican aerial support in the form of planes and airships, which had been acquired from Europe.

Mexican General Julio Hernández had anticipated the American advance and deployed his aerial forces to devastating effect. The Americans were caught off guard and unprepared for the new technology, which proved to be superior to their own outdated equipment. The Mexican planes and airships bombarded the American ground troops with incendiary bombs, while the American planes were quickly shot down.

General McAllister attempted to counter the aerial attack by deploying his anti-aircraft guns, but the Mexican pilots were too skilled, and they were able to evade most of the fire. In the end, the American forces were routed, and they were forced to retreat to the nearby state of Sacagawea.

The Battle of Sacramento should be a major lesson for the Americans, as it demonstrates the power of aerial warfare and the need for the United States to modernize its military. General McAllister, who had previously been skeptical of the use of planes in warfare, is perhaps now to become a fervent advocate for their development and deployment in future conflicts.

The Mexican victory in Sacramento also boosted morale among their troops and their allies, who were previously demoralized by the American advances. General Hernández is being hailed in Mexican media as a hero, and his successful deployment of aerial support seems to have earned him the nickname "the Sky General."

The aftermath of the battle saw the United States hastily pulling back its troops and abandoning its gains in Northern California. The Mexican army regained control of the region, and their aerial superiority allowed them to dominate the skies and continue their advance towards the American heartland. The future of the war now hung in the balance, and both sides were preparing for what promised to be a long and brutal conflict.
(United States: -5% Jingoism, -4 Infantry Divisions)
(Mexico: -2 Infantry Divisions, -1 Guards Divisions)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The socialist confederation of South America has been rocked by internal conflicts as the Franco-British blockade continues to wreak havoc on the continent's economy. The Peruvian delegation has been pushing for greater economic reforms to combat the dire situation, while the Bolivian faction has been advocating for more aggressive measures against the blockade. Meanwhile, the Chilean delegates have been more focused on rebuilding their own economy rather than the confederation's as a whole. In Argentina, the ruling socialist party has been facing increasing pressure from opposition parties as the economic situation worsens. President Luisa Mendez has been struggling to hold the government together, with many accusing her of being too passive in the face of the blockade. The situation is made worse by the fact that the confederation's military forces are stretched thin, with many units being deployed to the frontlines to fend off the invading forces of Brazil and Uruguay. As tensions continue to rise, it remains to be seen if the confederation can remain united in the face of these challenges.
(Federation of People's Republics: +5% Dissent, -1 Private Enterprise)

New Orleans, United States of America

Protests have broken out in New Orleans following the recent shooting of two black sharecroppers by police. The two men, Aloysius Choosibald and Solomon Presley, were wanted by Arkansas officials on charges of burglary, conspiracy to commit murder, arson, and murder. The men had been on the run for a month, fleeing south from a pasture-slaughterhouse somewhere in the vicinity of Conway. According to police reports, Choosibald and Presley were attempting to leave the country by boat when they were shot and killed by police. However, an advocacy community based in New Orleans is disputing the official account of events, accusing Arkansas officials of unjustly pursuing the men on account of accusations of perversion. The controversy has grown further with the appearance of a private investigator named Ridley Valentine, who is reportedly asking questions about the route the two men took to escape and the approach of the authorities in apprehending them. The local jury has posthumously found Choosibald and Presley guilty of all charges, including an additional charge of evading arrest. However, many are calling for a closer examination of the circumstances surrounding their deaths, and there is talk of a potential lawsuit. The incident has added to growing tensions and dissent in the United States, with many seeing it as another example of systemic discrimination and injustice based on racial prejudice, what some refer to as "racism." The protests in New Orleans are just the latest in a string of demonstrations across the country calling for accountability and reform.
(America: +2% Dissent)

“As long as there are those who hold the reins of power, there will always be oppression and exploitation of the working class. But the people of the colonized world have the power to rise up and, through the principles of correct and disciplined political practice, and with the support and leadership of professional revolutionaries, create a new society, one that prioritizes the needs of the many over the greed of the few. Let us continue to struggle until victory is achieved and the workers finally hold the reins of power.”
Xandra Alonzo
Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of the Philippines Socialist Revolutionary Party newsletter​

Manila, The Philippines

The victorious Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRP) of the Philippines has announced the establishment of new government bureaus, to be staffed by comrades who have demonstrated their dedication to the revolution and the people. These bureaus will replace the imperialist ones of the old colonialist regime, and will be staffed by a new generation of revolutionary cadres with names as uncommon as the glory of the socialist future.

Comrade Diego Cao, the new Minister of Agriculture and Land Reforms, will be responsible for overseeing the redistribution of land to the peasants, who have suffered for too long under the yoke of the landlords. Comrade Cao has been an active member of the SRP since he was a youth, and has always been committed to the revolutionary cause and the liberation of the slave-peasantry.

Comrade Xandra Alonzo, the new Minister of Health and Social Welfare, will be responsible for ensuring that the people have access to quality healthcare and social services. Comrade Alonzo has been a dedicated communist since her student days, and has worked tirelessly to organize the people and build the party.

Comrade Ismael Domingo, the new Minister of Education and Culture, will be responsible for building a new system of education that is based on the needs of the people, rather than the interests of the imperialists and the bourgeoisie. Comrade Domingo has been a revolutionary since his early days as a teacher, and has always believed that education is the key to liberation.

These new socialist bureaus will be staffed by comrades who are educated, fierce, and determined communists to the core. They will work tirelessly to carry out the directives of the party, and to build a new society that is based on the principles of socialism and communism. The people of the Philippines can be assured that the revolution will continue, and that the imperialists and the bourgeoisie will be defeated.
(Philippines: -5% Dissent, +1 Public Services)


OOC: Map and stats will be updated sometime this week.
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From: Emperor-Regent Luigi Umberto I of Italy
To: France

We have heard distressing reports that the agreed upon withdrawal of French forces from Italy have been delayed due to unspecified concerns about political tensions and the stability of the region. Let me assuage any fears that you may have - the Italian people have never been more united in our aim to ensure peace, prosperity and democracy flourishes across our country and all of Europe. While there are a few troublemakers, our appropriately sized armed forces are more than capable of keeping the peace.

If there are any specific concerns that need to raised I, Emperor-Regent Luigi Umberto I, implore you to contact me immediately so we can work together to usher in a new decade of peace and prosperity.
To France, Germany, Portugal, England, Italy

Dear all,
Apparently Russia is threatening war to my nation. Please help.
For the benefit of the international community, we will restate our communique to Poland, made in-private such that this matter need not arose international tensions and be dealt with swiftly and diplomatically:
Polish soldiers have crossed over into Soviet territory - you understand this is an act of war? What explanation does Poland offer for what has happened and what will Poland offer to make amends for this unacceptable attack?
Russia has no interest in restarting the Great War - we were a foremost opponent of that wretched battle of proletarians against proletarians. Poland, however, must answer for reports that its soldiers have crossed the border into Belarus. We remain ready to hear reasonable offers of restitution.

From the press:
Belarusian Soviet Republic press release
The barbaric and heinous Polish troops have blatantly crossed the sacred borders of the Belarusian Soviet Republic and mercilessly launched a vicious and cowardly assault on innocent and defenseless communities...
Our plans and reasons for the Commonwealth
by the Republic of Portugal

1. The empire shall be divided into the PORTUGUESE IMPERIAL COMMONWEALTH (CIP) composed of Portugal, Brazil, Guinea, Mozambique, Ghana and Goa. Each Member shall have fully domestic autonomy with Lisbon handling foreign affairs', defense, inter member trade, justice and disputes between members

2. They shall elect their own Member Assembly along with Chief Minister to handle day to day affairs. A Governor shall be sent by Lisbon as an observer with the only power to call new elections in the case of a Vote of No Confidence.

3. The National Congress shall be expanded to 199 members to include representatives from all members. Members for the National Congress shall be elected by the Member Assembly.

The CIP Will:
Empower local populations: By offering more political representation to the local populations in the colonies, the Imperial Commonwealth will create a loyal base of supporters.

5. Encourage economic diversification: By promoting the development of industries and businesses by offering incentives for investment in new industries, providing loans to small businesses, or investing in infrastructure projects.

6. Forge alliances with the banking sector: The Imperial Commonwealth will work to build strong relationships with the banking sector. By offering favorable regulations, tax incentives, or investment opportunities, the Commonwealth will encourage the banks to support policies that increase representation in the colonies.

7. Leverage education: By investing in education campaigns that highlight the benefits of increased representation in the colonies, the Imperial Commonwealth can sway public opinion by promoting a narrative of national unity and shared prosperity, as well as emphasizing the historical and cultural connections between the colonies and the mainland.

8. Implement social and welfare policies: By addressing social and economic inequalities in the colonies, the Imperial Commonwealth will win the support of the local populations by investing in healthcare, education, and social welfare programs, as well as introducing labor protections and land reforms.

9. Strengthen military presence: A strong military presence in the colonies can help to enforce the Imperial Commonwealth's policies and maintain order. By investing in the local defense forces and recruiting from the local population, the Commonwealth can create a sense of shared responsibility and commitment to its political goals.

10. Foster cultural exchange: By promoting cultural exchange between the colonies and the mainland, the Imperial Commonwealth can foster a sense of shared identity and mutual understanding by sponsoring cultural events, exchange programs, and educational initiatives that highlight the commonalities between the various regions under its control.

Portugal has enduring because we have been willing to change, to tack our sails to the strongest winds. Our journey will be difficult but together we shall reach our destination together.
For the benefit of the international community, we will restate our communique to Poland, made in-private such that this matter need not arose international tensions and be dealt with swiftly and diplomatically:

Russia has no interest in restarting the Great War - we were a foremost opponent of that wretched battle of proletarians against proletarians. Poland, however, must answer for reports that its soldiers have crossed the border into Belarus. We remain ready to hear reasonable offers of restitution.

From the press
I bet you its Russian propaganda
The Liberal Party under Mike Zaprowzk plans to change Poland, by having Poland turn to an industrial power, yet giving the workers in Poland rights too. The liberal Polish government also plans to make alliances with the west.
Marshal Kowalski sits at home quietly. He remembers the days of his past, when his kids were still young and his wife was still around. Too late now, his daughters grew up and had families of their own. His wife had passed away. He sat quietly. The voice of Louis Bergouis came back to him, saying "Janos, you regret what you did, right? Right, Janos?" Kowalski laughed.
"Louis, I won't regret it. But it's nice that I finally get some rest in my life. I did love leading Poland. Now, let's see where this new government goes." Louis' ghastly presence faded away. Janos Kowalski sat down in his chair and said, "It's been one heck of a life." before peacefully moving on.
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I miss the old Poland, straight from the go Poland, shoot up the frogs Poland, set on its goals Poland; I hate the new Poland, the bad mood Poland, the always rude Poland, spaz in the news Poland

EDIT: nvm, that's before your time, @Caesar of Bread :splat:
I miss the old Poland, straight from the go Poland, shoot up the frogs Poland, set on its goals Poland; I hate the new Poland, the bad mood Poland, the always rude Poland, spaz in the news Poland

EDIT: nvm, that's before your time, @Caesar of Bread :splat:
Why shoot frogs when you can shoot bears?

Russia, I'd kindly ask you to give me Belarus, or war will ensue. France, alliance?

The Russians have been a traitor to the socialist ideals, so we must free their people and purify their government. Our great French neighbors could lend some help...
Diplomacy cannot be conducted by the means of demands. That you may possess a mighty ally does not change the fact that the new order established after the deaths of millions of European soldiers. We urge Poland to cease immediately its belligerent rhetoric, and instead, allow the Western Commission to investigate the Belarusian matter. Once that is cleared up, the international community can move on with a decision as to which side has been wronged.
Diplomacy cannot be conducted by the means of demands. That you may possess a mighty ally does not change the fact that the new order established after the deaths of millions of European soldiers. We urge Poland to cease immediately its belligerent rhetoric, and instead, allow the Western Commission to investigate the Belarusian matter. Once that is cleared up, the international community can move on with a decision as to which side has been wronged.
Alright (groans in discontent)
Russia has been nothing but magnanimous to the bloodthirsty dictator in Warsaw who, every day, finds novel ways to threaten Russia.

Polish soldiers crossed into Belarus and killed Soviet citizens. That is an act of war that only by Russia's mercy and grace have we have not responded to with the full might of the Red Army. We asked for an explanation. We have received none. We asked for proposals of restitution. We have received none.

Poland's only response thus far has, without irony, been to demand the very territory they mercilessly terrorized. What more evidence does any observer need? The damage is done.

For Poland to recover its reputation, Marshal Kazowski needs to resign and the National Party needs to cede executive control from the National Consulate to the democratically elected parliamentary majority of the Coalition for People's Progress.

Unlike Poland, we are not threatening anything should they fail to make good on their own promises of a free election - we merely observe that failing to do so strains the international situation for everyone.
Russia has been nothing but magnanimous to the bloodthirsty dictator in Warsaw who, every day, finds novel ways to threaten Russia.

Polish soldiers crossed into Belarus and killed Soviet citizens. That is an act of war that only by Russia's mercy and grace have we have not responded to with the full might of the Red Army. We asked for an explanation. We have received none. We asked for proposals of restitution. We have received none.

Poland's only response thus far has, without irony, been to demand the very territory they mercilessly terrorized. What more evidence does any observer need? The damage is done.

For Poland to recover its reputation, Marshal Kazowski needs to resign and the National Party needs to cede executive control from the National Consulate to the democratically elected parliamentary majority of the Coalition for People's Progress.

Unlike Poland, we are not threatening anything should they fail to make good on their own promises of a free election - we merely observe that failing to do so strains the international situation for everyone.
Kazowski has died. The Liberals lead Poland now.

As if your nation has had any elections. Besides, the Belarus crisis may have just been some sort of Russian propaganda. It probably is.
From: French Empire
To: All Concerned Parties, on the Matter of Poland
At this point we are truly forced to consider Poland to be a rogue state. This is not a decision we take lightly, nor will we be going back on it. The only acceptable outcome is regime change. We will act accordingly, under our own counsel, and with input from our allies. The issue of one rogue state - Poland - and its aggression against another rogue state - the illegal "Soviet" regime in Russia - is by its nature a thorny question. We at least know the Soviets to be consistent, unlike the Poles, and any military action that Poland might take against them does not have the Bonaparte imprimatur. That said, we consider Poland's present borders to be a matter which has been settled by the Western Commission, and we will act decisively to prevent a partition, or any other action meant to abrogate the Polish people's sovereignty.
Rules Update Overhaul is here, folks! What does that mean?

It means I read Shadowbound's new rules for a game that he has yet to even post about on here, and realized that this game which I created with Powered by the Apocalypse-style rules and resolution would really work a lot better if I exposed the clocks and dice rolls, and maybe tightened up some of the problems and inconsistencies that arose from my trying to write about everything, and comment on everything even if indirectly to establish the game reality through pure context. Frankly, lots of you have been doing stuff you ain't been getting feedback on, despite my extensive articles and national updates. So it's time to make things more ELEGANT.

The New Rules are presented here in a spoiler box. The rest of the rules have been rephrased for ease of use as well. Overall it should flow much better and spending should be much less confusing.

In order to make these rules fully useful to y'all, I still need to update the stats in a way to eliminate Leveraged Weight forever, add FIRE to everyone, and, most importantly, add all your active Crisis Clocks! And from now on, the game updates will display every crisis clocks and all changes or progressions made to them as a result of all player actions, which will also be reported. Hot diggity dog!

When will the new stats be finished? Well, you know me: end of the week.

Current orders hard deadline for the next update, Turn 3, 1921, is April 31st. Hope to update May 2.

Spoiler New Rules (3/26) :

The Rules​

“In the Beginning was Napoleon” is a PbtA-styled game where players take on the roles of governments of nations, trying to rebuild and navigate the complex political landscape in the aftermath of the Great War between the French-led Western Commission and the Central Republics. These game rules are intended to provide a unique roleplaying experience that focuses on nation-building and international relations in a complex, post-war setting. Players will need to navigate the delicate balance of power, manage crises, and make strategic decisions to ensure their nation's prosperity and security.

You will most likely play as the government of some state or empire, and you will endeavor to expand the power and basis of your mandate and prove the glory of your nation. Vive la révolution.

If you scroll to the bottom of this post, you will see rules that allow you also to play as a rebellion or revolutionary movement, and endeavor to liberate an oppressed nation. Bonne chance! Tu en auras besoin.

Core Stats & Economics​

Industrial Capacity
  1. Private Enterprise (PE)
  2. Public Services (PS)
  3. Military Industry (MI)
  4. State Enterprise (SE)
  5. FIRE (Finance, Investments, & Real Estate)
Each core stat in "In the Beginning was Napoleon" serves a distinct purpose in addressing various challenges and opportunities that nations face, and describes one of five key pillars of your nation's total Industrial Capacity. Private Enterprise focuses on private sector growth, Public Services emphasize the well-being of citizens, Military Industry deals with national defense and strategic power, State Enterprise represents government-controlled industries, and FIRE covers the financial sector and real estate market. By strategically utilizing these core stats, players can navigate their nation through various crises and make decisions that shape the course of their nation's future.

Crisis Clocks represent the ongoing threats and challenges faced by the nations, and players will need to utilize their core stats to overcome checks, prevent the progression of Crisis Clocks, and manage their nation's resources and interests effectively.

Resolution Mechanics

1-6: Failure
7-9: Mixed Success
10-12: Success
13+: Great Success

National Moves: Players can make moves on behalf of their nation to address ongoing crises or to seize opportunities. When making a move, players roll 2d6 and add the number of IC they invest. The outcomes follow the usual PbtA structure: strong hit (10+), weak hit (7-9), or miss (6 or below).

Example moves include:
  • Economic Stimulus (PE): Boost the economy by investing in private enterprises.
  • Infrastructure Improvement (PS): Enhance public services and amenities for citizens.
  • Military Expansion (MI): Strengthen the nation's military power and defense capabilities.
  • Industrial Development (SE): Advance the nation's industry and technological innovations through state-owned enterprises.
  • Financial Strategy (FIRE): Leverage finance, investments, and real estate to create wealth and improve the nation's financial standing.
International Moves: Players can make moves that involve interactions with other nations. These moves may involve diplomacy, trade, espionage, or even war. Similar to National Moves, players roll 2d6 and add the number of IC they invest.

Example moves include:
  • Diplomatic Negotiations (PS): Engage with other nations to forge alliances, treaties, or trade agreements.
  • Covert Operations (MI): Use espionage or other clandestine tactics to gather information, sabotage, or influence other nations.
  • Military Invasion (MI): Use combat divisions, supply lines, and taxpayer money to defeat targeted military units and seize control of property and territory.
  • International Trade (PE or SE): Establish trade routes and agreements to boost the economy and resource acquisition.
Crisis Clocks: These clocks represent ongoing threats and challenges faced by the nations, such as political unrest, economic collapse, or external aggression. Crisis Clocks may vary in the number of segments, depending on the severity and complexity of the crisis. Players will need to make successful moves to prevent or reduce the progression of Crisis Clocks. Failing moves or ignoring the crises can lead to the advancement of the clocks. When a Crisis Clock is full, the related event or consequence is triggered, potentially impacting the nation's stability, resources, or international relations.

Example Crisis Clocks:
  • Civil Unrest: Represents the growing dissatisfaction among the population, which may lead to protests, strikes, or even a revolution.
  • Economic Recession: Indicates a weakening economy, with potential consequences such as unemployment, inflation, and reduced investment.
  • International Tensions: Tracks escalating conflicts or disputes with other nations, which may lead to sanctions, proxy wars, or open conflict.
Collaborative Storytelling and Agenda: The game master (GM) is responsible for guiding the narrative, playing non-player nations, and presenting challenges and opportunities for the player nations. The GM follows a set of principles and an agenda to ensure a balanced and engaging gameplay experience, with the primary focus on storytelling and nation-building.

The Principles:
  • Emphasize the consequences of actions, both positive and negative.
  • Introduce new challenges and opportunities that encourage players to adapt and make interesting choices.
  • Create a living world, where non-player nations have their own agendas and goals.
  • Encourage cooperation and competition between player nations.
Private Enterprise (PE)

Private Enterprise represents the strength of a nation's private sector, including its ability to innovate, create jobs, and drive economic growth. This stat is useful for situations where the nation's government relies on the private sector to address economic or infrastructural challenges.

Situations and General Utility:
  • Encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation to create new industries and jobs.
  • Boosting the economy by incentivizing investment in private companies.
  • Addressing infrastructure challenges through public-private partnerships.
  • Crisis Clocks related to unemployment or stagnant economic growth.
Public Services (PS)

Public Services represents the nation's commitment to providing essential services such as healthcare, education, and public transportation for its citizens. This stat is useful for situations that require the improvement or expansion of public services to maintain social stability and quality of life.

Situations and General Utility:
  • Improving the quality of healthcare or education to increase overall well-being.
  • Expanding public transportation to improve accessibility and connectivity.
  • Responding to natural disasters or other emergencies with efficient public services.
  • Crisis Clocks related to social unrest, public health, or infrastructure decay.
Military Industry (MI)

Military Industry reflects the nation's military capabilities, defense industry, and strategic power. This stat is useful for situations that involve national defense, intelligence, or international conflicts.

Situations and General Utility:
  • Strengthening the nation's military forces to deter aggression from other nations.
  • Developing advanced defense technologies and weaponry.
  • Engaging in covert operations, intelligence gathering, or espionage.
  • Crisis Clocks related to international conflicts, internal security threats, or military expansion.
State Enterprise (SE)

State Enterprise represents the nation's state-owned enterprises and industries, which are controlled or managed by the government. This stat is useful for situations where the government plays a central role in the economy, directing resources and investments towards key projects and initiatives.

Situations and General Utility:
  • Developing national infrastructure projects, such as highways, power plants, or telecommunications networks.
  • Supporting strategic industries, such as energy production, transportation, or manufacturing.
  • Implementing economic policies or regulations that benefit state-owned enterprises.
  • Crisis Clocks related to economic inequality, monopolies, or nationalization of industries.
FIRE (Finance, Investments, & Real Estate)

FIRE stands for Finance, Investments, and Real Estate, and represents the nation's financial sector, its ability to attract and manage investments, and the overall health of the real estate market. This stat is useful for situations that involve financial strategy, managing national wealth, and improving the nation's fiscal health.

Situations and General Utility:
  • Attracting foreign investment by creating favorable business environments and incentives.
  • Managing national debt and budgeting to ensure fiscal stability and sustainability.
  • Developing a robust and diverse financial sector, including banks, insurance companies, and investment firms.
  • Encouraging growth in the real estate market to boost property values and increase revenue from taxes.
  • Crisis Clocks related to financial crises, inflation, housing bubbles, or credit crunches.
Crisis Clocks

Crisis Clocks are used to track ongoing threats and challenges faced by the nations. The following taxonomy of Crisis Clocks is organized by major assets, obstacles, and features of the game environment.

Economic Crises:
  • 1. Unemployment Crisis: Represents high levels of unemployment, which can lead to social unrest and decreased quality of life.
  • 2. Stagnant Economic Growth: Tracks slow or negative economic growth, which can strain government resources and hinder development.
  • 3. Inflation and Currency Crisis: Monitors unstable currency values and high inflation rates, which can erode purchasing power and disrupt trade.
  • 4. Debt Crisis: Measures unsustainable levels of national debt, which can lead to austerity measures and reduced public services.
Social and Political Crises:
  • 5. Civil Unrest: Represents growing dissatisfaction among the population, potentially leading to protests, strikes, or even revolution.
  • 6. Political Corruption: Tracks pervasive corruption within the government, which can undermine public trust and hinder policy implementation.
  • 7. Refugee Crisis: Monitors the influx of refugees from neighboring conflicts, which can strain public services and create tensions within the population.
  • 8. Public Health Crisis: Measures outbreaks of diseases or other public health emergencies that can impact the well-being of the population.
Military and Security Crises:
  • 9. International Tensions: Represents escalating conflicts or disputes with other nations, which may lead to sanctions, proxy wars, or open conflict.
  • 10. Internal Security Threats: Tracks threats from within the nation, such as terrorism, organized crime, or separatist movements.
  • 11. Arms Race: Monitors the competition between nations to develop advanced weaponry and military technologies, potentially destabilizing the balance of power.
  • 12. Border Disputes: Measures ongoing disputes over territorial claims, which can lead to skirmishes, military buildups, or diplomatic breakdowns.
Environmental and Resource Crises:
  • 13. Resource Scarcity: Represents the depletion of essential resources such as water, food, or energy, which can lead to competition and conflict.
  • 14. Natural Disaster: Tracks the occurrence and aftermath of natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes, which can strain infrastructure and public services.
  • 15. Climate Change: Monitors the impact of climate change on the nation, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, or ecosystem disruptions.
  • 16. Pollution and Environmental Degradation: Measures the effects of pollution and environmental damage on public health, natural resources, and the economy.
Technological and Infrastructure Crises:
  • 17. Infrastructure Decay: Represents the deterioration of essential infrastructure, such as transportation networks, power grids, or communication systems.
  • 18. Technological Gap: Tracks a nation's lag in technological advancements, which can hinder economic growth and global competitiveness.
  • 19. Metasecurity Threats: Monitors threats to a nation's bureaucratic infrastructure and information systems, such as espionage, data breaches, or “hacking.”
  • 20. Energy Crisis: Measures the nation's reliance on non-renewable energy sources and the potential consequences of energy shortages or disruptions.
Diplomatic and Geopolitical Crises:
  • 21. Diplomatic Isolation: Represents a nation's weakening diplomatic ties or loss of allies, which can impact trade and international relations.
  • 22. Regional Instability: Tracks the overall stability of the region, with potential consequences such as the spread of conflicts, humanitarian crises, or economic collapse.
  • 23. Proxy War: Monitors indirect conflicts between major powers, which can destabilize regions and escalate tensions.
  • 24. Ideological Struggle: Measures the influence of competing ideologies, such as democracy, authoritarianism, or socialism, on a nation's political landscape and international relations.
This taxonomy is meant to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the various challenges and threats that nations may face in the game. By addressing these crises effectively, players can navigate the complex and dynamic environment, shaping the future of their nation and the world at large.

Virtual and Imported Industrial Capacity

Imported and Virtual IC are represented in parentheses, such as (+2), following the base quantity. These values are treated as real industry and contribute to your economy, counting towards the totals required to unlock units and infrastructure.

Imported or virtual IC can augment the allocations of various sectors, often private enterprise, due to favorable international circumstances. These circumstances can result from past conquests, imperialism, or fair trade agreements. Virtual IC does not necessarily detract from another nation's resources, as it is considered "external" to their ownership. However, it usually occupies a space that the other nation cannot access.


Each turn, your Public Services budget incurs a maintenance cost to support the bureaucratic functions of the state. Reducing the maintenance cost effectively requires directed policy and expenditure of additional Public Services stat. For example, streamlining a "bloated" bureaucracy involves investing resources to identify areas where resources can be reallocated efficiently. This process may involve cutting corners, which can lead to unintended consequences for your nation's stability and functionality.

New Division Recruitment

For each new division you recruit, you will roll 2d6+the IC cost of the division you recruited. The average of all rolls made for this purpose in a turn will be used as the reference roll for your overall recruitment effort for that turn.

When you recruit new forces, it is assumed you are recruiting those forces - the people and the equipment and organization necessary to assemble them into divisions - from your population. This may or may not be desirable, for you or for your population. Therefore, you should take care to try to "sweeten the deal" when pressing new soldiers into battle. If nothing else, give them a symbol and an ideal to fight for. Then maybe you don't need to do that much sweetening.

When recruiting new Guards, there will be less disgruntlement than when recruiting Infantry. However, if you have, say, some Guards Divisions already failing in a theater and you recruit new Guards to send them in, beware that it will be really important to the people back home how well you do in that theater, and all the more so when you decide to commit new Infantry. Therefore, you should generally try to make do with what you have.

As a rule of thumb, divide your jingoism stat by 10% to find the number of new land divisions you can recruit without stepping on anyone's toes.

Recruiting new naval and air forces is much less impactful on your population, so you can ignore this rule of thumb, but it is still very impactful on your economy. Be mindful of the effects that constant militarization can have and stay vigilant.
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Surely you will be rolling these dice, and not us? Like, I'm not meant to use dice, or some kind of dice-rolling webpage and then report to you whether or not my rolls were successful and to what degree. Are we now unable to conduct diplomacy among ourselves prior to sending orders and waiting for the update? If I sign a treaty, can a bad dice roll nullify that action and determine my foreign policy in a different direction entirely?
Of course. Leave all the dice rolling to me. And for the record, let’s say you have a very elaborate and favorable circumstance going and you roll poorly. That is equivalent to generating a suddenly relevant mitigating factor. And usually this isn’t enough to totally transform the context, much more nudge it. Hence you’ll take a blow on one aspect and still be sitting pretty for others.

However the most expected outcome is the mixed success. This indicates that you get what you want and your action was successful but there’s a cost or complication. The scope of these effects is determined by context.
With compliments to our esteemed mod, I present to her - as a fellow student of the old ways - a modest proposal for a new (and improved?) map.


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