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INES II: Gone is the Old Guard

To: Deseret
From: The OLF

What we seek is simple. We seek the right for all Cascadians to govern themselves. We gained our freedom from the US, and we wish to maintain it. If you recognize the entire area currently occupied by Deseret which belonged to Cascadia, as a free, independent nation, then violence will not be necessary. However, should you deny us the land that belongs to us and continue to occupy our nation, any violence that results will be a direct result of your actions.

We do not wish to see bloodshed, hopefully the government in Deseret will come to its senses and do what is best for their people and ours.
From Deseret

Each state and region is allowed to elect their own governors, mayors and other administrative positions. They are even allowed to become Generals and diplomats. There is no limit as to what position your people can hold, all the way up to adviser in the President's cabinet. The only thing you and Mormons cannot do is elect their own National Leader.

Each state and region, namely yours are allowed to govern themselves as they wish, as long as it remains within the bounds of Federal Law, as dictated by the Deseret Constitution, which is almost an exact replica of the US Constitution.

If you wish, we can scrap the states of Oregon, Washington and create the state of Cascadia if your people desire it. But to that limit you will still remain under Deseret, but with all the freedom other states receive. Why turn down such a generous offer? You receive the protection of one of the most powerful armies in the world, an established government with high stability and great healthcare and education. Deseret takes care of their people, Mormon or not, first and never last. Deseret is not forcing non mormons to convert, nor are prohibiting non mormons from receiving the same benefits that mormons receive. Everyone is equal in Deseret, regardless of religious beliefs or ideals.
President Xavier Suarez, on the subject of the Cascadian Rebels: It seems to me that the rebels are fighting for what the United States' founding fathers did many years ago. They are fighting for the right to rule themselves, instead of being ruled by a 'divinely chosen' head of state. They are offering the LSDs an easy way out of this human rights violation, and I think the President of Deseret should probably take it. I support the OLF, because they represent the freedom mentality that the settlers and tamers of this continent had.
To: Deseret
From: The OLF

If you care so much about the welfare of the people of Cascadia, then why not give us what we truly want? The independence we earned with our own blood, only to be invaded by Deseret. Give us our freedom and no harm will be done, both sides can remain friendly towards each other, and no one will be hurt. Fail to do that, and suffer the consequences. Unless you will give us our freedom, we will end communications with the vile regime in Salt Lake City.

To: The Confederate States of America
From: The OLF

We thank our friends in the South East for their clear thinking and support. Hopefully the Deseret leadership will listen to reason outside their own nation.
To Poland

We notice your Democratic status, and we invite you to the Chicago Pact
To the OLF
From Deseret

It appears your understanding of history is off. We never invaded Cascadia, it is through our understanding of the incident;

The American troops sent to combat the "Cascadian Rebels" formed the Federal Republic of Alaska, following the disintegration of the Cascadian leadership, the Church stepped in to provide stability and protection from the overzealous soldiers of the Federal Republic of Alaska who appeared to still want to fulfill orders of eradicating the Cascadian Rebels. When we stepped in, there were no protests, no demands that we leave, in fact the people appeared to welcome us. So we allowed Cascadia to join Deseret, again there were no protests, no demands, and we didn't even have an army with us to impose our rule over you, so you had nothing to be afraid of.

Now while I cannot speak of whether Alaska wishes to renew their war against the rebels, but I do know this, as long as we are still in possession of the region, Alaska will not move against you, and if they do they will be fighting you and Deseret troops.

In the end, we must look to the protection of the people of Cascadia, therefore we will do all we can to protect the people, the rebels I cannot speak for and if they wish to leave, they are free to do so, and I will give you what land we have in Canada to you minus Vancouver, you will not have the protection of Deseret should Alaska renew their war, and we will not recognize the new government.

And before you counter my above statement about protection, if I freed Cascadia and gave you Oregon and Washington, that puts millions of innocents in danger of invasion from Alaska should they renew their war. Which explains my hesitation to meet your terms. We will not have that kind of guilt hanging over us.

In short:
If you will accept, I will give you our Canadian lands, minus Vancouver and evacuate the innocents if they wish to relocate.
You will cease all attempts to disrupt Deseret's government and its people's lives. Which includes Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Montana, Wyoming.
Deseret will provide 1 ASP to the rebels as thanks for avoiding bloodshed.

Will this be acceptable?

IC: I forgot to add that Cascadia has been under the leadership of Deseret for the last 5 years and this is the first we have heard of discontent.
To: American Federation
From: Poland

We have no interest in joining your bizzare coterie of nations.

we didn't even have an army

There was a little bit of your army, but certainly not much in the way of fighting at that point, so your message stands.
I think I'd like to take control of Argentina if that's alright.
Welcome! There's a post somewhere early on where Haseri made up part of your history.
There was a little bit of your army, but certainly not much in the way of fighting at that point, so your message stands.

Thanks, but I meant that I didn't bring my army to force Cascadia to submit to my rule. Just simply that they accepted Deseret rule with no show of force or threat.
Welcome! There's a post somewhere early on where Haseri made up part of your history.

Wow, that was quick! Congratulations my man, you've made a good first impression on me. I hope this will be fun. Story forthcoming!
From Great Britain
To The American Federation

In light of some... bizzare events recently, Great Britain will not be joining the Chicago Pact. You may, perhaps, consider asking why, and we shall explain before you can even ask. First you forget to include several democratic states from around the globe in your invitation to a democractic alliance. This is soon followed by inviting a Communist state to join the alliance. Now, I told you last time to look up what constitutes a democracy. The People's Republic is not a democracy. It doesn't belong in the Chicago Pact, and until such a time as they are removed from that pact, Britain shall forge her own path. Including, if need be, looking to the Continent and the Comintern for protection.

Yes. The Comintern. If you can have nations join alliances that they don't belong in, why, pray tell, should Britain not make arrangements with alliances that should, by all accounts, despise them?
Including, if need be, looking to the Continent and the Comintern for protection.

Yes. The Comintern. If you can have nations join alliances that they don't belong in, why, pray tell, should Britain not make arrangements with alliances that should, by all accounts, despise them?

It's called Affiliated Membership.
El Presidente Lorenzetto waved to the crowds as he backed away from the balcony, the microphone and podium now being removed by various aides and handymen who stood by to do that sort of thing. Just inside, dozens of paparazzo and other reporters were taking photographs galore of the President as he regarded them with nods and smiles, and continued on to the next balcony to watch the parade.

"Ricardo! It was a good speech, a very good speech!" said Juan Fernandez, the Vice President of the Argentine Federation.

"It was a speech, what can I say?" said Lorenzetto with a shrug.

"Ah, but no matter what the crowd will eat it up," said Fernandez with a nod and a smile, "Just tell them things are alright and throw them fireworks - it works every time!"

"Fernandez my friend, you ignore history. Ah, nevermind. Have you talked to the Don Imago?"

"I haven't talked to Imago. This margarita is fantastic!"

"Yes, it's good - you should talk to Imago."

A terrible roar punctured the conversation as jets flew overhead, three of them in formation, to the raucous cries of joy in the streets below.

"I will talk to the Don, don't you worry, we need him," muttered Fernandez as he sipped his drink.

"Enough with the drinks, Fernandez, it's been three weeks and we need to make sure he's on board. You know he's got all Pacific shipping by the balls, with a foot or two locked in Atlantic shipping as well," said Lorenzetto rapidly and impatiently.

"He's small beans! He should be begging us for work, not the other way around!" said Fernandez exasperatedly, his face now red - likely the product of a bit too much alcohol.

"Should, could, would - we need to make these businesses aware that we're a government friendly to business. And that means supporting all business, even illegitimate ones like Imago's mafia," Lorenzetto reached for a glass and took a swig himself, cleared his throat, and went on, "And don't you forget who the labor unions side with."

"Fine! Fine, you have a point, God damn you'd think I was one of those obreros in the street below, the way you ride me."

With a wave of his hand Lorenzetto dismissed Fernandez, "Get some rest, or some women. Just talk to Imago within the week. If we're ever to get the ball rolling with foreign business we need to get in good with him now."

"Aye aye, capitan," said Fernandez with a drunken air as he stumbled inside.

Lorenzetto looked down at the streets below, practically roiling with the masses of Buenos Aires. Just as he turned to go inside, the jubliant air was punctuated with a gunshot and an explosion. One balcony nearby disintegrated as three Cabinet members plummeted to their doom, and a bullet smashed a window just to Lorenzetto's right.

Lorenzetto hit the deck as quickly as he could manage as several bullets more sprayed his balcony. He was safe - God willing - and the shooting stopped. Cautiously he peeked below, and saw several policemen attacking citizens with truncheons - two of them were obviously armed, three not-so-obviously. A sixth citizen broke free, reached into his coat, and pulled out something small and green. "Viva le revolucion!" he shouted just as a small explosion snuffed out the lives of everyone on that curb.

Lorenzetto got up and brushed himself off, with a troubled look on his face. The paparazzo immediately began grilling him.

"What's your official statement on what has just transpired here today, sir?"

"The parade was fantastic."

"No, sir, the shooting."

"An isolated incident, simply a bunch of troubled teenagers - a problem left by my predecessor but one I intend to fix, as sure as rain!"

"But El Presidente, what meaning do you attribute to the phrase viva-"

"This interview is over." And the bodyguards blocked him from sight.


To: Democratic Nations of the World
From: Argentine Federation

Greetings from Argentina, land of the silver river! In this new millenium, we find that the value of friends is a commodity oft-overlooked but one not to be underappreciated. We ask the world at large - but specifically nations with interests close to home, such as Brazil and South Africa, to invest their businesses in Argentina. Here, you will find a lush paradise, with resources galore, and a government that KNOWS how to treat its friends!

Best regards,

President Ricardo Lorenzetto
Northern Collective/NPC
Government: Oligarchic Republic
Annual Spending Points: 3
Approval Polling: 59%
Acquired Technology: G0.R0.X0.E0.A0.N0.T0
Developing Technology: None
Other Investments: None
Army: 10 divisions
Navy: 10 squadrons
Air Force: 10 groups
Background: After the fall of the Soviet Union, various business leaders around Saint Petersburg and in Finland got fed up with the way Yeltsin was ruining the region, and so founded a new country to conform to the needs of their corporations. Trondheim, deemed a suitably distant place for government, was purchased from a then-anarchic Norway.

Commando_34 would like to claim the Northern Collective. This is my first NES so please bear with me if I am catching up with the curve.
Timeline of the LDS Church (<Anonymoose, not LSD):

1991: When President Bush decided to redeploy the soldiers, Utah remained calm for the most part and the Church commended the move towards Peace, even as American descended into chaos around them.

1992: The Church's support for Bush ended this year when Bush ratified the Draft. Utah remained loyal, as many of their citizens were not called, nor did most of their National Guard get called up.

1993: Paramilitary groups sprout up across the United States. During these turbelant times the Church remained neutral and Utah as a result stayed calm and loyal to the old government, it was because of this calm steady presence that Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming and Idaho did not descend into anarchy.

1994: When the Northwestern States rebelled against the Former United States, the LDS leaders stepped in to provide leadership for many of the Western States. Many accepted the leadership change and Paramilitary groups in California formed the Deseret Military. The states that formed the territory of Deseret were, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and Kansas, parts of Nebraska were included as well, with Utah the epicenter and Salt Lake City as the new Capital.

1995: The Cascadia Rebellion fell apart as Federal troops kill off many of the leaders, while the Federal Troops were busy organizing the Federal Republic of Alaska, President Hinckley spoke with Cascadian residents and began assimilating them into Deseret. With no resistance or protests the inclusion was pulled off without incident and Deseret into a powerful country unto itself and renamed itself the Theocratic State of Deseret and cut off all ties with Washington.

1996: As Canada and America continued to fall apart, most of Mexico was annexed into the fold of the Church and almost overnight, Deseret doubled in size. Also Deseret took control of American planes and tanks from the various American bases around the West. It was these tanks, planes and ships that allowed Deseret to skyrocket up to become one of the most powerful countries left in the world, matching the American Federation in power.

1997: Hawaii was annexed into Deseret after Hinckley visited the islands and promised protection and freedom. When Hawaii joined it brought with them the entire US Pacific Fleet, making Deseret one of the largest Naval powers in the Pacific.

1998: Deseret begins a large program of public works, which increased education, infrastructure and health care. With these vast new programs stability grew and the people began to see the church as a good institution and not greedy. When the church chose to allow Freedom of Religion and follow much of the US Constitution stability just grew even more. People began to see the church as a wise leader of the state and not a religious icon.

1999: As Deseret settled in and watched as what was left of America draw up borders, President Hinckley worked to improve the lives of his citizens, he banned all Pornographic studios from the State of California and the Theocratic State of Deseret, along with all tobacco producing facilities in the country, while not banning smoking outright, he passed laws that prevented smokers from smoking inside public places and limited them only to their homes or 50 feet from any public place. All Casinos are allowed under the Grandfather Act, but new Casinos must be approved by the State and only Native Americans are allowed to build them.
Oh my goodness. I apologize to any real Mormons in this thread. *LSD.... slaps forehead*
At any rate,
IC: President Suarez still has issue with the fact that the Cascadians don't have influence in regards to their national leader. The compromise you made with them seems generous, but it only frees some of the Cascadians, and that's hardly acceptable. Beside that point, the rebels are about to take action. They said they would not discuss it further unless their demands were met, so it's starting to look poor for all involved. The Confederacy will offer relief to both parties if necessary, but I sincerely hope that this does not escalate to violence.
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