
ok found a problem...I duplicates of code in doInquisitorCore_AI. One was orion's and one was certainly old.

		#Looks to see if the AI controls a Holy City that is not the State Religion
								for iCity in range( len( lCities ) ):
									pCity = gc.getPlayer( iOwner ).getCity( lCities[ iCity ].getID( ) )
									if pCity.isHasReligion( iStateReligion ):
										for iReligion in range( gc.getNumReligionInfos( ) ):
											if iReligion != iStateReligion:
												if pCity.isHolyCityByType( iReligion ) or pCity.isHasReligion( iReligion ):
													if CvUtil.isOC_INQISITOR_CAN_REMOVE_HOLY_CITY():													
														#Makes the unit move to the City and purge it													
														if pUnit.generatePath( pCity.plot( ), 0, False, None ):
															self.doHolyCitySeekAndDestroy( pUnit, pCity )

								for iCity in range( len( lCities ) ):
									pCity = gc.getPlayer( iOwner ).getCity( lCities[ iCity ].getID( ) )
									if pCity.isHasReligion( iStateReligion ):
										for iReligion in range(gc.getNumReligionInfos( )):
											if iReligion != iStateReligion:
												if pCity.isHasReligion( iReligion ):
													if pUnit.generatePath( pCity.plot( ), 0, False, None ):
														self.doHolyCitySeekAndDestroy( pUnit, pCity )

so what the difference? It looks like Orion's code check for holy city ownership? Can you explain Orion? thanks!
ok found a problem...I duplicates of code in doInquisitorCore_AI. One was orion's and one was certainly old.
so what the difference? It looks like Orion's code check for holy city ownership? Can you explain Orion? thanks!

I will look at it and let you know. For the future, this thread has moved to Orion's Inquisition Mod. Make all future postings there.


Orion Veteran :cool:
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