
Options are good. If you include an option to dissallow inquisition of the Holy City, that would be great. The fact inquisitors can purge holy cities is the only thing keeping inquisitions from being included by default in the WolfRevolution mod, if this becomes toggleble in the XML, things would be gravy.

OK my friend you got it! After working this mod all day, I just finished respawning and testing appeared to work OK. Next up, is your option that allows or prevents the removal of a Holy City by an Inquisitor. When finished there will be 5 options in this mod. Give me a few days to figure it out and I will post a new version.

With this new option, the religious victory will have to be re-defined.


Orion Veteran :cool:
i'm sorry if this is inappropriate, but could you maybe put the new one in a new thread? I'm sort of having trouble finding things :) Sorry if that's wrong.
I get the error described in this thread with the latest version of your Inquisitor, OrionVeteran. Disregard the line numbers, as they may not be accurate. It doesn't crash the game or anything, but the error registers in the PythonErr.txt logfile. The solution posted by EmperorFool indeed works (at least the error goes away). I think you should consider adding that Statereligion check to the level calculation.
I get the error described in this thread with the latest version of your Inquisitor, OrionVeteran. Disregard the line numbers, as they may not be accurate. It doesn't crash the game or anything, but the error registers in the PythonErr.txt logfile. The solution posted by EmperorFool indeed works (at least the error goes away). I think you should consider adding that Statereligion check to the level calculation.

I done some extensive testing. I had to rethink how many of the functions worked, as I found a few loopholes, which I have fixed, as well as this error. I am using TSENTOM1's code and it seems to be working. The new capabilities all work. Looking forward to posting it this weekend.


Orion Veteran :cool:
I done some extensive testing. I had to rethink how many of the functions worked, as I found a few loopholes, which I have fixed, as well as this error. I am using TSENTOM1's code and it seems to be working. The new capabilities all work. Looking forward to posting it this weekend.


Orion Veteran :cool:

Be careful, I implemented some code in that thread and noticed some really odd behavior. see the thread for my replies.
I agree with your assessment and have not included that code in my latest version soon to be released. :)

Orion Veteran :cool:

a good point is brought up in the other thread. maybe the AI code is flawed.

I have not seen an AI perform an inquisition yet. Have you?

Also, maybe when an inquisition happens there should be a global event message...

When a human player does an inquisition, the AIs get pissed...but from what I've seen, that part of the play is missing for the human players. (they have no knowledge of an AI inquisition if it happens)
a good point is brought up in the other thread. maybe the AI code is flawed.

I have not seen an AI perform an inquisition yet. Have you?

Also, maybe when an inquisition happens there should be a global event message...

When a human player does an inquisition, the AIs get pissed...but from what I've seen, that part of the play is missing for the human players. (they have no knowledge of an AI inquisition if it happens)

...And I was just about ready to post my latest update tonight. I think I will anyway, as I don't want to hold up all of the good changes made, which has taken many days and hours to perfect.

I will look into AI Inquisitions for the next version. It seems like I have completely rebuilt this mod.

Orion Veteran :cool:
Orion's Inquisition Mod ver 1.01F has been released.

Download: See signature link below.

1. Added an option in the GlobalDefinesAlt.xml file to prevent inquisitors from purging a Holy City. Some players in our Civ community do not think it is realistic to purge a Holy City religion and would not use this mod unless this feature was added. I say, play the game the way you want with this option.

2. Changed the Religious Unity conditions for religious victory to allow one or more non-state HolyCities to exist and still produce a victory. This only applies if the option that prevents the purging of Holy Cities is set to True. All other non-state religions must be removed just like before.

3. Created new option to respawn a Holy City that was purged or razed. Really a cool feature.

4. Created several new functions to perform validation checks in support of the two new options. Other existing functions were improved.

I thought we were finished with the last update to this mod. I was wrong! :crazyeye: More updates to come!

Orion Veteran :cool:
Thanks Orion! You are doing some creative work with this mod and it takes a lot of work I know. Good one for not rushing it out on the weekend and thanks for your time and effort!

I'll check it out for the sake of integrating with Revolutions. With the older versions of Inquisitions, I had a technique for examining AI behaviours. I'll re-apply it now and see how the AI goes. In the old days the AI did conduct inquisitions but tended to conduct them a little too late to be of use. However that was only in the context of the Revolutions mod where city stability is a major issue.

Thanks again.
Thanks Orion! You are doing some creative work with this mod and it takes a lot of work I know. Good one for not rushing it out on the weekend and thanks for your time and effort!

You are right. This one took many days and long nights to develop, test and retest again. Version 1.01F is a major achievement and tonight I'm very tired, but pleased with the results.

I'll check it out for the sake of integrating with Revolutions. With the older versions of Inquisitions, I had a technique for examining AI behaviours. I'll re-apply it now and see how the AI goes. In the old days the AI did conduct inquisitions but tended to conduct them a little too late to be of use. However that was only in the context of the Revolutions mod where city stability is a major issue.

Perhaps you can share your technique, so I don't re-invent the wheel. :please:

Very Respectfully,

Orion Veteran :cool:
Perhaps you can share your technique, so I don't re-invent the wheel.

Absolutely Orion Veteran, will share whatever I come up with. I will be going over the code next few days, adding knowledge to the AI about Revolutions and testing. For us Revolutions players, Inquisitions is very interesting indeed. Your new options for this mod are also very exciting. Excellent job on the documentation on the first page too. Makes it a lot easier. :goodjob: Of course when this version of Inquisitions takes, full acknowledgments and credit will go to you (and Bmarnz).
Perhaps you can share your technique, so I don't re-invent the wheel.

At this stage I've included into Inquisitions AI-autoplay and switch leader code slabs to make testing easier. I turn war off all at peace and test with only one or two civs on duel pangea to test domestic inquisitions under multiple religions or to test competing culture and or religion. I use print commands in python to log variables to the python debug log file and alter python code on the fly except for when civ crashes, upon which I reload.

At this point, I'm having troubles with the limited religion option. It might not be this mod but something I've done in my own testing. The behaviour is that a civ can only found one religion with it's corresponding holy city. That is good. However if that same civ get's to the required tech of another religion, it is correctly barred from founding that religion, but so to is everyone else from that point on.

The behaviour I was expecting is that with only limited religions turned on, the first civ to the religious tech get's the religion, but no more founding of religions. The next quickest civ to that same tech then get's to found that religion but no more and so on. In this way, if there are seven civs, there will be seven religions founded by each whether they choose to use it as their state religion or not.

That is not necessarily very good, but that's what I was expecting to see. At this stage what is happening with limited religions could actually be better. That is a few nations have single founding faiths, and other civs never get any founding faith and the other religions remain unfounded for the rest of the game.

Just want to check with you what you intended.
Cheers and thanks.
At this stage I've included into Inquisitions AI-autoplay and switch leader code slabs to make testing easier. I turn war off all at peace and test with only one or two civs on duel pangea to test domestic inquisitions under multiple religions or to test competing culture and or religion. I use print commands in python to log variables to the python debug log file and alter python code on the fly except for when civ crashes, upon which I reload.

Thanks for the process. I have yet to experiment with the AI-autoplay.

At this point, I'm having troubles with the limited religion option. It might not be this mod but something I've done in my own testing. The behaviour is that a civ can only found one religion with it's corresponding holy city. That is good. However if that same civ get's to the required tech of another religion, it is correctly barred from founding that religion, but so to is everyone else from that point on.

The condition you described likely had the CIV4 "Choose Religions" game option set to True and the mod game option for "OC_LIMITED_RELIGIONS" set to true. Under this scenario if the a religion has been previously discovered by another CIV, the the "First to Discover" rule still applies. The exception is Theocracy, which bypasses the rule. Remember the goal of limited religions is prevent the founding of more than one Holy City by any CIV. You can get more than one only through conquest.

Now if you were to set the CIV4 "Choose Religions" game option set to False and the mod game option for "OC_LIMITED_RELIGIONS" set to true and the "OC_BYPASS_RTECH_FIRST_TO_DISCOVER" is set to true; then a unique situation occurs. Each religious tech will allow the founding of it's respective religion if the player does not already have a Holy City.

Hope this helps,

Orion Veteran :cool:
Thanks, will try the various combinations of configurations. This mod really is cool and could already be working correct out of the box now. I won't be able to do more testing for a few days. I've always been fond of the Mbarnz inquisitions mod because it is small yet contains all the elements needed to learn serious modding, including AI coding.

In the meantime, I could suggest that you merge this mod with the Better BTS AI project. That way you get AI-autoplay and other debug code by default as it sits inherent in that project. At the same time you get no change to base game play except for Dresdon's unofficial patch and high quality AI. If you set the auto-saves to every turn and put the game on quick speed, you get a full history of the game that is traceable. Ctrl-Z is also very cool for debugging under Better BTS AI and I think vanilla.

Cheers and am looking forward to experimenting with this mod in a few days time.

PS) Of course Keldath is correct, you would be entitled to set this mod up under it's own thread it's good enough for that. You have a lot of very useful utility functions built in as well for other modders.
... I could suggest that you merge this mod with the Better BTS AI project.

There are two reason why I believe I should not merge the two mods:

1. Compatibility: The CvGameCoreDLL.dll file is a major limiting factor for many mods. I have been very careful not to include a CvGameCoreDLL.dll file, as this would make the mod far more difficult for the average modder to combine with other mods that have their own CvGameCoreDLL.dll. Leaving the file out, maintains compatibility with most other mods.

2. Definition of Mod Type: This is a single mod composition and not a mod pack of two or more mods.

PS) Of course Keldath is correct, you would be entitled to set this mod up under it's own thread it's good enough for that. You have a lot of very useful utility functions built in as well for other modders.

Out of respect for BMARNZ, I have continued work on his original thread. I had hoped that he would some day return and resume his rightful role as the mod owner. However, that appears very unlikely to happen now. Therefore, I will accept yours and Keldath's recommendation and create a new thread for this project called: Orion's Inquisition Mod. Link:


Orion Veteran :cool:
Yeah good point on keeping this mod as straight python and xml, hadn't thought of it that way but it is true. Yeah understand your thoughts about BMarnz, I'm in a similar situation with Super Spies. Tsheep did some great work but has long departed the civ scene for some reason.
been off playing for awhile i think something needs to be done to make the AI want to purge more often. I think the probability is too low. I'll look into the "def AI_chooseProduction(self,argsList):" function in CvGameUtils and "doInquisitorCore_AI"

any ideas Orion?

EDIT: Found an issue in my mod...stay tuned.
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