Intelligence File: Team Maverick


Sage of Quatronia
Jul 21, 2004
Team Maverick


Direction: East of Quatronia
Size: 2 cities, one size 3 and another size 1
Religion: Yes, Hinduism, recently acquired

Known technologies: Polytheism, but also suggests fishing, sailing, agriculture, wheel and pottery (latter based on their tech choice).

Civilization: Indians
Leader: Ghandi

Traits: Spiritual, Philosophical

UU: Fast worker

UB: Mausoleum

Starting technologies: Mysticism and Mining

Likely turnplayers: DMOC, Niklas and Backwards Logic

What is the Team Roster?:

2. BobRoberts
3. Nakor
4. Niklas
5. Chimera1804
6. Aline
7. bobbyboy29
8. Tsjernobyl
9. The Mike
10. Ceiliazul
11. v8_mark
12. ahmedhadzi
13. TheEnforcer
14. NukeAJS
15. civ editor11
16. Uncle_Cheesedog
17. FarbrorKudde
18. obsolete
19. Schmieds
20. Backwards Logic
21. Snaaty
22. Sweetacshon
23. Ischenous
24. ???
These are also a likely candidate, like Merlot, to go for early religion, be it Polytheism or Meditation.
START SITE (Based on demographics analysis 4000 BC).

This is now updated and our hottest target for intelligence, for many reasons. The relationship with the Mavericks will dictate a lot of our game. Let us see who is north, before we make a rash diplomatic note to Mavericks, as we need to balance these out.
I expect Mavericks to be very harsh competition given some of their players and what they've said in the public forum. I'm also worried about them potentially having diplomatic contact of their own the other way (to their North, further out). If they didn't send a scout that way at the start I'm sure they will soon, and that can be just as important because they too might want to consider who's on both sides of them. But again, I really doubt this team would have ignored that aspect of exploration - if they don't have other contact yet they probably will soon, and may try to hide it from us too; we'll all have to see.

I'm not sure they are population three though - it seemed every cap city was at four or five, due to the demographic table and the top city screen. A city of 3 pop and a city of 1 pop doesn't add up to the same "population." My guess would be they have 4 + 1 and therefore they are not in the top pop spot but that are not the lowest either.

I agree with your analysis otherwise though and we'll see soon anyway - as far as potential strategies, it's hard to tell if they are going heavy on Great People down the line(only philo team right?), or some wonder like the Oracle and more wonders, or just expanding more.
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