Interesting Times - The AI Side of RFC

i don't even know WHY i was the celts in general, i hate their unique unit and building, it probably was boudicca's unique traits :mischief:

By "unique traits", you wouldn't happen to be mentioning her aggressiveness, would you? :groucho:
don't forget that charisma :lol:
one things for sure she definitely has 2 very "unique" traits ;)
Welcome back to the epic tales of AI stupidity!

When we last left off, the Mayans arrived to the world, the barb horde we have been watching prepared to enter India, and the Roman military epically failed in its attempt to capture the Celtic city of Lugodunon (Praets do not lose against warriors, period! :shake:).

Now we begin the next chapter in our (dumb) history! :D

Turn 121: As we head into the A.D. era, the only thing to happen here is that the barbs have entered India, and seem to be beelining for Delhi:

Considering the barbs are entirely made up of swordsman, it's a good thing (for India) that one of their 2 defenders is an axeman.

Turn 122: Nothing really happens, except that barb horde moving closer to India (and another Roman Praet moving into Celtic lands, though I'm not sure what their target is yet).

Correction: Something did happen, though it's not really all that important: the Mayans have expanded, settling the city of Oaxaca:

(Don't have a good witty comment for this one, sorry!)

Turn 123: Nothing this turn, but the Romans have once again reached the city of Lugodunon with a new Praet (hopefully their commander made his proper sacrifice to the RNGod this time :lol:), and the barbs have reached the outskirts of Delhi, now defended by an axeman, a spearman, and an archer. Lots of fighting in the IBT!

Turn 124: I'll let the pictures tell the tale:

...and the march of the barbarians has ended...

Second time's the charm, I guess.

And now, for the main event! Everything has come down to this: an epic fight to the finish between the military of Japan vs Korea's... civilians??? :lol:

Oh, well. At least we get a new city out of it. And no, I'm not giving the city to China. :lol:

And we are done for now. Sorry for the short update, but it is late (as in 2:30 A.M. late), and I'm ready to finish this up. At least it had a lot of action, though. See ya next time!
Why is Persia doing nothing?

I don't really know. They did nothing in the war with Babylon, and their only expansion (besides when they first arrived) was when they conquered Samarkand. They have made no cities in between. They were trying to recreate Persian Korea with an Immortal, but I captured Seoul first. Persia was the reason I hurried to capture it, as that Immortal was heading straight towards Korea.
the better question is if boudicca can hold back the romans with her 2 unique traits :lol:
You should gift Korea to the Mayans.
LOL, i can't believe i never thought of that... TO RFC! :)
My not so humble opinion is Leoreth failed hard when it comes to give decent defenses to the AI. Pathetic Celts, No defenses for Independent Korea, overpowered praets (and some frakkin' idiot is coming with hey let make the praet even more powerful with 25% against all melee and even more boosts), AI civs defended with just warriors, overpowered early mercenaries, undefended settling, etc.

C'mon! What the hell. It's so ridiculous!

[/TMIT mode]
And I have returned!

When we last were here, the Mayans had arrived to the world, the Romans had gotten its revenge against the Celts by capturing Lugodunon, and the barbarian horde was wiped out at the gates of Delhi, with 4 divisions of soldiers defending the city slaughtering them. Also, we managed to beat out the Persians by capturing Korea. Note: my capture of Korea will be my only expansion to the outside world. The rest goes to whoever wants it.

Now, time marches on...

As we start with turn 126: several things occurred to kick off. First off, the (eventually) Arab city of Sana'a is founded:

Well, that city got unlucky here, didn't it? :( But oh well, moving on...

Oh, boy. No sooner had the Romans brought Lugdunum under their control that the barbs are trying to take it from them:

And the Romans (and Sana'a) aren't alone, either. India is about to come under attack again:

...and now African natives are about to lash out at infant Ethiopia:

All right, now that the stage is set for the next few turns, let's see what happened...

Turn 127: Well, that city didn't last long, did it?

:( I don't think I've ever seen a city be destroyed that quickly. Just one turn ago, Sana'a was founded, and it has already been destroyed. I have a feeling the Arabs are going to have a tougher go of it than usual in this game.

The Indians had slightly better luck:

At least they got rid of the barb right in their territory, but now they have to deal with another war elephant to the south. Good thing they've got spearmen...

Meanwhile, the barbs near Lugdunum and the natives near Ethiopia haven't yet made their move. Moving on...

Turn 128: No barb fights yet, but we have several city foundings. First off, we see the Carthaginians create their third city in Sabratha:

Also, we see the Chinese found Xi'an:

...and the "Burmese" settle Independent Pagan:

Remember what happened to Sana'a? With a barb war elephant to the north, let's hope the same thing doesn't happen here.

To add on to all of these city foundings, we see the people of Sur revolt against their Babylonian masters again. That city has been a real headache for the Babylonians. And the reason Sur has been revolting so much? Jerusalem is still independent, and is culturally pressuring Sur so much it wants to join the independents. As for Jerusalem, the city has now founded Christianity, making it the Holy City for two religions (similar to Delhi). The city is well defended to boot, with five archers constantly repelling Babylonian soldiers.

On to turn 129, we have two major events. First, the barbs attacked Lugdunum. They failed, but got the defending Praet down to 1.5 hit points. Rome just got lucky, but everyone knows that this was just a taste of what's to come. By the way, the other two Celtic cities are still Celtic, as Rome doesn't have any units over there other than the Praet defending Lugdunum.

The other thing to happen was the Egyptian founding of Kumma:

Egypt seems to be doing okay for now, but the barbs are going to be coming for them soon, as well...

On to the last part of this update, we take a look at the foreign advisor:

Well, well, guess who joined the Punic Wars! :D I have no idea who declared on whom, but this does not bode well for Egypt, as those barbarians that so frequently destroy them will be coming soon, and Egypt is going to need every soldier they can get, especially since they now have to defend four cities. The last thing they need is to lose even more soldiers to Carthage.

I'm going to stop this update there. We finally have reached an action-packed part of the game, so I figure now is a good time to stop. :p Next time, we'll see what happens to Egypt, as well as Rome, Babylon, and all the other nations. See ya!
how is jerusalem still alive... and has TWO religions :crazyeye:?
how is jerusalem still alive... and has TWO religions :crazyeye:?

Well, Babylon has had three units to the north of the city for about 20-30 turns now but never attacked Jerusalem with them. Egypt never goes for Jerusalem anyway, so until Arabia spawns, the Babylonians (and in rare occasions the Persians) are the only ones to try to capture it. With Babylon simply derping around north of it, Jerusalem looks to stay independent until the Arabs spawn.
okey doki loki!
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