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IO4 - Sex, Drugs, and More Drugs!

I'm actually a spy watching you. :joke: Whatever, I don't care.
Just to clarify, I don't think brian meant to make it sound like as if we're playing a game to shadow the SGOTM. That wouldn't really be prudent :mischief: I think the spirit of this SG is to just have some fun with hippies regardless of who plays. It just happens to be we're going for a cultural victory.

We did however design this game so most members of team T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't can have a chance to get to know each other better without the context of a competition in the background. I'm personally fine with having you aboard, hippies don't exclude anyone anyway :D. But I'll leave this to our SG host, depending on how he feels on the matter.

RE: Controlling all incense
Hehehe, I like that idea, just what I was thinking when you suggested spices earlier. This also fits into what Matrix suggested for his idea of this SG. Definitely doable on monarch on top of our existing conditions. Let's hope we start on the land mass with all the incense. Or knowing my luck, we'll start on one without any and we'll have to go convince AIs to allow us to distribute the Mary Janes to all.

@remake sorry if I came over wrong, I was trying not to, but I suffer from foot-in-mouth disease, a terrible affliction.

@Justice, the rules don't exclude war. Hippies aren't all against it, but we're too chilled to organise man.
@Justice, the rules don't exclude war. Hippies aren't all against it, but we're too chilled to organise man.

Well me hoping for all the incense was just a pipe dream. You know me, I'm totally ready to send these Dutch hippies straight to boot camp and have them singing "this is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for fighting this is for fun." :eek:
We could have 'dealers', and trade to get the 'incense'.

Every time they try to stop the trade, we *have* to give them whatever they want to keep trading :)
Well, at any rate, IO where's the save? You playing yet?

Het spijt me (if we're going to be Dutch, let's speak some Dutch, mmkay?), I've been busy for the last 22 hours. I'll get the first 25 turns played tonight. Neil will be next, and we'll make a roster from there.

So, who wants to follow Neil?

Also, Brian, if incense is slang for Mary Jane, why is it that megatemples get a happiness bonus for it? Or are megatemples really just gathering places for the "faithful"?

Also, remake20, feel free to join, I don't mind at all. Also feel free to feed us your SGOTM data, I also don't mind that at all, really, I don't.

By the way, the previous sentence is not to be seen as encouragement of cheating.

So yeah, I'll play in the next coupla hours.
So, who wants to follow Neil?

I guess I will, because

A) I'm impatient

B) Like neil, it's probably best if you see how I play/report ASAP.
This turnset shall be entitled...

The RNGod Strikes Back

Firstly, I move my warrior to the northwest. What does he reveal? See for yourself:

That's right, there's nothing there but forests, forests, and more forests! Just what we were looking for, dude, but it also means that the plains hill is assuredly a good idea. So our settler climbs up there and listens to some Jimi Hendrix... er, the Rolling Stones, wait, we don't have the wheel yet... the Sliding Stones?

So, the next turn, I safely found Amsterdam, and found that the Plains Hill Strategy really was a good idea...

As it netted us another cow in the BFC. Yay for us!

My second turn, I set Amsterdam to build a worker and the tech to Animal Husbandry, to take advantage of the Cows that we have. We have Agriculture already, so the worker will have something to do when he's built, so no need to worry.

However, a few turns in, disaster struck. The RNGod was apparently angry at our hippie ways, and he caused a simple lion to do in our only scouting warrior!!! I was so shocked that I didn't even get a picture of the event, and had to get a picture of the combat log instead, it was so bad! Oh, RNGod, why dost thou hate us so!? WHY!?

In other news, around turn 18 or so, Hinduism is founded in a distant land, making me glad I didn't try for it (quite impossible, yeah).

After our worker is built one turn later, I set Amsterdam to build a warrior to replace our scouting warrior, and the turn after that Animal Husbandry comes in...

I set it to the wheel, because we'll want those cows and stuff hooked up, won't we?

That's really all that happened this turnset, and I'm sorry to say that due to the wrath of the RNGod, the entire explored region can be placed on a single screen:

However, look at the wealth of health resources we have in such a small area... that at least is a good thing.

Also, here's the view of our city:

Yeah, I suppose that we're doing all right, if you don't count the warrior that LOST to the FIRST Lion he faced, EVEN though I thought the human gained a certain amount of FREE kills against barbs. Apparently that was a lie.

So yeah, here's the save and all that:

3375 BC

Gah, I get the feeling that Monarch will be more difficult than Noble...
RNGod, did you not see the chances of victory, 11.1%. Thou should surely not have attacked, and even more assuredly, not have won.

Well, the land looks lush, and we can already see some horses.

'Got It'
I should have finished my equally uneventful turn tonight, in about 4 hours from now.
RNGod, did you not see the chances of victory, 11.1%. Thou should surely not have attacked, and even more assuredly, not have won.

Well, the land looks lush, and we can already see some horses.

'Got It'
I should have finished my equally uneventful turn tonight, in about 4 hours from now.

I didn't attack, that was the odds of the lion attacking me and winning. He attacked me. That's why I have plot defense.
I didn't attack, that was the odds of the lion attacking me and winning. He attacked me. That's why I have plot defense.

Yes I know, that is why I cursed the RNGod, for it was he who attacked our dutch peacekeeper.
The curse of the double post has returned. Flee for your lives
Yes I know, that is why I cursed the RNGod, for it was he who attacked our dutch peacekeeper.

Ohhh.... I see what you did there.

Sorry, I thought you were referring to me, and I was quite offended that you would think that I would attack at 11.1% odds. The only time you should attack are at >85% odds or <1% odds, because at those two points, victory is assured!!
Alas! For I know not how to scale images after they have already been uploaded. Prithee, good dot, enlighten me as to how this task is done, that I may serve this small need of thine that doth, methinks, inconvenience me not so much as thou mayst think.
Sheesh, and here I thought "Thou shallst not cast rust on thy connection!". Nice to see that someone knows some manners! :p ;)

Since you're using photobucket as well your request is easy to fulfill:
On top of your images on photobucket you'll find these small options "edit | share | delete | "mobile"". If you click on edit you'll enter a new screen and you'll find a button named "resize". Well, you hit it and then you'll resize it to - let's say - 800 x 600.
Another way is to open the image you want to resize by clicking on it and when you hover your mouse over it you'll have a pop-up-menu from the top of the image. Second option from the left is "edit" and the first item in the roll-down-menu is "resize". There you go! :)

Spoiler this is how it looks :

[...]Game rules. I have three of them.

1. Either follow the 24/48 rule or tell us you need more time, please. It makes the game move so much more smoothly. If you ask for more time, I'd be willing to bet that we'd give it.
2. Please do not make the really important decisions (early city founding, early GP actions, and the like) without consulting the group at least a little bit.
3. Above all, ENTERTAIN. Because no one likes a boring SG. I can't remember who said it (I'm thinking Deviant Minds), but as they say, a log of events doesn't make a fun turnset.

That said, it's rather easy to follow those rules, and if you notice, "Don't make mistakes" isn't on there, so feel free to do so! Just not on purpose.

Peace out for now.
Woohoo. Glad to see that Deviant Minds has left it's imprint on this community. ;) Well, I'll be back to lurking.
Ohhh.... I see what you did there.

Sorry, I thought you were referring to me, and I was quite offended that you would think that I would attack at 11.1% odds. The only time you should attack are at >85% odds or <1% odds, because at those two points, victory is assured!!


It was a poor attempt at humour on my part.... I will work on it.

Yes, we shall keep a spare spearman, in case any tanks show up. For we all know, spearman beats tank. :spear:
Well, we met Shaka and we opted for "Peace man". I hope he shares the love, though I am not so sure.

We really dig those PH squares that we have, so our scholars turned their attention to mining. They diiiig mining.

The second of our peacekeepers decided to see what was on the other side of those horses. The answer was: Puma's. After avenging his brother when the cursed Puma attacked, he continued on and discovered Jungle, and lots of it
Throw in even more cows, more rice, and some 'Oregano' Spices ;)

The lands under our influence grew, and showed us even more resources. Though, they are a bit repetitve, cows, rice, clams, cows, rice, clams cows, rice, clams...

The peasants are busy breeding, and we should be able to claim even more land soon.
Where shall we head to dudes. Here are my thoughts.....

The save is here: 3000BC
I had a beautiful post that was going to wax lyrical about our current situation, and be terribly beautiful, but my computer decided to turn off.
Anyway, personally I'd go for northern dot, get a warrior out to scout east (we especially don't want to se Shaka east). I was also saying that IO should put up a roster here in the near future, in order that we have a system to bring down.
I had a beautiful post that was going to wax lyrical about our current situation, and be terribly beautiful, but my computer decided to turn off.
Anyway, personally I'd go for northern dot, get a warrior out to scout east (we especially don't want to se Shaka east). I was also saying that IO should put up a roster here in the near future, in order that we have a system to bring down.

Everyone, please feel free to download the save and contribute your own dot maps.
The location of the first couple of cities are vitally important.

I should also mention, we first saw Shaka directly North of the horses.

Oh, and the city tiles are maximised for the settler, so we are not even working the corn at the moment.
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