IOT XV: Clanking of the Swords

Given that .5 is effectively 0, does it matter? You can't spend .5 IP.
OOC: The Map with NPCs... My eyes....
Also, since we all have level one tech, then wouldn't it be 25 IP for the next level?
To: Algeria, Lybia
From: The Republic of Iberia

We offer a full alliance to both of your nations, as to preserve peace in our lands.
To the Kind People of Honduras

Do not heed the snake's words as they are full of lies. This pretender Imperium seeks to restore the Spanish Empire. Ask yourselves, do you really wish to be placed beneath the yoke of such a power? Will you so easily dishonour the legacy of your forefathers of 1821 and submit to these Spaniard pretenders who cannot even name your nation correctly? I personally implore you to join our cooperative federation as friends and allies, not as mere subordinates to a false empire. The nation of Honduras will have full control of domestic affairs and will only be required to send men for the Nahuatl Army in case of defence. Hondurans will have their own army grouping, named the 1st Puma Formation of the Federation. Think wisely before renouncing your independence to a pretender, false empire.
~Tlatoani Pochotl.
To the Kind People of Honduras

Do not heed the snake's words as they are full of lies. This pretender Imperium seeks to restore the Spanish Empire. Ask yourselves, do you really wish to be placed beneath the yoke of such a power? Will you so easily dishonour the legacy of your forefathers of 1821 and submit to these Spaniard pretenders who cannot even name your nation correctly? I personally implore you to join our cooperative federation as friends and allies, not as mere subordinates to a false empire. The nation of Honduras will have full control of domestic affairs and will only be required to send men for the Nahuatl Army in case of defence. Hondurans will have their own army grouping, named the 1st Puma Formation of the Federation. Think wisely before renouncing your independence to a pretender, false empire.
~Tlatoani Pochotl.

To the peoples of Honduras and their represenative

Do not heed the words of Tlatoani Pochotl, who claims not to your Latin culture and instead re-invokes the savage culture which the great conquistadors banished. Our Imperium is the best way to ensure your security. As Latins you will be easily among us, your own militant governor appointed among you. The Federation will enslave you in the name of chaos and hence forth sell you to the vile Confederate States of America. It is hence vital that you join the right side and adopt a imperial standard as your banner among the great parade. We will ensure that you will not fear leaving your doors unlocked, for we are effective at dealing with threats such as crime; we cannot say the same for those who follow anarchy's first cousin. We also will protect from the forces of Bakunism and other ills that dare bring doom to the citizens of states. As one with Panama you will find Honduras able to roar with pride, as oppose to being a instrument of chaos. Pick the choice that is right: go imperial and you will adopt the whims of glory as oppose to evil.

Hail Panama!

Imperator Jordana Vargas of Panama
To the peoples of Honduras and their represenative

Do not heed the words of Tlatoani Pochotl, who claims not to your Latin culture and instead re-invokes the savage culture which the great conquistadors banished. Our Imperium is the best way to ensure your security. As Latins you will be easily among us, your own militant governor appointed among you. The Federation will enslave you in the name of chaos and hence forth sell you to the vile Confederate States of America. It is hence vital that you join the right side and adopt a imperial standard as your banner among the great parade. We will ensure that you will not fear leaving your doors unlocked, for we are effective at dealing with threats such as crime; we cannot say the same for those who follow anarchy's first cousin. We also will protect from the forces of Bakunism and other ills that dare bring doom to the citizens of states. As one with Panama you will find Honduras able to roar with pride, as oppose to being a instrument of chaos. Pick the choice that is right: go imperial and you will adopt the whims of glory as oppose to evil.

Hail Panama!

Imperator Jordana Vargas of Panama
The Confederacy is highly insulted that you would claim one of our allies would sell their own people, as Honduras' people would be if annexed into the Nahuatl Federation, especially when the era of slave trading is long behind the Confederacy.

To the people of Honduras, the Confederacy invokes the past of Panama and its government. Living under Panama, you will be oppressed to unimaginable levels by their militaristic junta. You will not be given your own government, this Militaristic Governor being a pawn of the Imperium, and your culture and people will be suppressed and oppressed just as Panama suppresses and oppresses those of South Cuba.

The Confederwcy urges Honduras to take this into account and refuse Panama's "offer."
The Confederacy is highly insulted that you would claim one of our allies would sell their own people, as Honduras' people would be if annexed into the Nahuatl Federation, especially when the era of slave trading is long behind the Confederacy.

To the people of Honduras, the Confederacy invokes the past of Panama and its government. Living under Panama, you will be oppressed to unimaginable levels by their militaristic junta. You will not be given your own government, this Militaristic Governor being a pawn of the Imperium, and your culture and people will be suppressed and oppressed just as Panama suppresses and oppresses those of South Cuba.

The Confederwcy urges Honduras to take this into account and refuse Panama's "offer."

Why would be oppress our culture? The Latin culture is a hegemonic thread which ties the Cubans, Honduran, Panamanian, Venezuelan, Argentinian... these and others are Latino, which we wish to embrace. The Mexican were but have been enslaved by chaos, converte to savage times indeed. We will however open ourselves to Spanish speaking Mexicans of honest conviction that seek to life with their fellow Latino. Still our focus is on our status as the beacon of order in a sea of chaos.

We would invite the Honduran masses to think of the incidents we recently had with the CSA; our legal inspection of the tourist party being taken in ill ways by the arrogant Confederates and the Confederate assault on a merchant vessel. The former shows that the CSA does not have respect for law and would bring the threat of war just to keep their citizens from being applied to the laws of the places they visit. We needed to do the inspections to check that those tourists were not agents. As for the tragic case of the ICS Alzaga we take note that the CSA will likely want to exploit the Honduran populace through aggressive tones, even if the Honduran peoples are independent as they are now or under the "protection" of the savage Nahuatl Federation. If kept out of the Imperium it appears that Honduras will be enslaved by the forces of disorder, which will aid only the Communists.

Henceforth we invite diplomats from Honduras to Panama City so they may discus the terms of the entry of Honduras into the only salvation in Latin America from anarchy, communism, Confederate aggression, savage ways, tyranny and crime. Remember that south Cuba enjoys not having to lock their doors at night and when out as our junta has ensured that the law is respected, for criminals are a cowardly lot who will keep out of the way if one shows enough strength.

We strive for unity through power and power through unity. Join us our Honuran brothers and sisters! Only we can keep you safe from the cultural domination of those who will stand against Latino values. The family system will survive under us. The respect of ones elders is still present in the Imperium. We honour hard labour while the CSA strives to laziness and piracy. May the glory of the Conquistadors keep our spirits high as we serve as a single candle that wields a flame of hope that is flickering away the vile sea of darkness!

Peace through power as we hail the Imperator!
True but we should remind our Ottoman friends that we support our allies in Serbia. know that Serbia also has Rome? Even without us the Serbians has backup.
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