• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

IOT XV: Clanking of the Swords

Attention citizens! Eager to go beyond the boundaries of your settlement? To be able explore the world? To be able to practice your co-operation skills, make new friends, become more experience and conduct great duty on behalf of the Imperium of Panama? Want to defend your families and nation from coastal invasions? Defend humble merchants from Confederate marauders and other pirates? Wish to taste the Caribbean or journey beyond the Americas once the great Imperium of Panama begins her post-continental expansion policy? Want to life your live like a Romantic hero?

Then join the Imperial Navy today!

We provide protection for trade ships, defence against hostile invaders, and support for our troops on the ground, air clearance for our sky forces, provide quick response of heroism to mayday calls, conquest of waters when the Imperator declares expansion, boundary patrols, piracy extermination, sailing parades to give joy to the peoples of the Imperium, conduct exploration missions and much more. We are the backbone of protection the Panama Canal, the Imperium’s greatest source of trade wealth and a doorway to the Pacific for the Atlantic, especially important for allowing European merchants to access Japan for instance. This need defence, especially after what happens when a trade vessel gets caught by a pirating force who then sinks it. We must prevent barbarism!

The ICV Alzaga must be remembered, for this recruitment reel must remember that the Imperium is a honest power who strove to free their citizens and would never harm their citizens for some devilish conspiracy that only the likes of the Confederate States of America, enslaving their populace into a path of chaos and piracy, could conduct. The heroism of the crews of the IWS Cid and her sister ships are a good reason for many for you to join the navy and ensure that the Alzaga incident does not occur again, for the citizens of the Imperium must be safe. As of now patrol boats are increasing along the watery borders between the CSA and the Imperium; we will need more sailors to define our line in the sand.

Gunners, navigators, chiefs, communication officers, signallers, engineers, marines… these are but some of the professional accessible to those that want to join the navy. Perhaps you may rise in the ranks to be captain or even an admiral some day? Maybe the Warlord of Sea may elect you as one of the grand admirals, make you a militant governor of a great isle or isles… perhaps even you may one day become the Imperator’s Warlord of the Sea, for those who strive in discipline and effort gain their fill in the Imperium of Panama. The navy is a great place most treasured indeed.
So what are you waiting for? If you’re 16 or other you can sign up training and join the navy. Alternatively you may be a youngling who is about to be set to military school or even be a student at one; in which case you are perhaps on the path of being a captain. Maybe you may even be a trainer and, like this reel, provide the good news to the public.

So march to your local naval recruitment office today and enjoy the live of the Seven Seas!

We will insure you in case of sickness and pay you well!

Hail Imperator Vargas!

OOC: the navy also promises to encourage the GM to get the party started!
The Imperium of Ma... I mean Panama is prepared to capture the GM and force him to begin the game.
The Imperium of Ma... I mean Panama is prepared to capture the GM and force him to begin the game.
The Confederacy reminds Panama that the GM felt very, very sick last night. Should he not begin soon, however, the CSA is willing to work with Panama to capture the jackdonkey. :p
I didn't see that one coming until the weekend came. Then I even forgot this game existed.
Yippy! :D

If it cometh about then the Imperium will have parades to honour the opening!
Oh hi, didn't see this here.

Federated Kingdoms of the Two Jordans

Short Name: The Jordans

Capital [of the Federation]: Az Zarqāʼ
-of Transjordan: Ma'ān
-of Cisjordan-Palestine: al-Quds
-of Egypt: al-Qāhirah
-of Ḥimṣ: Ḥimṣ
-of Hejaz: Makkah

Government: Officially a Constitutional Monarchy, though power is practically concentrated into the King.

Leader: 'Abd al-Ilah I ibn al-Hussein, King of the United Jordans

-Premier Minister of Transjordan: Ṭāher 'Aḥmad el-Najjar

-Premier Minister of Cisjordan-Palestine: Mohammed Amin el-Husseini

Constituent States:

Kingdom of Transjordan,
Kingdom of Cisjordan and Palestine,
Emirate of Egypt on the Nile,
Emirate of Ḥimṣ,
Sharifate of the Hezaj

Official Language: Levantine Arabic

Official Currency: Jordanian Riyāl [a Riyāl being subdivided into 20 Qirsh]

National Anthem: Mawṭinī

State Religion: Ḥanafī Sunni Islam

History: The complete and utter destruction of the Ottoman Empire following the Treaty of Lausanne and the Great War, as well as the lack of a consensus regarding the future of the Middle East as a whole, lead to a massive power vacuum within the former Arab territories of the Ottoman Empire. Even prior to the official end of conflict, Arabs across the Empire, and outside it were acutely aware of the ringing of the Sublime Porte's death knells. From Tunisia to Iraq, various petty Arab states, some relics of old Ottoman vilayets, others claiming the heritage and glory of the Arab empires of old, and others spontaneously forming out of relatively powerful or charismatic tribes, rose against the Porte and against each other. This general chaos in the Arab territories continued for a good decade, and the number of remaining nations thinned out until there existed a clear-cut group of successor countries for the Arab peoples.

In the Maghreb, the Kingdom of Libya annexed various Tunisian factions and consolidated its power within Tripoli. An Iraqi-Syrian coalition continued a bloody war against a powerful union Kurdish separatists and begs to the north. On the peninsula were various kingdoms and emirates who continually jockeyed for control of vast, newly found oil deposits. And between these states was a curiously formed, almost arbitrarily cobbled together state lead by a former Hejazi royal line.

The Jordans.

Update #1 - 1950
You could've prevented this, all you had to do was listen...

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Will post map with the name of the NPCs, wont put them in stats because there are too many of them.
To Hondorus

You land requires protection. As we are both Latin it is hence vital we stick together for the greater unity of our peoples, less you fall to savages. Henceforth I invite to join the Imperium of Panama so that you may enjoy our protection. You will be assymilated smoothly for the glory of the Imperium.

Power through unity and unity through power!

Jordana Vargas, Imperator of the Imperium of Panama


To Haiti

Your famed revolution be remembered but the Confederate States of America have shown to not respect you. Henceforth to be safe from the CSA we invite to join the Imperium of Panama. Be advise that our imperial glory is best not denied and that we will prove better at conquering Haiti than the legendary French Empire ever could.

Prey you pick the option of power

Jordana Vargas


To Venezuela

To defend ourselves against Bakunism and other threats to the sovereign dignity of the Latin peoples it is vital that you consider accepting a invitation to join the Imperium of Panama so that no evil force may strip you of your honour. As part of the Imperium your land will enjoy great honour and be one with the successor to the Roman, Spanish and Portuguese empires. Your land must be safe under the right way.

Peace through power!

Jordana Vargas
*sigh* why does Bulgaria have western Thrace? anyway

we ask Greece for a voluntary annexation. the constitution is already set up for one third representation of the Greeks in the upper and lower house, you are free to worship any religion you want, without any additional taxes, you can enact any sort of laws you want, create political parties of any spectrum, and so on. you would just be protected by a larger power.

Same deal for Crete and Cyprus. you get to be protected, your culture safe, and the Ottomans will not let anyone conquer the islands.

and... we politely request western Thrace, from Bulgaria. we are prepared to compensate you, and promise to treat the people there with full rights and privileges, where i outlined to the Greeks.
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