It's a Kilt!-Medieval 2 Scottish AAR

crap i am so late for this :( anyway i need to know the order in which people get to be commanders. im ate cuz i thought this would b in the total war forums :(
actually, not bad, thats pretty close to the plan i came up with, except the buggers didnt do as I expected so I had to chase them down

ouch, crosspost, cleric, are you applying to be a general?

I'll count from cleric anyway

edit: 6 more kids need to be born....

Kan, Prince, your work is cut out for you :p


*holds out some bagpipes to prince*
i forgot does MTW2 have 12 years olds geting married to 46 year olds in RTW, BI and alexander. because so far that hasnt happend to me and what order are the babies in
nope, youngest is 16, not sure how old the wives get though
I also happen to know the lay of the land.

No really, there's two corner shops near where I am, and the train station to Inverness is twenty minutes away. I'm the perfect choice for commanding Scotland's armies!

I'll happily have StevieJey as my assistant and right-hand man, though :)

heh I would be honoured :p

I was playing a game once where I was sending a Crusading Army to the Holy Land but the city was taken just as my fleet was passing Egypt, and, not wishing to waste a perfectly good army, went mad. I started sacking the hugely rich and lightly defended Egyptian Cities. I never tried to defend them, simply, attack, sack (leaving the population relatively alone) in order to get the most money. I essentially destroyed the Eyptians as a power in only a few years. Mainly cause I let the cities revolt so rather than having a few of my troops, they were filled with rebel armies. Was a good sight.
i'm the next one up to be born right?
I was playing a game once where I was sending a Crusading Army to the Holy Land but the city was taken just as my fleet was passing Egypt, and, not wishing to waste a perfectly good army, went mad. I started sacking the hugely rich and lightly defended Egyptian Cities. I never tried to defend them, simply, attack, sack (leaving the population relatively alone) in order to get the most money. I essentially destroyed the Eyptians as a power in only a few years. Mainly cause I let the cities revolt so rather than having a few of my troops, they were filled with rebel armies. Was a good sight.

That's essentially what I did in the Rome AAR against Carthage. I don't think they've been able to rebuild since then.

My worst crusading experience was when my Crusading army had it's leader assassinated while still marching to Jerusalem. Being in central Germany, I had no way of getting a leader to replace him, and eventually the army dispersed into nothingness. I haven't ever joined a Crusade since.
3rd in line, next is subi, then Xtream

dont worry, royals tend to breed like rabbits
Gah, you started off all wrong :(

You can almost always (unless you make a big mistake) kill off the English presence in the Isles in the first 10-12 turns.

Anyway; I sign up for a general/heir at some point. Must make the English Burn....(then the french, then the Milanese....because...well anyone who has played MTW2 for any sufficient time period should know why).
heh I would be honoured :p

I was playing a game once where I was sending a Crusading Army to the Holy Land but the city was taken just as my fleet was passing Egypt, and, not wishing to waste a perfectly good army, went mad. I started sacking the hugely rich and lightly defended Egyptian Cities. I never tried to defend them, simply, attack, sack (leaving the population relatively alone) in order to get the most money. I essentially destroyed the Eyptians as a power in only a few years. Mainly cause I let the cities revolt so rather than having a few of my troops, they were filled with rebel armies. Was a good sight.

Heh, in my egyption capmaign a Jihad got called on Constantinople, I answered with two armies. In less than 15 turns I had blitzed (you get like double movement points with jihad armies) Anatolia (which was mostly Byzantine, it would have been shorter time but I had to refit before leaving) and a couple of turns laterI took their last city of Corinth. They had lost the rest of the balkans to Venice and Hungary. Needless to say Egypt is now very wealthy. I got a mission to take a turkish city, so i'm going to attack the turks next and expand into the causcausus. Then once they are gone I'll organize my empire and get everything set right. Then probably expand into the Balkans.
Where am I?
next on the list cleric :p

actually you should be born by now, but since I didnt know weither or not you wanted a general I gave the guy to Subi, you'll be the next kid

Wales of a time

The king decided the easiest way to defeat England would be to outgrow them, so he gathered up the troops in his city and General Nodikus, then set off for Wales

however, upon arrival, it was discovered that the garrison was so low that the only reasonable way to fight this would be another drawn out siege, Nodikus and Captain built up their camps then waited for the enemy surrender that came shortly

however, during this time further news reached him that his wife had given birth to a fourth child, frankly he became worried, he had been around when Kan and Prince were born, however the latest two he had been off invading something, he decided to ignore it and begin drinking, a few hours later he sent back his wife a letter asking to call the child Super Beaver, whitch he found entertaining at the time

meanwhile, Diplomat Hitti found an english princess and was able to trade maps, discovering that Scotland had 5 Provinces while England only had 3

note the fact that Nodikus at 18 has had a kid after only being married for a few years, meanwhile, second update Prince got married, nothing :p

Kan had a girl, however that doesnt help anything...we need generals kan
Aye, I shall be holding my battleaxe until the time comes.
Ye better be careful as to who you marry ma wee lass off tae!

he had been around when Kan and Prince were born, however the latest two he had been off invading something, he decided to ignore it and begin drinking, a few hours later he sent back his wife a letter asking to call the child Super Beaver, whitch he found entertaining at the time

Love it :lol: :goodjob:
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