O.K. logging off, I'll get those last 5 civs to you tomorrow
We are missing the Nationalism policy as well.So cool. Hey if your got a few seconds what does the United Front social policy do? It's under the order tree.
I think that's the only one we lack.
I think the -1 culture from the tomb is far less worrisome than the bonus for plundering the city. A UB ability that benefits the enemy and not you? Yay? >.>
keep an eye out on this one, may be an omision of replacement of library in the guide but the guide doesnt state that it is a library replacement were it does for other UBs
I'm confused why everyone just ignored my post reminding you what Greg said about the guides release date. -.- Until a pic of him/her holding the guide is posted I don't see why all of you would buy into what he/she is saying.
ok thank you mate.... not your fault but the UB of persia is soooooooo bad lol.
I can't begin to imagine how +2 happy at a stage when banks are made is supposed to compete with things like the paper maker which gives +50% science from population and +4 coins or the longhouse +1 hammer per forest or even the the floating garden +15% food +2food from lakes (biased start gonna guarantee a starting lake?)
I'm confused by the United Front policy. What happens if an AI picks up the policy - does your CS influence start degrading? If a second one adopts it, do you lose even more?Other player's city-state influence pointsdecrease 33% faster
"Hey guys, I just checked in to this and the street date for the strategy guide is the 21st of September. I don't know why so many retailers have the wrong date listed, but I wouldn't expect to actually get it until then at the earliest."
UU-Mohawk Warrior-replaces Swordsman-combat bonus in forest/jungle (50)
UB-Longhouse-replaces nothing-+1 production for each worked forest tile, additional engineer speciallist
Benifit-The Great Warpath-units in freindly territory move though forest and jungle s if the teeain had roads, these tiles count toward establishing trade routes
I admit that they'll be quite economically sound, but the Mohawk Warrior is kind of a sad little unit that does a sad little thing next to any other Civ's units. It was clearly supposed to build upon the free movement in forests that the entire civ used to have before it was changed, but now it's just a Swordsmen that does well in trees.