Just got my CIV V Strategy Guide!

Thanks a lot! Very interesting, I'll go chek tommorow if it's available in montreal but I doubt that.
(Emphasis mine)
Depends on one's definition of street date. Could mean brick&mortar, not internet order. He got it via a GameStop (website?) express delivery order, but today my local GameStop said not until next week.

I just don't understand how so many people are blindly listening to this guy who zomg happens to know the pages?! and the dimensions of paper?! It's like everyone in this thread <<snip>> don't question a single thing that's going on. Scans aren't legal but a pic of him/her with the book is. If he/she produces one then I guess I'm just a skeptical <<snip>>.

Moderator Action: Language warning, and please don't insult other members.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
I just don't understand how so many people are blindly listening to this guy who zomg happens to know the pages?! and the dimensions of paper?! It's like everyone in this thread <<snip>> don't question a single thing that's going on. Scans aren't legal but a pic of him/her with the book is. If he/she produces one then I guess I'm just a skeptical <<snip>>.

I am optimistic about the people here at CFC :)
BTW, what much use would it be to lie to us here - so close to release date?

And if he fools us, I don't care either - so close to release day ;)
Hey, I'm skeptical, too, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss this. So far, it seems believable -- nothing like "enables spearmen to beat tanks" -- and as long as you remember the sourcing is questionable (no offence), there is no reason not to talk about it.

It would be nice, while we're at it, for Firaxis to finally put the Civilpedia online. We know it's huge, we know it's done, and that way, we could spend the weekend reading and planing. And it's raining like hell here.
If this is all made up, he's done an impressive job of looking for every piece of information out there, compiling it, and making things up that align astonishingly well with what's already known. Awful lot of work just to put one over CFC. ;)
I'm confused by the United Front policy. What happens if an AI picks up the policy - does your CS influence start degrading? If a second one adopts it, do you lose even more?
I guess we won't know till the game ships, but it seems like a strange one to me

I'm using the Emancipation Civic from 4 as a conceptual guideline, and I think it means that once someone adopts the policy, everyone else's CSI degrades faster. So to avoid that penalty, you have to adopt that policy.

That's a nifty way to do it.
If this is all made up, he's done an impressive job of looking for every piece of information out there, compiling it, and making things up that align astonishingly well with what's already known. Awful lot of work just to put one over CFC. ;)

Indeed, half of what he is posting is known information and indeed correct, but it is helpful, he has shown a few unknown things, and I think its ironic that the only person to doubt his word that he has the strategy guide, (which is obvious he does) is someone with 12 posts, and what we are supposed to believe you over him, "no reputation" indeed, who are you to judge that mr 12. Which incidentally was my fathers name.

Jonolith is more reputable than you numi, so please keep those thoughts to yourself. Anyone can see that he is telling the truth by correlating his posts on the UU/UB/UA's with known information, of which we know most of it.
Moderator Action: Trolling
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
I'm confused why everyone just ignored my post reminding you what Greg said about the guides release date. -.- Until a pic of him/her holding the guide is posted I don't see why all of you would buy into what he/she is saying.

Gamestop says "shipping now".
For UUs/UBs that don't replace anything, can you please tell us the prerequisite tech? I think this is just Paper Maker and Longhouse so far. Thanks!

I personally would also appreciate an exact comparison of the paper maker and library.
Indeed, half of what he is posting is known information and indeed correct, but it is helpful, he has shown a few unknown things, and I think its ironic that the only person to doubt his word that he has the strategy guide, (which is obvious he does) is someone with 12 posts, and what we are supposed to believe you over him, "no reputation" indeed, who are you to judge that mr 12. Which incidentally was my fathers name.

Jonolith is more reputable than you numi, so please keep those thoughts to yourself. Anyone can see that he is telling the truth by correlating his posts on the UU/UB/UA's with known information, of which we know most of it.

Wow ok are you serious? Your logic is so flawed it is just ridiculous. And you judging my skepticism of someone who has shown no real proof of anything to be faulty because I've only joined recently is completely absurd. What do you mean the world is round? Scientists and Holy-men alike have already explained that it is flat. Lack of skepticism leads to some pretty stupid places. So even if I am wrong, which I may be, I am still right in my claim that without any real evidence there's no reason to believe someone who takes mostly things we know and sprinkles in fairy dust in places we are unsure of.
Wow ok are you serious? Your logic is so flawed it is just ridiculous. And you judging my skepticism of someone who has shown no real proof of anything to be faulty because I've only joined recently is completely absurd. What do you mean the world is round? Scientists and Holy-men alike have already explained that it is flat. Lack of skepticism leads to some pretty stupid places. So even if I am wrong, which I may be, I am still right in my claim that without any real evidence there's no reason to believe someone who takes mostly things we know and sprinkles in fairy dust in places we are unsure of.
Are YOU serious? Is the concept of breaking street dates really that new to you? :crazyeye:
Hint: it happens for every game release. There's absolutely no reason to doubt that he has the guide, especially this close to the official release.
Are YOU serious? Is the concept of breaking street dates really that new to you? :crazyeye:
Hint: it happens for every game release. There's absolutely no reason to doubt that he has the guide, especially this close to the official release.

In fact, Gamestop even states they are shipping it now.
C'mon, guys, get over this, let's keep peace.

Numi has the right to be skeptical, it is his/her own business.

Evereybody treats OP and thread info as seriously as s/he wishes...

Moving on...
Lack of skepticism leads to some pretty stupid places.

So does excess of skepticism. The point of skepticism is to evaluate evidence critically, not to deny everything. The claims fit within the existing body of knowledge, are backed up by a claim by the site to be shipping the guide (which is of a more certain nature than the same claim was in the pre-order period), and is of such a nature that lying would involve a lot of work with no real point. And to top it off, the penalty for being duped is essentially nonexistent. The only evidence to the contrary is that one employee of 2k Games commented on a release date of a product by Brady Games describing a product developed by Firaxis... lots of room for communication error there. Occam's razor leads me to provisionally accept it. Your counterargument is noted and, in concurrence with Mill's argument that a healthy society should be exposed to all viewpoints, I congratulate you in making it. Now how about leaving this thread to discussion of the material presented?
Thanks ltarmstrong3.

UU-Mohawk Warrior-replaces Swordsman-combat bonus in forest/jungle (50)
UB-Longhouse-replaces nothing-+1 production for each worked forest tile, additional engineer speciallist
Benifit-The Great Warpath-units in freindly territory move though forest and jungle s if the teeain had roads, these tiles count toward establishing trade routes

Wow. The Longhouse seems to be super powerfull. So you basically never want to chop down Forest on grassland, hum. And when you add lumber mill Iroquois cities will become production beasts. Plus you save gold on road upkeep.
I really like India unique ability, very well thought :)
with all these UU UB and special abilities - I welcome this versatility of the civs...
real replay value, I guess

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