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Knowledge or Ignorance

Ignorance is Bliss but Knowledge is Power.

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The truth is often painful, but the value of wisdom overrides it all.

Knowledge all the way, man!
Knowledge. I'm a masochist.
Knowledge is the purpose of humanity.
Same here, sometime i do wonder why i need to know so much. but the more i read, the lesser i think i know.

Total ignorance might be a bliss. but for those that had tasted the fruit. There is little turning back... -_-"
A perfect balance of the two.
This question is meaningless without context.

Next weeks lottery numbers: Knowledge.
Knowing what that coffee mug I bought at a yard sale has been used for: Ignorance
Ignorance is only bliss, until the day when a certain lack of knowledge catches up to you and punches you in the face - hard. Then the bliss ends.

E.g., the lack of nutritional knowledge leads you to eat nothing but candy and cupcakes. Then one day you die of diabetes. [/bliss]
E.g., the lack of nutritional knowledge leads you to eat nothing but candy and cupcakes. Then one day you die of diabetes. [/bliss]
Umm, I think the bliss would end earlier. Have you ever gone an entire day on candy and sugary stuff? I have, once or twice (through unlucky circumstance) and I can guarantee you that by the end of the day what you are feeling is not 'bliss'.
I'm naturally curious.

There would never be such a thing as blissful ignorance for me.
Umm, I think the bliss would end earlier. Have you ever gone an entire day on candy and sugary stuff? I have, once or twice (through unlucky circumstance) and I can guarantee you that by the end of the day what you are feeling is not 'bliss'.

Thank you for reinforcing my point. The 'bliss' is cyclic; and therefore cannot truly be called such.
Ignorane, I envy the dumb for they have the gift of eternal happiness.
I Know i am ignorant! and therefore often seek to expand my knowledge, not as often as i should but several times more often than most humans.
Knowledge may be powerful. But not everyone is built for knowledge, and because of that they won't ever gain the 'powerful' part. In that case, it would probably be in their best interest to go for bliss. and ignorance instead - Bliss is its own kind of power.

Me? I'm all ying yang n' stuff, man. I go both ways.
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