Land Combat Balace Poll 'M'

Which of these would you like to see

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I think the issue at heart is this:

Are warriors too good against axemen/champions? Which would make this a midgame problem, which could be fixed by buffing axes and champs vs. warriors and nerfing warriors a little.


Are warriors simply too good? Do you use warriors as city defenders...or archers? Scouts and hunters to explore....or warriors? Warriors as city attackers.....or axemen?

Right now I use warriors for all of these in the early to mid game, with mounted or siege helpers for city defence and attack. Instead of going for any t2 unit, I go for economy, science, and culture boosting techs I get warriors, which are versatile, very powerful given their cost, and take less time to build, so I have more time to construct buildings.

Now if I get a T2 unit tech from a hut or a lair, I'm not going to not built that unit. After all, I got it for free. And if my starting scout survives and gets a lot of experience, I'll eventually go for hunters. They are better to explore, but hunting is so expensive.

Depending on my civ's unique features, by the midgame I try to have an army based around warriors, adepts, priests, and mounted or siege units. I don't think that massive warrior stacks are great for mid-late game warfare, but with just a few other units that can start to damage your opponents they are good enough.

Now I will grant you that many units would need to be looked at if 2 strength warriors were to happen.

For example, Onionsoldier mentioned the Svartalfar scouts. -20% city attack should be a quick fix for that. They would still be able to take cities, but a numbers or experience advantage would be needed.

Regardless of whether 2 strength warriors is the solution, most people will admit there is a problem with warriors. I see this thread started by Tlalynet as a place to try to come up with a few (2-5) different solutions to this balance problem and a few others mentioned in the initial post and threads linked there. People can try to make some files implementing those solutions, and someone could start a new thread with download links to each of these options and a poll to vote on their favorite.

I'm not a modder, but I'll poke around the FFH editor file a bit over the next week to try to come up with something basic.
Great posts Senthro and Zifnab, thats pretty much what I was thinking about svart scouts and that is the problem I've been trying to describe to a T. Thanks both of you.
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