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Left Wing Sexism From Government Minister?

As I understand it: some woman had no comment on another woman reportedly getting food or some such thing thrown on her, and then goes on to get hit by a motorcyclist.
Okay so: I don't like it when people have food thrown on them and I don't like when they're hit with motorcycles (or anything for that matter).

But I guess that's par for the course for protests in this age. You invite every Tom, Dick, and Harry, no discipline, no organization, no coherency other than the tribal loyalty, of course you'll only be as good as your worst participants.
Correction: a literal Mein Kampf reading, nazi barbie profile pic having, sig heiling fascist got soup thrown on her by members of the local community for trying to hold a Nazi rally.

Only one correct way to deal with Nazis

I wonder how often people confuse her with the actress Parker Posey. Like are people with blue hair and septum piercings going to start screeching if they see Parker Posey around Manhattan?

Who’s the person in her profile pic?
So what? Some of the worst atrocities known to us have been committed by cis men, as you well know.

If so, then was the primary reason why due to the restrictions on womens participation in society?
one could say many wars and such were committed by men to ostensibly protect their women.

it's a silly debate anyway. but I imagine this Marama Davidson thought the person questioning her was just a jerk or something and wanted to get away; can't say I blame her.
one could say many wars and such were committed by men to ostensibly protect their women.
I'd make a pretty safe bet that it's much more about men wanting more stuff
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If so, then was the primary reason why due to the restrictions on womens participation in society?
Since I can't find the clip online, I've gone ahead and transcribed a scene from His Dark Materials I think is apropos:

Spoiler Season 2 :
MRS. COULTER: "What do they drink in this world?"

BOREAL: "That they do rather well..! ... How did you find Malone?"

MRS. COULTER: "Impertinent. ...Intelligent. Free."

BOREAL: "I found her arrogant, like many women in this world."

MRS. COULTER: "Do you find me arrogant?"

BOREAL: "Of course not. ... Take a breath, Marisa. You're clearly upset."

MRS. COULTER: "Did you know, when I was an honourary scholar, I achieved the highest results in our final examination?—But, because I was a woman, I was denied a doctorate by the Magisterium. I've written plenty of papers, but they're only published if I agree to let a man... take the credit."

BOREAL: "What did Malone say to upset you so much?"

MRS. COULTER: "Hm. ... Do you know who I could have been in this world? ... What do you remember... about the scandal over my affair with Asriel?"

BOREAL: "He seduced you. And then abandoned you."

MRS. COULTER: "Leaving me a grieving widow... with a child out of wedlock."

BOREAL: "Why are we talking about Asriel?"

MRS. COULTER: "We're not talking about Asriel, we're talking about me!"
I'd make a pretty safe bet that it's much more about men wanting more stuff
My civ games in a nutshell. :devil:

"Mansa Musa has completed The Pyramids!"
"Washington can no longer work on the Pyramids, the lost :hammers:is converted into 50 :gold:!"
"You have declared war on Mansa Musa!"
My civ games in a nutshell. :devil:

"Mansa Musa has completed The Pyramids!"
"Washington can no longer work on the Pyramids, the lost :hammers:is converted into 50 :gold:!"
"You have declared war on Mansa Musa!"

Bad@civ builds wonders.
She narrowed it down to cis white men though speaking as a minister not her personal opinion.
I don’t know why she would say white because that implies to me some kind of measurable difference based on race, the cause of which being…?

But I would just guess not a lot of thought went into the comment and just spewing the kind of the zeitgeist in order to stay relevant?

(Also, I think this is the first time I have ever been able to use “zeitgeist” properly. Big history!)
I don’t know why she would say white because that implies to me some kind of measurable difference based on race, the cause of which being…?

But I would just guess not a lot of thought went into the comment and just spewing the kind of the zeitgeist in order to stay relevant?

(Also, I think this is the first time I have ever been able to use “zeitgeist” properly. Big history!)

It’s like a required statement these days in some circles. People bring up race when it has absolutely nothing to do with the issue they’re discussing.
She didn't say that though. White cis men. Irony being she got assaulted by a fellow Maori.

I've seen female on ne domestic violence. White female and her son assaulted Maori husband. Cops turned up and arrested him for DV for defending himself against stepson (she was using a broom, son his fists). He didn't end up getting charged though.

And here it's not white males with the worst stats in DV.
even in usa, presumption in dv cases is that man is the aggressor/arrested, even if he's the victim. seems to ignore evidence to contrary in many cases.
Anecdotally I've never hit a woman but have had two women hit me (edit : actually 3 women but 3rd time I'd cheated so I deserved it)
same in my case, although i've never cheated at least (i've been cheated on, and in one case was unknowingly the guy with which someone was cheating, was not amused as i was already well aware of what being cheated on feels like, knew that just happened to someone else, *and* then knew i was again dating a cheater...not for much longer though!). i was once hit in the head with a pvc pipe. i've had things thrown at me too.

note that the idea that "i cheated so i deserved it" does not seem to cleanly extend to the reverse situation. i imagine this forum would be up in arms if you said that you hit a woman in retaliation for her cheating. but nobody pushed back on the "woman hit me but i cheated so it was deserved". even as they claim there's bias in this regard against women.

the only actual "bias against women" in this context is muscle mass/ability to actually do the physical harm. in most cases, men are more capable of doing harm easily. human biases take that into an account to such an extreme degree that you being assaulted isn't a big deal, where it would be if roles were reversed. unfortunately, this bias extends even to cases involving weapons. imo, once people are plunging knives into or shooting each other, the law should be treating that equally. but it is not so.
And women are unlikely to report it because violence against women rarely results in charges or prosecutions.
per evidence:
  • violence against women is judged more harshly by respondents than men for same violent act
  • violence by women is punished less severely than violence by men (for same crime), the sentencing gap is pretty severe
  • women have more resources to help them when they are victims of violence, especially domestic violence. men who are victims of domestic violence are widely disregarded. in some cases they are transferred to hotline meant to counsel abusers, despite being the victims
  • to my knowledge, all crime is under-reported, but i haven't seen evidence that this is particularly unfavorable to women
I don’t know why she would say white because that implies to me some kind of measurable difference based on race
it implies she's a racist
Intimate partner murder has a ratio of about 10:1 in the direction you expect by gender.

So getting very concerned about DV equal treatment by gender in the justice system has a sort of wilful blindness to the significant proximal issue.

Also while looking around I learned that since about 1975 - 2010ish female murder of intimate partners in the US has declined by maybe about 3/4 and its thought that womens shelters, restraining orders etc were maybe the cause. Do you think thats interesting? I thought that was interesting.
Intimate partner murder has a ratio of about 10:1 in the direction you expect by gender.

So getting very concerned about DV equal treatment by gender in the justice system has a sort of wilful blindness to the significant proximal issue.

Also while looking around I learned that since about 1975 - 2010ish female murder of intimate partners in the US has declined by maybe about 3/4 and its thought that womens shelters, restraining orders etc were maybe the cause. Do you think thats interesting? I thought that was interesting.

What's the trend for male murders of intimate partners in the same time frame?

(Btw i do not agree that aggregate stats are a valid excuse for treating individuals with prejudice, but the idea that feminism is somehow responsible for unjust treatment of men in these cases is the height of absurdity)
What's the trend for male murders of intimate partners in the same time frame?

I found the article I was reading last time, noted that my memory was about 60% accurate at best, and that the sources in the text remain intact, but the sources in the figures have been deleted or are falling afoul of an overzealous adblocker.

For me the page is something of a mess now. How does it look to you? I tried searching some exact phrases and wasn't able to find any other versions of it online. The source upon which the missing fig 9.3 would have what you want, I think. The text says fig 9.2 was drawn from Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Surveillance Summaries (vol. 50, no. SS03, October 12, 2001) but I can't be sure 9.3 was also.

(Btw i do not agree that aggregate stats are a valid excuse for treating individuals with prejudice)
Agree with this and I shouldn't allow it to look otherwise or even be adjacent to whataboutism.
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