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Lil' Hitler & friends


Fatso Migee
Jun 10, 2007
1 Day Lil' Hitler (the average one) Was Trotting down the street when he saw Lil' ol' Bismark writing blueprints.

"Hiya Bizzy" said Hitler "Feeding Panzer the Paper" said lil' Bismark (the war crazy and softie one) *the crowd laughs*

Lil' Arminius (the dumb goofy one) was driving a catapult do school. "Arminu says you to be hi" arminus says in a goofy tone. *the crowd laughs* Lil hitler, Lil' Arminus and, Lil' Bismark. Arminus taking the lead with his catapult, Bismark in second with his paper machete tank (his plans made with panzer the paper) and Lil' Hitler in last Skipping to school. *The crowd laughs* They arrive the the military school.

Lil' De Gaulle (The bully) was Pushing around Lil' Napoleon (the geek)

" Divide this named meatbag De-Gaulle into microscopic adams" yelled Lil' Napoleon. *the crowd laughs* "Arghhhh" Charged Lil' Bismark with a toy sword, and a soother in his mouth" *the crowd laughs*

Lil' De Gaulle and Lil' Bismark fought to the death with soother tipped toy swords. *the crowd laughs histaricly*


The lil's
Hitler. Age 6
Bismark. Age 6
Arminius. Age 6
De-Gaulle. Age 8
Napoleon. Age 5
...huh? :confused:
When De Gaulle and Bismark had there soother tipped sword fight Lil' Arminius Jumped in and hanged on Lil' Bismark's Sword acting like an ape, he made lil' Bismark fall over losing his sword then tripping over lil' Hitler who was eating a banana which made the banana peel fall then Lil' De Gaulle slipped on the bannana and fell over the lil' Doggy pile. *the crowd laughs histaricly*

"me make big pile of tighty wighties" Arminius said in his goofy voice. *The crowd laughs*

Lil' Napoleon Backed away slowly and ran into the sleeping barracks.

"Get of me You Squirt-McPipsqueaks" Lil' De Gaulle said trying to act cool in front of the little kids. *The crowd laughs*

They all Got up and Ran to the teacher.

"De" "Fall... slip" Get owwie Crack joke Kiss boobo... All the kids taking breaths reporting to the teacher.

Dark green, Hitler. Lime, Bismark. Sandy Brown, De Gaulle

"Waita minute" said the teacher

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