LK146 - We love our roads


Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate!!!
Aug 15, 2001
4000 BC
Once calendar arrives our capitol will have obscene food.
A hut gives us gold.

3150 BC
We pop hostiles from a hut.
(IT) Our exploring warrior is toast.

3075 BC
(IT) We get a random event giving us a few pasture and road on the horses.

2800 BC
We finally meet someone - Alexander.

2700 BC
I just found a hut near the capitol, and popped a scout.

2550 BC
We are starting to have a European theme. I just met Rome.

2500 BC
I've intentionally let the settler unmoved.

Quotey (currently playing) (skip July 4th to July 12)
Mighty Dwaarf (on deck)

The first improvement on any land tile must be a road.
NOTE: Clearing forest / jungle is considered an "improvement", so even that action requires a road before doing it.

Remember about 15 peace (including phony wars) / about 10 heavy war turns per round. STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.

Remember the use of the BUG mod is prohibited due to its destruction of the in game log. The use of BUG will result in your being ejected from the game.
Standard LK house rules:
1) Worker automation is prohibited.

2) Any go to order after the end of your turn should be explained in your report.

3) Please complete your turn. At most the next player should have one unmoved unit such as a settler where you are unsure of its direction. The game should be sitting ready to hit end of turn with very little left to move.

4) Don't edit your game results into a previous post. This can make it appear as if you didn't move.

5) The use of any auto-logger is prohibited for the body of your report.

6) SGs are about cooperative team play. If you disagree with other player's ideas, then please talk about it before playing.

7) Putting GP asleep is prohibited. Even if you are saving him for a GA leave him awake and hit the space bar. Please try to use the GP ASAP and don't hold him for the end of your turn set.

8) Due to the fact that it destroys the in game log, the use of the BUG mod is *prohibited*.
Any turn played with the BUG mod is voided. The player will be removed from the game.
I realize rule 8 is extreme, but I am burned out on dealing with having a CTD just because I looked at the log.

9) I reserve the right to exclude a player from signing up at my discretion.
The bad news is no visible copper.
None of these seem great, but I wanted a starting point for debate.
Hmmm, a SG where we cooperate normally? I'm out of my depth here...

I think the current sport is best for the settler unless we want to prioritize stone wonders. The "block Rome" spot will be great eventually but it'd be totally useless until IW is done, recommend it for 3rd or 4th city.

Also, that warrior being worked on in the capital should be sent west. If that mountain range doesn't already seal that area off, that will be a prime blocking-city candidate.

Do you have any idea which direction Alex is?
If we want the stone city to be at all productive we have to give it the Pigs. Ithink that perhaps 2N1E of the spot the settler is on is better- but that means no food resource first ring :/
I would still found where the settler is now. We don't have mysticism and I think the best move is to do IW first before myst. If we found the stone city later it can take the pigs, the city at the settler's current location is almost all grassland so the corn is enough food to support it.
The "block Rome" spot will be great eventually but it'd be totally useless until IW is done, recommend it for 3rd or 4th city.
IMHO if we go later then third Rome will steal in including those lovely gems.

Do you have any idea which direction Alex is?
I meet him toward the east, but it was so late that tells us nothing.

Gems-site should be 1SE to be riverside and have rice in its first ring (which a) lets it grow faster and b) makes it less likely to flip to rome due to cultural influence).
Quotey (currently playing) (skip July 4th to July 12)
Mighty Dwaarf (on deck)

If we want the stone city to be at all productive we have to give it the Pigs. Ithink that perhaps 2N1E of the spot the settler is on is better- but that means no food resource first ring :/
:scan: Is there a got it somewhere. :scan:
LK: Is BUG allowed if you turn off the logging (causes the crashes), or are you opposed to the idea of it?

Turn 0 (60)

Found Akkad. Set on Granary.

Turn 1 (61)

Notice LK's excellent work of getting out 4 scouts!

Turn 10 (70)

Meet De Gaulle of France. No sign of his scout.

Turn 11 (71)

Meet the Korean Wang Kon, and spot French borders, SW of us.

Turn 13 (73)

Lose a scout against a bear. 3 warriors remain.


Quotey said:
LK: Is BUG allowed if you turn off the logging (causes the crashes), or are you opposed to the idea of it?
LKendter said:
8) Due to the fact that it destroys the in game log, the use of the BUG mod is *prohibited*.
Any turn played with the BUG mod is voided. The player will be removed from the game.
I realize rule 8 is extreme, but I am burned out on dealing with having a CTD just because I looked at the log.
10 chars..
LK: Is BUG allowed if you turn off the logging (causes the crashes), or are you opposed to the idea of it?
I prefer to avoid it all together. All it would take is once to forget to turn off the logging...
I can't describe my frustration level with dealing with the CTD.
Quotey (skip July 4th to July 12)
Mighty Dwaarf (currently playing)
Mystyfly (on deck)

No comments at I can't look at the game until Friday morning when I have Civ access again.

The first improvement on any land tile must be a road.
NOTE: Clearing forest / jungle is considered an "improvement", so even that action requires a road before doing it.

Remember about 15 peace (including phony wars) / about 10 heavy war turns per round. STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.

Remember the use of the BUG mod is prohibited due to its destruction of the in game log. The use of BUG will result in your being ejected from the game.
I agree with Mystyfly's suggestion for the next city - between rice and gems (5E 3S of Akkad). I also agree with the sponsor that it should be next regardless of iron location as it will probably go to Rome soon otherwise. Would still like to see a scout sent to the west along the northern edge to see if it is sealed off by those peaks or not.
We can cut IW to six turns by working river cottaged bananas instead of forest grassland. I agree third city should be to get the two gems. After that we should look to get a couple of production cities and best sites for these seem to be to our capitals west, this could change depending on location of any Iron. Research wise should we look to Alpha after Iron or is there another poss strategy??
15 done

Initially moved from forest/grassland to work river cottaged bananas in Babylon. Also rushed Settler and moved him to settle designated spot.
Changed Settler to Granary in Baylon.
After 6 turns IW to Writing. We have Iron just outside Babylon BFC but inside our current borders.
Workers are moved to hook up Iron. Two of scouts get ambushed by barb archers. Concerned by lack of cover at home, barracks is completed in Babylon and Chariot is 1 turn away, I take decision to bring warrior back home as in the open he is sitting duck for barbs. We can now build Axes/Swords as Iron is hooked up.
Had one random event that destroyed a road near Babylon, we didnt have the funds to save it.
Writing is still a few turns away due to having to cut sci rate. I have also marked a couple of poss next city sites. All are more geared to having a bit of production.

View attachment LK146 BC-1750.CivBeyondSwordSave
Quotey (skip July 4th to July 12)
Mighty Dwaarf
Mystyfly (currently playing, and already got it)
Timmy827 (on deck)

Can we turn the science rate positive? We already lost once to a random event, and I would prefer not to get hit again.
No comments on the next city, as I don't think we are ready. We need another worker for the gem city. We also need some better military - one warrior as city is bad with barb archers in play.

The first improvement on any land tile must be a road.
NOTE: Clearing forest / jungle is considered an "improvement", so even that action requires a road before doing it.

Remember about 15 peace (including phony wars) / about 10 heavy war turns per round. STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.

Remember the use of the BUG mod is prohibited due to its destruction of the in game log. The use of BUG will result in your being ejected from the game.
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