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LK171, Daleks, CCM, True Fascists

Decision time. I've wiped out multiple AI civs, and I'm only on T2 of my set.

My normal standard is to let per-turn deals expire before declaring war, but we have 10 turns left on deals with multiple AI civs.

Do I fortify everything and hit 'enter' a few times to burn down that deal time? Or declare in spite of the deal once there's nothing else to fight?
If they are sending us gold, or resources, cancel the deal then exterminate them. :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :D

Actual, none of the non Dalek civs are going to be around to complain. :lol: So why bother cancelling deals or waiting. :ninja::trouble::rotfl:
Sounds like this one wraps shortly.

Will CCM V3 arrive in time. Not sure how close Civinator is to releasing it
Will CCM V3 arrive in time. Not sure how close Civinator is to releasing it
In my final test game with the new settings of the R17 version of the Flintlock mod I run into a freeze in the later phase of the game:

Otherwise CCM 3 seems to work great. The freeze at present can be outmaneuvered by making a save before the boot order, than quit the game, restart the game with the unmodded civ exe, after war is declared by the invading civ making a new save file, quit the game and restart it by the boosted R17 exe again and load the save-file after war from the invading civ was declared.

As there is a way to outmaneuver the freeze and it seems, that Flintlock needs the CCM 3 files to fix that problem, I think I can release CCM 3 with that current problem if all runs well with the upload at CFC, at the end of the next week or somewhere in the overnext week.
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@Team - wait for CCM V3 with no clue how long Flintlock needs to fix it? The other option is true American Democracy.
In my final test game with the new settings of the R17 version of the Flintlock mod I run into a freeze in the later phase of the game:
Civinator 2 questions:
Do you get the same freeze result if:
(1) You use an earlier version of Flintlock (e.g. R15), or
(2) If you declare war instead of getting the Chinese to declare war?

@Team - wait for CCM V3 with no clue how long Flintlock needs to fix it? The other option is true American Democracy.
I favor moving to CCM V3 (if the wait is not to long). Civinator's work around (saving the game before ordering them to leave our territory, etc) is a small inconvenience.
Civinator 2 questions:
Do you get the same freeze result if:
(1) You use an earlier version of Flintlock (e.g. R15), or
(2) If you declare war instead of getting the Chinese to declare war?
Flintlock guessed that the freeze is connected to the resource producing buildings - and he was right. You can see the conversation in the last posts of the linked Flintlock mod thread. This means it could happen with earlier versions, too that use this feature. I didn´t make a run with older versions, but a run with the current R17 version and the resource producing buildings deleted in the config file - and the freeze disappeared. The freeze doesn´t occure, when the player declares war and it doesn´t occure when the AI directly declares war and it doesn´t occure when the AI civ accepts the boot order.

As posted by you, the freeze is a minor inconvenience and I think there will be a chance, that Flintlock finds a fix, as his guess showed, that he is on the right path with finding the reason of the freeze.
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Since we play with variants anyway, a game with the added variant "No issuing boot orders" would be what I would choose. You still have the options of declaring war, working around the intrusion, or using units to block movement onto the road network.
:thumbsup: Nice work around. I don't issue many "boot orders". Biggest problem we would encounter if we are Playing an American Democracy scenario would be the swing in "war weariness" points we get instead of the opponent.

Another work around might be to not build the buildings that produce resources. I am not sure if that is a viable idea or not since I have not been following CCM3 development. Guess I have some studying to do. :hmm::think:
Since we play with variants anyway, a game with the added variant "No issuing boot orders" would be what I would choose. You still have the options of declaring war, working around the intrusion, or using units to block movement onto the road network.

I suspect by the time we need a boot order Flintlock will have a fix. The early game tends to be avoiding wars until we have enough power.
Please take into account, that not all boot orders of the human player leed to a freeze. The freeze only occurs if the AI civ after the boot order declares war to the human player. If the AI civ retreats from the territory of the human player after the boot order, no freeze is happening.

All the artillery is in our core. I don't spend a lot of time reviewing the state of the empire - we have a TON of cities!


Zzz... I don't see any AI moves at all - I quickly got Skaro's build completion popup!

1190 AD:

Turkey knows The Corporation. I buy it, giving them Improved Steam Engines and 700 gold.

Unfortunately, their envoy insults us during the signing of the deal, so I respond to their insolence with a declaration of war.

We have to build some rails, but Konya falls instantly.
Antalya falls almost as quickly.

Iznik is the next to fall; one of their Janissaries actually holds off 3 Armored Cars before he falls! :salute:
Aydin has a lot of troops; we need to send in 13 units before it falls. The only loss is an Enslaver that I hoped could take out a Crossbow.

We lose 2 ACs and another Enslaver clearing the way to...

Istanbul which actually has fewer defenders than Aydin. It falls quickly.
As does Bursa.

Edrine's 6 Rifles defend tenaciously against our advance. They cost us 8 Armored Cars before we force our way across the river and into the city. Topkapi Palace burns.
Sinop is a cakewalk in comparison!

Izmit looks easy, but it costs another 2 ACs.
Uskudar's 3 Riflemen cost us 2 more ACs.

Kafa's 2 Riflemen barely slow us down

Ottawa is awkward to get to, so Turkey gets another turn to live.

We lose 1 Arty and 2 Horse Arty clearing out an inconvenient stack alongside our rails into Turkey's remnants.

Now it's time for India!
We run out of Steamrollers building a rail to Tangier, so it's all Workers from here on out. We do lose 1 Camel in the fighting.
Bangalore falls next. Its 3 defenders force 3 retreats and kill one of our ACs.

Bengal falls quickly, opening the way to Calcutta which also falls easily.

We lose 2 ACs clearing the way to Delhi. This is a river crossing, so hold onto your hats!
First AC dies
AC kills Indian Line Infantry
AC retreats
AC kills Grenadier
AC retreats
AC kills Indian Line Infantry, promotes
AC dies
AC kills Indian Line Infantry
AC kills Indian Line Infantry
AC dies
AC kills Indian Line Infantry
AC retreats
AC kills Indian Line Infantry, promotes
AC kills Indian Musket Infantry
AC kills Indian Sepoy
AC dies
AC kills Indian Sepoy
AC dies
AC kills Indian Sepoy
AC kills Indian Sepoy
AC kills Camel
AC kills Grenadier
elite AC dies :mad:
AC kills Heavy Arty
AC kills Heavy Arty
Top defender is ... Supply Shipment?
AC kills some sort of cannon, I don't recognize the unit. We get a Leader! He hurries National Rubberplantage
AC kills Camel unit of some sort.
AC kills another Camel unit
AC kills a third Camel unit (all the same type, guy with a tall hat shooting a rifle at us)
Delhi burns along with Ganges Pilgrimage.

Bombay has a lot of defenders. We lose 3 ACs out of 15 committed to the attack.

Enslaver kills French Crossbowman to open the way to Lahore
Chittagong also falls instantly
Dacca costs us 1 AC

Madras forces two retreats but still falls easily
Chartres is even easier
Kolhapur costs us 1 elite AC before it falls
Karachi puts up a slight fight, but it crumbles in a flood of ACs

Hmm, India is still here. What did I miss?

Bah, I didn't snap up Punjab. Time to back-track.
Double-bah! India is a houseboat civ!

But I see their Settler!


Wait, somehow we STILL don't know Scandinavia? I saw one of their Workers during the India campaign. They're completely broke and backwards (down Napoleonic Age and Democracy).
Looks like we didn't know France either, somehow. They're even more backwards, lacking Free Artistry, Exploration, Jurisprudence, and Bastion Fortifications.
Italy is down Physics, Free Artistry, Medicine, Exploration, and Jurisprudence. They have 112 gold! In this economy, that's actually pretty good.


Turkey had a whole clown car of units hiding in the fog. They kill at least a dozen, maybe up to 20 Armored Cars, and they capture several roading crews plus a couple of railing crews :mad:
Maghreb Enslaver captures another stack of our Workers :(

We get the Wall Street message.

1200 AD:

We kill a few stray Turkish clowns.
Enslaver recaptures two Worker stacks.

Next up, Ottawa:
AC retreats
AC kills Ottoman Rifleman
AC kills Ottoman Rifleman
AC dies
AC kills Ottoman Rifleman and burns the city.


We lose a Cavalry to a Maghreb Enslaver on our rails.
Enslaver captures Maghreb Enslaver and captures the Worker from the previous line.

I dial up France and declare war.

Lyons is defended by Pikemen! We lose a Cav in the assault, but we also get a Leader. He rushes Wall Street.

Paris costs us 2 Cavalry in the assault, but it inevitably falls, too.

Orleans had one Pike and two Spears defending it. I knew France was backwards, but this takes the cake.
Grenoble only has two defenders, both Pikemen. I'm not sure whether that's better or worse than Orleans...

Avignon only has Spearmen, so it falls instantly.
Rouen is size six but hasn't had any border expansions? Meh, that just makes it easier to reach. We do lose an AC in the battle, though.

Rheims has a few more defenders, but we still only send in 5 units.
Finally, Besancon. Only 2 defenders. Pathetic.


Now for Italy. I dial them up and declare our war.

Veii is our first target. Its Pikemen are defending a river crossing, but it's not enough to save them. We do lose 1 AC.

Cumae is next. We lose another AC here, but it falls easily.
We push on to Neapolis with 3 Pikes. We barely slow down.

Now we can drive to Rome. Her defenders aren't any better -- best unit I saw was a Pike -- but at least there was a respectable stack of defenders!
Pompeii has a wall, but it doesn't help her Pikes any more than the river did at Veii.

From here, Ravenna falls with only one Pike defending
Antium has one of the better defense stacks I've seen, with 8 guys, but they don't even cost us a single unit in the assault.

We quickly burn both Viroconium and Hispalis.
Pisae is close by, so we snap that up next.

Finally, Lugdunum. She has four defenders and does force our first wave to retreat, but she falls just the same.


IBT: Zzz...

1210 AD:

I dial up Scandinavia and let them know that they're next.

Opening move is Jaipur. Since they took it from the now-defunct Indians, they won't miss it much, no? Surprisingly, it's defended by a SINGLE LINE INFANTRY! :eek:
Visby with 3 defenders falls pretty quickly.
Norrkoping actually costs us an Armored Car, with Musketeers defending!
Goteborg gets another of our ACs before it falls silent...along with Sacred Music.
Now for the big battle. Stockholm shows 12 defenders to our initial AC with 1 extra arty unit giving us defensive bombardment. We lose 6 ACs grinding through it all, including 2 to a redlined Line Infantry :salute: We also gain a Leader; he rushes a power plant in Skaro's Crab Shack.
Uppsala is the new capital, and it's in reach from the same combat settler city! It has 3 defenders, nbd.
Malmo is next. 3 defenders, no losses.
Orebro costs us another AC.
Linkoping has 5 defenders and costs us another two ACs.
Nykoping autorazes.
Gavle at least has a border expansion, but we can still reach it without a combat settler.
Falun is the last line, and the Line Infantry there cost us one last AC before they fall.


China has 12 cities, and we have 19 Motorized Settlers left. Piece of cake.

Hangchow is the first up and the first to fall with a single Spearman defending.
Chengdu at least has two Pikes and a Crossbow, but they fall quickly.
Tatung is tiny but has a huge border radius. It also only has a single Spear defending.
I culture-bomb Assault 70 to access tundra towns:
Tientsin is a river crossing, but its Pikeman and Spearman can't seem to take advantage of that :D
Macao is similarly lightly defended and falls just as easily.
Nanking is next. It's huge but with Pikemen, it's a short battle. "Only" 8 Workers.
We bring down Shanghai and the Great Wall with it.
Huh, I can't build cities next to other cities.
I'll clean up visible units - hey, a Lawyer gets a Leader from capturing a Crossbow.

UGH! THE LEADER MESSES UP PATHING AND IGNORES THE RAILS. He gets stuck in a random unroaded Grassland :mad:

AC kills Pike
AC kills MDI
AC kills Pike
AC kills Pike
AC kills Pike
AC kills Pike
AC dies
AC kills ... invisible? Maybe Lawyer.
AC kills Pike and ends the Worldreligion Buddhism.
8 Workers.

Canton thinks it's well-defended with 4 Pikes and a Crossbow. We prove otherwise. The Silk Road ends with the city.

Xinjian, size 11, is another one of those single-Spearman cities.
Anyang, size 1 and no border pops, has 2 defenders. What? It still falls quickly to 2 Madhist Camel Warriors.

OMG...I just realized that we hadn't actually met Egypt yet. Aha! I declare!

Giza is the first to fall. No Pyramids, though.
Hieraconpolis is next. Two Spearmen make good practice for our African Cavalry

Assault 76 gets trombones...to lead the big assault. Unfortunately, the expanded borders only get us in range of one city.
Elephantine, with 5 defenders, still falls easily. No losses amongst our troops.

AC kills Spear
AC kills War Elephant
AC kills Spear
AC kills Spear
AC retreats
AC kills Spear
AC kills Catapult
AC kills Spear
AC kills Fatimid Crossbowman
AC kills Fatimid Crossbowman
AC kills Treb
AC kills War Chariot and destroys the Sphinx.

Memphis has quite a few defenders, too, but we don't take any losses.
Pi-Rameses similarly falls quickly.
Both Byblos, size 10, and El-Amarna, 3, fall after we run over 2 Spears.
That leaves Alexandria. We make short work of her four defenders.



No action. We see a few Chinese Workers try to flee.

1220 AD:

Tsingtao has 3 Pikes defending. We have three retreats from the first one, making me nervous, but then the next two fall easily.


Time for Canada to leave. We declare war.
Due to the desert N of Montreal, we can sneak in Assault 80 and make that our opening attack:
Armored Car dies
Armored Car kills Musketeer
Armored Car dies
Armored Car dies
Armored Car kills Canadian Musket Infantry
Armored Car retreats
Armored Car dies
Armored Car kills Canadian Musket Infantry
Armored Car kills Canadian Musket Infantry, promotes
Armored Car retreats
Armored Car dies
Armored Car kills Canadian Musket Infantry
Armored Car kills Canadian Musket Infantry
Supply shipment as top defender...we kill an artillery crew! Hammurabi's Code is no more.

Charlottetown falls with two retreats, no losses
Toronto has an artillery defender and also causes us two retreats
Missisauga has a Late Pikeman for one of her defenders, so we bring in a Cavalry to help. No sweat.
Vancouver has a Musketman and two Musketeers. We lose 1 AC and get 1 retreat before burning the city.
Halifax has 1 Pike and 1 Spear. Bring in the Cavalry! The city burns on schedule.

Winnipeg has Spears showing! Again, send in the Cavs and Camels. City burns.
Thunder Bay is next, and it falls easily before 2 ACs and 1 Cav.
Victoria is a speed bump with two Pikes.
Quebec is defended only by a Cannon, falling before the scout car can even report back to the general!

Regina, meanwhile, at size 1, at least has two Pikes defending.
Finally, Calgary costs us 4 ACs before it falls.

Canada lives 1 more turn; Edmonton is completely surrounded by hills and forests.

Time for Austria-Hungary.

Opening move: Salzburg. She's defended by 3 Germanic Spearmen. It's a short battle, and we get 54 gold from the ruins.
Prague looks tougher -- river crossing defended by 3 Austrian Riflemen -- and indeed, it costs us 2 ACs before it falls.
Linz's Landsknechts do force one of our ACs to retreat, but they can't stop our onslaught.

Vienna...is size 1?
Opening attack shows 9 defenders, plus an arty bombard. AC dies.
AC kills Austrian Rifleman
AC dies
ACs kill 4 Austrian Riflemen...
AC dies
ACs kill 3 Austrian Riflemen
Cav kills Austrian Dragoon
Cav kills invisible unit. Maybe a Lawyer?
Camel kills another invisible.
Camel narrowly dies
AC kills arty
AC kills arty. Hofburg burns.

Belgrade has 2 Spears for defense. 66 gold.
Graz, defended by Musket Infantry, also falls quickly. 46 gold.

Budapest is BIG! Size 23. But she's defended by 1 Musketeer and 2 Spears. Make this make sense for me, I beg you. 78 gold and 11 Workers.
Triest, size 3, falls next. 57 gold.
Innsbruck, also size 3, gives us 72 gold.

Battle of Aussig:
AC kills Austrian Rifleman
AC dies
AC kills Austrian Rifleman
AC dies
AC kills arty. 216 gold.


Incas...boot us? OK, the war starts now.

I didn't expect the defiant rule to come up this late in the game!

Incas kill 3 ACs and capture 3 Workers. They lose 1 unit in their assault.

Guys, we're going to have to withdraw and come up with a new battle plan :eyeroll:

Canada stings us, too, killing 2 ACs and capturing 15-20 Workers. They lose 2 units in their attack, too.

1230 AD:

Edmonton and the Fall of Canada:
AC dies
AC kills Line Infantry
AC kills Musketeer
AC kills Native Spearman
5 Workers


Now for the Incas :trouble:
Battle of Vilcabamba - two defenders, a MesoSpearman, and a Tlecuahuitl. 8 gold.
Machu Pichu only has 2 Late Pikemen. 12 gold.
Vitcos also has 2 Pikes (one Meso, one Late). 9 gold.
Ollantaytambo has a Late Pike and a Spear covering a Heavy Arty and 2 Horse Arty. 9 gold.
Vilcas has 2 Spears. 15 gold.
Corhuayrachina also has 2 Spears, and somehow it costs us 2 ACs. 15 gold.
Arequipa has a Rifle and a Pike. 11 gold.
Tiwanaku has 3 Musket Infantry. 1 loss. 18 gold.
Cuzco shows 4 Musket Infantry on the first attack. That seems light for a capital...but that's actually all we have to fight! 20 gold.
Huamanga has a Musket Infantry and a MesoSpear. 14 gold.
Andahuaylas has a Pike and a Spear. 18 gold.
Ica has MesoSpear and Late Pike. 56 gold.


Upon my soul! The Maghreb have two units in our territory. I do believe they may be planning a backstab.

But...they back down when I give them the boot order. That's OK, we can do a straight-up war declaration, too.

They're super backwards. Algiers has 3 Pikes! No gold.
Rabat, size 1, burns after we kill a single Pike
Fes has 2 pikes - not much better.
Marrakesh is next with two Numidian Mercs. Wow, they've been on assignment for a long time. No more.
Theveste has a Pike and a Numidian Merc.
Al Jadida has a Treb backing up its Pikes! Wow! ... We also get TWO Leaders back-to-back. What a waste, this is the last turn!
Oran's 3 Numidian Mercs earn their pay, costing us 1 AC before we burn the city.
Utica has 2 Pikes and a Numidian. Once they're down, a Holy Man tries to block our path. He fails.
Leptis Magna has 2 Numidians...not for long. Ooh! We get 1 gold from the city!

Battle of Carthage:
AC kills Late Pikeman
AC kills Late Pikeman
AC kills Late Pikeman
AC kills Late Pikeman
City falls.


And that's game.




  • LK171-Daleks-Supreme.SAV
    885.8 KB · Views: 4
Congrats, team! I was surprised at how quickly the last few AI civs crumpled - ending multiple civs in a single turn is rare.
Nice finish. This was emperor so the AI are not as strong as we are used to, so thus the quick finish - at least that was my reasoning behind suggesting conquest.

CCM v3 gets my vote. As stated I like putting the "no boot" as part of the scenario - mostly because I think working around not using boot is interesting strategically. However, if others want to allow booting, I am ok with that.

I think for the first game of the new version I would not want to do the democracy right away. We can save that for a later game. Do we want any variant?

Addendum: One suggestion. Deity with whatever start we get first (Is this "random start"?) We could also play continents as we have been going with Pangea recently.
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Congrats on finishing the game.

I didn't realize we still had unknown civs. :crazyeye: :crazyeye::crazyeye::crazyeye:

The first CCM V3 game will be a just win game on deity. I want at least one game to explore what is different before trying a variant.
Congrats on finishing the game.

I didn't realize we still had unknown civs. :crazyeye: :crazyeye::crazyeye::crazyeye:

The first CCM V3 game will be a just win game on deity. I want at least one game to explore what is different before trying a variant.
Ditto on the Congrats, excellent job of Extermination :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :thumbsup: Nice to see we did not have to search down a house boat. :whew::D

Sign me up for the "vanilla" CCM V3 game.
Congratulations to the team and thank you all very much for your great written reports about the game! :clap:

Today Flintlock released an official update of his mod (R17C), but unfortunately this update doesn´t fix the "AI-declare-war-after-boot-order-bug". I will now prepare the upload version of CCM 3, test if CCM 3 is in the limits of the upload size I have at CFC and if not, if my upload limit at CFC can be slightly risen for the additional units of the scenarios SOE, WW2 Global Gold and AOI, or if those units must be added in several additional upload folders for those scenarios. If all runs well, CCM 3 still can be released at the end of next week.

Thank you all very much for your continuing interest in CCM - now in the next version CCM 3. :)

Spoiler :

Here is a teaser of the diplo-screen in my current CCM 3 test game in era 3:


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