LotR 3 - Emperor Training

@charliehoke - please attach future games as .zip.
I had one game that could not recover, and another with a lot of problems after using .sav.
I don't know why I get problems after downloading a .sav
The good thing - it is late game when it happens, so we should be OK here

(0) 2150 BC - It is tough playing the shadows turns and having the game keep changing on you.

In my expierence Poly is at the bottom of the AI research order, so I switch from writing to Poly. I feel the odds of the AI not getting writing in the next 40 turns is about zero.

I wake one of the Salamanca warriors - we have 2 settlers, yet 1 escort on the way in Allegheny. NO way I will send out a settler without at least a token guard.

I switch Salamanca to barracks - We should have ONE town that can produce vet units.
4 workers, 4 cities, 2 on the way - I leave nf on worker.

I like the Arathon idea - switch Grand River to Settler.

Horseback riding is available - of course with $13...

(I) Allegheny completes warrior - start another because of known barbs.

(1) 2110 BC - Worker on hill starts road - there are 2 grassshields to use before this hill - mine makes no sense.
The 2 workers on mountain - start a road - main reason here is to connect the silks.
:confused: road will complete in 1 turn - why was the 2nd worker sent here? Not enough tag-team benefit.
Wheat worker - irragate flood plain where - nf now has plenty of shields to crank out settlers, needs faster growth.
Warrior / 2 settlers to gold hill. That don't need to split up yet.
cs - s, e (china capital has a cattle square)
ws - s, se
es - s (spots a hut despite 3 ai units around!), w (the hut gives us Horseback riding - would have prefered math / writing to broker, but...)
Trading check confirms - dead even in science.

(I) nf completes worker, starts settler - I disagree with AI default and pick the plains - still +2 food soon to be 3 - this gets us the settler 7 turns ealier.

(2) 2070 BC - The working in nf goes s, w. This will irragate another flood plain, and gets irragation close for the eventual city in the plains area.
Settler / warrior groups to forest, next turn the split.
Mountain worker - one s into forest, other to gold hill.
cs - s, s
ws - se, s (blasted mouse button, wanted s,s - but bad space click)
es - se, se :mad: found a barb camp

(I) China upset about scout (c) - I agree to move it.
Scratch 1 scout - blasted barbs.

(3) 2030 BC - forest worker goes sw to the first space the new city location will use.
2nd worker on gold hill starts road - cuts time from 10 to 5 turns - this is usefull tag teaming.
fp working begins irragateing
cs - s, se
ws - sw, s
Still even with tech!

(4) 1990 BC - Wake up 1 nf warrior - barb spotted north of nf. I don't want to cancel worker action. nf happy factor holds.
worker by gr - mine the shield, river grassland spot.

cs - e, s (may as well END move into forest
ws - se, e
At this rate, I may not get graded on science trading - still nothing of interest.

(5) 1950 BC - wheat worker - wait for warrior combat results
warrior attacks barb - dead barb, no promotion.
cs - e, se
ws - e, se
wheat worker - its safe, road
Trading screen is still a waste, times like these it gets hard to get motiviated to check every turn.

(I) Allegheny complete warrior, orders ???
The new gr location should culture lock the iron mountain.
New scout - probably 15 turns until usefull.
Don't need new warrior at the moment.
Barracks - don't think we need 2 vet unit cities yet.
I pick the temple for long term happy growth / border locking.
I wonder what the Arathron pick would be?

(6) 1910 BC - injured warrior begins back to nf.
cs - se, s (avoid egypt borders)
ws - e, s
Whip gr settler - freeze growth in city.
Still nothing happening on the trading screen.

(I) Do you want to abandon Grand River - YES!

(7) 1870 BC - Settler moves N to correct location.
Wake warrior to join the settler.
fp worker - starts road
injured warrior back to nf
The new city on incense square becomes Grand River :crazyeye - It "wastes" one plain, but gains fish, instant incense connection, and the other incense within borders. Starts a temple to get the fish within it's borders. It does spot a barb

camp - 2nd warrior was already heading there.
cs - w, (check out egypt city), s
ws - se, e
I seen more stuff in the trading screen at regent.

Frelling whip penalty moves to Allegheny - 10% luxuries solve Salamanca happy problems. I need 50% luxuries to solve

Allegheny - That would put us at break-even cash. I put allegheny to 1 scientist, science to 0% Making $10 a turn - just
need something to spend it on!

(8) 1830 BC - New barb by nf - warrior goes north - I don't want to fight accross the river or have the wheat square pillaged.
2 workers on gold hill to the other gold spot, hills and forest have same road cost
Cattaraugus is formed - cow zone, but near Russia - I play it paranoid and order a warrior.
Oil Springs is formed - where Grand river should have been - High production city, start a 2nd barracks.
wheat worker - just moves to nf
cs - e, se
ws - s, e
Luxuries back to 0% thanks to silks on the road net.
Trading screen finally opens up - Egypt, China, India have writing. I am glad the 40 turn gambit went to poly.
It is hell playing the higher levels with science - I am way to use the regent and research first plan.

Arathron - what are the break points for good science trading?

Is writing worth a bit less then 89 with the possiblity to trade it to Russia for max of 43?
My gut feeling says yes - Plus writing gives us the option to "burn" cash if need with embassies.
India goes to polite after the deal for $81.
I get the $43 - Russia is still annoyed. Net cost for writing - $38.

(9) 1790 BC - Here we go again - attack barb by nf - dead, no promotion, another is spotted.
workers on gold hill - start road
gr warrior approachs barb camp, as replacement warrior by gr
cs - n, ne
ws - se, e
Switch Oil springs to warrior - a new settler is due with needed escort. Will have to play some unit shuffle.
I see the plains spot as next city - send warrior to hill to confirm "safety".
Not weed - but I did miss a prebuilt warrior quick enough.

(I) Nf completes settler - orders another - never stop expanding if city spots are available.

(10) 1750 BC - fp worker to plains - I want the new city to get usefull quickly.
plains worker - Irragate
Fog 100% busted - safe, and dispering the other barb camp won't give a nasty surprise.
oi worker - starts road
Saxon barb camp kills our warrior with a scratch - Glad I had the other warrior ready to gr garrison
cs - e (no way to move 2)
ws - e (stops - I don't want to cross Egypt border again, and China blocks the other way.

So I don't get weed comments - the reason neither warrior in nf - One going out to deal with barb - the injured one comming back. With the river I can't wait until closer.

Since we are getting "graded" - Logic for plains city -
1) Permanent fog bust so barbs do show in that area.
2) Safe without an initial guard.
3) LOW corruption.
4) Other choices require an escort which I failed to provide - Of course, I really would like a spearman before heading north.

Summary - One thing I already don't like - it looks like we will be boxed into a corner with to few cities.
When road to Allegheny completes - can we get the worker usefull?
Temple whip in gr may be the best way to clear the barb camp after city expands.

I've learned a lot in this game, Arathorn is a great teacher. Thanks.

However, One thing I've learned that I'm not really interested in playing at Emperor level at the present time..

Thanks for the experience though.

- We'll miss you Brian. Sorry the level wasn't enjoyable for you. Hope you have tons of fun playing Civ3 anyway!!!

- One spot open if there's desire. 5 is fine, otherwise.

- In about 6 hours, I'm gonna check and only evaluate the turns posted then. Lee's is in progress and I've played mine and written my report. Then we move on.

- Charliehoke especially but everybody -- watch your naming! LOTR3 does not equal lotr3 in the sorting I use to download saved games. The rule is:


Please follow this.

Originally posted by Arathorn
- We'll miss you Brian. Sorry the level wasn't enjoyable for you. Hope you have tons of fun playing Civ3 anyway!!!

Thanks Arathorn!

I had fun in the training, and will still follow the discussions.
(2150) - I like your evaluation of the situation -- especially changing Writing to Poly. The odds of the AI not having Poly in 40 turns is not not too high, but they always get writing relatively soon. Good switch.

The escort for the settlers is also imperative. With the barbs around (and the AI civs starting to feel a bit squeezed, probably), at least a token is a necessity. By anticipating this turn, you kep the settlers on pace.

You missed the growth switch at NF, though.

(2110) - How the heck did that goodie hut survive so long? I popped it, too, but I'm amazed! Gets us out of the hole as far as teching goes, which is nice.

- Plains vs. flood plains -- one extra food -- hmm...

(1990) - Oh, yes, you most definitely WILL be graded on tech trading. Not panicking and waiting for the AI to finish techs can be quite difficult. Staying the course, even across 10 turns, can seem difficult. It is important and there is always something to grade -- even if it's a :goodjob: for doing nothing.

(1910) - A barely wounded (1 hp only, I believe) warrior retreats to town for healing? He's not in enemy territory, where no healing can occur. He can heal right where he is decide later whether to retreat or advance to better defensive terrain or what. With no barracks and so few hps, retreating to the city to heal is silly -- it took two turns to get there and there's no need to go back now, stay.

Very good handling of GR. It's a bit tricky to exactly freeze the growth. Yeah, it's a semi-standard move, but it gets messed up more than occasionally.

(1870) - The whip move to Allegheny was unfortunate. I felt it, too. There was a better solution available than a scientist, though. Moving one citizen from a grassland to a gold hill increases his trade arrows dramatically, meaning 10% or 20% luxuries is enough. Then, A can still grow (SLOWLY) and income is actually better because of all the trade arrows/commerce of the gold hill.

(1830) - Good prices are the best you can get. Buying at 4th civ price when Russia couldn't afford to pay 5th civ price would've been bad. Buying early with no chance to shop is bad. Buying when you're nearly broke is bad. $38 for one tech is probably a tiny bit overpaying, but not enough to really worry about, and the optimal price might not be available until too late.

Charis is the real expert on tech prices. I'm more of the get-the-best-deal-you-can-when-it-makes-sense kind of guy. In this instance, it made sense to buy now. Yeah, it cost us some cash, but we couldn't use our cash for anything else immediately anyway. And having lots of cash is just asking to get extorted. Fine trades.

But, then, you could go even further. We're, amazingly, ahead in land area -- at least compared with some civs. India has cash (we just gave it to 'em). An embassy and sold RoP can net us the embassy cost for free. This is rarely an applicable emperor/deity trick, as usually you're so far behind in land area, a RoP would cost you bundles. In this case, it was an opening that was not exploited.

I had a long write-up of city locations, but my computer crashed and the latest save was corrupt (boy, do I despise Microsoft). So, you get the *very* abbreviated version.

My spot (shown) is better than yours short-term (extra bonus grassland), worse mid-term (large effort to get above size 6), and equivalent long-term (more shields vs. easier food/more mined grass). I like mine better, though, for its less corruption, easier fishing village to the north, and asthetics of not wasting high-shield producers near the capital.


Arathorn's city location shown. Lee's is yellow. Green's is D9Phoenix's (covering a bonus grassland).

You had two barracks but changed one to a temple when you saw Allegheny was going to need to expand its borders to reach the new GR location. If (when?) Russia becomes a target, we will need more barracks, but right now one should be sufficient.

City Management: B- (Allegheny not growing, missing TWO growth rounds in NF(in my version, NF is set to grow in 3 vs. 5 in your version, with the same # of shields produced))
Tech Trading: A- (early change to Polytheism, writing purchase, no panic, but no embassies/RoP)
City Placement: B
Military: C (retreating a barely damaged unit, emptying a city doing unnecessary unit shuffle)
Workers: B (very little waste)

Overall: B -- very solid

- Only one shadow turn? Is interest waning?

- Next shadow turns (10 more, to 1350bc, actually, I believe) due Tuesday afternoon (Monday would be preferable). Go ahead and play.

- There's been little cohesive talk across the SG members, which seems atypical. This might lead to some fragmented ideas/plans, which can't be good. I'm purposefully staying rather quiet on most long-term plans, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be discussing them.

- Only recommended change to Lee's end is to put luxury and science tax up to 10% and put the Allegheny scientist to work on a gold hill. (Oh, and possibly embassy/RoP with India)

- D9Phoenix, you're up for the "official" thread now. Yours will be the one continued (so a bit of extra care might be called for?). That means, you're required to play this turn.

- One "opening" if anyone is interested.

- Questions always welcome.

Originally posted by Arathorn
- Only one shadow turn? Is interest waning?

Well these turns are nasty for time to complete.
With writting up detail I normal don't dicuss -
Exact worker actions,
Scout pattern,
rational for some of the moves, etc..

It took an hour to complete turns in BC!

One the location debate for Catta...
If I can, I will put cities on junk like desert / tundra - This pushes what is usually worthless tile to a 2 food / 1 shield tile. My location gained +2 food to start.
I will conceed the better corruption location of your choice.
Of course, you get 2 ocean squares stuck at one and I get the killer fish square.
Give me the choice again - I would build the same spot again.

One trouble with Emporer - Very hard to apply standard formulas to the game - I never would have thought of the hills and gold to avoid the idle worker.

On the retreat unit - I have been burned way to many times on 1 hp short. However, for 1 hp, I will conceed retreat was overkill. I could have simply stayed there for a turn. - To much auto pattern moves.

Part of the difference at higher levels - need even more little tricks. Of course, I still can't believe there are players who think artillery isn't that great. I already took out a civ with infantry army guarding a large stack of guns - shred town - cavalry charge. Repeat until civ is dead.
Yeah, the turns do take longer. I've taken to doing my write-up mid-turn with an Alt-Tab notebook, so I don't have to try to remember things. All told, the time is, for me, currently, about the same as any other 10 turn SG.

Scout pattern details are about to be worthless. I didn't look too carefully at them. Early on, yes, it's important. Now, scouting (while still very important) is becoming less critical and, therefore, I spend less time looking at it. So, it probably doesn't need to be recorded.

I guess I should probably stop complaining about lack of detail. The more details I have, though, the better I am able to point out areas for improvement. And, thoughts help visualize :smoke: often better than actions.

Uh, 2 coast? I'll have 4 reasonably worthless coast with my location. I do have two bonus grass in range immediately, negating the benefit of "fixing the desert." Yeah, given two semi-equivalent spots, I'll always pick the one that is the worse terrain, but I don't think these two spots were equivalent.

Standard formulae are nice, in that they generally work. The more benefits the AI has, the less one can depend on standard formulae. Yes, it's more thinking to play that way, but it's something I enjoy. Anything "standard", though, could be programmed into the AI, which means you need something better to beat it.

Using non-standard approaches will often net a bunch of small gains. There's NO WAY I could make a comprehensive list, because many of them I don't recognize until they appear before me. When I saw Allegheny's unhappiness, for instance, I looked and saw the gold hills and I know gold gives tons of commerce, so I tried it. It worked. I often try things (that are free to try like that was) and just see what works. Experimenting around -- I'm still exploring the game. Is it fun? It is for me, which is all I can say. And I know it makes me a better player.

Again, auto-patterns are nice, but they can fail. I certainly would strongly avoid attacking/defending with a unit lacking one hp -- it's just dangerous. Ancient combat is kind of odd, though, in that the lack of roads and small cultural boundaries make healing in neutral territory an attractive option. Later, should, he's on a road and retreats and MAYBE one turn is lost, but it's a minor nuisance at best.

We don't really NEED all these tricks. I'm pointing out where little tricks can make things better. Your quality of play on the last 20 turns, if continued, would almost assuredly win this game. Now, it might get ugly (probably will), but you're mostly there. I'm just nit-picking to show other possible areas to improve when you're really in a bind.

Of course, on deity, you almost do need all these tricks -- the step from emperor to deity is larger from the step from regeant to emperor. In my current solo deity game, I started with 4 floodplain wheat and a plains cattle in range of my capital -- and I'm still dead last in pop/# of cities/tech.

Artillery wasn't THAT great pre-1.16 (I think -- whenever the retreat roll was introduced) because fast units were already practically immortal. Now, I love it -- all ages (except the darn wheels on catapults sometimes pisses me off).

I guess what it ultimately comes down to is thinking and paying attention. I love thinking and somewhat enjoy paying attention. Any new/cool solution is exciting for me and worth playing the game for. Going above and beyond the standard pattern(s) is always my quest. Of course, some players still don't really have any idea of good, solid "standard" moves -- witness the workers in your training game or other such nonsense.

Originally posted by Arathorn
Uh, 2 coast? I'll have 4 reasonably worthless coast with my location. I do have two bonus grass in range immediately,
negating the benefit of "fixing the desert." Yeah, given two semi-equivalent spots, I'll always pick the one that is the
worse terrain, but I don't think these two spots were equivalent.

Hmmm... I don't think we will agree on this one, so I will let it go.

Using non-standard approaches will often net a bunch of small gains.
No arguement on that one. Emperor does force you to try and find any type of edge.
I can tell I still need to look at somethings I have ruled out - like whipping since it became just +20 shields - Why I missed the temple whip.

Artillery wasn't THAT great pre-1.16 (I think -- whenever the retreat roll was introduced) because fast units were already practically immortal. Now, I love it -- all ages (except the darn wheels on catapults sometimes pisses me off).
When Babylon showed up with infantry in LK21 - our cannon stack was the ONLY thing that saved our butt. We keep nicking
enough units in the Bab Infantry SoD to get them to retreat - until artillery - then will killed them. Without the cannons,

I think LK21 would have been a loss.

Of course, some players still don't really have any idea of good, solid "standard" moves -- witness the workers in your training game or other such nonsense.
Some issues are preferences - however, things like the worker moves are core to solid play - undeveloped terrain = lousy production. Some other commons I see missed a lot:
1 - Size 6 / 12 city that can't grow with lots of excess food.
2 - After rails - +12 food, 10 shields building a factory. Once rails are built you need to check every city after laying the railnet for that one.
3 - Building coastal rails first - LK21 really hammered this home, coast square should be the last to improve.
4 - Hugh cities useing all possible tiles still pushing food - in Civ3 the specialist pretty much SUCK. Yet I have seen cities with specialist still in heavy food mode.
5 - Hard rules to develope terrain - I was even guilty for awhile with always irragate plains. The key - you must look at each city - then decide how to develope.
6 - Worker automation - To me a sign of a poor player - The AI development routine sucks, this is to me a key to beat the AI - smart tile development.
Heh, the one I always seem to run across is not building enough workers, and letting land go unimproved for century after century. Of course, even lots of good players trip up on this one from time to time. Right, Arathorn? :)

Another worker-related one I often see is sending workers helter-skelter off after every make work project you can think of off in the boonies, while core cities with low corruption and high production potential remain unimproved. Also, not stacking workers to get the benefit that turn and get them onto the next task.

Fortunately, it looks like I've whipped the guys in my training game into shape on that score... at least this time around. We'll see how well that carries over into the next games they play. :)

City location choice: I don't know about your spot, Arathorn, to me not having a harbour there is a real problem; look how it crippled Osaka in RBD23. Your city location is going to really be handicapped once you hit hospitals. Corruption isn't really going to be a saving grace, either; one square worth of corruption would be a significant consideration on a tiny map, but not on a standard map. It's still a 1st ring city regardless -- it will still have about the same number of closer-to-capital/farther-to-capital cities whichever location it's in. The one saving grace you mentioned is the easier fishing village on the desert, but it might be possible to put one up there anyway with careful placement; it's not like that city would ever work anything but coast anyway, and given that you're going to found one there, the desert would get fixed and the incense connected eventually.

Tough call, though. I probably would have gone for a coastal spot next to the incense or on it, and worked out the fishing village from there.
Preturn- As arathorn suggested, set lux and science to 10% and the scientist in All working on the roaded gold hill. Checked with all the Civ's via diplomacy, nothing really interesting to start off with. Just some mental notes for later on, was interesting to see china with no lux's at all but the most gold in treasury.

Sal completes barracks starts work on spear.
Worker behind settler starts road(will finish the same time as irrigation)
Settler and warrior both move SE along there respective tiles
GR warrior fortified
Injured warrior N of NF fortified on wheat, healthy warrior takes barb with no damage.
Sighted area is less then my shadow.. just move the scouts around to get the best fog busting... but a chinese warrior is blocking the ws's path.
Sall with 2 happy citizens and 2 unhappy citizens i up lux to 20%. outcome is 2 happy 1 content 1 unhappy
>wipped All for temple - 1 content citizen left
Nothing of importance in diplo

All completes it's temple starts on granary
Both warrior and settler continue there move SE
Warrior now healed on wheat moving NE to start barb camp hunting, victorious warrior now heads N for same reason.
Ghandi went from polite to cautious, nothing else major in diplo

OS competes warrior starts on temple.
OS worker finishes, starts mining bonus NE
Settler and warrior now in spot for city founding next turn
Warrior's continue there hunt
Scout's are prettty useless atm..
Egypt is the only civ left still polite, nothing else major

Sal completes spear, starts on another spear - spear moved to NF
Workers near Sal finish, both move SE
More barb hunting in the N, no sightings yet.
Tonawanda Founded - temple ordered (citizen working forest)
Egypt, India are now polite again.. nothing else major in diplo
**Should Sal be pumping out units a turn faster by working the forest or give up a shield for 2 money ? After some thought i went with money cause of growth in 2 turns. +15gpt over +13gpt

Road to All completed moving to GR for lux and reinforcements
Both workers start Irrigation tile toward Ton
NF could be changed from plains to FP for growth in 4 over 7 turns and settler in 9 over 5 turns. I decided against this as getting the settler quicker was way more important then city strength.

Egypt - Math 90/82
India - Math 90/76
Russia - no techs only 7gp
China - Math 90/79
Waiting for the prices to drop

I- All's borders expand

Catt completes warrior starts on temple ( could move citizen to make growth quicker in 3 turns but double the production time, decided to go with growth here as the 3 turns of ealier production will help the longterm)

China established an embassy with us!!! ( i love it when the AI does this, but the downside is they have money to burn :( )

CS end's turn on hill and sights to barbarian horsemen within range (crap bye bye scout)
Warrior's in the north still hunting for that camp

Sall grew to 2 happy 1 content 2 unhappy up lux to 30% 3 happy 2 unhappy ( could really use a temple here )
Spear done in 1 turn, i decide to switch production to temple in 2 turns

Russia (314) - Math 90/76 - Poly 120/105
China (0) - Math 80/71 - Poly 110/98
India (0) - Math 80/68 - Poly 110/94
Egypt (81) - Math 80/73

Bought Poly from India - sold poly for math and 21gp to Egypt
Establish embassy with Russia ( were #1 in land F11 ) 32gp
Colossus in 3 turns, 2 spear fortified and no city improvments. 1 fur no Resources/ though they have horse within city limits.
Sign a RoP for 21gp ( thinking afterwords we should have waited a turn or 2 to see if we could get more )

Net cost -84gp but we gained Math/Poly/embassy russia with RoP
Monarchy is now the goal, 82gp left in treasury with +12gpt

I- cs killed by horsemen after watching 1 horsemen die to a egyptian warrior

Workers finish irrigation start on road
Still hunting for that camp in the North
Barbarian galley spotted north of incense next to only fogged land left ( found the camp )
Lux to 20% with temple in sal due next turn

India 94gp

established an embassy for 29gp
1 spear fortified, settler due in 7 turns growth in 7 turns but pop 1 ?????
1 wine all there money is diverted to science with no city improvments at all
Sign a RoP for 75gp

Net cost = +46gp - Total net cost so far = -38gp
140gp in treasury +14gpt 7.1.2

Sal complete's its temple starts on granary ( had to think about this for abit, i choose granary over spear to help with quick city growth. Not completely sure this is a right move )
Barbarian camp found on the very northern tip of land N of incense. 2 galleys now are near the camp

Nothing of importance in diplo this turn

We now have the top 2 spots in top 5 cities... NF #1 Sal #2
Russia founded Odessa on the land bridge with wines.

I - Sal's borders grow/ Russians finish Colossus - start on Pyramids.

Road finisehd NW of All moving NW toward GR
Warrior outside N barbarian camp fortified on hill waiting for reinforcements. Other warrior moving toward that camp.
Workers near Ton finish road move E to irrigate with borders.
Sal changed to Settler to get ride of the happiness problem and gain more land/ resources.
GR wipped 1H 1C - 1C ( temple )
OS wipped 2H - 1H ( temple )

NF completes settler starts on warrior - growth in 1 turn
GR completes temple starts on warrior (10) barb camp nearby now has 2 conscripts in it ( forgot to check what types, but id bet one was a horsemen )
OS completes temple starts on warrior (10) - growth in 8 turns
Worker near OS finishes mine... blah.. i should have seen this. Worker should have been hooking up Iron in the nearby mountain instead of mining the Bonus Grassland for future growth. Fortified the worker so the next person can decide what to do with it.
Workers near Ton start irrigation
Spear and Settler in NF move north

The red lines are where i would put the next 3 cities. I gives iron on a hilled spot with a bonus grassland and a plains within the starting boundry, the E position gives sea acces with a fish/whale (i dont remember what type it was) and the third gives incense on a hilled location also busting up the barb camp. These locations should also give almost complete fog busting on the northern side of our empire and stop galleys from dropping off settlers in OUR area... hehe :)

Thoughts: GR culture growth in 4 turns which will engluf the barb camp with 2 barbarians in it. You could shuffle a warrior from Catt to All and the warrior at All to GR, the only problem here is the warrior will arrive in 5 turns.

P.S. You can set up a RoP with china and they will give us 25gp but i decided to wait and let the next player see if they can get more as we will have a few more settler's soon.

P.P.S Egypt is the only known civ left we don't have an embassy with yet. Monarchy will be done in 36 turns, Treasury is at 182gp +11gpt. You should be able to lower the lux rate once Sal finishes it's settler.

Short term goals i see are colonizing the northern area and maybe a city in in the jungle somewhere to take it away from the AI. Then work on our army to teach russia a lesson :lol:

oh yeah.. and the save file :)
I hate to say it, but I have to withdraw form this training. The primary reason is that my job is sending me away for two months. I'll be able to play civ3, but I won't have internet access, so there isn't much I can do.

Also, I don't think I'm cut out for emperor. I have recently moved up to monarch and I'm having success, but this training isn't too enjoyable for me, so I think I'm not ready for the type of intense analysis winning at this level takes (I do that sort of thinking at work every day).

I'll still be following the thread and trying to learn all I can. Thanks Arathorn, and I'll hopefully see you all again in other SG's in a few months.
Well i hope your buisness trip goes well :) It was nice meeting ya and i hope to see ya back in a few months :)
Originally posted by charliehoke
Also, I don't think I'm cut out for emperor. I have recently moved up to monarch and I'm having success, but this training isn't too enjoyable for me, so I think I'm not ready for the type of intense analysis winning at this level takes (I do that sort of thinking at work every day).

I'll still be following the thread and trying to learn all I can. Thanks Arathorn, and I'll hopefully see you all again in other SG's in a few months.

Charlie, that is exactly how I felt about it too.. I find that if I start thinking in too much detail about how the game is written and what factors are programmed into it in various situations, it becomes like work.. and I lose interest fast. I'm a programmer/analyst by trade and spend enough time analysing software at work, I don't want to have to do that for gaming too.. or it isn't fun, it's work.

Good luck with the business trip, and maybe see you when you get back to Civ :)
Originally posted by Brian J
Charlie, that is exactly how I felt about it too.. I find that if I start thinking in too much detail about how the game is written and what factors are programmed into it in various situations, it becomes like work.. and I lose interest fast. I'm a programmer/analyst by trade and spend enough time analysing software at work, I don't want to have to do that for gaming too.. or it isn't fun, it's work.

Good luck with the business trip, and maybe see you when you get back to Civ :)

Well I suspect I won't finish the training lesson to the end.
The amount of time it is taking to write up a report in the BC time frame is unreal :rolleyes:

LK21 taught me a lot about fighting war.
This is still turning out valueable. My play has improved from since starting the game. It taught me a lot about tech trading among others.

I am joining the regent is not enough of a challenge crowd.
My only regent games at this point will be more difficult scenarios - World map domination, always war, etc. Plain vanilla games will be Monarch from now on.

:eek: Another computer geek :eek:
Worse, another programmer / analyst.
Though I hope you are NOT stuck with COBOL like me :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by LKendter

:eek: Another computer geek :eek:
Worse, another programmer / analyst.
Though I hope you are NOT stuck with COBOL like me :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Heh.. actually 2 years ago, I switched from COBOL projects to Java.. ;) Funny, I dont miss it at all..

As for the game, I'm almost civved out at the moment. I know I said this before, but I'm actually going to take a break from it for a while once the Iroquois all war game is finished..

From other comments of yours, I thought you were an accountant.. (Doing companies books etc). Do you have your own consulting company?
I'm actually an aerospace engineer, and I spend my day writing programs (mostly in FORTRAN!) trying to find optimum solutions to aircraft design problems. I'm working on my PhD thesis also, so when I play civ, I like to just play nd not think TOO much. I sometimes just make moves without thinking about all the possible ramifications and permutations :eek: . I have to say, though, I have learned lessons from this training, and for that I am grateful. The biggest lesson, however, is that I don't have the desire to take the time and thought it takes to become a Diety level player, at least right now!
Had to laugh at this...

I too am a COBOL (IBM mainframe) programmer/analyst by trade. Although my work experience extends to PC programming and PC to mainframe connectivity (for the techies among us, that's ASP web pages, JAVA and Visual Basic/C++ interfacing to DB2 stored procedures on the mainframe side).

I had all that fun at my last place. Trying to convince Citicorp to go the same way so I can have some fun here :)

Still following the game, although I have not played a single turn of Civ in 2 weeks (!).
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