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- Aug 15, 2001
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@charliehoke - please attach future games as .zip.
I had one game that could not recover, and another with a lot of problems after using .sav.
I don't know why I get problems after downloading a .sav
The good thing - it is late game when it happens, so we should be OK here
(0) 2150 BC - It is tough playing the shadows turns and having the game keep changing on you.
In my expierence Poly is at the bottom of the AI research order, so I switch from writing to Poly. I feel the odds of the AI not getting writing in the next 40 turns is about zero.
I wake one of the Salamanca warriors - we have 2 settlers, yet 1 escort on the way in Allegheny. NO way I will send out a settler without at least a token guard.
I switch Salamanca to barracks - We should have ONE town that can produce vet units.
4 workers, 4 cities, 2 on the way - I leave nf on worker.
I like the Arathon idea - switch Grand River to Settler.
Horseback riding is available - of course with $13...
(I) Allegheny completes warrior - start another because of known barbs.
(1) 2110 BC - Worker on hill starts road - there are 2 grassshields to use before this hill - mine makes no sense.
The 2 workers on mountain - start a road - main reason here is to connect the silks.
road will complete in 1 turn - why was the 2nd worker sent here? Not enough tag-team benefit.
Wheat worker - irragate flood plain where - nf now has plenty of shields to crank out settlers, needs faster growth.
Warrior / 2 settlers to gold hill. That don't need to split up yet.
cs - s, e (china capital has a cattle square)
ws - s, se
es - s (spots a hut despite 3 ai units around!), w (the hut gives us Horseback riding - would have prefered math / writing to broker, but...)
Trading check confirms - dead even in science.
(I) nf completes worker, starts settler - I disagree with AI default and pick the plains - still +2 food soon to be 3 - this gets us the settler 7 turns ealier.
(2) 2070 BC - The working in nf goes s, w. This will irragate another flood plain, and gets irragation close for the eventual city in the plains area.
Settler / warrior groups to forest, next turn the split.
Mountain worker - one s into forest, other to gold hill.
cs - s, s
ws - se, s (blasted mouse button, wanted s,s - but bad space click)
es - se, se
found a barb camp
(I) China upset about scout (c) - I agree to move it.
Scratch 1 scout - blasted barbs.
(3) 2030 BC - forest worker goes sw to the first space the new city location will use.
2nd worker on gold hill starts road - cuts time from 10 to 5 turns - this is usefull tag teaming.
fp working begins irragateing
cs - s, se
ws - sw, s
Still even with tech!
(4) 1990 BC - Wake up 1 nf warrior - barb spotted north of nf. I don't want to cancel worker action. nf happy factor holds.
worker by gr - mine the shield, river grassland spot.
cs - e, s (may as well END move into forest
ws - se, e
At this rate, I may not get graded on science trading - still nothing of interest.
(5) 1950 BC - wheat worker - wait for warrior combat results
warrior attacks barb - dead barb, no promotion.
cs - e, se
ws - e, se
wheat worker - its safe, road
Trading screen is still a waste, times like these it gets hard to get motiviated to check every turn.
(I) Allegheny complete warrior, orders ???
The new gr location should culture lock the iron mountain.
New scout - probably 15 turns until usefull.
Don't need new warrior at the moment.
Barracks - don't think we need 2 vet unit cities yet.
I pick the temple for long term happy growth / border locking.
I wonder what the Arathron pick would be?
(6) 1910 BC - injured warrior begins back to nf.
cs - se, s (avoid egypt borders)
ws - e, s
Whip gr settler - freeze growth in city.
Still nothing happening on the trading screen.
(I) Do you want to abandon Grand River - YES!
(7) 1870 BC - Settler moves N to correct location.
Wake warrior to join the settler.
fp worker - starts road
injured warrior back to nf
The new city on incense square becomes Grand River :crazyeye - It "wastes" one plain, but gains fish, instant incense connection, and the other incense within borders. Starts a temple to get the fish within it's borders. It does spot a barb
camp - 2nd warrior was already heading there.
cs - w, (check out egypt city), s
ws - se, e
I seen more stuff in the trading screen at regent.
Frelling whip penalty moves to Allegheny - 10% luxuries solve Salamanca happy problems. I need 50% luxuries to solve
Allegheny - That would put us at break-even cash. I put allegheny to 1 scientist, science to 0% Making $10 a turn - just
need something to spend it on!
(8) 1830 BC - New barb by nf - warrior goes north - I don't want to fight accross the river or have the wheat square pillaged.
2 workers on gold hill to the other gold spot, hills and forest have same road cost
Cattaraugus is formed - cow zone, but near Russia - I play it paranoid and order a warrior.
Oil Springs is formed - where Grand river should have been - High production city, start a 2nd barracks.
wheat worker - just moves to nf
cs - e, se
ws - s, e
Luxuries back to 0% thanks to silks on the road net.
Trading screen finally opens up - Egypt, China, India have writing. I am glad the 40 turn gambit went to poly.
It is hell playing the higher levels with science - I am way to use the regent and research first plan.
Arathron - what are the break points for good science trading?
Is writing worth a bit less then 89 with the possiblity to trade it to Russia for max of 43?
My gut feeling says yes - Plus writing gives us the option to "burn" cash if need with embassies.
India goes to polite after the deal for $81.
I get the $43 - Russia is still annoyed. Net cost for writing - $38.
(9) 1790 BC - Here we go again - attack barb by nf - dead, no promotion, another is spotted.
workers on gold hill - start road
gr warrior approachs barb camp, as replacement warrior by gr
cs - n, ne
ws - se, e
Switch Oil springs to warrior - a new settler is due with needed escort. Will have to play some unit shuffle.
I see the plains spot as next city - send warrior to hill to confirm "safety".
Not weed - but I did miss a prebuilt warrior quick enough.
(I) Nf completes settler - orders another - never stop expanding if city spots are available.
(10) 1750 BC - fp worker to plains - I want the new city to get usefull quickly.
plains worker - Irragate
Fog 100% busted - safe, and dispering the other barb camp won't give a nasty surprise.
oi worker - starts road
Saxon barb camp kills our warrior with a scratch - Glad I had the other warrior ready to gr garrison
cs - e (no way to move 2)
ws - e (stops - I don't want to cross Egypt border again, and China blocks the other way.
So I don't get weed comments - the reason neither warrior in nf - One going out to deal with barb - the injured one comming back. With the river I can't wait until closer.
Since we are getting "graded" - Logic for plains city -
1) Permanent fog bust so barbs do show in that area.
2) Safe without an initial guard.
3) LOW corruption.
4) Other choices require an escort which I failed to provide - Of course, I really would like a spearman before heading north.
Summary - One thing I already don't like - it looks like we will be boxed into a corner with to few cities.
When road to Allegheny completes - can we get the worker usefull?
Temple whip in gr may be the best way to clear the barb camp after city expands.
I had one game that could not recover, and another with a lot of problems after using .sav.
I don't know why I get problems after downloading a .sav
The good thing - it is late game when it happens, so we should be OK here
(0) 2150 BC - It is tough playing the shadows turns and having the game keep changing on you.
In my expierence Poly is at the bottom of the AI research order, so I switch from writing to Poly. I feel the odds of the AI not getting writing in the next 40 turns is about zero.
I wake one of the Salamanca warriors - we have 2 settlers, yet 1 escort on the way in Allegheny. NO way I will send out a settler without at least a token guard.
I switch Salamanca to barracks - We should have ONE town that can produce vet units.
4 workers, 4 cities, 2 on the way - I leave nf on worker.
I like the Arathon idea - switch Grand River to Settler.
Horseback riding is available - of course with $13...
(I) Allegheny completes warrior - start another because of known barbs.
(1) 2110 BC - Worker on hill starts road - there are 2 grassshields to use before this hill - mine makes no sense.
The 2 workers on mountain - start a road - main reason here is to connect the silks.

Wheat worker - irragate flood plain where - nf now has plenty of shields to crank out settlers, needs faster growth.
Warrior / 2 settlers to gold hill. That don't need to split up yet.
cs - s, e (china capital has a cattle square)
ws - s, se
es - s (spots a hut despite 3 ai units around!), w (the hut gives us Horseback riding - would have prefered math / writing to broker, but...)
Trading check confirms - dead even in science.
(I) nf completes worker, starts settler - I disagree with AI default and pick the plains - still +2 food soon to be 3 - this gets us the settler 7 turns ealier.
(2) 2070 BC - The working in nf goes s, w. This will irragate another flood plain, and gets irragation close for the eventual city in the plains area.
Settler / warrior groups to forest, next turn the split.
Mountain worker - one s into forest, other to gold hill.
cs - s, s
ws - se, s (blasted mouse button, wanted s,s - but bad space click)
es - se, se

(I) China upset about scout (c) - I agree to move it.
Scratch 1 scout - blasted barbs.
(3) 2030 BC - forest worker goes sw to the first space the new city location will use.
2nd worker on gold hill starts road - cuts time from 10 to 5 turns - this is usefull tag teaming.
fp working begins irragateing
cs - s, se
ws - sw, s
Still even with tech!
(4) 1990 BC - Wake up 1 nf warrior - barb spotted north of nf. I don't want to cancel worker action. nf happy factor holds.
worker by gr - mine the shield, river grassland spot.
cs - e, s (may as well END move into forest
ws - se, e
At this rate, I may not get graded on science trading - still nothing of interest.
(5) 1950 BC - wheat worker - wait for warrior combat results
warrior attacks barb - dead barb, no promotion.
cs - e, se
ws - e, se
wheat worker - its safe, road
Trading screen is still a waste, times like these it gets hard to get motiviated to check every turn.
(I) Allegheny complete warrior, orders ???
The new gr location should culture lock the iron mountain.
New scout - probably 15 turns until usefull.
Don't need new warrior at the moment.
Barracks - don't think we need 2 vet unit cities yet.
I pick the temple for long term happy growth / border locking.
I wonder what the Arathron pick would be?
(6) 1910 BC - injured warrior begins back to nf.
cs - se, s (avoid egypt borders)
ws - e, s
Whip gr settler - freeze growth in city.
Still nothing happening on the trading screen.
(I) Do you want to abandon Grand River - YES!
(7) 1870 BC - Settler moves N to correct location.
Wake warrior to join the settler.
fp worker - starts road
injured warrior back to nf
The new city on incense square becomes Grand River :crazyeye - It "wastes" one plain, but gains fish, instant incense connection, and the other incense within borders. Starts a temple to get the fish within it's borders. It does spot a barb
camp - 2nd warrior was already heading there.
cs - w, (check out egypt city), s
ws - se, e
I seen more stuff in the trading screen at regent.
Frelling whip penalty moves to Allegheny - 10% luxuries solve Salamanca happy problems. I need 50% luxuries to solve
Allegheny - That would put us at break-even cash. I put allegheny to 1 scientist, science to 0% Making $10 a turn - just
need something to spend it on!
(8) 1830 BC - New barb by nf - warrior goes north - I don't want to fight accross the river or have the wheat square pillaged.
2 workers on gold hill to the other gold spot, hills and forest have same road cost
Cattaraugus is formed - cow zone, but near Russia - I play it paranoid and order a warrior.
Oil Springs is formed - where Grand river should have been - High production city, start a 2nd barracks.
wheat worker - just moves to nf
cs - e, se
ws - s, e
Luxuries back to 0% thanks to silks on the road net.
Trading screen finally opens up - Egypt, China, India have writing. I am glad the 40 turn gambit went to poly.
It is hell playing the higher levels with science - I am way to use the regent and research first plan.
Arathron - what are the break points for good science trading?
Is writing worth a bit less then 89 with the possiblity to trade it to Russia for max of 43?
My gut feeling says yes - Plus writing gives us the option to "burn" cash if need with embassies.
India goes to polite after the deal for $81.
I get the $43 - Russia is still annoyed. Net cost for writing - $38.
(9) 1790 BC - Here we go again - attack barb by nf - dead, no promotion, another is spotted.
workers on gold hill - start road
gr warrior approachs barb camp, as replacement warrior by gr
cs - n, ne
ws - se, e
Switch Oil springs to warrior - a new settler is due with needed escort. Will have to play some unit shuffle.
I see the plains spot as next city - send warrior to hill to confirm "safety".
Not weed - but I did miss a prebuilt warrior quick enough.
(I) Nf completes settler - orders another - never stop expanding if city spots are available.
(10) 1750 BC - fp worker to plains - I want the new city to get usefull quickly.
plains worker - Irragate
Fog 100% busted - safe, and dispering the other barb camp won't give a nasty surprise.
oi worker - starts road
Saxon barb camp kills our warrior with a scratch - Glad I had the other warrior ready to gr garrison
cs - e (no way to move 2)
ws - e (stops - I don't want to cross Egypt border again, and China blocks the other way.
So I don't get weed comments - the reason neither warrior in nf - One going out to deal with barb - the injured one comming back. With the river I can't wait until closer.
Since we are getting "graded" - Logic for plains city -
1) Permanent fog bust so barbs do show in that area.
2) Safe without an initial guard.
3) LOW corruption.
4) Other choices require an escort which I failed to provide - Of course, I really would like a spearman before heading north.
Summary - One thing I already don't like - it looks like we will be boxed into a corner with to few cities.
When road to Allegheny completes - can we get the worker usefull?
Temple whip in gr may be the best way to clear the barb camp after city expands.