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Mafia game: The War of the Princes (1407-1435) [TOWN VICTORY]

Good on you to play it off and deny it over and over.

But there's something undeniable between us.
Thank you guys. you were all amazing. GOAT.

Taking a short break and then back to cheer up with all of you.
GG to Pizza and all. Grats to Rask for a memorable game with interesting design.

First, check out Burgundy QT, it contains a lot of direct responses to thread discussion.

Someone who really impressed me, other than the obvious, was Choxorn. He put in some of the most incisive towning I have known from him. He was seeing things no one else saw, not even Pizza.

Pizza, you were putting in Capo IV work in a much smaller game. You've come out of retirement seemingly more powerful than ever before. So I have mixed feelings about this game. On one hand, it was charming to watch you return to operate at peak performance in a cool setup. On the other hand, it's genuinely not fun or within my cognitive capacity to engage with 50-100K words per calendar day. Much less so as a mafia goon, which I don't like to play even in congenial environments (is it surprising that my most enjoyable mafia rands have been alongside you?)

You're at a level of play I can neither achieve nor sustain. The flesh is willing but the mind is weak.

My other regret is that we didn't get to observe the grand clash between champions, Pizza and Tim. Would they have solved the game even faster, or would they have destroyed each other like an unstoppable force against an immovable presence? The only surety is that the thread would have become even more opaque.

Ace, why were you so adamant D5 that Pizza would again be threatened?
Pzelda suspected him and was a threat to him late game, and killing him last night is intended to throw people off the Shad trail.

If he doesn't know who my doctor is, that's a good prep for late game.

I'd have done that. As long as John is not in my next 2 candidates for wolves to yeet and jailkeep, that's a fine target.

He's supposed to block my doc when my doc hardclaims and kill me tonight, I think.

That's a good plan, and I was gonna make that happen too, if I was wrong on both Rhand and Shad.

Because I cannot be allowed to deep wolf.
Yeah boy! My avatar appeared.
You should have claimed doctor today and said that you knew I switched targets after I confirmed that I did.

That would have been an epic way to draw a kill tonight and keep me alive.



I love you man.
Well there is another game ready to start up. You just need a rhyming dictionary.
For once I had all of the Burgundians on my scumhunting radar and town!atpg (I never thought of him as third-party after the initial weirdness) in my pocket. 'Tis a pity that such a circumstance would lead to the Burgundians nightkilling me.
(I can say Burgundian instead of Bourgignon now that I don't have to act English)
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