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MANUALS (PDF) and DEMO for Brave New World


Sep 14, 2001
Luebeck, Germany, civilized.de

I was browsing the expansion's Steam Store page when I found out they now have a "Download Demo" button there, which is available to anyone, inside or outside North America. I've just downloaded it and it seems to have pretty much everything from the actual expansion pack, even though it doesn't have any support to achievements or other DLC, since it's a standalone demo. Also, you can only play as Ahmad al-Mansur/Continents/Small/Quick, beginning in the Medieval Era. I'm not sure if the Civs you play against are pre-defined or anything.

This means that, if you are as anxious as me, don't live in the US or Canada and can't wait another second to get your hands on the new features (without having access to the complete expansion pack, though), at least you can try out this demo version till the 12th.

Its also worth mentioning the demo ends the turn after entering the Industrial era. Hence, you dont see ideologies, and world congress.
Damn, I thought there was no demo... still gonna get it though I can play the expansion in about 9 hours...:) Thanks.
Its also worth mentioning the demo ends the turn after entering the Industrial era. Hence, you dont see ideologies, and world congress.

no UN, but the world congress is in, as you only need Printing Press (and probably Astronomy, as the demo's map script is locked to Continents) for that. i just made my religion the world religion and enacted the World's Fair. pretty cool stuff.
Here are three great links that I think should be here for easy access:

WINate's BNW UU Chart + BNW Civs Chart (A solid all-around overview)

Barathor's G&K UU Tables (A deeper look at the units. BNW update in progress)

Liex's Visual Maps (Includes Civilizations, City-States, World/Natural Wonders, and more)

They are all still subject to edits, but these guys did a really terrific job.


BNW AI Leaders Spreadsheet (i.e. their flavors, tendencies, etc, as an AI)



And here's my own post "BNW Civ Victory Types" (Not as pretty as the others but it gets the job done)
I have downloaded the manuals from steam and they are only the Vanilla and Gods & Kings versions. Where is the brave new world version????
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