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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Hello world! After many delays, it is finally here! Vox Populi version 3.0, which I hereby dub "The Great Integration", arriving just in time for the end of November 22, 2022!

This version notably integrates several modmods into base VP:
- Religion Spread
- Promotion Flags for VP (EUI only, must be enabled in Interface Options and requires UI reload)
- Archaeology Aesthetic Adjustments
- Filters in Trade Route Overview
- Improved Military Overview
- Many of the database changes added by Alternative Difficulty for VP

It also features major reworks of the Happiness system, Barbarians and Difficulty Levels, as well as a lot of new modder tools to customize each of these.

It is also the first release to feature VP Congress proposals. Not all proposals are included yet, but those that have will be ratified in 30 days, so get playtesting! :) Now that the release is finally out, I will be reviewing feedback that has been provided about the VP Congress system and posting an update on any changes made to it soon.

Finally, version 3.0 contains a lot of substantial bugfixes and AI improvements.

Please note that this release will break compatibility with 3rd & 4th Unique Components, Improved City View and Alternative Difficulty for VP until those modmods are updated. The integrated modmods will also be automatically blocked if you try to load them with VP.

You've waited long enough for this, so I'll proceed with the changelog. Immense thanks to @Rekk, @pineappledan, @axatin, @ilteroi, @azum4roll, @Gazebo, @balparmak, @ghost toast, @Hello71, N-Core, and Johnster-ID for their work in making this release happen.

Thanks also to @Infixo, Calypso on Steam, and whoever did Promotion Flags for their work in creating the integrated modmods.

- Integrated Religion Spread
- Integrated Promotion Flags for VP (EUI only, must be enabled in Interface Options and requires UI reload)
- Integrated Archaeology Aesthetic Adjustments
- Integrated Filters in Trade Route Overview
- Integrated Improved Military Overview
- Significant performance improvements, especially with regard to Barbarian spawning
- Many vanilla maps are now compatible with VP (thanks, azum4roll!)
- Added Improvement_WLTKDYields table: used to boost improvement yields during We Love The King Day
- Added XSameAdjacentMakesValid column: if X improvements of the same type are adjacent to this tile, the improvement can be built
- Added CoastMakesValid column: improvement can be built only on Coast (not Coastal) tiles
- Actually disabled the code for achievements by default (not sure if it even works anymore)
- Various cleanups to remove outdated code and partially modernize the repository
- Removed SQL trigger which automatically added the same trade route Tourism bonuses as in VP for Palace, Caravansary, Harbor and Theatre replacements from modmods, for modder freedom
- If a modder forgets to add a city founding unit for a custom civ in XML, the game will now automatically spawn in Settler(s) for that civ
- Unhardcoded new era splash screens
- Unhardcoded base unit supply increase from game start era
- Unhardcoded values for unit supply reductions from tech
- Unhardcoded reduction for unit supply from population in puppet cities, change no longer applies by default in Community Patch only
- Player scores are now logged every turn in Score_Log.csv
- Renamed Military Theory tech to Military Strategy
- AI players (including City-States) now start the game with one of their starting combat units stacked on top of their starting Settler(s), if they have one
   This negates any cheesy "spawned next to an undefended Settler" turn 0 exploits on crowded maps against AI majors (as well as City-States, on Warlord+)
   Defense units are prioritized over scouts

- Major improvements to tactical AI
    Improved target and tactical move selection
    Less likely to retreat unnecessarily
    Considers visibility more when positioning ranged units
- Capped AI luxury purchase price to 12 GPT scaling with era
- Improved AI faith purchasing logic
- Reduced AI desire to create Caravels
- Reduced AI desire to choose Order (too much consideration of Unhappiness from Public Opinion)
- AI less likely to assign all its spies to do the same thing
- Increased AI expansion desire a bit
- Increased diplomacy AI aggression
- AI opinion modifiers for non-competition are now reduced on lower difficulties
- AI war state logic improved; capitulation should no longer be impossible as often when war score is >= 75
- Diplo AI now recognizes when a City-State has captured some of their cities (including free cities that revolted), will avoid creating Embassies or using Diplomats there, and will try harder to reconquer the captured cities
- Cleaned up the diplomacy AI war code, added extra checks to ensure AI aborts sneak attack operations when its war willingness changes, rather than waiting till troops reach the destination
- Improved AI logic for expanding to other continents
- Small improvements to AI settling logic
- Reworked AI decision weighted randomization; instead of picking from the top 1-3 choices for city production, tech, policies and beliefs, they will now randomly pick from all options with at least 90% of the top score, using weighted randomization (e.g. if there are two choices with scores 2000 and 1900, the ratio of them being picked is 2000:1900).
    This applies on all difficulties, making AI equally intelligent regardless of difficulty.
    It retains some randomization but should improve AI intelligence considerably.
    To debug AI scoring or if you want them to only pick the top scoring option (which actually makes them dumber compared to 90%), set the values in DifficultyMod.xml to 100.
    To make the AI intentionally dumber on certain difficulties, you can also reduce the cutoff threshold to whatever you want (e.g., 50%)
    Special Exception: If the highest scoring choice for city production is the Defense Process, the AI will always pick it (no randomization).

    - Major cleanup of the code, performance should be better
    - Cap on the number of Barbarian encampments has been removed
    - Removed buggy & inconsistent limit on # of camps per area, including in Community Patch only (was mostly useless)
    - Barbarians now spawn at the end of turn 2 (instead of turn 0)
        If for some reason a civ has not settled yet at the end of turn 2, the Barbs will treat their Settler like a capital and avoid spawning too close to it during the initial spawning, unless starting in Medieval or later

     Barbarian Cities
     - Barbarian cities are now included in Community Patch only (the Horde quest is not, but Barbs might manage to capture a city)
     - Base spawn timer for free units from Barbarian cities reduced from 7 + 1-10 turns to 6 + 1-5 turns (half of the encampment timer), making them more difficult to recapture
     - Barbarian cities can now train units and use the Farming process
         Trained units are spawned *IN ADDITION* to any free units the Barbarians spawn from that city, making Barb cities more dangerous

     Barbarian Encampments
     - Instead of initially spawning 1/3 of the target number of camps, which was based on the cap, 1% of all tiles that can spawn encampments will spawn them, plus 0.5% per era for advanced starts
         NOTE: Original proposal was 12.5% instead of 1% on the first turn, but the AI wasn't able to handle the surge. This new value should allow early game Pathfinders some breathing room before Barbs start filling the wilderness, but might be increased later.
     - Thereafter, one encampment will spawn every 2 turns in a random eligible tile (Raging: 1 turn; Chill: 3 turns); no more randomness
     - Encampments can now spawn on Snow tiles (apparently they couldn't?)
     - Encampments can now spawn in visible tiles
     - Encampments can now spawn on top of unowned roads and improvements, destroying them (except Embassies, due to diplomatic immunity)
     - Encampments CANNOT spawn within 4 tiles of a major civ's capital
     - Encampments CANNOT spawn within 4 tiles of another encampment
     - Encampments CANNOT spawn within 2 tiles of a previous encampment that was cleared <15 turns ago
     - Encampments CANNOT spawn on an owned or occupied tile
     - Encampments CANNOT spawn adjacent to an enemy unit or city borders
     - 33% of encampments will be spawned on the coast

     Barbarian Units
       - Barbarians can no longer spawn from uprisings, quests or events before the Barbarian Release Turn (previously if it happened, the Release Turn would be disabled)
       - Barbarians can spawn boats beginning from turn 20 (was turn 30)

       Spawn Caps
       - Encampments cannot spawn a unit if there are already 2 units within 4 tiles, and the encampment is occupied by a combat unit (unchanged)
       - Cities cannot spawn a unit if there are already 4 units within 4 tiles, and the city is garrisoned (new)
           This only applies to free unit spawns, not trained unit spawns
       - Barbarian encampments & cities now have a minimum 2 turn delay between spawns regardless of anything else
           Again, this cap only applies to free unit spawns

       Spawn Placement
       - Barbarian units will attempt to fill every tile in the first ring, then every tile in the second ring, etc.

       - Barbs spawning from encampments or cities can make use of any unowned or Barbarian-owned strategic resources within 3 tiles to spawn a unit requiring them (was unowned and Horses/Iron only)
       - Barbs spawning from uprisings can use any resource the unhappy civ has at least 1 copy of
       - Barbs spawning from the Horde quest can use any resource within 3 tiles if the City-State owns it
       - Barbs need to meet the resource requirements to spawn a unit requiring one, and are less likely to spawn one relative to other units

       Unique Units
       - Barbarian cities can now spawn the City-State's UU (if originally CS and militaristic) or the major civ's UUs (if originally major)
       - Horde Quest can now spawn the City-State's UU (if militaristic)
       - Uprisings can now spawn the major civ's UUs

       Unit Classes
       - Barbarians can now spawn any UnitClass except: civilians, scouting units, siege units, air units, anti-air units, missiles, nukes, carriers, and the Siege Tower
       - Barbarians cannot spawn units that can't be trained (including City-State gifts), units that require policies or projects to unlock, air units or civilians, regardless of UnitClass

       Modder Tools
       - Un-hardcoded a ton of values for Barbarians, including their spawn rates, the amount spawned, and changes from Chill and Raging Barbarians; now in CoreDefines.sql
           Also allows for more or less Barbs to be spawned based on era, if desired
           Lots of customizability if people want to experiment with Barb spawns for future proposals

       - Buildings that can only be purchased with Faith and are replaced by a free building now provide a Faith refund, not 1 Production

       - Moved from Rifling to Combustion
       - Requires a Bastion Fort in the city
       - Cost now 1800 Production (was 1000)
       - Nerfed city CS to +12 (was +20)
       - Loses Indirect Fire
       - Nerfed military supply from pop to +10% (was +15%)
       - Nerfed healing to garrisoned units to +5 (was +10)

       Bastion Fort
       - New building unlocked at Navigation
       - Cost: 600 Production
       - +150 city HP
       - +10 city CS
       - Grants Indirect Fire
       - +10% military supply from population
       - -5% empire size modifier
       - +5 healing to garrisoned units

       - +2 Production to Engineer specialists

       - Removed +1 Tourism to Artist, Musician and Writer Specialists

       - Provides 25 Food on construction again

       - Construction cost now 65 Production
       - Now costs no Gold maintenance
       - Gains +1 Production to Marsh tiles

       - Loses 10% unit supply from population

       - +2 Border Growth Points

       Military Base
       - Nerfed military supply from pop to +20% (was +25%)
       - Nerfed empire size modifier reduction to +5% (was +10%)

       - Moved back to Ballistics
       - Buffed city HP to +300 (was +200)
       - Nerfed city CS to +10 (was +20)

       Mission (Spain)
       - Nerfed city CS to +2 (was +3)

       Paper Maker (China)
       - Removed

       Royal Guardhouse
       - Nerfed city CS to +2 (was +3)
       - Added +20% supply from population

       Siege Workshop (The Ottomans)
       - +2 Gold to Copper resources (was +1 Production, +1 Gold)

       Tabya (Songhai)
       - +2 Gold to Salt resources (was +1 Production, +1 Gold)

       Throne Room
       - Loses +4 unit supply

       Twokay Foods Office
       - Gains -1 Unhappiness from all Needs in all cities
       - Loses 5% need median reduction to Distress, Poverty, Illiteracy, Boredom in all cities
       - Loses 5% reduction to Religious Unrest in all cities

    - Kill one City-State or ally both quest duration doubled to 60 turns, scaling with game speed
    - Build X buildings quest now has a 25% chance of requiring the building in all cities, a 25% chance of requiring it in half of all cities, and a 50% chance of requiring a number in between
        These odds are modified if the player has 4 or fewer cities, due to RNG limitations
    - Non-coastal City-States can no longer gift naval units
    - Naval unit gifts from City-States will be delivered to the nearest city which can reach the City-State via sea, ignoring canals
       If there is no such city, it will try to deliver the unit to the closest coastal city by distance
       If there is no such city, it will not gift a naval unit
    - Unit gifts from City-States now gain XP and promotions based on the gifting City-State's capital, not the city the unit spawns in

       - Start bias changed to Avoid Hills
       - UA changed to +2 Food (no Gold) from creating Great Works or gaining Cities, still declining with era
       - Loses +10% extra Food in all cities during WLTED

    - All Difficulty Levels have been reworked
    - AIPerEraModifier no longer affects the cost of World Wonders in Community Patch only

      Changes on All Difficulties
      - No more instant Production yields from difficulty bonus (no AI advantage on Wonders and World Congress Projects anymore!)
      - AI intelligence for various randomized choices is no longer dependent on difficulty
      - Removed AIUnitSupplyPercent bonus
      - AI unit upgrade cost bonus no longer double dips (it uses the base Production cost to calculate the unit upgrade cost, not the already-reduced value from difficulty)
      - Barb Camp Gold is now always 50 Gold scaling with era, and displays the correct value in the popup
      - AI production cost reductions now apply to nuke units
      - In general, Warlord is now a "fair play" difficulty, as long requested; Settler and Chieftain are easier; Emperor+ are largely the same minus the removed bonuses; Prince and King ramp up the difficulty between Warlord and Emperor
      - City-specific yields from difficulty bonus are no longer applied to puppet, resistance or razing cities
          Also, any remainder is added to the capital instead of being lost
      - Added a TON of difficulty level options to DifficultyTables.xml (Community Patch only) and DifficultyMod.xml (Vox Populi)
          Check out these files if you're interested in customizing difficulty levels or making proposals - there's a lot of options.
          Options from MILAE's Alternative Difficulty modmod have been integrated into VP (BREAKS COMPATIBILITY!)
          Added support for the AI to receive instant yields every X turns as well as on city conquest
          Added support for the AI to receive any type of periodic yield
          Added support for modders to customize the yield types and amounts for each periodic yield trigger
          Humans can now give themselves the same difficulty bonuses as the AI if they want (including periodic yields)
          Improved logging for periodic yield bonuses
          Many diplomacy AI modifiers from DiploApproachWeights.sql and DiploOpinionWeights.sql are now moved to the difficulty tables
          Tactical AI search depth (which is lower on Settler and Chieftain) is now moved to the difficulty tables as well
      - The list of changes to difficulty levels is too long to reproduce here; the wiki page will be updated with the new values

    - Reworked mission durations to be more static, with minimum and maximum durations set to control missions that are too short or too long
    - Adjusted mission durations to fit new model
    - Increased yield siphons by 25%
    - Great Work theft mission now unlocks in Industrial Era
    - Tech theft is now limited to enemy capitals only, but can be done by multiple civs at the same time

    Great People
    - Great Engineers now provide Production equal to 5 turns of the best city's average recent output
    - Great Prophets now always spawn in the capital if you haven't founded a religion yet (otherwise they spawn in the Holy City)

    - Renamed all the added VP columns for the unhappiness system (will break compatibility with 4UC and other mods until updated; see list of changes in second part of changelog below)
    - The global need medians are now based on the true median, not the 55th percentile (still change gradually from turn to turn)
    - Tech Modifier is now removed entirely, unfun because it's out of the player's control
    - City Size Modifier is now removed entirely
    - Empire Size Modifier is now +5% per non-puppet city (excluding the capital), plus +1% per 4 non-puppet citizens, scaling with map size
    - Unhappiness from Isolation nerfed to 0.34 per citizen, rounded down (was 0.34 per citizen, rounded up)
    - Removed remnants of luxury pop scaler from the code
    - Updated documentation of happiness globals in CoreDefines.sql and made them more customizable
    - Added code to change needs by x% for each tech above the median # of techs (unused)
    - Added code to change needs by x% for each tech above the median # of techs (unused)
    - Removed SQL trigger which automatically added the same Unhappiness reductions as in VP to unique buildings from modmods, for modder freedom
    - Nearly all % modifiers to need medians on buildings, policies, and projects have been replaced by flat Unhappiness reductions (exceptions: Empire Size, Spy Events, Carnival, Air Units, Processes)
    - Unhappiness penalty to growth is now -2.5% per approval rating % below 50, instead of -25%, -50% and -75% at Unhappy/Very Unhappy/Super Unhappy
    - Global Unhappiness penalties are now displayed in more detail in the Top Panel overview
    - Updated Civilopedia Happiness section to explain new mechanics
    - Added a CustomModOption to uncap Local Unhappiness, allowing all sources of Unhappiness to exceed a city's population (disabled by default)
    - Improved city unhappiness breakdown tooltip
        The in-city version no longer uses the "we are starving!" etc. lines for non-Need unhappiness sources
        Now actually shows the median need per population, followed by the % increase or decrease from the Need Modifier
        Removed total/city need modifier % section
        Now displays the reductions from spies, air units, Carnival and processes
        Updated in accordance with changes

          New World Order
          - Gains -2 Unhappiness from Distress in all cities
          - Loses 20% need median reduction for Distress in all cities

          Avant Garde
          - Gains -2 Unhappiness from Boredom in all cities
          - Loses 20% need median reduction for Boredom in all cities

          Academy of Science
          - Gains -2 Unhappiness from Illiteracy in all cities
          - Loses 20% need median reduction for Illiteracy in all cities

          Peace, Land, Bread
          - Gains -2 Unhappiness from Poverty in all cities
          - Loses 20% need median reduction for Poverty in all cities

       Eki (The Huns)
       - Now unlocked at Military Strategy instead of Trade

       Encampment (Shoshone)
       - Now unlocked at Trade instead of Military Strategy

       Polder (The Netherlands)
       - Can now be built on Marshes and on Coast tiles without resources adjacent to at least 3 land tiles.
       - Embarked Workers can construct Polders on Coast tiles.
       - Polders can be walked on as a land tile. Ships can still pass through them.
       - If pillaged, any units on them will be displaced.
       - Gains +1 Production if near another polder.
       - NOTE: Needs testing to see if the AI can handle this. If it can't, the changes will have to be reverted.

       Siheyuan (China)
       - New unique improvement unlocked at Currency
       - Must be built on flat land without resources, either adjacent to a city or to 2 other Siheyuan
       - +1 Gold, +1 Production, +1 Science, +1 Culture (doubled to +2 during WLTED)
       - Civil Service: +1 Culture, +1 Gold
       - Architecture: +1 Science, +1 Production
       - Electricity: +1 Science, +1 Culture

        - Yields from citizen birth buffed to +8 (was +5)

        Ogma, the Learned (The Celts)
        - Now correctly provides +5 Science to Ceilidh Hall (was +4)

          - Now only grants +25% GP rate to Great Artists, Writers and Musicians (not all Great People)
          - Gains +10% Culture in all cities during Golden Ages

          - Loses Culture from Great Works of Art, Science from Artifacts, Gold from Great Works of Music
          - Buffed GAP from Great Works of Writing to 3 (was 2)
          - Gains +1 Happiness from all Guilds
          - Gains 25% reduction to amount of GAP needed to trigger a Golden Age

          - Gains +2 Culture from Great Works of Art
          - Gains +1 Culture from Specialists
          - Gains 1 free specialist (no Urbanization) in all cities
          - Loses Happiness from Guilds and from every 3 Great Works in a city

          - Gains +4 Gold from Great Works of Music
          - Gains 25% culture conversion from Wonders and terrain to Tourism
          - Loses GAP for constructing World or National Wonders

          National Treasure
          - Gains 250 Gold for constructing a World or National Wonder
          - Gains +2 Science from Artifacts
          - Loses 50 GAP from expending a Great Person

          Cultural Exchange
          - Gains +1 Happiness for every 3 Great Works in a city
          - Loses +10% Culture in all cities during Golden Ages

         - Renamed to Fiefdoms
         - Gains +1 Global Happiness for every 10 military units in empire
         - Loses +15% Production and +100% border growth during Golden Ages
         - Loses 1 free specialist (no Urbanization)

         Divine Right
         - Gains -2 Unhappiness from Boredom in all cities
         - Loses 15% need median reduction for Boredom in all cities

         Free Trade
         - Gains -2 Unhappiness from Poverty in all cities
         - Loses 15% need median reduction for Poverty in all cities

         - Gains -1 Unhappiness from Distress, Poverty, Illiteracy and Boredom in all cities
         - Loses 10% need median reductions for Distress, Poverty, Illiteracy, and Boredom in all cities

         - Gains +25% Production towards Settlers

         - Gains -1 Unhappiness from all Needs in all cities
         - Loses 5% need median reduction for Distress, Poverty, Illiteracy and Boredom in all cities

         - Loses 2% need median reduction for Distress, Poverty, Illiteracy and Boredom in all cities

         Free Thought
         - Gains -5 Unhappiness from Religious Unrest in all cities
         - Loses 50% reduction to Religious Unrest in all cities

         - Gains -1 Unhappiness from all Needs in all cities

         - Gains +1 Science to Lodges

         - Loses 50 GAP on Great Person expend

         - Loses +25% GA length modifier
         - Gains +1 Production to all GPTIs
         - Gains +1 working range for capital (can now work all tiles within 4 range instead of 3)

      Public Works
      - Gains -1 Unhappiness from all Needs in the city
      - Loses 10% need median reduction to Distress, Poverty, Illiteracy, Boredom in the city
      - Loses 10% reduction to Religious Unrest in the city
      - Now correctly displays spy resistance increase as 10% (not 15%)

       - Gains double movement in Marsh tiles

       - Now +15% CS outside friendly territory, +15% CS when attacking wounded units, +10% CS if not adjacent to any friendly unit

       March/Medic I/Medic II
       - Loses CS malus

       - Now +10% CS in rough terrain
       - Prerequisites are now Shock I or Drill II

    - Oil on map slightly reduced to account for Refineries providing oil (deposits of 6 -> 5, deposits of 9 -> 8)

       - +2 Production to Engineer specialists

       - +1 Production to Engineer specialists

      - Base healing rate is now +20 HP in tiles owned by cities that are being razed
      - Base healing rate is now +5 HP in tiles owned by cities that are in resistance (and aren't being razed)

      Archer (Barbarians)
      - Now obsoletes at Currency

      Brute (Barbarians)
      - Now obsoletes at Bronze Working

      Camel Archer (Arabia)
      - Combat Strength reduced by 1

      Galley (Barbarians)
      - Now has no prereq tech and obsoletes at Sailing

      Handaxe (Barbarians)
      - Now obsoletes at Mathematics

      Heavy Skirmisher
      - Combat Strength reduced by 1

      - Loses +33% attack bonus VS cities

      Naga-Malla (India)
      - Movement lowered to 3, removed Skirmisher Doctrine

       - World Wonders from 3 or more eras ago now increase the cost of new World Wonders by 5% each.

       Grand Temple
       - Gains -1 Unhappiness from Religious Unrest in all cities
       - Loses 10% reduction to Religious Unrest in all cities

       Great Cothon
       - Gains -1 Unhappiness from Poverty in all cities
       - Loses 10% need median reduction for Poverty in all cities

       - Gains -1 Unhappiness from Boredom in all cities
       - Loses 10% need median reduction for Boredom in all cities

       Independence Hall
       - Gains -1 Unhappiness from Boredom in all cities
       - Loses 10% need median reduction for Boredom in all cities

       National College
       - Gains -1 Unhappiness from Illiteracy in all cities
       - Loses 10% need median reduction for Illiteracy in all cities

       National Intelligence Agency
       - Gains -1 Unhappiness from Distress in all cities
       - Loses 10% need median reduction for Distress in all cities

       National Treasury
       - Gains -1 Unhappiness from Poverty in all cities
       - Loses 10% need median reduction for Poverty in all cities

       - Buffed city CS to +4 (was +3)

       Royal Library
       - Gains -1 Unhappiness from Illiteracy in all cities
       - Loses 10% need median reduction for Illiteracy in all cities

    World Congress
    - Sphere of Influence resolution now requires proposer to be the City-State's ally in order to make the proposal
        If ally status changes in the interim, the proposal remains valid
    - The Production cost of all projects has been tripled

- Lots of text fixes
- Added some new loading screen tips
- Civilopedia now updated to include UN and City-State Embassy info
- Text for Oceanic Perils and similar promotions updated to note that the destination coast tile must be visible before you can cross ocean to get there
- Fixed text (notably for difficulty level tooltips) not being updated in VP's game setup screen
- Fixed inconsistencies with Unhappiness icons throughout the game text
- Unhappy citizens in the city banner (when mousing over the frowning face) now use a red citizen icon instead of a green one
- CTRL+LEFTCLICKing a building to produce will keep you in the City Screen after the building is added to the queue (EUI only)
- SHIFT+LEFTCLICK now adds 10 delegates to a World Congress vote choice (tip updated to reflect this)
- MoreGreatDiplomats file is now successfully added to the database, also added Zhang Qian and Wang Xuance
- Upcoming religious purchases display icons in the Top Panel (EUI only)
- Improved some tech tree icons for boosts to chop yields, reduced chop duration, embarked movement and road movement (EUI only)

- Fixed a crash after resurrecting a player
- Fixed AI not rebasing air units in endangered cities
- Fixed bug where buildings wouldn't increase the yields of other buildings
- Promotions which make a unit stronger as it loses HP now work when defending against ranged attacks
- Community Patch only: Elite Forces tenet now directly increases strength by 25% when wounded as the text indicates it should
- Fixed a bug allowing multiple Embassies to be created in a City-State under rare circumstances
- The game now tests for Domination Victory after every City-State alliance change and vassalization (not just city captures), fixing the bug where it wouldn't trigger despite meeting the criteria
- Fixed reduction in building cost for each era since the building's era applying in Community Patch only
- Fixed AI expansion warnings triggering in some cases where they shouldn't
- Fixed missing AI flavors for some lategame policies
- Fixed UBs captured by Rome not counting as prerequisite for the upgraded building (e.g. Ikanda wouldn't allow Armory to be built)
- Fixed bug showing the wrong resource count when trading strategic resources
- Fixed Deal History not displaying anything
- Fixed AI opinion of human players being improperly modified by difficulty level in Community Patch only
- The flat cost from units which cost extra maintenance is now added directly to unit maintenance; it does not scale with game progress anymore
- Natural Wonders are now forced to spawn within workable range of a land tile
- Fixed bug with Nationalism promotion (wasn't providing the combat bonus to units adjacent to the city)
- Fixed text errors in some spy mission completion messages
- Fixed kidnap specialist mission not expiring (again)
- Fixed AI not using spies in Community Patch only
- Fixed receiving a notification about "friendly partisans" when Barbarians spawn due to your captured city being razed
- Fixed the Settler/military unit production penalty from Local Unhappiness applying to other civilian units and being double-counted for occupied cities
   If a unit can both fight AND settle, the highest of the two penalties is now applied, instead of the combat unit penalty
- Fixed unowned plots being counted in canals
- Misc. tactical AI bugfixes
- Fixed impossible peace treaty bugs
- Fixed Barbarians being affected by unit supply
- Fixed a diplomacy AI bug that made the AI willing to DoW City-States only when AI was in bad shape to start a war
Changes to unhappiness system tables (for modmodder reference):
Spoiler :

Building_UnhappinessNeedsFlatReduction -> deleted
Project_NeedsModifierYield -> deleted

[Event Tables]
EventChoice_CityUnhappinessNeedMod -> deleted
CityEventChoice_CityUnhappinessNeedMod -> deleted

[Empire Size Modifier]
EmpireNeedsModifier -> now EmpireSizeModifierReduction
EmpireNeedsModifierGlobal -> now EmpireSizeModifierReductionGlobal

[New Flat Reduction Columns]
DistressFlatReduction (works for buildings and projects)
PovertyFlatReduction (works for buildings and projects)
IlliteracyFlatReduction (works for buildings and projects)
BoredomFlatReduction (works for buildings and projects)
ReligiousUnrestFlatReduction (works for buildings and projects)
DistressFlatReductionGlobal (works for buildings and policies)
PovertyFlatReductionGlobal (works for buildings and policies)
IlliteracyFlatReductionGlobal (works for buildings and policies)
BoredomFlatReductionGlobal (works for buildings and policies)
ReligiousUnrestFlatReductionGlobal (works for buildings and policies)

[Median % Modifiers (no longer used, but supported)]
DefenseHappinessChange -> BasicNeedsMedianModifier (same name for buildings and projects)
PovertyHappinessChange -> GoldMedianModifier (same name for buildings and projects)
IlliteracyHappinessChange -> ScienceMedianModifier (same name for buildings and projects)
UnculturedHappinessChange -> CultureMedianModifier (same name for buildings and projects)
MinorityHappinessChange -> ReligiousUnrestModifier (same name for buildings and projects)
DefenseHappinessChangeGlobal -> BasicNeedsMedianModifierGlobal (same name for buildings, policies and UAs)
PovertyHappinessChangeGlobal -> GoldMedianModifierGlobal (same name for buildings, policies and UAs)
IlliteracyHappinessChangeGlobal -> ScienceMedianModifierGlobal (same name for buildings, policies and UAs)
UnculturedHappinessChangeGlobal -> CultureMedianModifierGlobal (same name for buildings, policies and UAs)
MinorityHappinessChangeGlobal -> ReligiousUnrestModifierGlobal (same name for buildings, policies and UAs)

[Deleted & Merged Just Above]

[New Event Columns]
BasicNeedsMedianModifier (for city events)
GoldMedianModifier (for city events)
ScienceMedianModifier (for city events)
CultureMedianModifier (for city events)
ReligiousUnrestModifier (for city events)
BasicNeedsMedianModifierGlobal (for player events)
GoldMedianModifierGlobal (for player events)
ScienceMedianModifierGlobal (for player events)
CultureMedianModifierGlobal (for player events)
ReligiousUnrestModifierGlobal (for player events)

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PWbYxNPZxCP6oA7C8lKkiiTZt8QExaWb/view?usp=sharing

Online as of 11:55 PM CST. Definitely not savegame compatible with previous versions.

Version 3.0.1 released. Changelog:
- Fixed units not healing in friendly territory
- Fixed incorrect text for China UA
- Fixed incorrect yield icon on Granary help text

Link above has been updated.

Online as of 9:23 AM CST. Savegame compatible with 3.0 versions.

Version 3.0.2 released. Changelog:
Fixed -2 billion AI deal valuation for resources if the receiving player's GPT income is negative
Fixed Barbarian units spawning inside (instead of around) enemy cities and capturing them
Fixed Bastion Fort not being counted as a defensive building for Defender of the Faith, Japan UA, and Military-Industrial Complex
Fixed Herbalist still costing gold maintenance
Fixed Barbarian/City-State XP caps for units not scaling with gamespeed
Fixed text issues for road/railroad icons in tech tree
Fixed forge, hospital, lodge, royal guardhouse, throne room text not being updated
Fixed Urbanization unhappiness being listed as 100x its actual value in the UI

Link above has been updated.

Online as of 3:12 PM CST. Savegame compatible with 3.0 versions, although existing Herbalists/Bastion Forts will be unaffected.

Version 3.0.3 released. Changelog:
Fixed broken trade screen in Community Patch only

Link above has been updated.

Online as of 6:23 PM CST. Savegame compatible with 3.0 versions.

Version 3.0.4 released. Changelog:
Fixed gamebreaking "can't end turn" bug in Community Patch only if a Reformation belief is unlocked prior to obtaining a religion
Fixed Arsenal requiring a Theatre instead of a Bastion Fort as a prerequisite (typo)
Fixed City-State coup quest not expiring after the target City-State is conquered
Fixed Kasbah being buildable on tiles not adjacent to a city
Fixed a UI bug when purchasing a building in the non-EUI version
Barbarians can spawn Skirmishers again
Text clarification for Morocco UA
In the difficulty tables, human players and AI players on all difficulties now have the same yield bonus triggers and multipliers specified by default. The only differentiator is the Base and A/B/C values.
   Because human values are always set to 0, this won't give humans any yield bonuses
   This should make it easier for humans who want to experiment with yield bonuses
   Modders are still free to delete all of this and replace them with entirely new values

Link above has been updated.

Online as of 4:17 PM CST. Savegame compatible with 3.0 versions.
Last edited:
I think it's safe to say that Recursive worked more on this than the entire team at Firaxis did on the next civ6 cash grab :c5greatperson: Since VP doesn't accept donations, you can name your pets Recursive instead, recursive the rabbit, recursive the cat...or repurrsive?🐈‍⬛
I think it's safe to say that Recursive worked more on this than the entire team at Firaxis did on the next civ6 cash grab :c5greatperson: Since VP doesn't accept donations, you can name your pets Recursive instead, recursive the rabbit, recursive the cat...or repurrsive?🐈‍⬛
Next time I'll wage war on a civ, I'll sweep it and send it to the doom dimension in his honor.
You've waited long enough for this, so I'll proceed with the changelog. Immense thanks to @Rekk, @pineappledan, @axatin, @ilteroi, @azum4roll, @Gazebo, @balparmak, @Hello71, N-Core, and Johnster-ID for their work in making this release happen.
Don't forget to thank @ghost toast for Siheyuan improvement model.
Wow thats a lot of changes.
Lodges was good before, they really going to shine now.
I have been really looking forward to this release. The amount of changes are amazing. Probably more than at least the last years releases.
Congratulations to Recursive & all the developers who have helped with this. Incredible that a 12 year old game can be so playable still. Just shows how modders can add to a game.
This is awesome work! (But you did forget to credit my code) but no worries! I'll be happy to keep working on the next version!
I've been looking forward to this. Barbarian changes may make for some fun Authority games.

Lodges was good before, they really going to shine now.
Were they though? On the previous version I skipped them in most of my cities.
Thank you so much 🥰
Can you in the list of changes, mark which were decided by the congress?
Can't heal units in my own territory, I have to go to a city or outside my borders. Anyone else experiencing this or just me?
Can't heal units in my own territory, I have to go to a city or outside my borders. Anyone else experiencing this or just me?
Same to. Sounds like units have the same criteria as if in enemy territory. Probably some simple value to correct, but I am not sure where.
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