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Considering. that citadel bonuses are in the lower 'military tree' it seems normal to give them at least 6 science. Tiling requires a citizen to work. Any science building from the top 'science tree' passively gives 3 sciences and +3 more per slot (and +3 Great Scientist points, which in itself allows you to build an Academy or make a breakthrough in the future). And breakthroughs will be stronger the more Academies.

This will allow military civilizations to progress down the lower branches for longer, instead of switching to opening universities and schools. Autocracy certainly gets a science bonus for killing, but active bonuses never compare to passive ones from buildings.

If you move along the lower branches, then without universities and schools you can forget about the Great Scientists and Academies - they will be too late. Therefore, the citadels should be some analogues of the Academies. The minimum required is something around 8 science, because a citizen will consume less food than a specialist and will not generate unhappiness..
I dont know, maybe you are correct, post a proposal in the Congress thread or make a mod mod.
You are not encouraged to work Forts or Citadels unless they've been improved by other sources like policies.
You are not encouraged to work Forts or Citadels unless they've been improved by other sources like policies.

It's too bad that improved tiles are useless except for their defensive properties.

If it is absolutely not a pity to break the fort in peacetime and quickly build it during the war, then installing the Citadel is an extremely responsible decision, since Great Generals do not grow on trees like apples - we get a stationary defense bonus, but we lose the general’s mobile aura bonus. Yes, the citadel can connect an important resource under it, but will not give additional bonuses to this resource like a mine or a plantation, except for +3 science.
I dont know, maybe you are correct, post a proposal in the Congress thread or make a mod mod.

Now I want to hear the opinions of others and counterarguments before making suggestions. Perhaps I'm missing some nuances.
That's the point of them, though. Yields are just a bonus.

To be honest, in the early game, it would be nice to have access to a good source of science if you develop the lower branches of technology.

It is no secret that AIs that have chosen the path of Authority at some point in time begin to lag behind in technology. As soon as their units become obsolete against the enemy, the autocrat becomes helpless, because cannot kill and get a kill bonus.

Although it is necessary to correct the AI logic in order to teach how to set up strongholds not only to capture other player's tiles with resources. but also as defensive structures in 3 radii of the city as an analogue of the Academy.

And, regarding generals and AI. I don't really see strongholds in AI until the late game, when there are fights over some piece of land, where there can be up to 3-5 strongholds. It seems to me that it would be better for AI to use the first generals to strengthen its defenses around cities so that not a single enemy could invade and rob territory with impunity than a general running after a horseman and lagging behind him.
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It seems that the AI has way less troops these days, which I think hurts it badly.

Spoiler Look at spain and the americas, both just declared war :
And they come with a few meele troops which just 'hang around' and have me shoot them to pieces. Because of this and way less troops, the difficulty level has been lowered dramatically early game. But if they are only seeking to plunder and disrupt my play, then, sure, it's annoying and can acctually slow me down. Could this be an intent with declaring war? But then I don't think so... since I also have this game where the azteks could have taken my city in just a few turns but it's meele did nothing... and eventually they had to retreat after walls were completed.
Spoiler Happy campers :
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Is there some kind of calculation behind AI's willingness to become other AI's vassal while being in peace? I just got Inca as my vassal, and 1-2 turns later their neighbour Portugal became the vassal of Denmark (which is strong AI in the run), while they were not in a war. I kinda like it in a way if it means it's giving me more challenge but am just curious.

Also, while Portugal was the vassal of Denmark, they voted for me to become the host of World Congress - even though I was at war with them and Denmark. Kinda funny, I guess Portugal has gotten enough of Denmark... ;)
Is there some kind of calculation behind AI's willingness to become other AI's vassal while being in peace? I just got Inca as my vassal, and 1-2 turns later their neighbour Portugal became the vassal of Denmark (which is strong AI in the run), while they were not in a war. I kinda like it in a way if it means it's giving me more challenge but am just curious.

Also, while Portugal was the vassal of Denmark, they voted for me to become the host of World Congress - even though I was at war with them and Denmark. Kinda funny, I guess Portugal has gotten enough of Denmark... ;)
Actually you can get a hefty malus to relation with vassal if you fail to protect their land. Maybe Denmark failed to protect Portugal during your war ?
Why does the WC proposal remain active for voting even if the initiator was destroyed. France destroyed by the Zulus. The worst proposal (completely breaks the game) can be voted on even in the absence of an interested party.

Let the third most voted player make his proposal on any turn. This will unlock a new gameplay option - destroy an empire to block its offer. It is not easy to do this in 20 turns, you need a very strong army near the borders, which will sweep away everyone in its path. Which is quite logical - a strong empire is able to dictate its will. The rich can buy votes. Cunning - set others on each other. Diplomacy is different. Somewhere negotiations, and somewhere force.

Spoiler :


There is one bad feature of spawning new units - they spawn in the city and throw the garrison already in the city outside in some situations. There is a garrison in the city for some reason. The unit can be healed - if it is thrown out, it will be quickly killed. If the city is damaged (and the city has a healthy garrison), then the new unit will have little health and will not be able to defend the city.

Previously, Valetta had a very good cannon in the garrison with an area damage of 10. A crossbowman was produced and the cannon was dropped on the horse tile, where it was destroyed on the same turn. This greatly weakened the defense of the city. It seems to me that the garrison should not be thrown out of the city under any circumstances. Let new units spawn even on the moon.

Spoiler :


I would like to see the message that the belligerents can accept mediation in the conclusion of peace, as hostilities between them have begun to decline. It is inconvenient to check the cost of a truce every turn.

Denmark defeated the Ottomans by 100, capturing 3 cities.
Denmark estimated the offer of peace at -39000
On the next turn, this offer of a truce was already valued at -1900 - an amount that could be paid.
If you do not become an intermediary, then Denmark in any case made peace with the Ottomans, making them vassals.

I needed the Ottomans as an independent empire.
Guy is spitting posts faster than Eminem lines ;)

There is procedure to propose changes @alchx
Note that the proposal phase is over, no one can't propose anymore. You have to wait until another session then you can make another proposal.
Just finished my first ever win on Emperor (CV on turn 359 with 9 cities Tradition/Artistry/Rationalism/Freedom Morocco) :) Had Songhai as my only neighbor on a large island/continent which made things interesting the entire game. Luckily, there was a mountain chain between us so I was able to set up two or three choke-points to keep him from trampling me with his Mandekalu Cavalry. France went Authority/Artistry/Imperialism/Freedom and eventually conquered almost its entire continent (16 cities or more in the end), but could not resist my tourism and culture. Authority Sweden was also doing ok in this game. And no, I did not abuse Kasbah's by putting them on resources away from cities :)

Kudos to developers and everyone providing feedback on making such an awesome game!
Just finished my first ever win on Emperor (CV on turn 359 with 9 cities Tradition/Artistry/Rationalism/Freedom Morocco) :) Had Songhai as my only neighbor on a large island/continent which made things interesting the entire game. Luckily, there was a mountain chain between us so I was able to set up two or three choke-points to keep him from trampling me with his Mandekalu Cavalry. France went Authority/Artistry/Imperialism/Freedom and eventually conquered almost its entire continent (16 cities or more in the end), but could not resist my tourism and culture. Authority Sweden was also doing ok in this game. And no, I did not abuse Kasbah's by putting them on resources away from cities :)

Kudos to developers and everyone providing feedback on making such an awesome game!
Congrats on an Emperor win. Nice to hear that France can do well, sometimes :lol:
I don't recall when it was introduced now as I have not played China for a while but it randomly came up now. But the special improvement "Siheyuan" that you can build on flatland without a resource does connect resources that appears later. Mostly this relates to Oil, Coal, and Uranium as most other things should have been revealed already when you start building these. Thus preventing their construction on the tile. But it doesn't say it should connect resources in the description. It technically shouldn't since you are not supposed to be able to build them on top of things but as per usual if you build them before they show up it works.


Got Siheyuans ...
That’s not intended behaviour
I don't recall when it was introduced now as I have not played China for a while but it randomly came up now. But the special improvement "Siheyuan" that you can build on flatland without a resource does connect resources that appears later. Mostly this relates to Oil, Coal, and Uranium as most other things should have been revealed already when you start building these. Thus preventing their construction on the tile. But it doesn't say it should connect resources in the description. It technically shouldn't since you are not supposed to be able to build them on top of things but as per usual if you build them before they show up it works.

View attachment 648321

Got Siheyuans ...
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