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[Map] Giant Earth Map

So Uranium:
add some to:
Cech Republik
south China
For Uranium, Arizona (Nivata) has long been a center of uranium mining (to the detriment of the Navajo people) as well as nearby states of Colorado and New Mexico. Other locations could include Krasnokamensk, Czech Republic, Gabon, and Uzbekistan. EDIT: The largest Chinese deposits appear to be in Xinjiang, Jiangxi, and Inner Mongolia.
we're at 7 ATM, what number do we want ?

10 ? more, similar to Oil (13) ?

And Bauxite:
For Bauxite - I'd say southern Vietnam would make sense. Potentially Kosovo/Montenegro (Illyria) as well, and Venezuela/Guiana. In the United States, the vast majority is located in Arkansas (Mississippia).

We're at 8, I'll move Japan ghost deposit to South Vietnam, how many more do we want ?

About luxuries, I don't want too many, many we could remove some of the unique deposits before, and then add more deposits of the rare luxuries. Unlike strategic, I don't see a big issue if some types of luxury are not on the map.

Some should stay rare (2 ? 3?) because of their high bonus, as pointed by Elhoim (like Papyrus)

That territory was originally named Pampa (the Latin name for the Pampas), but I believe it sort of migrated north with the redraw to include half of Paraguay, so I suggested to name it after the Río de la Plata and its basin instead, but it also does cover pretty much all of the pampas as well.
I'll go back to Pampa then if that's okay.
pampa isn't latin. it's a word from quechua. i was thinking a roman rendering of it to fit what i believe to be the general motif
About luxuries, I don't want too many, many we could remove some of the unique deposits before, and then add more deposits of the rare luxuries. Unlike strategic, I don't see a big issue if some types of luxury are not on the map.

I 100% agree! I didn't phrase it very well, but I was mostly trying to give you a variety of options and not suggest that they should all be placed - the game tends to be easy enough regarding luxuries as is!

pampa isn't latin. it's a word from quechua. i was thinking a roman rendering of it to fit what i believe to be the general motif

I'm aware that pampa comes from Quechua - the New/Scientific Latin term for the Pampas regions also happens to be Pampa. The literal Latin translation would be Planum or Planities, but so far I've largely tried to avoid direct translations if another option is available (and a Planities province might seem a bit quaint in comparison to the Magnae Planities of the Great Plains).

I'll go back to Pampa then if that's okay.

I'd argue that the Río de la Plata covers the region better (particularly the northern edge of Argentina and Paraguay) and has a history of also being used as a name of the region, but ultimately the choice is up to you! Obviously, the Pampas are also highly important to Argentine geography and history as well!
apologies if i came out sounding antagonistic, i only meant to do a small contribution :)

i feel older voices such as patagones, potosí, atacama and chiloé to name a few fit better as they are closer to local roots

chaco is probably a good one for the northern part of the territory we're referring to, but since they are a single unit in the current map for the whole flat lands pampas felt better

i honestly don't think anything alluding to silver is a good fit for the map. i can try to build an argument for it, but i'm sure there have been debates around the same issue in the past and for sure someone else did a better job that i can with my broken english :)

i'll be fine with any choice, just expressing a preference. not a demand of any kind
Some more potential ideas about rare luxury resources:

The other naturally-occurring regions (i.e. not transplanted) that are a large producer today would be Ivory Coast (in SE Guinea province) and Uganda (NW Kenia province)

Potentially in Assam (Northern Bengalia) and Thailand

Darjeeling/Assam (Northern Bengalia if Silk isn't already there)

Gemstone (a variety of options to choose from - top producers only):
Southern Brazil (amethyst - apparently the discovery of amethyst in Brazil basically collapsed the worth of the stone due to going from extremely rare to plentiful!); Colombia or Zambia (emerald); South Africa (swapping out Papyrus) and/or India (basically the area where Orisa, Maharasthra, and Dravidia meet, Diamonds); Myanmar (ruby)
Sapphires would be Tanzania, which you already have marked, and Sri Lanka and Madagascar - but those are already pretty full.

I can't find anything about Papyrus in South Africa; I'd recommend moving it to Sudan (this may be undesirable since it's a strong resource), Nigeria (near the niger river), Lake Chad, and/or the Okavango Delta (Botswana, Western Zimbabwe) based off the wiki page.

Separately, I see that the map legend says that there are 4 sources of ebony on the map, but I can't seem to locate them?
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@NombreyApellido - No apologies necessary! You didn't come across antagonistic at all to me (although I worry now that I may have) - I think it's great to have additional input!

I definitely agree with you about the indigenous names (insert advertisement for my Rosetta mod here) and also that it's hard to give satisfactory names to some of the larger territories that cover multiple regions/area in real life.

Also, for what it's worth, I'd say your English is great!
[...] the Okavango Delta (Botswana, Western Zimbabwe) based off the wiki page.
That's exactly where I wanted to place that one ! except I didn't. Maybe because I would have to place the Okavango delta. With the previous discussion about rivers, I wonder if I should let you guys try a test version of the map, with a river ending undersea and one in the middle of the land.... but IDK if the game will validate the map.

Separately, I see that the map legend says that there are 4 sources of ebony on the map, but I can't seem to locate them?

transparency/color issue
Apologies for what may be an ignorant question, but will it be possible to randomize start locations so you don’t know ahead of time where you’re spawning?
Apologies for what may be an ignorant question, but will it be possible to randomize start locations so you don’t know ahead of time where you’re spawning?
I may add that option in the other mod, if it's not implemented before by Amplitude.
That's exactly where I wanted to place that one ! except I didn't. Maybe because I would have to place the Okavango delta. With the previous discussion about rivers, I wonder if I should let you guys try a test version of the map, with a river ending undersea and one in the middle of the land.... but IDK if the game will validate the map.]
While I was admiring my glorious Soviet Empire territory, I've realized that I already did something like that for lake Baikal, so I'll add the Okavango Delta to move that Papyrus.

Spoiler :
Not sure if suggestions are welcome at this point, but I tried to redraw parts of Central/Western Europe because I feel Germany should have multiple territories, just like France, Britain, Spain and Italy.

To give both territories a reasonable size, I took tiles from other territories, so these were affected as well. Territories affected: Germania, Polonia, Ucraina, Danubia, Batavia, Britannia (Ocean tiles only), Neustria.

I added some land tiles to the coast of Batavia and Neustria. I also moved the mouth of the Elbe river closer to Denmark.

The border between North & South Germany roughly corresponds to linguistic border between Low German (Saxonian) & High German.

Spoiler :

Another suggestion: I changed the course of a river in Anatolia, for the Hittite capital TSL.

Spoiler :


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Thanks, I'll move the mouth of the Elbe. For the river loop around Hattusa, it looks good, but we may want to redraw again the border to prevent the starting position to be adjacent to the border if we move it to the Capital position.

I'm not against splitting Germany, I do plan to add gameplay modifications to lower city spreading in the first eras (until railroads), and I do plan to upscale a bit the map once we've polished the current one (we'll also need a version with bigger territories for normal gameplay then), but I'd prefer to not redraw the England/Europe coastline which is IMO quite good now, or will have to move all the British island one tile west, which is a pain to do. We could take 2-3 tiles from NE France, and 2-3 from Poland I guess.
Ah yeah, the Cappadocia border needs to be redrawn the way I drew it here... An alternative could be to move the SP one hex to the right and let the river loop around that. In that case the river would run from the current source south-west to the high ground next to the deposit - so these tiles would have to be at the same level. Then the border doesn't need to be redrawn.

And lol, yeah I realised as I was redrawing in Europe that for it to really work England would have to move 1 hex to the west :) Anyway, I was just looking for a way to make 2 territories for Germany work, use it however you want. By adding coastline, I could "steal" tiles from France and the Low Countries without them losing tiles. I compensated Poland by giving them some tiles from Ucraina, since it has plenty. I do think that the Rhine should be mostly in Germany, while the Oder should be the westernmost hexes of the Polish border.
I'm curious how others feel about the North African coast at the moment. Playing Slot 4, it seemed odd for Phoenicia and Carthage to prosper with little access to luxuries. I read up on it a little, and I guess a problem is that Carthage was a center of manufacturing rather than a hub of deposits. I'm sure someone else is more familiar with this area! I like the idea to reserve certain luxury goods for later manufacturing. In the meantime, I might suggest adding salt in Marocum and/or dye in Numidia.

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Another suggestion: West Africa could use a bit more flavor in the form of a gold deposit somewhere between the three rivers in Mali just to represent the riches of Ghana and Mali. Sorry I'm late to the mapmaking party, but thanks everyone for edits and contributions thus far!

Spoiler :
Mali gold.png
New updates did not break the current version of the map, correct? Just making sure...
before I take the time to work on a new version...

I won't touch territories this time, but keep the ideas in your head, for when we discuss the upscaled version of the map

So, to do, please check
  • move mouth of the Elbe
  • move ghost Papyrus from South-Africa to the Okavango Delta (bonus: draw the Okavango)
  • move ghost Bauxite from Japan to south Vietnam
  • add Bauxite in Mississippia (no resources there) and Illyria (moving the Horses there to Thracia or Dacia) for a total of 10
  • add Uranium in Nivata (Arizona, no resources here), Krasnokamensk (Mongolia Ulterior ? no resources) and somewhere in China (Kiangnianum ? no resources) for a total of 10
  • hack Del Plata estuary into the map
  • remove Tea and Gemstone (single resources) messing with gameplay
  • add coffee (current single resource) in NE Kenya (replacing Gemstone) and SE Guinea (or West Beninum ? no resources there. would be imported culture anyway)
  • add Silk (current single resource) to Thailand and NE Bengalia
  • add Dye (current single resource) to Malia (no resources) and in Numidia
  • move Horses from Flumen Flavum (China, 3 resources) to Mongolia Citerior (no resources)
  • read the books XXXIII–XXXVII of Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder to find out where to place exactly 1-2 Iron deposits in Europe
edit 2: do we need 1 more source of Sage/Saffron/Incense (2 each already) for the "wondrous effect" mechanism ? if we do, which one to remove to keep the global balance of luxuries ?
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  • remove Tea and Gemstone (single resources) messing with gameplay

Sorry if this was discussed before, but why not add some Tea and Gemstone instead? Map full?

  • read the books XXXIII–XXXVII of Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder to find out where to place exactly 1-2 Iron deposits in Europe

Is Ovid ok too?

"...durior [...] ferro quod noricus excoquit ignis..." which roughly translates to "...harder than iron which Noric fire tempers (wikipedia)


"it was widely used for the weapons of the Roman military after Noricum joined the empire in 16 BC. The iron ore was quarried at two mountains in modern Austria still called Erzberg "ore mountain" today, one at Hüttenberg, Carinthia and the other at Eisenerz, Styria, separated by c. 70 km. The latter is the site of the modern Erzberg mine."

EDIT: Btw, that would mean it is Danubia then.
Not sure if this is the help you need, but maybe placements will help cut down on some of your work as you prepare the next version.

  • move ghost Bauxite from Japan to south Vietnam
  • add Bauxite in Mississippia (no resources there) and Illyria (moving the Horses there to Thracia or Dacia) for a total of 10
Spoiler :
Mississippia bauxite.png
Vietnam Bauxite.png
Illyria Bauxite.png

  • add Uranium in Nivata (Arizona, no resources here), Krasnokamensk (Mongolia Ulterior ? no resources) and somewhere in China (Kiangnianum ? no resources) for a total of 10
Spoiler :
Kiangnanum uranium.png
Nivata uranium.png
Mongolia Ulterior uranium.png

  • add Dye (current single resource) to Malia (no resources) and in Numidia
Spoiler :
Numidia dye.png
Malia dye.png

edit 2: do we need 1 more source of Sage/Saffron/Incense (2 each already) for the "wondrous effect" mechanism ? if we do, which one to remove to keep the global balance of luxuries ?

My vote would be to cut incense; however, these are some of the commodities I'm not as comfortable placing at the moment.
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