Maps for RoM


Mod Designer
Dec 19, 2003
People have started requesting (Earth) maps for Rise of Mankind so I thought that we should make own thread for them. Please post here any maps you've made for this mod. :)

If I find enough time, I'll try to edit and add at least one earth map that will work with RoM v1.0 (just max 18 civs).

I'd guess you'd have to add those new resources to existing map mods, so you can't directly use them in RoM. So if you're having trouble with those.. don't complain here how low amount of sulphur you're getting in those un-edited maps ;)
Rise of Mankind 2.x Maps will hold the BtS map files that I or other modders have converted to Rise of Mankind 2.x. Currently there's 4 maps.

Unzip the file to 'Mods\Rise of Mankind\PublicMaps' -folder and when starting game choose Custom Scenario.

Download map pack



- Standard size (84x52) Earth map with 12 preset civs, 8 of them in old world and 4 in new world
- requires Rise of Mankind v2.12
- Credits to Munch, vladstrutzu and Tacy for original map file
- Original map thread:


- Huge size map (58x72) of North and South America
- No preset Civilization (max 40)
- Resources adjusted for Rise of Mankind v2.12
- Credits to Reveilled for original map file
- Original map's discussion thread:


- Mediterranean Standard size map (64x44)
- 10 preset Civs
- requires Rise of Mankind v2.12
- Resources adjusted for Rise of Mankind v2.12
- Original civs are Egypt (Ptolemies), Rome, Greece, Celts, Persia (Seleucids) and Carthage.
- Added couple new Civs that weren't in original map: England, Iberian (Spain), Germany and Hittite
- Credits to el_hidalgo for original map file
- original map's discussion thread:


- New Zealand Huge size map (79x99)
- No preset Civs
- Game speed: Marathon
- Victory types: Conquest, Domination, Cultural
- Other settings: Raging Barbarians
- Credits to CMKMStephens for making and tweaking the map for Rise of Mankind 2
Rise of Mankind v1.x Maps

Nagz's maps:
EArth Map based ON Carter 18 civ for ROM

REsources may be unbalances and not throughly tested as well !!
grid width=192
grid height=120
top latitude=90
bottom latitude=-66
wrap X=1
wrap Y=0
num plots written=23040
- map is set up for 18 civ, as the horses are just 2 or 3 in the map (untested BtS 3.13 and RoM 1.0)
- same map as above but starts from Modern Era. (untested BtS 3.13 and RoM 1.0)


Kalimakhus' maps: (untested BtS 3.13 and RoM 1.0)

Giant earth map
- Requires Kalimakhus extra stuff for RoM

To turn it into a scenario:
1 - Put the map in /Beyond the Sword/Public Maps/
2 - Start the game and load RoM.
3 - Select single game --> Custom Scenario
4 - Select the map in the list of scenarios.
5 - In the custom game screen select all the civs you like to place on the map.
6 - You can activate players up to 18 and more if you like.
7 - Launch the game.
8 - Now the real work, when the game starts civs are thrown all over the map and not in their proper places.
9 - Get into the WB and start looking for the initial units for each player.
10 - Remove the units placed by the game and then place them in their appropriate locations.
11 - Get out of WB then in again and save a WorldBuilderSave file.

Bastian-Bux's RoM - Earth Standard - 34 Civs download

Zappara's Huge Earth map (217x119) with 18 Civs.
- Map is kurt-roqes huge Earth map
- Only starting techs have been changed and RoM resources added to the map.
I prefer Standard to Large Maps instead of too Big Maps

Because i have an old PC (2 Years and a few months) :(
use the Earth2 map script; works like a CHAMP and great on my average PC. Been using it with this mod and haven't had problems (until Ind Age crashes everyone else having).
But it seems that this Earth2 map script had only standard ressources...:(
The script seems to add in the resources ok. I've had all the new resources in all my games using Earth2 script.
Yes, one new map. Its basically Tarks ViSa map changed to work with BtS 3.13 and all 34 civs.

I tried to place them as historical as possible but had to move most civs around 1 or 2 plost. This was usualy to allow them to take best advantage of accessable space/ressources and/or allow the player to choose the capital spot strategicaly.

The following civs have seriously changed starting positions:

Portugal: Brazil
HRE: Eastern Europe
Russia: Eastern Russia
Sumer: South India
Netherlands: Borneo
Celts: Southeast Australia

In all cases this gives them significantly more "breathing room" plus access to several ressources.

Ressource placement wasn't changed from Tarks map at all, so some balancing might be necessary.
EArth Map based ON Carter 18 civ for ROM.....

REsources may be unbalances and not throughly tested as well !!
grid width=192
grid height=120
top latitude=90
bottom latitude=-66
wrap X=1
wrap Y=0
num plots written=23040

And Also the link:




I'm no expert on map editing but would assume that you'd have to start game with 34 civs, then enter the worldbuilder when game has loaded with random map and then edit map. Or you could just edit one of those existing maps that have been made for 34 Civs. I'm not sure if Kalimakhus extra stuff patch allows you to start game with more than 18 civs (since playing with more than 18 civs requires SDK changes to DLL) since I haven't had time to start new game yet with that extra stuff.
Kalimakhus' blurb at the top of the thread says:

You can activate players up to 18 and more if you like.

... which is a bit vague... is it up to 18, or is it more than 18?

I would think you could cut and paste the giant map onto the 34 civ scenario and it would work. In other words, take all the text after BeginMap till the end of the file and paste it onto the scenario that has the 34 civs in it.
I would think you could cut and paste the giant map onto the 34 civ scenario and it would work. In other words, take all the text after BeginMap till the end of the file and paste it onto the scenario that has the 34 civs in it.
Now why I didn't think of that! Thanks :D
Okay, to get more than 18 civs to work, you need to install the 40 Civs mod, which is really easy to do. I did that, then opened up my Frankensteined map with 22 Civs on the Giant earth, and it loaded and came up. Hoooray!
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