Cool. Mostly quiet. Girlfriend has family to go visit, I have dogs to stay home with. It works out.
Vote: Montmorency

Don't like Mont hasn't directly interacted with anyone


Indeed. Two votes for people who hadn't mentioned him.

Well, you see, they hadn't entered the thread yet, so they couldn't have mentioned me. And it's not like they can both be my partners, so no angling at private strategy on my part.

for what its worth, monty has played many a game with both zack and myself on another site (where monty originally hails from) so i don't find him focusing on us to be particularly egregious (and ive never found him to be much the interacting type).

I could have voted any of a number of Orgahs here.

kappa, my fellow young.
Kappa Manasi
Does CFC not automatically adjust image resolution in display? I'm so sorry.
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