yeah but i dont want to explain just now

just wanna see what he does
He'll do a Tim, say vote: Visorslash and go off to watch The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, which is on the telly right now.
Official-But-Way-Too-Early Tally


Visorslash (2) - Montmorency, Takhisis
Newyn (1) - Snerk
Montmorency (1) - Dolbster
Dolbster (1) - LordArgon
Takhisis (1) - Visorslash

Dolbster (4) - Timsup2nothin, Synsensa, Dolbster, LordArgon
Takhisis (1) - Takhisis
Visorslash (1) - Montmorency
Choxorn (1) - Choxorn

Important Rules Reminders
No editing posts.
No private communication outside host-designated channels.

If I missed a vote, please let me know.
And if he lives, I will also target Visorslash with my night action :lol:
From the rules:

Coins may affect the game in other ways depending on abilities or alternate victory conditions.
Anybody with a (villagery) mechanical reason for wanting a coin D1? Speak now.
Cool. Mostly quiet. Girlfriend has family to go visit, I have dogs to stay home with. It works out.
So when humans go to be with other humans you prefer the company of canines? Guys I think we have our first wolf.
Tim's scum this time. But maybe I'm building this too much on the previous game. His posts seem to be more random and goal oriented.
vote on Mary is maybe wee too random for him. Also possibly pocketing Manasi.

Vote: Tim
Vote: Montomercy
I would go for coins if I could buy more powers for them. I don't care for an individualist victory. I'm a socialist.
Tim's scum this time. But maybe I'm building this too much on the previous game. His posts seem to be more random and goal oriented.
vote on Mary is maybe wee too random for him. Also possibly pocketing Manasi.

Vote: Tim
Vote: Montomercy

That could indeed be too random for me...if I had actually done it.
Come to think of it "too random and goal oriented"? Does that even make sense?
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