Master of Mana Xtended - Download and Changelog

[ARISTRAKH] Gains Mausoleum (Grand Lodge UB) which gives Srong to unit produced in city (RG I).

I can build Grand Lodge not this :-/ had no luck finding it in worldbuilder too
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If you have error: GFC Error: failed to initialize primary control theme, try to rename the folder into "Master of Mana".

Would you help me?
I renamed the folder into "Master of Mana".
But an crash occures when loading this mod(〔 Master of Mana〕Init XML(uncached) ).
I can play vanilla MoM with patch 2.11 .
I'm sorry my English is not good.
I am a fanatic fan of MoM.
So I really want to play Xtended.
These are error logs.
If you don't mind, please help me.


  • CvXMLLoadUtilitySetMod_MLFEnumerateFiles.pdf
    482 KB · Views: 280
  • MLF.pdf
    31.8 KB · Views: 265
  • xml.PNG
    143.3 KB · Views: 286
an crash occures when loading this mod(〔 Master of Mana〕Init XML(uncached) ).
same crash for me too. I guess the difference between v4.1 and 5.0 seems to cause crash. 4.1 runs well but 5.0 and 5.6 cause crash.
Having a problem with MOM 2.11, An error occurred during installation. Anyone know how to solve this? Using windows7, korean version. Attached pic below

These are error logs.
If you don't mind, please help me.

same crash for me too. I guess the difference between v4.1 and 5.0 seems to cause crash. 4.1 runs well but 5.0 and 5.6 cause crash.

It seems to me that all of you are using a Korean (or an other Asian) version of windows. Maybe MOM has some problem with the Asian letters?
If I take a look at for example the image xml.PNG, it looks like same places where there was supposed to be a backslash were replaced with this "Y" with two horizontal stripes in it.

Note that his is just an assumption and I don't know how this could be fixed.
Chickencho's error is not critical(that error did not cause problem in game running for me) and easy to fix. In Control Panel of Windows 7, temporarily change system locale to English(US) before installing MoM 2.11. Then return to Korean language after installing is completed.
Masan and me seem to be suffering from the exactly same problem. Game does not start at all. Crash occurs in the 'init XML' phase(or maybe between 'init XML' and 'init Engine'?). Changing of System Locale does not work.:(
Thank you for your reply.
Dripdrip and Chickencho may use a Korean version of windows. I use a Japan version of windows7 64bit. Just like Ombatur said, Asian letters will cause this error.
I know that a Japan version of windows occurs a XML error of original Civ4. But this XML error is fixed by changing computer's regional and language settings into English(UK/US or others) or using an AppLocale. So I can play the original Civ4 and vanilla MoM. One more things, this XML error is occurred by ISO/IEC 8859-1 Latin alphabet No.1. Japan language won't adjust well ISO/IEC 8859-1 Latin alphabet No.1.
If I take a look at for example the image xml.PNG, it looks like same places where there was supposed to be a backslash were replaced with this "Y" with two horizontal stripes in it.
Thank you for examining errors. I really appreciate it.
But I have no PC skills and I'm sorry for my poor English. As above mentioned XML error facts, I translate Japanese website into English.
I'm a big fan of this mod and keep coming back into playing it from time to time.
My curiosity made me go into those files and learn some things about how to change one thing or another to fill some gaps or things i don't quite agree with or simple out of my own preference for my games. I will talk mainly about the Faeries in this post, but there are some other things i'll address later.

First, i would like to share a bug that i couldn't find how to fix it:
- When you upgrade an unit that already has 2 classes, they always loose the last class that it picked. This happens when you upgrade or the unit change in someway, like when you change your Court when playing Aos Sí.

I would like to ask some mechanisms that i seemed not to understand too:

- The "Winter Feast" spell, from Aos Sí slaves. I didn't understand how that supposes to work.

def reqWinterfeast(caster):
pPlot = caster.plot()
pCity = pPlot.getPlotCity()
pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(caster.getOwner())
if pPlayer.getCivics(gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVICOPTION_FAERIE_COURT')) == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVIC_WINTER_COURT'):
if (pCity.unhappyLevel(0)>0):
if caster.getTeam() == pCity.getTeam():
return false

I understand that it requires to be in Winter Court, and it has to be cast in a city the player owns, but what does this City Unhappy Level stands for? Does it need to be 0 or less? I ask this because i've never quite figured how to make this spell work. I've tried in a city i have with 0 unhappiness, in the winter court and i had the required mana ammount (120) and still couldn't cast it. Same in a city with more than 0 unhappiness. Same thing in other courts too.

- And there is the Aos Sí civilization spell, that i don't know how to activate it (as it is now on the patch).

And i like to make some points i don't agree with:
- Aos Sí Palace not having a Nature Mana. I think the faeries has to have a Nature Mana. Giving another mana with their leaders is an interesting ideia since the ideia you put on this patch was that the faeries work a lot around the Court ideia and their mana affinities.
- Aos Sí Palace not having a bonus defense like the others. All palaces have a 100% defense bonus. This is a huge help in the start of the game.
- Aos Sí Palace having +2 xp bonus. This is pretty useless. I take it off and put a +2 magic research, since i think faeries should be good at spells.
- Foxfire out of roster. It is the hero of the civilization. It's a beast unit (very bad since it doen't have access to classes neither much of the equipments) and it's pretty weak. I, personally, change it to be on the roster, with base strength 6, +4 fire damage and +2 fire afinity. This barelly puts it on par with other heroes because of the main weakness of it being a beast unit.
- Erlking, Faerie Dragon and Wild Hunter out of the roster. Those are end game units and they're completly useless if they don't scale with techs. I also give Faerie Dragon flying ability and change Wild Hunter base strength to 6.
- The Troll and the Wood Spirit are all pretty useless units. I personally enhance their strength to 10 so that they have a minumum chance of being used, since we don't get it untill a little late in the game and by that time, the normal Pixie/Sprite are much better than them.
- Larinsidhe is not on par of what it should be. I personally put a base of 15 strength on it and add immortality like the Fae Lords, not just the "Immortal" promotion.
- Eternal Fruits being taken with Plantation. They come from Corn, that the player have to put up a Farm to take it. So, when it changes, it just need to build another improvement, spending more gold and resources to do it. I've mainly preffer to keep up with the Farm. Other suggestion is to change the main resource it comes from.
- Eternal Fruits don't give percentage bonus to city. Corn and other food resources all give 20% more food to city production.
- Never Never and Eternal Woods seams like a downside to the fairies. They loose access to Pasture, Camp, Trade Post and Lumbermill. And the other really bad thing is that they loose the ability to gain new resources from Great People (Discover Pasture and Farm Resouces) and from spells too, like the ones the priests can cast.

This might seems that i just want to buff up te faeries, but its not like that. They're pretty weak as they are right now and need some changes.
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pretty intensive scrutinity on Aos Si...
It's been a long time I played with them so in term of balance I can't really say much, but I remember at least those points to be things that bothered me.
Is it possible to change improvements cost in XML ? I assumed it will be CIV4ImprovementInfos.xml, YieldCosts and iGoldCost but changing it doesn't seem to affect costs at all.
Is it possible to change improvements cost in XML ? I assumed it will be CIV4ImprovementInfos.xml, YieldCosts and iGoldCost but changing it doesn't seem to affect costs at all.

Yes, it is, but the codes for that are in more than one archive and at least for me (i'm a begginer at this things), i have to try one by one and more than one to see which one or ones that need to be changed to get an effect on the game.

Try [Assets\Modules\Normal Modules\Xtended\XGuilds\XGUILDS_CIV4ImprovementInfos.XML].
Hi there!
Anyone here? :)
Do anyone know why end of turn takes so much time?
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Really well done :goodjob:. I wish I had more time to play :cool:
I wish I did too. I'm really glad people are keeping up with this. Am also looking for the answer to the question posed to CarnivalBizarre above since I'm not very fluent in code/technical things.
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