• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Master of Mana Xtended - Download and Changelog

Xtended will read some files from the Beyond the Sword\mods\Master of Mana folder.

If you only want to install Xtended you have to install it to the folder Master of Mana. All necessary files should be included in Xtended. If not you will get some strange error during loading the mod.
Hi guys,
thanks for putting in the work on what i'm sure is a great mod.
I can't get it to run. I've downloaded and installed the full mod, the 2.x update and the 5.6 extended.
I have the steam version of the game and the files are in D not C
basically, the shortcut that the installer creates doesn't work. any help? thanks
i'm going to transfer the game to C and see what happens

EDIT: okay, i had to place the path in the shortcut into my steam launch options. seems to be working now. looking forward to playing
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So does anyone have r67 that carnivalbizarre committed to the SVN? I don't see that there was ever a release for that and it does contain some bug fixes that may be needed.
Hey Sephi (or anyone who knows how to answer this) -

I've got the latest version of Xtended installed; I just recently had a jones to go back and check out old mods I used to love, and I was startled to find this mod in particular still with (moderately) recent updates. Which is tres cool.

I'm looking into making a quick modification to add one more guild to civs after a tech research, bringing the total to 5 (6 in the Grigori's case). This is purely for my own preference, I think the existing balance is quite good, I just want one more guild for civs, I want to see if it would improve my enjoyment of the gameplay or not.

The problem is I have no idea where to look to make the change. I've been digging through old files, and it looks like stuff from gameplay revisions a long time ago are still in there, stuff like the old way cult of Esus used to work, noble houses, etcetera. I don't want to touch anything just in case an old handler might get fudged up.

Can you give me a quick pointer as to where I should look to add a "add one guild of your choice" to somewhere in the tech tree (I'm thinking Code of Laws)?
Another quick question - I noticed that the "Great Person" point requirement seems to go down over time. And it varies by city(?). I looked through the forums for a couple hours trying to find a description of the mechanics of this, came up dry. How (exactly) does that work? Bonus: where in the files can I find the code for that?

I also wanted to have a look at the code that controls the cost of workers building new improvements, where is that?

Thanks. Sorry for asking for handholding :) Hopefully the old salts here will have patience with my newb questions.
Hey Sephi (or anyone who knows how to answer this) -

I've got the latest version of Xtended installed; I just recently had a jones to go back and check out old mods I used to love, and I was startled to find this mod in particular still with (moderately) recent updates. Which is tres cool.

I'm looking into making a quick modification to add one more guild to civs after a tech research, bringing the total to 5 (6 in the Grigori's case). This is purely for my own preference, I think the existing balance is quite good, I just want one more guild for civs, I want to see if it would improve my enjoyment of the gameplay or not.

The problem is I have no idea where to look to make the change. I've been digging through old files, and it looks like stuff from gameplay revisions a long time ago are still in there, stuff like the old way cult of Esus used to work, noble houses, etcetera. I don't want to touch anything just in case an old handler might get fudged up.

Can you give me a quick pointer as to where I should look to add a "add one guild of your choice" to somewhere in the tech tree (I'm thinking Code of Laws)?

Hey. As far as I can see, the whole guild mechanics are under "Assets/Modules/NormalModules/Xtended/XGuilds" Maybe there you can find anything about it.
Or just copy the Grigory tech. Its under "Assets\Modules\NormalModules\Xtended\XGrigori" and there in the "XGRIGORI_CIV4TechInfos.xml". There is a tag called <bAllowGuild>1</bAllowGuild>
I guess tahts the one you are searching for.

Getting into modding this wonderful mod as well. Published my own Civilisation Module and looking and preparing a second right now.
Saw as well taht...the code is veeery chaotic at the moment, but I fear if I pull too many strings here, it will collapses and something breaks, haha.
Hey people, if someone know how to program and want to revive the mod, please send me a message on Moddb.

Look for the upload I did there ===> https://www.moddb.com/mods/master-of-mana-xtended-v56 <===

I've put all versions of FfH and complied everything (i can) in this site (even as a way to promote the mod). Unfortunatelly i'm not a programmer, but I can do everything I can to maintain this mod alive, so please if u're interested in continue with this mod OR KNOW SOME WAY TO TALK WITH ESVATH, talk to me there (or even here)!

Thank you
This mod is simply amazing. All the small details and replayability is immense. But most impressive is how AI can actually be a challenge! (sadly something I couldn't say about other submods or even original FFH)

Unfortunately, I have encountered the same nasty bug in two campaigns in a row. Can anyone help me figure out how to get rid of it?

BUG: Randomly getting an insane amount of commerce income. This also sometimes happens to AI.

- I couldn't track any specific spell/building/civic or even an action that leads to it as after reloads from different turn the bug was not reproduced for me
- However, I noticed that AI empire started to get end-game tech literally every single turn. It appears that the bug-infested the AI empire Untitled.png
- In my second game the same story happened at a completely different stage of the game, but still with the same symptoms - end game techs rapid fired every single turn for one AI empire.Screenshot 2022-04-26 015528.png

Please check the screenshots for the income stats.
So does anyone have r67 that carnivalbizarre committed to the SVN? I don't see that there was ever a release for that and it does contain some bug fixes that may be needed.

Well, I managed to guess how to download the latest SVN and guessed the repository url itself. You see, unfortunately, when you hit the simple download here >>
You only get the ver. R66, the one that was "published for release". And we want the 67, right? So:

  • Download and install Tortoisesvn (where you usually install programs, for example C:\Utils\TortoiseSVN).
  • Restart computer (necessary to load with Windows explorer).
  • Open Civ4 mods folder (for example="C:\Games\Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods").
  • Right click at any place in the folder, and create a folder called Master of Mana.
  • Now select this empty Master of Mana folder and right click it, choose "svn checkout" from the context menu.
  • In the Tortoisesvn window that opens, enter parameters as follow:
    • url of repository:
      • svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/masterofmanaxtended/code/
    • In the checkout directory you will see: YOUR_CIV4_BTS_FOLDER\YOUR_BTS_FOLDER\Mods\Master of Mana
  • Once you hit OK, the software proceeds to download the mod to the right place. Yes, be patient to wait.
  • When it has finished, you can see "completed at revision 67". Acknowledge with OK.
The best part of it that this one comes complete, with no need to download anything else. Just complete and ready to load in your Civ, via shortcut or from the main menu. And it works (have been playing stable 6 hours without a pause).

Obviously, I might recommend to make a shortcut, put the main exe in compatibility mode with Windows 7, make it run as administrator.

Got to BtS folder, make a shortcut for Civ4BeyondSword.exe, edit it, put the argument:
"D:\Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" "mod=\Master of Mana"

Fine, so I took the basic steps and SVN usage knowledge from Ashes of Erebus project (another FFH modmodmod that is still alive). Improved the step with folder creation and guessed the link itself using the example. Recapping the important info. Me, like I guess, the majority, do not find it simple to obtain the freshest full version of this great work without these steps. I expect this info might help out many people.

By the way, shall there be any further development of this masterpiece please? :love:

EDIT: Seems the development continues in the thread of Tweak Mod for Xtended: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/tweak-mod-for-xtended.658776/page-3
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