So does anyone have r67 that carnivalbizarre committed to the SVN? I don't see that there was ever a release for that and it does contain some bug fixes that may be needed.
Well, I managed to guess how to download the latest SVN and guessed the repository url itself. You see, unfortunately, when you hit the simple download here >>
Download Master of Mana Xtended for free. Xtended mod, based on Master of Mana which is based on FFH2. A modmodmodmod or something for Civ4 based on the corpses of other mods.
You only get the ver. R66, the one that was "published for release". And we want the 67, right? So:
- Download and install Tortoisesvn (where you usually install programs, for example C:\Utils\TortoiseSVN).
- Restart computer (necessary to load with Windows explorer).
- Open Civ4 mods folder (for example="C:\Games\Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods").
- Right click at any place in the folder, and create a folder called Master of Mana.
- Now select this empty Master of Mana folder and right click it, choose "svn checkout" from the context menu.
- In the Tortoisesvn window that opens, enter parameters as follow:
- url of repository:
- svn://
- In the checkout directory you will see: YOUR_CIV4_BTS_FOLDER\YOUR_BTS_FOLDER\Mods\Master of Mana
- Once you hit OK, the software proceeds to download the mod to the right place. Yes, be patient to wait.
- When it has finished, you can see "completed at revision 67". Acknowledge with OK.
The best part of it that this one comes complete, with no need to download anything else. Just complete and ready to load in your Civ, via shortcut or from the main menu. And it works (have been playing stable 6 hours without a pause).
Obviously, I might recommend to make a shortcut, put the main exe in compatibility mode with Windows 7, make it run as administrator.
Got to BtS folder, make a shortcut for Civ4BeyondSword.exe, edit it, put the argument:
"D:\Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" "mod=\Master of Mana"
Fine, so I took the basic steps and SVN usage knowledge from Ashes of Erebus project (another FFH modmodmod that is still alive). Improved the step with folder creation and guessed the link itself using the example. Recapping the important info. Me, like I guess, the majority, do not find it simple to obtain the freshest full version of this great work without these steps. I expect this info might help out many people.
By the way, shall there be any further development of this masterpiece please?
EDIT: Seems the development continues in the thread of Tweak Mod for Xtended: