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Mazera Mega Story Thread

I just thought of something interesting about Endain. Just don't do anything with him for now. I'll write a story and post it later :)
Well, it's thomas.berubeg that has an idea involving Endain and the "Ice Maiden", so try to accommodate his storyline, too. I'm not sure what it is, I'm actually waiting to see what happens.
Voice of Dragons

Spoiler :
The Sheim country side lay sprawled out below Kh’Khun’s vantage point, most of it gloriously aflame. The Sheim city lay in the distance, but it would keep. There were other things to do before attacking it.
Shal’Keth watched, awed, as the small claw brake free of the egg, the Guardians standing around it, a small, creaky squek came from at. At this sound, all of the Kurio and Guardians fell to there knees. Shal’Keth knew that from now on, everything changes.
Kolshekk, guard to the slave-pits, was dozing in the night-heat, his dark blue scales holding on to the last of the days warmth. He never heard the gate open, never jnew the mass of slave were jumping on him until there were. Seth’Nial looked over the slave-road, seeing most, of the gates opening, their guards silently killed. He smiled. The biggest threat to slavery was, the slaves were still alive, still had free will.
I'm gonna guess all of those were in favor of the Mazatl. Map will be updated within the next few minutes.

Edit: Map updated. Cualli lose a small chunk of their land due to slave uprisings, the Mazatl gain some Sheaim land, and the Hippus gain some Khazad land.
Yeah, the slave revolt was instigated by Mazatl agent. There likely to get slaughtered, but thos are slaves lost to the Cualli.
Keep an eye on the Cualli/Sheaim vs Kuriotate/Mazatl/Austrin conflict. Things will be happening. :mwaha:

Edit: Map updated. Calabim borders grow near the Cualli and the Austrin grow considerably. Expect future changes and updates.

The former leader of the Mazatl, Hianthrogh, has been honored in several Austrin cities with monuments depicting his glory. His actions near the end of his life led to the reformation of the Mazatl, allowing for slavery to be abolished in the Cualli lands. The Cualli lands have been the victim of several slave uprisings. Several outposts and settlements were captured, some destroyed, by the Mazatl and Austrin. The Sheaim under Os-Gabella have been losing land to a rejuvenated Kuriotate nation. It looks as if the Sheaim/Cualli alliance may be on the losing end of this war unless something radical happens.​
Damn. I'm doomed again, arn't I?

[PARANOIA] I know t looks good, but there will be a catch...[/PARANOIA]
Damn. I'm doomed again, arn't I?

[PARANOIA] I know t looks good, but there will be a catch...[/PARANOIA]

Iunno. Depends what happens. I'm playing as the Austrin and the Cualli are doing a very respectable job against me. Rather embarrassing. The Sheaim have just been building, but they hate me. There will be a big update tonight, though.
Here's a short story along with an updated map in a minute.

Spoiler :
Sul'abar lept to the next tree, catching a branch and landing flawlessly. His squad of lizards had been sent from Nenetl to raid the Austrin settlements. They had raided and destroyed seven villages and he had lost count how many farmhouses they razed. Countless Austrins slaughtered or forced into slavery to the Cualli nation. He saw the other lizards in his squad stop and grabbed a branch to see what was going on. A lizard had fallen, a branch breaking when he grabbed it. These trees are the strongest on Mazera, how could a branch have broken?
Sul'abar was mulling this over when the tree he was clinging to began to fall to the ground. He jumped and reached for a branch, just missing it and falling to the jungle floor. His leg snapped as he landed on it, causing him to screech in pain. He attempted to stand on his one good leg when a sharp blade swung into his calf. He fell to his stomach and screeched again as the blade sunk into his side. Several other lizards had fallen and their screeches of pain filled the previously quiet jungle.
Above, the trees continued to fall, previously cut and weakened by the Austrin and now being pushed by the Austrin highlanders. Trees fell, catching lizards clinging to other trees and sending them crashing to the ground. Lizards on the ground were crushed by the falling trees, those that lived being cut down by the Austrin warriors.
The Austrin were not without their losses. Several Austrin warriors fell to the Cualli poisoned blades, succumbing quickly to the poison. High Chief Votakara himself was involved in the fighting, standing on a pile of Cualli bodies that was quickly growing outwards. A poisoned dagger plunged itself into Votakara's arm and he fell back behind his army's lines.
The Mazatl lizards charged through the Austrin lines towards the Cualli warriors fending the Austrin off. Mazatl lizards leap onto Cualli lizards, ripping their throats out with their claws and teeth, sinking blades into flesh. The Cualli commander issued a war cry and they began to fall back into the shrubs. The Austrin waited in position as the Mazatl climbed up the trees and pursued them. No Cualli lizards made it back to Nenetl.

Kolsehvahn, the leader of the Cualli lizards, has been assassination. He was discovered by his slaves, who then promptly escaped. This comes after several slave uprisings, aggressive pushes into his lands by the Mazatl and Austrin. Along with the Calabim getting dangerously close to Cualli borders, the Cualli are in danger of collapse after this most recent development. No one knows who is behind this assassination, but several Cualli are blaming the Archos.​

Map updated. Kuriotates grab Sheaim land, Mazatl grab Sheaim lands, the Austrin grow up to the Sheaim and Cualli borders and gain some of their land. The Calabim borders also grow to meet the Cualli borders.

The Doviello leader Charadon was found assassinated by his fellow Doviello. This comes after a recent rash of assassinations in Hippus, Cualli, and Grigori lands. Mahala, a strong, respected warrior in the Doviello society, took control of the nation after Charadon's death as no one questioned her rule once Lucian killed the first few protesters.



A new religion named the Ashen Veil has been founded in Os-Gabella's capital of Galveholm. It involves demon worship and sacrifice, along with corruption, greed, adultery, and worse. Cults have sprung up in several nations including the Dural, Hippus, Yokaido, Austrin, Calabim, Malakim, Balseraphs, and Amurites. The land around the holy city of the Ashen Veil has begun to wither and die, falling victim to demonic corruption and it spreads further every day.


The Cualli have been involved in a very long war, suffered many riots, and lost their leader Kolsehvahn. Still, the Cualli continues to fight on, led by an elder council until the war is over. Cualli forces have surged outwards to meet Mazatl and Austrin armies in the jungles, winning several battles with few losses. The slave uprisings continue, their powerful leader still lies dead, and the assassin is still unknown, but the Cualli nation, for the good or bad, will continue to limp onwards until they are utterly destroyed.​
Voice of Dragons Part 2

Spoiler :
Kh'Khun walked slowly into the blackened field, kneeling to carefully touch corrupted earth. He glanced over his shoulder to were the priests were deep in prayer. The soil was black, and dry, with only the withered husks of plants. There was a tree nearby, but it was leafless, burn and twisted. It also took a swipe at a Mazatl that got to close. Kh;Khun stood up tp look across the wasteland to Galveholme, which he new was the source of the corruption. Behind him, the priests finest their prayer, and a wave of light rolled out, turning the corrupted soil into plain dirt. The priests seemed pleased, but Kh’Khun knew that the corruption could not truly be cured ‘till Galveholme burned.

Shal’Keth slowly, silently moved into position beside the door. He was with several Maztle and Austrin, with a pair of priests of Omarr, incase this group also had unholy entities, like the last one did. With a nod to the Austrin commander, he nodded to the Windmage, who used a blast of wind to blow the door of its’ hinges. A good choice, as several poison bolts cut across the entrance, and would have killed anyone in it. Then, Shal’Keth and the others poured throught the door, and after slaying several Undead and an Imp, destroyed another Ashen Veil cult.

In the Austrin Palace, Votakara slowly, painfully hobbled towards the stone slab. The Cualli poison had been cured, but his body would ach for weeks. But he had to see this. On the slab was a winged lizard, about a metre in length. It was also the key to victory.
Snow piled around the prone form, the Chains of fire binding her glowing dully in the near eternal night of her prison. but, though her body was still, her mind was far from. She had long since learned of the limits of her prison, and knew that, to a certain degree, her mind could travel and communicate with other entities, and appear as intangible pure fire to mortals.

Her mind soared over the vast planes of Mazera, searching for some she knew she could trust. Her champion Jonas Endain was traveling towards her, searching for loyal companions, but she didn`t turn her gaze towards him.

instead, she turned her mind elsewhere, to a presence she could feel, frail and weak, hiding in the eastern mountains.

``Jazarel! are you so reduced that you like living in this hovel? Brigit asked, as her fiery form alighted on a snow covered ledge high in the mountains.

It`s not so bad, actually. I have time to think, now. you have no idea how much time i've spent thinking. though you've had as much time as I've had. More, being bound and unable to truly move.

That I have. That I have. Brigit shook her head, and looked around again. Though this is hardly the place for a Seraph General. You lead the armies of Bhall, Jazarel. you were second only to me! do not tell me you are satisfied here! you cannot be. she made us like her. Impulsive, fiery. You cannot be content here.

Brigit. I have changed. She did not bind me when I refused to fall, but she took something away. I am weak, now. I AM content. leave me, please. I to dream of her rising,but I'm realistic! listen to me. the Lord of Despair has her, and by extension, us. Yes, we have refused to fall, but what is our rebellion but another facet of the fall?

Brigit shook her head Very well, Jazarel. though I confess myself disapointed. I had expected better She made as if to leave, but paused and looked back, once. Jaz, I do ave one favor to ask. My champion will arrive here eventually. Look after him, please. the mountain will not be kind to him. The Old man shook his head. For old time`s sake? please? and he nodded


The recently assassinated Governor Bar'thran may not be what he claimed to be. A few weeks after his death, his body went missing and all that remained was an elf. A Svartalfar elf. The Ngomele people are enraged and demand retribution. There were suspicions of the Governor for a long time, mostly for his name and the fact that he is a male in a high-ranking position. No word from Mvadang on this situation. :)p)


The Diranth Clan, led by the Goblin known as Deremei Diranth, is still attacking the Yokaido. The Yokaido are stretched thinly due to their war with the Grigori. Several more villages have been raided and burned to the ground, hundreds of lives have been lost. The people are fending off the Goblins the best they can, but if the military doesn't step in, this could begin to seriously affect their war with the Grigori.


The Cualli, who recently lost their enigmatic leader Kolsehvahn, are still limping along in their war against the Austrin, Mazatl, and Kuriotates. Led by an elder council of the brightest lizards in the Cualli nation, their warriors continue to strike against the Austrin and Mazatl. Despite this progress, the nation is barely holding on after several slave uprisings crippled a large part of their economy. Their forces have been stretched thin due to many battlefronts they need to reinforce. The Cualli are showing their strength, continuing on despite these crippling injuries to their nation, but it doesn't look like they can continue for much longer.


On the Fane of Lessers, contact has been lost with the Sheaim, Austrin, and Elohim scouts that had discovered several portals. Large search parties are being formed and several have already been sent into the Fane of Lessers. The Elohim are beginning to train large groups of monks in the face of a threat only they seem to see.


The Bannor soldiers are beginning to lose hope in the face of the Chislev guerrilla warfare tactics. Several soldiers have deserted, leaving outposts and encampments open to attack. The Chislev took advantage of this and captured several of these encampments. The Bannor look to be on the losing end of this war unless something happens to change this.


Auric Ulvin of the Illian nation has founded the religion of the White Hand and appointed three Priests of Winter as his advisers. The White Hand spread rapidly through the Illian nation, as is expected. The White hand also traveled over to the Doviello lands and even spread into the Amurite nation. The cities that follow this religion build temples they call Temples of the White Hand. Every city that builds one of these is soon covered in snow, as is much of the surrounding area. This looks like one more step towards the return to the Age of Ice.​

Edit: Map updated. Story index updated.

The Ashen Veil cults in the Hippus lands have performed a mass sacrifice in the Hippus plains. Thousands of Khazad POWs were sacrificed to Agares, along with several Hippus men, women, and children. There is no word from Rhohanna or Tasunke as of yet, but the Hippus people are appalled as the corruption seen in the Sheaim lands begins to spread from the place where this ritual was done. In all, some 3,957 Khazad and Hippus were sacrificed.​

Takezo could hear the sounds of battle coming from further into the forest, the whoosh of fire and steel meeting flesh, screams and screeches coming from some unknown source.

He sprinted down the forested hill and into a clearing, on first sight he saw a dark robed man surrounded by bodies, goblins and Yokaido soldiers alike their flesh charred and black, the man looked exhausted.

"He is a Profane, one of the high priests of the Ashen Veil"

Takezo nodded, he had seem similar men passing through the village once, they had worn dark and red robes and had been called Ritualists. But this man was different - as though a dark presence radiated from within.

"You bear the look of a kinsman, will you aid me?" said the Profane, leaning on an obsidian snake shaped staff wearily. "The goblins temporarily retreated but they will be back, my bodyguard's fell in the last battle" he spat on the floor.

"Agree to help him, he could be useful"

"Stand with me kinsman, I hear the filthy goblins coming back"

Takezo stood by the mans side and drew Masamune from it's scabbard. This caught the mans eye and he stared wide eyed at the blade.

"Th-that sword! where did you find it?!" before Takezo could reply a band of goblins erupted from the clearing, they charged forward with rusty spears, chittering and screaming in their foul tongue.

"Hmph! nevermind that now, let us deal with these creatures first, I am afraid most of my power is spent however. I hope you can use that sword." the man stood upright and brought the staff to bear, preparing to meet the goblins in close combat.

"Ha! let us show this so called high priest some real power"

"Get on the floor priest!" Takezo shouted, the man just look at him as though he were mad so Takezo pushed him to the ground. " Stay down if you want to live"

Takezo strode forward to the goblins and pointed Masamune at the shaman leading the charge, seeing the weapon the shaman stopped running and stepped back as though struck, seeing this the other goblins stopped too and looked at their leader, confused.

"Flee now if you want to live" Takezo said simply, the moment of fear had passed however and the shaman glared back "Kill! Kill!" it squeaked, before the other goblins could respond Takezo swung the blade in an arc and an unholy force of energy erupted from the blade in all directions, nothing could stand in its way as even trees were cut down from its force. The goblins were sliced in half and the few remaining survivors were left stood amongst a mound of decapitated bodies, they prompty turned and fled.

The Profane stood and dusted off his robes from the dirt on the ground, "A fine display of power! I was right, that sword has an unholy aura about it. I can sense it!" the man laughed and shook Takezo's hand "This must be a sign! I knew the dark gods wouldn't abandon me. Come we have much to discuss."
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