Mega Story II: The Unfreezing Discussion

When more people have posted, I intend an update which will bring a somewhat... different interpretation of demons.

However, that depends on other people putting in more stories. After what happened last time, I've resolved that I'll really only even consider writing an update when at least three or four different people have posted stories of some sort.
When more people have posted, I intend an update which will bring a somewhat... different interpretation of demons.

However, that depends on other people putting in more stories. After what happened last time, I've resolved that I'll really only even consider writing an update when at least three or four different people have posted stories of some sort.

Can you at least write a story or two a week? I can't keep it alive myself and a little help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to revitalize, so some help would be good. :D
Can you at least write a story or two a week? I can't keep it alive myself and a little help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to revitalize, so some help would be good. :D

After what happened last time, I've resolved that I'll really only even consider writing an update when at least three or four different people have posted stories of some sort.
sorry, I'm college hunting and won't be able to write. I can rejoin in a week or so.

Filler is fine. I want MSII to reveal more of what day-to-day life is like in each tribe. You always see the religious or military aspects, but you never hear about the citizens.

sorry, I'm college hunting and won't be able to write. I can rejoin in a week or so.

Same goes for you. It can even be one paragraph that tells us what a character is doing. As long as this thread remains alive, unlike last time, it should make it. Or that's my hope at least.
Hi, I was wondering if I could write a little bit for the Khazad. I like what Asthix is doing with the dwarfs in general so I wouldn't tread on anyones toes.

Something like this.
Spoiler :
The old dwarf stumbled into the small cave. Using his craggy old hands he reached out to the walls and lowered himself to the floor. The stone felt good. It wasn't corrupted. He remebered being young and strong. He had led armies to protect his people in Her name. Yet his people had betrayed Her. They had taken his eyes so he couldn't see Her gifts. They had enslaved their brothers!

'Master? Master?' he heard a voice and gentle hands shaking him. 'We must leave Master. The Spymaster has ears everywhere! I have found it! You were right!'
By all means write for the Khazad as much as you feel. I'm sure Cypher132 will agree.

Had a health issue that changed some of my priorities, but here I am so probably something soon.
Hi, I was wondering if I could write a little bit for the Khazad. I like what Asthix is doing with the dwarfs in general so I wouldn't tread on anyones toes.

Something like this.
Spoiler :
The old dwarf stumbled into the small cave. Using his craggy old hands he reached out to the walls and lowered himself to the floor. The stone felt good. It wasn't corrupted. He remebered being young and strong. He had led armies to protect his people in Her name. Yet his people had betrayed Her. They had taken his eyes so he couldn't see Her gifts. They had enslaved their brothers!

'Master? Master?' he heard a voice and gentle hands shaking him. 'We must leave Master. The Spymaster has ears everywhere! I have found it! You were right!'

As long as Asthix is ok with it, go ahead.
I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been having a few problems in my life so I've been distracted. I'll try to get a few up within the next few days.
what's the status ? :)
sorry i had little of time recently, so i haven't been posting
Sorry for not being very active recently, been busy with school and just RL in general, but I should be a little more active now :)
Which civs are open? I could give a shot as one of them if that's possible.
Im not expert writer but I know my english.
Which civs are open? I could give a shot as one of them if that's possible.
Im not expert writer but I know my english.

You can't be worse than me, so don't worry ;)
By the way, might I advise you to take one of the civs on the eastern continent? It's quite empty there and most of the action seems to take place in the west. About time to change that. ^^

Along the same lines, ArcticNightWolf, are you interested in a contact ->trade relationship? If so, pm me please. (Ingame style or not, it is up to you)
I think i'll take controll of Belseraphs, because i like them the most. Is there anything i need to know about what happend to them in previous story?
Not really. Old story references were mainly because I wanted to re-use characters I had half-developed when Cypher made a new story instead of continuing the old one.
I think i'll take controll of Belseraphs, because i like them the most. Is there anything i need to know about what happend to them in previous story?

Nothing really happened to the Balseraphs. The thing that I can remember best is that they were at war with the Dural for a while. I believe most of the last story.

And Dean, I started a new one because we only had three people participating in the last one and no one new was going to join since it was so long by that point. Of course, previously created characters are allowed.
Omfg.. Just when I wrote probably the longest story in my life ( Confortation ), Zugdovel comes and blows the bank. :sad:
:p Well, it wasn't entirely intentional. Those originally were several different stories, but since I wanted it done before the map-update, I had to put it all into one. ^^

By the way: Nice map, Lemon.
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